ect.signup.signup-api.23.3.source-code.signup_fr_FR.properties Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
#Generated by ResourceBundle Editor (http://eclipse-rbe.sourceforge.net)
Failed.remove.event=An error occurred. The selected meeting(s) were not removed. Please try again.
add_attachments=Ajouter des pi\u00e8ces jointes
add_more_ts=Ajouter un nouveau cr\u00e9neau horaire.
add_remove_attachments=Ajouter / supprimer des pi\u00e8ces jointes
add_waitlist_button=Rejoindre la liste d'attente
apply_added_participants_to_allRecur_events= Yes, assign participants to the same time slot for all occurrences.
assign_attendee_publish_button=Affecter les participants et publier
assign_attendees=Affecter des Participants
assign_participants_toAllRecurrences=Affecter \u00e0 toutes \:
attachments=Pi\u00e8ces jointes \:
attend_off=Non suivie
attend_taken=La pr\u00e9sence sera suivie
attend_track_selected= (vous pouvez suivre la pr\u00e9sence \u00e0 cette r\u00e9union si vous cochez cette case)
attend_view_list_head=Cr\u00e9neaux horaires et pr\u00e9sence
attend_view_list_slot_list_canceled=Ce cr\u00e9neau horaire a \u00e9t\u00e9 annul\u00e9
attend_view_list_slot_list_empty_msg=Aucun participant inscrit pour ce cr\u00e9neau horaire
attend_view_list_slot_list_summary=List of attendees for this meeting. Each row has a checkbox to take attendance. Checkbox in header checks and unchecks all.
attend_view_list_slot_list_wait_head=Liste d'attente
attend_view_list_summary=List of meetings. Each cell contains the meeting time (as a header) and a list of attendees with checkboxes to take attendance. Checkbox in header checks or unchecks all the children.
attend_view_select_all=S\u00e9lectionner tous les inscrits
#attendance view page
attend_view_title=Pr\u00e9sence \:
attend_view_toggle=Activer/d\u00e9sactiver les listes d'attente
attendee.already.in.timeslot=Le participant est d\u00e9j\u00e0 dans le cr\u00e9neau horaire.
attendee_enterEid=Saisissez l'identifiant de l'utilisateur ou son adresse courriel
basic=Informations de base
before_event_end=avant la fin de la r\u00e9union
before_event_start=avant le d\u00e9but de la r\u00e9union
cancel_timeslot=Annuler le cr\u00e9neau horaire
cancel_timeslot_button=Annuler le cr\u00e9neau horaire
confirm_cancel=Are you sure you want to cancel the time slot? This will remove all the participants from the time slot and email will be sent to each of the participants.
create_instruction=To create a meeting, enter the required information and click Next.
#new event - step1.jsp
create_new_event=Cr\u00e9er une nouvelle r\u00e9union \:
crossDay.event.repeat.biweekly.problem=The meeting duration lasts over 14 days. Meetings of this type cannot be set to recur biweekly.
crossDay.event.repeat.daily.problem=The meeting duration lasts over 24 hours. Meetings of this type cannot be set to recur daily.
crossDay.event.repeat.weekly.problem=The meeting duration lasts over 7 days. Meetings of this type cannot be set to recur weekly.
#User action exception messages
db.error_or_event.notExisted=Erreur de la base de donn\u00e9es ou la r\u00e9union n'existe plus.
delete_attandee_confirmation=\u00cates-vous s\u00fbr de que vouloir supprimer ce participant du cr\u00e9neau horaire ?
synchronisetogroup_confirmation=Are you sure you want to synchronize the participants from the time slot to site group?
synchronisefromgroup_confirmation=Are you sure you want to synchronize the site group membership to the time slot?
edit.failed_due_to_other_updated_db=\u00c9chec lors de la modification. Quelqu'un d'autre a mis la r\u00e9union \u00e0 jour. Veuillez r\u00e9essayer.
#email exception message
email.exception=Le courriel n'a pas \u00e9t\u00e9 envoy\u00e9 \: une erreur s'est produite.
error.calendarEvent.posted_failed=The event was created successfully, but can not be added to the Calendar because the Calendar tool is not present on the site.
error.calendarEvent.posted_failed_due_to_permission=The event was created successfully, but can not be added to the Calendar on the site(s) because you do not have permission to add to the Calendar.
error.calendarEvent.removal_failed=An error occurred and calendarEvent removal in Calendar tool may have failed.
error.calendarEvent.updated_failed=The event was updated successfully, but can not be updated to the Calendar on the site(s) because the Calendar tool is not present on the site.
error.calendarEvent.updated_failed_due_to_permission=The event was updated successfully, but can not be updated to the Calendar on the site(s) because you do not have permission to update the Calendar.
