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#Generated by ResourceBundle Editor (

Failed.remove.event = An error occurred. The selected meeting(s) were not removed. Please try again.

add_attachments = Add Attachments

add_more_ts = Add a new timeslot.

add_new_event = Add

add_remove_attachments = Add / Remove Attachments

add_to_bottom = Bottom

add_to_top = Top

add_waitlist_button = Join Wait List

apply_added_participants_to_allRecur_events =  Yes, assign participants to the same time slot for all occurrences.

assign_attendee_publish_button = Assign Participants & Publish

assign_attendees = Assign Participants

assign_participants_toAllRecurrences = Assign To All:

attachments = Attachments:

attend_off = OFF

attend_on = ON

attend_taken = Attendance will be taken

attend_track_selected =  (you can track attendance to this meeting if selected)

attend_view_list_head = Time slots and attendance

attend_view_list_slot_list_canceled = This time slot has been canceled

attend_view_list_slot_list_empty_msg = No attendees signed up for this time slot

attend_view_list_slot_list_summary = List of attendees for this meeting. Each row has a checkbox to take attendance. Checkbox in header checks and unchecks all.

attend_view_list_slot_list_wait_head = Waitlist

attend_view_list_summary = List of meetings. Each cell contains the meeting time (as a header) and a list of attendees with checkboxes to take attendance. Checkbox in header checks or unchecks all the children.

attend_view_select_all = Select all signed up

#attendance view page
attend_view_title = Attendance:

attend_view_toggle = Toggle waitlists = The participant is already in the timeslot.

attendee_enterEid = Enter User ID or email address 

attendee_select = Select 

basic = Basic Information

before_event_end = before meeting finishes

before_event_start = before meeting begins

cancel_button = Cancel

cancel_timeslot = Cancel Time Slot

cancel_timeslot_button = Cancel Timeslot

confirm_cancel = Are you sure you want to cancel the time slot? This will remove all the participants from the time slot and email will be sent to each of the participants.

continue_button = Continue

copy_event = Copy

create_instruction = To create a meeting, enter the required information and click Next.

#new event - step1.jsp
create_new_event = Create New Meeting:

crossDay.event.repeat.biweekly.problem = The meeting duration lasts over 14 days. Meetings of this type cannot be set to recur fortnightly.
crossDay.event.repeat.daily.problem    = The meeting duration lasts over 24 hours. Meetings of this type cannot be set to recur daily.
crossDay.event.repeat.weekly.problem   = The meeting duration lasts over 7 days. Meetings of this type cannot be set to recur weekly.

#User action exception messages
db.error_or_event.notExisted = Either a database error has occurred or the meeting no longer exists.

delete_attandee_confirmation = Are you sure you want to remove this participant from the time slot?

dropDown_line_separator = ----------------------------------

edit.failed_due_to_other_updated_db = Edit failed. Someone else updated the meeting. Please try again.

#email exception message
email.exception = Email was not sent: an error has occurred.

error.calendarEvent.posted_failed                    = The event was created successfully, but can not be added to the Calendar because the Calendar tool is not present on the site.
error.calendarEvent.posted_failed_due_to_permission  = The event was created successfully, but can not be added to the Calendar on the site(s) because you do not have permission to add to the Calendar.
error.calendarEvent.removal_failed                   = An error occurred and calendarEvent removal in Calendar tool may have failed.
error.calendarEvent.updated_failed                   = The event was updated successfully, but can not be updated to the Calendar on the site(s) because the Calendar tool is not present on the site.
error.calendarEvent.updated_failed_due_to_permission = The event was updated successfully, but can not be updated to the Calendar on the site(s) because you do not have permission to update the Calendar.
error.group_sync_failed                              = The group could not be synchronised. Has the group been manually deleted from Site Info? To restore this group, visit the modify the meeting page and click 'Publish Modification', then return here to synchronise again.                          = Some of the group title have not been synchronized since it's modified via Site Info tool already!
error.no_group_for_timeslot                          = The group for this timeslot is missing. To restore this group, visit the modify the meeting page and click 'Publish Modification', then return here to synchronise again.
error.occurred_try_again                             = An error occurred: please try again.

