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* Licensed to the Sakai Foundation (SF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The SF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
* Dependencies
* /dev/lib/jquery/plugins/jqmodal.sakai-edited.js
require(["jquery", "sakai/sakai.api.core"], function($, sakai) {
* sakai_global.tooltip
* a multi-purpose tooltip dialog box
sakai_global.tooltip = function(tuid, showSettings) {
var tooltipOnShow = false,
tooltipAutoClose = null,
tooltipArrow = null,
tooltipTop = null,
tooltipLeft = null;
var $rootel = $("#" + tuid);
var $tooltip_widget = $("#tooltip_widget", $rootel),
$tooltip_content = $(".tooltip_content", $rootel),
$tooltip_close = $(".tooltip_close", $rootel),
$tooltip_dialog = $(".tooltip_dialog", $rootel),
$tooltip_title = $("#tooltip_title", $rootel),
$tooltip_description = $("#tooltip_description", $rootel),
$tooltip_header_arrow = $(".dialog_tooltip_header_arrow", $rootel),
$tooltip_left_arrow = $(".dialog_tooltip_left_arrow", $rootel),
$tooltip_footer_arrow = $(".dialog_tooltip_footer_arrow", $rootel);
modal: false,
overlay: 0,
zIndex: 6000,
toTop: true
var hideTooltip = function() {
* toggleTooltip sets tooltip configuration and displays the tooltip
var toggleTooltip = function() {
// bind auto close of tooltip on outside mouse click
if (tooltipAutoClose) {
$(document).unbind("click.tooltip_close").bind("click.tooltip_close", function (e) {
var $clicked = $(;
// Check if one of the parents is the tooltip
if (!$clicked.parents().is("#tooltip") && $":visible")) {
// position tooltip and display directional arrow
var topOffset = tooltipTop - 3;
var leftOffset = tooltipLeft - 42;
if (tooltipArrow === "bottom"){
topOffset = "auto";
} else if (tooltipArrow === "top"){
top: topOffset,
left: leftOffset
if (tooltipOnShow && typeof(tooltipOnShow) === "function") {
// bind tooltip movement
$(window).bind("update.tooltip.sakai", function(e, tooltipData) {
$(window).trigger("init.tooltip.sakai", tooltipData);
// bind tooltip close
$(window).bind("done.tooltip.sakai", function() {
$(".tooltip_close").bind("click", function () {
return false;
$tooltip_close.bind("click", function() {
/* Renders a tooltip. The tooltipConfig param should contain:
* {String} tooltipHTML a
containing all the HTML you want to display in the tool tip
* {Boolean} tooltipAutoClose If we close the tooltip on an outside click
* {String} tooltipArrow Direction for where the tooltip arrow is placed ("top" or "bottom")
* {Integer} tooltipLeft absolute position of where the tooltip should spawn: X value (jQuery.Event.pageX)
* {Integer} tooltipTop absolute position of where the tooltip should spawn: Y value (jQuery.Event.pageY)
* {Function} onShow callback called when the tooltip is shown
$(window).bind("init.tooltip.sakai", function(e, tooltipConfig) {
if (tooltipConfig) {
tooltipHTML = tooltipConfig.tooltipHTML || false;
tooltipAutoClose = tooltipConfig.tooltipAutoClose || false;
tooltipArrow = tooltipConfig.tooltipArrow || false;
tooltipTop = tooltipConfig.tooltipTop || false;
tooltipLeft = tooltipConfig.tooltipLeft || false;
tooltipOnShow = tooltipConfig.onShow || false;
} else {
debug.error("No tooltip mode specifed");
sakai_global.tooltip.isReady = true;