error.group_sync_failed=The group could not be synchronized. Has the group been manually deleted from Site Info? To restore this group, visit the modify the meeting page and click 'Publish Modification', then return here to synchronize again.
error.no.change.group.title=Some of the group title have not been synchronized since it's modified via Site Info tool already\!
error.no_group_for_timeslot=The group for this timeslot is missing. To restore this group, visit the modify the meeting page and click 'Publish Modification', then return here to synchronize again.
error.occurred_try_again=Une erreur s'est produite \: veuillez r\u00e9essayer.
event.Signup.not.started.yet=Disponible sur
event.SignupNotRequire=Inscription non requise
#meeting status for participants
event.create_custom_defined_TS_blocks=Please click 'Create Timeslot(s)' button to define a new custom timeslot.
event.endTime_should_after_startTime=L'heure de fin de la r\u00e9union heure doit \u00eatre post\u00e9rieure \u00e0 l'heure de d\u00e9but.
event.endTimeslot_should_after_startTimeslot=Row {0} - the end time must occur after the start time of the timeslot.
event.inProgress=En cours
event.location_not_assigned=Veuillez d\u00e9finir un lieu.
event.maxAttendee_should_be_valid=Veuillez saisir un nombre de participants valide dans le Type de r\u00e9union.
event.meeting.locked=Inscription verrouill\u00e9e
event.repeatNnum.bigger.than.one=Le nombre d'occurrences doit \u00eatre sup\u00e9rieur \u00e0 0.
event.repeatbeforestart=Invalid end date. The 'End After\:' date must occur at least one recurrence period past the date of the 'Start Time'.
event.selectMeetingType=Veuillez s\u00e9lectionner le type de r\u00e9union.
event.signup.deadline.passed=La p\u00e9riode d'inscription est termin\u00e9e.
event.timeslot_duration_should_not_lessThan_one=The meeting timeslot duration should not be less than one minute and please increase the meeting end time.
event.title_cannot_be_blank=Please assign a meeting title.
event.youOnWaitList=Sur liste d'attente
event.data_sync_error=An unknown error occurred creating this entry. You should retry you action or cancel from this screen and try again.
event_addSignup_attendee_page_title=Toutes les inscription
event_add_attendee= Ajouter un articipant
event_add_comment_link=Ajouter un commentaire
event_add_more_slots=Nombre de
cr\u00e9neaux horaires suppl\u00e9mentaires \:
event_alert_truncate_attendee=Are you sure want to copy this? Some participants might be truncated due to the smaller number of timeslots or allowed participants\!
event_allow_addComment=Autoriser l'ajout de commentaire \:
event_allow_waitList=Autoriser une liste d'attente \:
event_allowed_slots=Nombre maximum de cr\u00e9neaux horaires par participant \:
event_allowed_slots_comments= Oui, permettre aux participants de s'inscrire \u00e0 plus d'un cr\u00e9neau horaire.
event_announcement_notice=Ceci est une s\u00e9ance de r\u00e9union ouverte. Aucune inscription n'est n\u00e9cessaire.
event_appointment_date=Date de rendez-vous \:
event_appointment_period=P\u00e9riode de rendez-vous \:
event_assign_attendee_page_title=Affecter des Participants
event_attendee_eid=Identifiant utilisateur du participant \:
event_attendee_name=Nom du participant \:
event_attendee_noEmail=Aucun courriel
event_attendee_role=R\u00f4le du participant \:
event_cancel_timeslot_label= Annuler - supprimer le cr\u00e9neau horaire
event_category=Cat\u00e9gorie \:
event_category_custom=entrer une nouvelle cat\u00e9gorie
event_category_edit=modifier la cat\u00e9gorie
event_check_all_chkbxn=Tout cocher
event_clear_all_chkbxn=Tout d\u00e9cocher
event_close_other_default_setting=Masquer les autres param\u00e8tres par d\u00e9faut
#addAttendeeSignup page
event_comments_title=Commentaires des participants \u00e0 la r\u00e9union
event_copy_meeting_page_title=Copier cette r\u00e9union
event_create_email_notification=Annoncer les disponibilit\u00e9s \:
event_create_groups=Cr\u00e9er des groupes pour les cr\u00e9neaux horaires
event_current_site=(Espace actuel)
event_custom_undo_tip=Click to undo the input\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t
event_date=Date de la r\u00e9union \:
event_description=Description \:
event_download_csv_button=Exporter en CSV
event_download_xls_button=Exporter en Excel
event_duration_each_timeslot=Dur\u00e9e de chaque
cr\u00e9neau horaire (min) \:
event_duration_each_timeslot_not_bold=Estimer la dur\u00e9e des cr\u00e9neaux horaires (min) \:
event_email_autoReminder=Rappel automatique \:
event_email_not_send_out_label= The current site is unpublished. No email notification will be sent.
event_email_notification=Notification par courriel \:
event_email_yes_label= Yes, send email to notify the related participant(s) about the changes that have been made.
event_end_after=Fin apr\u00e8s \:
event_end_time=Heure de fin \:
event_endtime_auto_adjusted_warning=The meeting end time has been adjusted because the number of sessions cannot be divided evenly within the time period provided.