event.Signup.not.started.yet                                    = Available on
event.SignupNotRequire                                          = Sign-up Not Req
event.available                                                 = Available
#meeting status for participants
event.closed                                                    = Closed
event.create_custom_defined_TS_blocks                           = Please click 'Create Timeslot(s)' button to define a new custom timeslot.
event.endTime_should_after_startTime                            = The meeting end time should occur after the meeting start time.
event.endTimeslot_should_after_startTimeslot                    = Row {0} - the end time must occur after the start time of the timeslot.
event.inProgress                                                = In Progress
event.location_not_assigned                                     = Please assign a location.
event.maxAttendee_should_be_valid                               = Please enter valid number of attendees in Meeting Type.
event.meeting.locked                                            = Sign-up is locked                                = The number of occurrences must be bigger than 0.
event.repeatbeforestart                                         = Invalid end date. The 'End After:' date must occur at least one recurrence period past the date of the 'Start Time'.
event.selectMeetingType                                         = Please select meeting type.
event.signup.deadline.passed                                    = The Sign-up time is already expired.
event.timeslot_duration_should_not_lessThan_one                 = The meeting timeslot duration should not be less than one minute and please increase the meeting end time.
event.unavailable                                               = Full
event.youOnWaitList                                             = On Wait List
event.youSignedUp                                               = Signed up