#view meeting-list main page:signupMeetings.jsp
event_error_alerts=ALERTE \:
event_group_level=(Niveau du groupe)
event_hide_custom_ts=Cacher les intervalles de temps personnalis\u00e9s
event_hide_me_details= Cacher les d\u00e9tails
event_hide_meetingIfo_detail= Cacher l'information de r\u00e9union ci-dessus
event_hide_site_group_detail= Cacher les d\u00e9tails d'espace(s)/groupe(s)
event_icalendar_link=lien iCalendar \:
event_isOver=Cette r\u00e9union a d\u00e9j\u00e0 eu lieu.
event_is_open_session=Ceci est une s\u00e9ance de r\u00e9union ouverte. Aucune inscription n'est n\u00e9cessaire.
event_keep_current_attendees=Garder les participants actuels \:
event_lock_timeslot_label= Verrouill\u00e9 - emp\u00eacher l'inscription de participants
event_max_attendee_each_timeslot=Nombre maximum de participants
par cr\u00e9neau horaire \:
event_max_attendee_each_timeslot_not_bold=Nombre maximum de participants par cr\u00e9neau horaire \:
event_max_attendees= Nombre maximum de participants \:
event_max_num_attendees=Nombre maximum de participants \:
event_meeting_default_notify_setting=Param\u00e8tre de notification par d\u00e9faut \:
event_missing_group=Groupes manquants \:
event_missing_site=Espaces manquants \:
event_modify_meeting_page_title=Modifier la r\u00e9union
event_modify_option=Modifier les Options \:
event_moveToTimeslot=Aller au cr\u00e9neau horaire
#download excel page
event_timezone=Fuseau horaire \:
event_no_attachment=Aucune pi\u00e8ce jointe
event_no_comment_available=Aucun commentaire
event_no_comments=Pas de commentaires des participants.
event_not_start_signup_process=The sign-up process has not started yet. However, if you have been pre-assigned, you can cancel your assigned time slot.
event_num_participant_per_timeslot=Nombre de participants par cr\u00e9neau horaire \:
event_num_slot_avail_for_signup=Nombre de cr\u00e9neaux disponibles pour inscription \:
event_num_timeslot=Nombre de cr\u00e9neaux horaires \:
event_on_waiting=Sur liste d'attente
event_on_waiting_list=Sur liste d'attente
event_organizer=Organisateur \:
event_other_default_setting=Autres param\u00e8tres par d\u00e9faut \:
event_other_sites=Autres espaces
event_other_sites_empty=To share this meeting with other sites, enable the Sign-up tool in those sites.
event_overview=Vue d'ensemble des \u00e9v\u00e9nements
event_owner=Organisateur \:
event_pageTop_link_for_download_csv=Exporter en CSV
event_pageTop_link_for_download_xls=Exporter en Excel
event_participant_name=Nom du participant \:
event_participant_view_page_title=D\u00e9tails de la r\u00e9union
event_passed_deadline=The deadline for this meeting has passed. You cannot sign up for this meeting.
event_publish_attendee_name=Afficher les noms des participants \:
event_publish_to=Disponible pour \:
event_publish_to_calendar=Publier dans le calendrier \:
event_receive_notification=Notifications des actions des participants \:
event_recurrence=Fr\u00e9quence de la r\u00e9union \:
event_removeButton=Supprimer les r\u00e9unions
event_repeat_num=Nombre de r\u00e9p\u00e9titions \:
event_repeat_until=R\u00e9p\u00e9ter jusqu'au \:
event_replaceby=Remplac\u00e9 par
event_replaceby_Eid=Remplac\u00e9 par (identifiant utilisateur)
event_restore_timeslot_label= Restauration
event_select_coordinators=Coordinateurs de la r\u00e9union \:
event_select_coordinators_instruction=Coordinator(s) will receive email notification when an attendee changes status.
event_show_attendee_public=Rendre publique la liste des participants \:
event_show_custom_ts=Montrer les cr\u00e9neaux horaires personnalis\u00e9s
event_show_me_details= Afficher les d\u00e9tails
event_show_meetingIfo_detail= Afficher les d\u00e9tails la r\u00e9union
event_show_other_default_setting=Afficher les autres param\u00e8tres par d\u00e9faut
event_show_schedule=D\u00e9tails du programme \:
event_show_site_group_detail= Afficher les d\u00e9tails des espaces/groupes
event_signup_attendance=Pr\u00e9sence \:
event_signup_begins=Les inscription commencent \:
event_signup_deadline=Fin des inscriptions \:
event_signup_deadline2=Fin des inscriptions \:
event_signup_start=Les inscriptions commencent \:
event_site_group_availability=Afficher la r\u00e9union pour
event_site_level=(Niveau d'espace)
event_site_title=Titre de l'espace \:
event_some_orig_sitegroup_unavail_due_to_your_create_permission=Due to insufficient permissions, the following original Site(s) and Group(s) will be not available to you.
event_start_time=Heure de d\u00e9but \:
event_status=\u00c9tat de la r\u00e9union \:
event_step4_page_title=Possibilit\u00e9 de s'inscrire
event_step5_page_title=R\u00e9sum\u00e9 de la r\u00e9union
event_swapWith=\u00c9changer avec
event_time_period=P\u00e9riode \:
#addSignupAttendee.jsp - add comment page
event_timeslot=Cr\u00e9neau horaire \:
event_action_disabled=(disabled command)
event_tool_tip_on_signuplist=Actuellement sur la liste d'inscription.
event_tool_tip_on_waitinglist=Actuellement sur la liste d'attente.
event_tool_tip_ts_cancelled=Ce cr\u00e9neau horaire est annul\u00e9.
event_tool_tip_ts_locked=Ce cr\u00e9neau horaire est verrouill\u00e9.
event_tool_tip_you_ranking_num=Votre rang de classement actuel \:
event_tool_tip_you_signed_up=Vous \u00eates inscrit pour ce cr\u00e9neau horaire.
event_tool_tips_action_disabled_label=Action interdite car des cr\u00e9neaux horaires sont toujours disponibles.
event_tool_tips_action_option_disabled_label=L'option a \u00e9t\u00e9 d\u00e9sactiv\u00e9e par l'organisateur.
event_tool_tips_add=Cliquez pour ajouter un participant
event_tool_tips_cancel_label=Cliquez ici pour annuler le cr\u00e9neau horaire.
event_tool_tips_collapse_recur_meeting=Replier les r\u00e9unions p\u00e9riodiques.
event_tool_tips_delete=Cliquez pour supprimer le participant
event_tool_tips_edit=Cliquez ici pour modifier le participant
event_tool_tips_expand_recur_meeting=D\u00e9plier les r\u00e9unions p\u00e9riodiques.
event_tool_tips_syncTogroup=Cliquez sur synchroniser les participants \u00e0 l'appartenance \u00e0 un groupe
event_tool_tips_syncFromgroup=Cliquez sur synchroniser l'appartenance \u00e0 un groupe de l'espace au cr\u00e9neau horaire
event_tool_tips_hide_details=Cliquez pour masquer les d\u00e9tails.
#tool tips
event_tool_tips_lockOrcancel=Cliquez ici pour verrouiller ou annuler le cr\u00e9neau horaire.
event_tool_tips_lock_label=Cliquez ici pour emp\u00eacher l'inscription de participants.
event_tool_tips_recurrence=R\u00e9union p\u00e9riodique
event_tool_tips_restore_timeslot_label=Cliquer ici pour restaurer le cr\u00e9neau horaire.
event_tool_tips_show_details=Cliquez pour afficher les d\u00e9tails.
event_tool_tips_unlock_label=Cliquez ici pour d\u00e9bloquer le cr\u00e9neau horaire et permettre aux participants de s'inscrire.
event_total_duration=Dur\u00e9e totale (min) \:
event_type=Type de r\u00e9union
event_type_title=Type de r\u00e9union \:
event_unlimited_attendees=Participants illimit\u00e9s \:
event_unlock_timeslot_label= D\u00e9verrouiller
event_until=Jusqu'\u00e0 \:
event_use_eid_input_mode=Mode de saisie de l'identifiant utilisateur \:
event_view_comment_page_title=Voir le commentaire
event_edit_comment_page_title=\u00c9diter commentaire
event_view_userDefined_Timeslot_page_title=D\u00e9finir des cr\u00e9neaux horaires personnalis\u00e9es
event_viewer=Auditeur \:
event_warning_no_lower_than_cur_ts_num=You may not decrease the number of time slots below the original value\:
event_yes_create_email_notification= Yes, send email to notify all the potential participants that this meeting has been published.
event_yes_create_groups= Yes, create a group for each timeslot that can be managed via Site Info > Manage Groups
event_yes_email_autoReminer_to_attendees= Yes, send email to remind attendee of the meeting, one day in advance.