event_addSignup_attendee_page_title = Complete Sign-Up

event_add_attendee =  Add Participant

event_add_comment_link = Add a comment

event_add_more_slots = Number of Additional 
Time Slots: event_addedit_Coordinators = Add/Edit event_alert_truncate_attendee = Are you sure want to copy this? Some participants might be truncated due to the smaller number of timeslots or allowed participants! event_allow_addComment = Allow Adding Comment: event_allow_waitList = Allow Wait List: event_allowed_slots = Max # of time slots per participant: event_allowed_slots_comments =  Yes, allow participants to sign up for more than one time slot. event_announcement_notice = This is an open session meeting. No sign-up is necessary. event_appointment_date = Appointment Date: event_appointment_period = Appointment Period: event_assign_attendee_page_title = Assign Participants event_attendee_eid = Participant UserId: event_attendee_name = Participant Name: event_attendee_noEmail = No Email event_attendee_role = Participant Role: event_button_finish = Finish event_button_signup = Sign Up event_cancel_timeslot_label =  Cancel - delete the timeslot event_canceled = Cancelled event_category = Category: event_category_custom = enter a new category event_category_edit = edit category event_check_all_chkbxn = Check All event_clear_all_chkbxn = Clear All event_close_other_default_setting = Hide the other default settings event_comment = Comment: #addAttendeeSignup page event_comments = Comments event_comments_title = Meeting Participants' Comments #copyMeeting.jsp event_copy_meeting_page_title = Copy this Meeting event_create_email_notification = Announce Availability: event_create_groups = Create groups for timeslots event_current_site = (Current Site) event_custom_undo = undo event_custom_undo_tip = Click to undo the input\u0009\u0009\u0009\u0009\u0009\u0009\u0009\u0009 event_date = Meeting Date: event_description = Description: event_download_csv_button = Export as CSV event_download_xls_button = Export as Excel event_duration_each_timeslot = Duration of Each
Time Slot (min): event_duration_each_timeslot_not_bold = Estimate duration per time slot (min): event_email_autoReminder = Auto Reminder: event_email_not_send_out_label =  The current site is unpublished. No email notification will be sent. event_email_notification = Email Notification: event_email_yes_label =  Yes, send email to notify the related participant(s) about the changes that have been made. event_end_after = End After: event_end_time = End Time: event_endtime_auto_adjusted_warning = The meeting end time has been adjusted because the number of sessions cannot be divided evenly within the time period provided. #view meeting-list main page:signupMeetings.jsp event_error_alerts = ALERT: event_group_level = (Group Level) event_hide_coordinators = Hide event_hide_custom_ts = Hide custom defined timeslots event_hide_me_details =  Hide details event_hide_meetingIfo_detail =  Hide meeting info above event_hide_site_group_detail =  Hide site(s)/group(s) details event_icalendar_label = Download event_icalendar_link = iCalendar link: event_isOver = This meeting has already occurred. event_is_canceled = Canceled event_is_locked = Locked event_is_open_session = This is an open session meeting. No sign-up is required. event_keep_current_attendees = Keep Current Participants: event_location = Location: event_lock_timeslot_label =  Lock - prevent participant sign-up event_locked = Locked event_max_attendee_each_timeslot = Max # of Participants
per Time Slot: event_max_attendee_each_timeslot_not_bold = Max # of participants per time Slot: event_max_attendees =  Max # of Participants: #assignStudent.jsp event_max_num_attendees = Max # of participants: event_meeting_default_notify_setting = Default Notification setting: event_missing_group = Missing Groups: event_missing_site = Missing Sites: #modifyMeeting.jsp event_modify_meeting_page_title = Modify Meeting event_modify_option = Modify Options: event_move = Move event_moveToTimeslot = Move to time slot  event_name = Title: #download excel page event_no_attachment = no attachment event_no_comment_available = No Comment event_no_comments = There are no participant comments. event_no_label = No event_not_start_signup_process = The sign-up process has not started yet. However, if you have been pre-assigned, you can cancel your assigned time slot. event_num_participant_per_timeslot = Number of participants per time slot: event_num_slot_avail_for_signup = Number of slots available for sign-up: event_num_timeslot = Number of Time Slots: event_occurrences = occurrences event_on_waiting = On Wait List event_on_waiting_list = On Wait List #signupMeeting.jsp event_organizer = Organizer: event_other_default_setting = Other Default Settings: event_other_sites = Other Sites event_overview = Events Overview event_owner = Organiser: event_pageTop_link_for_download = Export