event_yes_email_notification= Oui, envoyer une notification par courriel \u00e0 \:
event_yes_email_notification_changes= Oui, envoyer une notification par courriel \u00e0 propos de ces modifications \u00e0 \:
event_email_attendee_notification= Envoyer un courriel pour informer le participant.
event_email_organizers_notification= Envoyer un courriel pour informer les organisateurs.
event_yes_keep_current_attendees= Yes, keep all the participant(s) in their corresponding time slots.
event_yes_meeting_default_notify_setting= Yes, pre-select the 'Email Notification' checkbox on the Modify Meeting page.
event_yes_publish_to_calendar= Oui, publier la r\u00e9union dans l'outil calendrier.
event_yes_receive_notification= Yes, send an email notification to the selected meeting coordinators when a participant signs up or cancels an appointment.
event_yes_show_attendee_public= Oui, permettre aux autres de voir les noms des participants.
event_yes_to_allow_addComment= Oui, le participant peut ajouter un commentaire pendant son inscription.
event_yes_to_allow_waitList= Oui, ajouter l'option \u00ab\u00a0liste d'attente\u00a0\u00bb. Les participants pourront s'y inscrire.
event_yes_to_use_eid_input_mode= Oui, je veux utiliser le mode saisie identifiant utilisateur pour l'ajout de participants.
event_you_on_wait_list=sur la liste d'attente
event_you_signed_up=Vous \u00eates inscrit
events_attendee_download_instruction=S\u00e9lectionnez les r\u00e9unions puis cliquez sur le bouton Exporter.
events_attendee_instruction=Pour vous inscrire \u00e0 une r\u00e9union, cliquez sur son titre.
events_dropdownbox_title=Vue \:
#Download meetings page
events_organizer_download_instruction=S\u00e9lectionnez les r\u00e9unions puis cliquez sur le bouton Exporter.
events_organizer_instruction=Click 'Add' to create a new meeting, or click a meeting title to modify or copy it.
exception.multiple.eids={0} Matches multiple users. Please select from the following usernames\: {1}
exception.no.such.user=Aucun utilisateur ne correspond \u00e0 l'identifiant \:
expand_all_recur_events= D\u00e9velopper toutes les r\u00e9unions p\u00e9riodiques.
failed.cancel_or_restore_ts=Cancel/Restore Failed. Someone has updated the meeting. Please update the meeting and try again.
failed.fetch_allEvents_from_db=\u00c9chec de la recherche de toutes les r\u00e9unions depuis la base de donn\u00e9es.
failed.lock_or_unlock_ts=Lock/Unlock Failed. Someone has updated the meeting. Please update the meeting and try again.
failed.move.attendee_due_to_ts_isTaken=Le d\u00e9placement a \u00e9chou\u00e9. Le participant est d\u00e9j\u00e0 dans le cr\u00e9neau horaire.
failed.move.due_to_attendee_notExisted=Move failed. Participant no longer in the timeslot. Someone has updated the meeting. Please update the meeting and try again.
failed.replace.someone.already.updated.db=Replace failed. Someone has updated the meeting. Please update the meeting and try again.
someone.already.updated.comment=Someone else has already modified the comment. Please update the comment and try again.
failed.replaced_due_to_already_in_ts=Le remplacement \u00e9chou\u00e9. Le participant est d\u00e9j\u00e0 dans le cr\u00e9neau horaire.
failed.replaced_due_to_attendee_notExisted_in_ts=Replace failed. The selected participant has already been deleted from the list.
failed.swap.due_to_current_attendee_already_in_swapped_ts=La permutation a \u00e9chou\u00e9. Le participant est d\u00e9j\u00e0 dans le cr\u00e9neau horaire.
failed.swap.due_to_swapped_attendee_already_in_ts=Swap failed. The swapped participant is already in the current timeslot.
failed.swap_due_to_attendee_notExited=L'\u00e9change a \u00e9chou\u00e9. Le participant s'est d\u00e9j\u00e0 supprim\u00e9 lui-m\u00eame.
failed.swap_due_to_selected_attendee_notExited=Swap failed. The selected participant has already removed himself/herself.
filter_by_category=Par cat\u00e9gorie \:
group_description_default=This group ({0}) was automatically created via the Signups tool. Users in timeslots and this group's membership can be synchronized by clicking the 'Synchronize' button for the timeslot in the Signup tool.
group_synchronise_button=Synchroniser vers ce groupe
fromgroup_synchronise_button=Synchroniser \u00e0 partir de ce groupe
group_synchronise_done=Timeslot synchronization complete
group_synchronise_heading=Adh\u00e9sion au groupe\:
ics_message_for_failure_warning=There was an error generating the iCal file. It is possible that you do not have permission to access this event.
#javax.faces.component.UIInput.REQUIRED_detail=A value is required. Please enter a value.
javax.faces.component.UIInput.CONVERSION=Saisie invalide
#JSF error messages overwritten
javax.faces.component.UIInput.REQUIRED=Veuillez saisir une valeur.
javax.faces.validator.LengthValidator.MAXIMUM=Valeur sup\u00e9rieure au maximum permis \: {0}.
javax.faces.validator.NOT_IN_RANGE=Donn\u00e9e hors de la plage de {0} \u00e0 {1}.
label.select.attendee=S\u00e9lectionnez un participant
label_announcement=R\u00e9union ouverte (aucune inscription)
label_biweekly=Toutes les deux semaines
label_create_timeslots=Cr\u00e9er des cr\u00e9neaux horaires
label_custom_timeslots=Cr\u00e9neaux horaires avanc\u00e9s d\u00e9finis par l'utilisateur
label_daily=Tous les jours
label_download_ics_meeting=Ajouter cette r\u00e9union \u00e0 mon calendrier personnel
label_download_ics_timeslot=Ajouter ce cr\u00e9neau horaire \u00e0 mon calendrier personnel
label_edit_timeslots=Modifier les cr\u00e9neaux horaires
label_email_all_people=Tous les participants potentiels
label_email_organizers_only=Coordinateurs de la r\u00e9union s\u00e9lectionn\u00e9e
label_email_signed_up_ones_Organizers_only=Coordinateurs de la r\u00e9union s\u00e9lectionn\u00e9e et participants inscrits
label_email_signed_up_ones_only=Uniquement les participants inscrits
label_group=Cr\u00e9neau unique
label_individaul=Cr\u00e9neaux multiples
label_once=Une seule fois
label_startNow=Commencer maintenant
label_view_edit_ts=Afficher ou modifier les cr\u00e9neaux horaires
label_weekdays=En semaine (Lun-Ven)
max.num_attendee_changed_and_attendee_mayOver_limit_inTS=Maximum \# of participants per timeslot has changed. Some timeslots may now be overbooked.
meeting_confirmation_to_remove=\u00cates-vous s\u00fbr de que vouloir supprimer d\u00e9finitivement les r\u00e9unions ?
meeting_confirmation_to_remove_multiple=This will permanently remove the meeting and all recurring meeting(s). Are you sure you want to do this? If not, click Cancel, expand the list and remove the meetings individually.
modify_all=Modifier toutes les futures r\u00e9unions r\u00e9currentes.
modify_current=Modifier seulement la r\u00e9union actuelle. Elle n'aura plus qu'un seul cr\u00e9neau horaire.
no.permission_create_event=Vous n'avez pas le droit de cr\u00e9er une nouvelle r\u00e9union.
no.permissoin.do_it=Vous n'avez pas les droits n\u00e9cessaires.
no_addWaiter_button_due_to_unlimited= ---
no_events_in_future_organizer=No future meetings have been created. Click 'Add' to create a new meeting.
no_events_in_this_period_attendee_orgnizer=Aucune r\u00e9union disponible sur cette p\u00e9riode.
no_events_in_timeframe_attendee=Aucune r\u00e9union disponible.
no_events_in_timeframe_organizer=Aucune r\u00e9union n'a \u00e9t\u00e9 cr\u00e9\u00e9e. Cliquez sur \u00ab Ajouter \u00bb pour cr\u00e9er une r\u00e9union.
no_future_events_I_have_signed_up=Vous n'\u00eates inscrit \u00e0 aucune r\u00e9union \u00e0 venir.
no_future_events_in_immediate_available=Aucune r\u00e9union n'est disponible pour inscription imm\u00e9diate.
invalid_session=Unfortunately, there has been a problem. Please click the Sign Up tool and on the appropriate event in the list in order to continue.
org.apache.myfaces.Date.INVALID=La date saisie n'est pas valide.
org.apache.myfaces.calendar.CONVERSION=La date de r\u00e9p\u00e9tition que vous avez choisie n'est pas valide.
organizer_instruction_click=Cliquez sur
organizer_instruction_delete_image= pour supprimer un participant.
organizer_instruction_edit_image= pour modifier ou \u00e9changer des participants.
organizer_instruction_mailto_all_image= pour \u00e9crire \u00e0 tous les participants par courriel.
organizer_instruction_mailto_image= pour \u00e9crire \u00e0 un participant par courriel.
organizer_instruction_comment_image= to view/edit an attendee's comment.
organizer_instruction_max_capacity=- Meeting organizers can add participants even if the time slot is full.
organizer_instruction_timeslot_link=- Cliquez sur une plage horaire pour la verrouiller ou l'annuler.