event_pageTop_link_for_download_csv = Export as CSV event_pageTop_link_for_download_xls = Export as Excel event_participant_name = Participant Name: event_participant_view_page_title = Meeting Details event_passed_deadline = The deadline for this meeting has passed. You cannot sign up for this meeting. event_publish_attendee_name = Display Participant Names: event_publish_to = Available To: event_publish_to_calendar = Publish to Calendar: event_receive_notification = Receive Notification: event_recurrence = Meeting Frequency: event_removeButton = Remove Meetings event_repeat_num = Num of Repeats: #step2.jsp event_repeat_until = Repeats Until: event_replace = Replace event_replaceby = Replaced with  event_replaceby_Eid = Replaced with (User ID)  event_restore_timeslot_label =  Restore event_select_coordinators = Meeting Coordinators: event_select_coordinators_instruction = Coordinator(s) will receive email notification when an attendee changes status. event_show_attendee_public = Show Participants To Public: event_show_custom_ts = Show custom-defined timeslots event_show_me_details =  Show details event_show_meetingIfo_detail =  Show meeting info details event_show_no_attendee_info = Private event_show_other_default_setting = Show the other default settings event_show_schedule = Calendar Details: event_show_site_group_detail =  Show site(s)/group(s) details event_sign_up = Signed up event_signup_begins = Sign-up begins: event_signup_deadline = Sign-up Ends: event_signup_deadline2 = Sign-up ends: event_signup_start = Sign-up Begins: event_site_group_availability = Display Meeting To event_site_level = (Site Level) event_site_title = Site Title: event_some_orig_sitegroup_unavail_due_to_your_create_permission = Due to insufficient permissions, the following original Site(s) and Group(s) will be not available to you. event_start_time = Start Time: event_status = Meeting Status: event_step4_page_title = Sign-up Availability event_step5_page_title = Meeting Summary event_swap = Swap event_swapWith = Swap with  event_tab_check_all = All event_time_period = Time Period: #addSignupAttendee.jsp - add comment page event_timeslot = Time Slot: event_tool_tip_on_signuplist = Currently on sign-up list. event_tool_tip_on_waitinglist = Currently on the wait list. event_tool_tip_ts_cancelled = This time slot is cancelled. event_tool_tip_ts_locked = This time slot is locked. event_tool_tip_you_ranking_num = Your current ranking Number: event_tool_tip_you_signed_up = You have signed up for this time slot. event_tool_tips_action_disabled_label = Action not allowed because time slots are still available. event_tool_tips_action_option_disabled_label = The option has been disabled by the organizer. event_tool_tips_add = Click to add a participant event_tool_tips_cancel_label = Click here to cancel the time slot. event_tool_tips_collapse_recur_meeting = Collapse recurring Meetings. event_tool_tips_delete = Click to delete the participant event_tool_tips_edit = Click to edit the participant event_tool_tips_expand_recur_meeting = Expand recurring Meetings. event_tool_tips_hide_details = Click to hide details. #tool tips event_tool_tips_lockOrcancel = Click here to lock or cancel the time slot. event_tool_tips_lock_label = Click here to prevent participant sign-up. event_tool_tips_recurrence = Recurring meeting event_tool_tips_restore_timeslot_label = Click here to restore the timeslot. event_tool_tips_show_details = Click to show details. event_tool_tips_unlock_label = Click here to unlock the timeslot and allow participants to sign up. event_total_duration = Total Duration (min): event_ts_availability_none = None event_type = Meeting Type event_type_title = Meeting Type: event_unlimited = Unlimited event_unlimited_attendees = Unlimited Participants: event_unlock_timeslot_label =  Unlock event_until = Until: event_use_eid_input_mode = User ID Input Mode: #vewComment.jsp event_view_comment_page_title = View Comment #UserDefTsblocks.jsp event_view_userDefined_Timeslot_page_title = Define Custom Timeslots event_viewer = Viewer: event_warning_no_lower_than_cur_ts_num = You may not decrease the number of time slots below the original value: event_yes_create_email_notification =  Yes, send email to notify all the potential participants that this meeting has been published. event_yes_create_groups =  Yes, create a group for each timeslot that can be managed via Site Info > Manage Groups event_yes_email_autoReminer_to_attendees =  Yes, send email to remind attendee of the meeting, one day in advance. event_yes_email_notification =  Yes, send an email to notify: event_yes_keep_current_attendees =  Yes, keep all the participant(s) in their corresponding time slots. event_yes_label = Yes event_yes_meeting_default_notify_setting =  Yes, pre-select the 'Email Notification' checkbox on the Modify Meeting page. event_yes_publish_to_calendar =  Yes, publish the meeting to the Calendar tool. event_yes_receive_notification =  Yes, send an email notification to the selected meeting coordinators when a participant signs up or cancels an appointment. event_yes_show_attendee_public =  Yes, display names of participants to others. event_yes_to_allow_addComment =  Yes, participant can add a comment during sign-up. event_yes_to_allow_waitList =  Yes, add Wait List option. Participants can join Wait List. event_yes_to_use_eid_input_mode =  Yes, I want to use User ID input mode for adding participants. event_you_on_wait_list = on waiting list event_you_signed_up = You've Signed up events_attendee_download_instruction = Select the meetings and then click the Export button. events_attendee_instruction = To sign up for a meeting, click the meeting title. events_dropdownbox_title = View: #Download meetings page events_organizer_download_instruction = Select the meetings and then click the Export button. events_organizer_instruction = Click 'Add' to create a new meeting, or click a meeting title to modify or copy it. exception.multiple.eids = {0} Matches multiple users. Please select from the following usernames: {1} = No user was found for user ID:  expand_all_recur_events =  Expand all recurring meetings. failed.cancel_or_restore_ts = Cancel/Restore Failed. Someone has updated the meeting. Please update the meeting and try again. failed.fetch_allEvents_from_db = Failed to fetch all meetings from the database. failed.lock_or_unlock_ts = Lock/Unlock Failed. Someone has updated the meeting. Please update the meeting and try again. failed.move.attendee_due_to_ts_isTaken = Move failed. The participant is already in the timeslot. failed.move.due_to_attendee_notExisted = Move failed. Participant no longer in the timeslot. Someone has updated the meeting. Please update the meeting and try again. failed.replace.someone.already.updated.db = Replace failed. Someone has updated the meeting. Please update the meeting and try again. failed.replaced_due_to_already_in_ts = Replace failed. The participant is already in the timeslot. failed.replaced_due_to_attendee_notExisted_in_ts = Replace failed. The selected participant has already been deleted from the list. failed.swap.due_to_current_attendee_already_in_swapped_ts = Swap failed. The current participant is already in the timeslot. failed.swap.due_to_swapped_attendee_already_in_ts = Swap failed. The swapped participant is already in the current timeslot. failed.swap_due_to_attendee_notExited = Swap failed. The participant has already removed himself/herself. failed.swap_due_to_selected_attendee_notExited = Swap failed. The selected participant has already removed himself/herself. filter_by_category = By category: filter_categories_top = All goback_button = Back group_description_default = This group ({0}) was automatically created via the Signups tool. Users in timeslots and this group's membership can be synchronised by clicking the 'Synchronise' button for the timeslot in the Signup tool. group_slot_in_group_titlename = slot group_synchronise_button = Synchronise group_synchronise_done = Timeslot synchronisation complete group_synchronise_heading = Group Membership #javax.faces.component.UIInput.REQUIRED_detail=A value is required. Please enter a value. javax.faces.component.UIInput.CONVERSION = Invalid input #JSF error messages overwritten javax.faces.component.UIInput.REQUIRED = Please enter a value. javax.faces.validator.LengthValidator.MAXIMUM = Your input is greater than allowable maximum of {0}. javax.faces.validator.NOT_IN_RANGE = Your input is out of the range from {0} to {1}. = Select a Participant label_announcement = Open meeting (no sign-up required) label_biweekly = Fortnightly label_create_timeslots = Create Timeslot(s) label_custom_timeslots = Advanced user-defined timeslots label_daily = Daily label_days = Days label_download_ics_meeting = Add this meeting to my personal calendar label_download_ics_timeslot = Add this timeslot to my personal calendar label_edit_timeslots = Edit Timeslot(s) label_email_all_people = All potential participants label_email_organizers_only = Selected meeting coordinators label_email_signed_up_ones_Organizers_only = Only organizers and participants currently signed up label_email_signed_up_ones_only = Only participants currently signed up label_group = Single slot label_hours = Hours label_ics = ICS label_individaul = Multiple slots label_minutes = Minutes label_monthly = Monthly label_once = Once Only label_startNow = Start Now label_view_edit_ts = View or Edit Timeslot(s) label_weekdays = Weekdays (Mon-Fri) label_weekly = Weekly max.num_attendee_changed_and_attendee_mayOver_limit_inTS = Maximum # of participants per timeslot has changed. Some timeslots may now be overbooked. meeting_confirmation_to_remove = Are you sure you want to permanently remove the meeting(s)? meeting_confirmation_to_remove_multiple = This will permanently remove the meeting