organizer_mailto_all=Envoyer un courriel \u00e0 tous les participants
organizer_mailto_all_short=\u00c9crire un courriel \u00e0 tous
organizer_note_name=*Note \:
#organizer meeting main page
organizer_page_title=D\u00e9tails de la r\u00e9union
participant_cancel_button=Annuler l'inscription
permission.info.for.group.scope=Set permissions for Sign-up in the group\: {1} in the site\: {0}. (a) At the group realm level, only the permissions "view", "attend", "create.group", "delete.group" and "update.group" can be modified. Other permission settings at this level do not apply and have no effect. (b) For participants to view or attend a meeting open to this group, the "view" and "attend" permissions are required.
permission.info.for.site.scope=D\u00e9finir les droits pour l'inscription dans l'espace \: {0} ({1})
permission_note_for_admin_advice=Administrator\: You can manually enable the Permissions option for a specific worksite by granting the realm.upd permission to all of the site/group realm levels for any role(s) you wish to have this ability. The member(s) of the role(s) must also be a member of every group in the site and the site must contain at least one group.
permission_note_for_disabled_button_case=The Edit Permission button is only available to administrators or users with the realm.upd permission for the current site or group. Contact your system administrator to be granted this permission.
permission_note_for_group_realm_case=In each group realm, only the permissions view, attend, create.group, delete.group and update.group can be modified. Other permission settings at this level do not apply and have no effect.
permission_note_for_view_attend_group=For participants to view or attend a meeting open only to their specific group(s), you must grant the view and attend permission at the group realm level.
permission_page_title=Mise \u00e0 jour des droits
permission_tab_edit_button=Modifier les droits
preAssign_note_backButton_message=- If you click the Back button, all pre-assigned participants will be lost.
preAssign_note_max_number_message=- Meeting organizer can assign greater than specified maximum number of participants, if desired.
preAssign_note_publish_message=- Cliquez sur \u00ab Publier \u00bb pour finaliser le processus de cr\u00e9ation de r\u00e9union(s).
print_event= Imprimer
print_friendly=Imprimer cette page
public_modify_button=Publier la modification
publish.withAttendee.exception=Une erreur inconnue s'est produite. Veuillez r\u00e9essayer.
publish_processing_submit_message=Traitement en cours...
publish_new_evnt_button=Publier une nouvelle r\u00e9union
put_In_Multiple_Calendar_Blocks_at_ScheduleTool=Yes, publish the meeting as multiple calendar events in the Calendar Tool if adjacent timeslots are more than two hours apart.
recurrence=R\u00e9union \tr\u00e9currente
remove_waitlist_button=Retirer de la liste d'attente
required2=indique les informations requises.
select.atleast.oneGroup=Veuillez s\u00e9lectionner au moins un espace ou un groupe avant de cliquer sur Suivant.
select.atleast.oneGroup.for.copyMeeting=Please select at least a Site or Group before clicking Publish New Meeting.
select_category=--S\u00e9lectionnez la cat\u00e9gorie--
select_location=--S\u00e9lectionnez le lieu--
sheet_name_Attendee_schedules=Emplois du temps des participants
signup.deadline.is.before.signup.begin=La date de fin d'inscription doit \u00eatre post\u00e9rieure \u00e0 celle de d\u00e9but.
signup.validator.stringWithSpaceOnly=Vous n'avez pas le droit de saisir seulement des espaces.
signup_download=Exporter les r\u00e9unions
signup_start_deadline=D\u00e9but des inscriptions et date limite
site_selection=S\u00e9lection d'espaces
someone.already.changed.ts.cancel_status=Someone has just changed the cancellation status of this time slot. Please check it again and change as necessary.
someone.already.changed.ts.lock_status=Le verrouillage de ce cr\u00e9neau horaire a chang\u00e9. Veuillez le v\u00e9rifier \u00e0 nouveau.
someone.already.remove_you=Quelqu'un a d\u00e9j\u00e0 supprim\u00e9 le participant pr\u00e9vu.
someone.already.removed_or_promoted_attendee=Le participant a \u00e9t\u00e9 supprim\u00e9 ou promu.
someone.already.taken.theTimeslot=The time slot has already been taken and is not available. Please join the Wait List to be notified of a cancellation.
someone.already.updated.db=Someone else has modified the meeting. Please update the meeting and try again.
someone.modified.event=Quelqu'un d'autre a modifi\u00e9 la r\u00e9union. Veuillez actualiser votre \u00e9cran.
someone.modified.event.content=Quelqu'un d'autre a modifi\u00e9 le contenu de la r\u00e9union. Veuillez r\u00e9essayer.