and all recurring meeting(s). Are you sure you want to do this? If not, click Cancel, expand the list and remove the meetings individually. modify_all = Modify all future recurring meetings. modify_current = Modify current meeting only. Meeting becomes single slot. modify_event = Modify next_button = Next no.permission_create_event = You do not have permission to create a new meeting. no.permissoin.do_it = You don't have the required permission. no_addWaiter_button_due_to_unlimited =  --- no_events_in_future_organizer = No future meetings have been created. Click 'Add' to create a new meeting. no_events_in_this_period_attendee_orgnizer = No meetings are available for this time frame. no_events_in_timeframe_attendee = No meetings are available. no_events_in_timeframe_organizer = No meetings have been created. Click 'Add' to create a meeting. no_future_events_I_have_signed_up = You are not signed up for any upcoming meetings. no_future_events_in_immediate_available = No meetings are available for immediate sign-up. ok_button = OK org.apache.myfaces.Date.INVALID = Your date input is invalid. org.apache.myfaces.calendar.CONVERSION = The repeat date you chose is invalid. organizer_instruction_click = - Click  organizer_instruction_delete_image =  to delete a participant. organizer_instruction_edit_image =  to change or swap participants. organizer_instruction_mailto_all_image =  to email all participants. organizer_instruction_mailto_image =  to email a participant. organizer_instruction_max_capacity = - Meeting organisers can add participants even if the time slot is full. organizer_instruction_timeslot_link = - Click on a time slot to lock or cancel it. organizer_mailto_all = Email all participants organizer_mailto_all_short = Email all organizer_note_name = *Note: #organizer meeting main page organizer_page_title = Meeting Details participant_cancel_button = Cancel Sign-up = Set permissions for Sign-up in the group: {1} in the site: {0}. (a) At the group realm level, only the permissions "view", "attend", "", "" and "" can be modified. Other permission settings at this level do not apply and have no effect. (b) For participants to view or attend a meeting open to this group, the "view" and "attend" permissions are required. = Set permissions for Sign-up in worksite: {0} ({1}) permission_feature_link = Permissions permission_group_scope = group permission_note_for_admin_advice =
  • Administrator: You can manually enable the Permissions option for a specific worksite by granting the realm.upd permission to all of the site/group realm levels for any role(s) you wish to have this ability. The member(s) of the role(s) must also be a member of every group in the site and the site must contain at least one group.
  • permission_note_for_disabled_button_case =
  • The Edit Permission button is only available to administrators or users with the realm.upd permission for the current site or group. Contact your system administrator to be granted this permission.
  • permission_note_for_group_realm_case =
  • In each group realm, only the permissions view, attend,, and can be modified. Other permission settings at this level do not apply and have no effect.
  • permission_note_for_view_attend_group = For participants to view or attend a meeting open only to their specific group(s), you must grant the view and attend permission at the group realm level. #updatePermission.jsp permission_page_title = Permissions Update permission_site_scope = site permission_tab_action = Action permission_tab_edit_button = Edit Permissions permission_tab_name = Name permission_tab_realm_scope = Scope preAssign_note_backButton_message = - If you click the Back button, all pre-assigned participants will be lost. preAssign_note_max_number_message = - Meeting organiser can assign greater than specified maximum number of participants, if desired. preAssign_note_publish_message = - Click 'Publish' to finalise the meeting(s) creation process. print_event =  Print print_friendly = Print this page public_modify_button = Publish Modification publish.withAttendee.exception = An unknown error has occurred. Please try again. publish_button = Publish publish_new_evnt_button = Publish New Meeting put_In_Multiple_Calendar_Blocks_at_ScheduleTool = Yes, publish the meeting as multiple calendar events in the Calendar Tool if adjacent timeslots are more than two hours apart. recurrence = Recurring meetings remove_waitlist_button = Remove from Wait List required1 = A required2 = indicates required information. save_button = Save select.atleast.oneGroup = Please select at least a Site or Group before clicking Next. select.atleast.oneGroup.for.copyMeeting = Please select at least a Site or Group before clicking Publish New Meeting. select_category = -- select category -- select_location = -- select location -- sheet_name_Attendance_data = Attendance sheet_name_Attendee_schedules = Attendees' Schedules = Sign-up Ends time must occur after Sign-up Begins time. signup.validator.stringWithSpaceOnly = Only space(s) as input is not allowed. signup_download = Export Meetings signup_start_deadline = Sign-up Start & Deadline signup_tool = Meetings site_selection = Site Selection someone.already.changed.ts.cancel_status = Someone has just changed the cancellation status of this time slot. Please check it again and change as necessary. someone.already.changed.ts.lock_status = The lock status of this time slot has changed. Please check it again. someone.already.remove_you = Someone has already removed the intended participant. someone.already.removed_or_promoted_attendee = The participant has been deleted or promoted. someone.already.taken.theTimeslot = The time slot has already been taken and is not available. Please join the Wait List to be notified of a cancellation. someone.already.updated.db = Someone else has modified the meeting. Please update the meeting and try again. someone.modified.event = Someone else has modified the meeting. Please refresh your screen. someone.modified.event.content = Someone else has modified the meeting content. Please try again. star_character = * summary = Summary tab_attendee = Participants tab_attendees = Participants tab_attendees_eids = Participants User IDs tab_end_time = End Time tab_event_action = Action tab_event_availability = Status tab_event_available_slots = Available Places tab_event_category = Category #tab_event_edit_location_custom=edit location tab_event_date = Date tab_event_location = Location tab_event_location_custom = enter a new location tab_event_name = Meeting Title tab_event_owner = Organiser tab_event_remove = Remove tab_event_signed_attendee = Participants tab_event_time = Time #when user select dropdownList 'view meetings what I am signed up for' tab_event_your_appointment_time = Time tab_event_your_status = Your Status tab_max_attendee = Max # of Participants tab_max_participants = Max # Of
    Participants tab_start_time = Start Time tab_time_slot = Time Slot tab_waiting_list = Wait List tab_waiting_list_disabled =  [disabled] timeperiod_divider =   -   timeslot.just.canceled = This time slot has been cancelled and is no longer available. timeslot.just.locked = This time slot has been locked and is not available. title_tip_click_hide_schedule = Click to hide calendar details. title_tip_click_show_schedule = Click to show calendar details. title_tip_delete_this_ts = delete the timeslot. tool_tip_add_waitlist = Add to Wait List unlimited_num_attendee = Unlimited number of participants = The user:{0} has no permission to attend this event. = The ability to join the Wait List has been disabled by the organiser. user.not.found = User is not found view_all = All view_all_future_meetings = All Future Meetings view_current_month = Next 30 Days view_current_three_months = Next 90 Days view_immediate_avail_ones = Meetings Available For Sign-up view_my_signed_up = View Meetings I Am Signed Up For view_previous_events = All Past Meetings view_semi_year = Current Semester = The Wait List option is just removed. warn_copy_recurred_event = You are copying a set of recurring meetings. Please check the recurring start/end dates and modify them accordingly. warn_reschedule_event = Some people may have already signed up in the meeting(s). You may need to contact them about the rescheduling. warning.event.crossed_twoDays = The meeting is scheduled across two different days. warning.event.crossed_twoMonths = The meeting is scheduled across two different months. warning.event.crossed_twoYears = The meeting is scheduled across two different years. warning.some_timeslot_may_locked_canceled = One or more timeslot(s) in the copied meeting is either locked or cancelled. = Participants will be able to sign up for this meeting immediately because the Sign-up Begin time has already passed. wksheet_appointment_duration = Duration (min) wksheet_appointment_start_time = Appointment Time wksheet_attendance_UserID = UserID wksheet_category = Category wksheet_location = Location wksheet_meeting_duration = Event Duration (min) wksheet_meeting_name = Event Name wksheet_meeting_start_time = Event Start Time wksheet_num_of_attendees = #Num Attendees in Slot wksheet_organizer = Organizer wksheet_site_name = Site Title wksheet_user_comment = Attendees' Comment wksheet_user_email = Email wksheet_user_id = Attendees' User ID wksheet_user_name = Attendee Name you.already.in_waiting_list = You are already on the Wait List. = You have multiple {0} tabs open in your browser. Please close the extra {0} tabs and try again. = No meetings have been selected. Please select at least one meeting to export. = You have been promoted from the Wait List in another timeslot. You cannot sign up for this timeslot. you_need_to_login = You need to log-in to view the meetings.

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