tab_attendees_eids=identifiants des participants
tab_end_time=Heure de fin
tab_event_available_slots=Places disponibles
#tab_event_edit_location_custom=edit location
tab_event_location_custom=Saisissez un nouveau lieu
tab_event_name=Titre de la r\u00e9union
#when user select dropdownList 'view meetings what I am signed up for'
tab_event_your_status=Votre statut
tab_max_attendee=Nombre maximum de participants
tab_max_participants=Nombre maximum de Participants
tab_start_time=Heure de d\u00e9but
tab_time_slot=Cr\u00e9neau horaire
tab_waiting_list=Liste d'attente
tab_waiting_list_disabled= [d\u00e9sactiv\u00e9]
tab_date_inscription=Date of Inscription
timeperiod_divider= -
timeslot.just.canceled=Ce cr\u00e9neau horaire a \u00e9t\u00e9 annul\u00e9 et n'est plus disponible.
timeslot.just.locked=Ce cr\u00e9neau horaire a \u00e9t\u00e9 bloqu\u00e9 et n'est pas disponible.
title_tip_click_hide_schedule=Cliquez pour masquer les d\u00e9tails du programme.
title_tip_click_show_schedule=Cliquez pour afficher les d\u00e9tails du programme.
title_tip_delete_this_ts=supprimer le cr\u00e9neau horaire.
tool_tip_add_waitlist=Ajouter \u00e0 la liste d'attente
unlimited_num_attendee=Nombre illimit\u00e9 de participants
user.has.no.permission.attend=L'utilisateur \: {0} n'est pas autoris\u00e9 \u00e0 assister \u00e0 cet \u00e9v\u00e9nement.
user.not.allowed.to.waitlist=La possibilit\u00e9 de rejoindre la liste d'attente a \u00e9t\u00e9 d\u00e9sactiv\u00e9e par l'organisateur.
user.not.found=Utilisateur introuvable
view_all_future_meetings=Toutes les r\u00e9unions futures
view_current_month=30 prochains jours
view_current_three_months=90 prochains jours
view_immediate_avail_ones=R\u00e9unions ouvertes pour inscription
view_my_signed_up=Voir les r\u00e9unions auxquelles je suis inscrit(e)
view_previous_events=Toutes les r\u00e9unions pr\u00e9c\u00e9dentes
view_semi_year=Semestre en cours
waitlist.option.just.turn.off=L'option de liste d'attente vient d'\u00eatre retir\u00e9e.
warn_copy_recurred_event=You are copying a set of recurring meetings. Please check the recurring start/end dates and modify them accordingly.
warn_reschedule_event=Some people may have already signed up in the meeting(s). You may need to contact them about the rescheduling.
warning.event.crossed_twoDays=La r\u00e9union se tiendra sur deux jours diff\u00e9rents.
warning.event.crossed_twoMonths=La r\u00e9union se tiendra sur deux mois diff\u00e9rents.
warning.event.crossed_twoYears=La r\u00e9union se tiendra sur deux ann\u00e9es diff\u00e9rentes.
warning.some_timeslot_may_locked_canceled=One or more timeslot(s) in the copied meeting is either locked or canceled.
warning.your.event.singup.begin.time.passed.today.time=Participants will be able to sign up for this meeting immediately because the Sign-up Begin time has already passed.
wksheet_appointment_duration=Dur\u00e9e (min)
wksheet_appointment_start_time=Heure de rendez-vous
wksheet_attendance_UserID=Identifiant de l'utilisateur
wksheet_meeting_duration=Dur\u00e9e de l'\u00e9v\u00e9nement (min)
wksheet_meeting_name=Nom de l'\u00e9v\u00e9nement
wksheet_meeting_start_time=Heure de d\u00e9but d'\u00e9v\u00e9nement
wksheet_num_of_attendees=Nombre de participants dans le cr\u00e9neau horaire
wksheet_site_name=Code du cours (p. ex. F13-ACCT-134C-01)
wksheet_user_comment=Commentaire des participants
wksheet_user_id=Identifiant utilisateur des participants
wksheet_user_name=Nom du participant
you.already.in_waiting_list=Vous \u00eates d\u00e9j\u00e0 sur la liste d'attente.
you.have.multiple.tabs.in.browser=You have multiple {0} tabs open in your browser. Please close the extra {0} tabs and try again.
you.need.select.one.toDownload=No meetings have been selected. Please select at least one meeting to export.
you.promoted.to.another.ts_meanwhile=You have been promoted from the Wait List in another timeslot. You cannot sign up for this timeslot.
you_need_to_login=Vous avez besoin de vous connecter pour afficher les r\u00e9unions.
send_email_to_notify_the_attendee=Envoyer un courriel pour informer le participant.
send_email_to_notify_the_organizers=Envoyer un courriel pour informer les organisateurs.
email=Adresse de courriel
sort_ascending=Trier par ordre croissant de {0}
sort_descending=Trier par {0} d\u00e9croissant
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