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scalaxb is an XML data-binding tool for Scala that supports W3C XML Schema (xsd) and wsdl.
package scalaxb
import scala.concurrent.{ Future, ExecutionContext }
case class Fault[+A](original: Any, detail: Option[A], headers: scala.xml.NodeSeq) extends Exception {
def asFault[B: scalaxb.XMLFormat]: Fault[B] = Fault(original, detail map {
case x: soapenvelope12.Detail => x.any.head.value match {
case node: scala.xml.Node => scalaxb.fromXML[B](node)
case _ => sys.error("unsupported fault: " + toString)
case _ => sys.error("unsupported fault: " + toString)
}, headers)
def asNillableFault[B: scalaxb.XMLFormat]: Fault[Option[B]] = Fault(original, detail map {
case x: soapenvelope12.Detail => x.any.head.value match {
case node: scala.xml.Node if scalaxb.Helper.isNil(node) => None
case node: scala.xml.Node => Some(scalaxb.fromXML[B](node))
case _ => sys.error("unsupported fault: " + toString)
case _ => sys.error("unsupported fault: " + toString)
}, headers)
override def toString: String = s"""Fault($original, $detail, $headers)"""
trait SoapClientsAsync {
this: HttpClientsAsync =>
lazy val soapClient: SoapClientAsync = new SoapClientAsync {}
def baseAddress: java.net.URI
trait SoapClientAsync {
import soapenvelope12.{Fault => _, _}
val SOAP_ENVELOPE_URI = "http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope"
def soapRequest(in: Option[Envelope], scope: scala.xml.NamespaceBinding,
address: java.net.URI, webMethod: String, action: Option[java.net.URI])
(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Envelope] = {
val merged = scalaxb.toScope(((Some("soap12") -> "http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope") ::
scalaxb.fromScope(scope)).distinct: _*)
val r = in map { scalaxb.toXML(_, Some(SOAP_ENVELOPE_URI), Some("Envelope"), merged) match {
case elem: scala.xml.Elem => elem
case x => sys.error("unexpected non-elem: " + x.toString)
val contentType = "application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8" +
(action map {uri => """; action="%s"""".format(uri.toASCIIString)} getOrElse {""})
val headers = Map[String, String]("Content-Type" -> contentType)
val ftr: Future[String] = httpClient.request(r map {_.toString} getOrElse {""}, address, headers)
ftr map { (s: String) =>
try {
val response = scala.xml.XML.loadString(s)
catch {
case e: Exception => sys.error(e.toString + ": " + s)
def requestResponse(body: scala.xml.NodeSeq, headers: scala.xml.NodeSeq, scope: scala.xml.NamespaceBinding,
address: java.net.URI, webMethod: String, action: Option[java.net.URI])
(implicit ec: ExecutionContext):
Future[(scala.xml.NodeSeq, scala.xml.NodeSeq)] = {
val bodyRecords = body.toSeq map {DataRecord(None, None, _)}
val headerOption = headers.toSeq.headOption map { _ =>
Header(headers.toSeq map {DataRecord(None, None, _)}, Map())
val envelope = Envelope(headerOption, Body(bodyRecords, Map()), Map())
buildResponse(soapRequest(Some(envelope), scope, address, webMethod, action))
def soapResponse(location: Option[String], params: Map[String, Any],
address: java.net.URI, webMethod: String, action: Option[java.net.URI])
(implicit ec: ExecutionContext):
Future[(scala.xml.NodeSeq, scala.xml.NodeSeq)]= {
buildResponse(soapRequest(None, scala.xml.TopScope, address, webMethod, action))
def buildResponse(futureSoapResponse: Future[Envelope])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext):
Future[(scala.xml.NodeSeq, scala.xml.NodeSeq)] = {
futureSoapResponse.map(soapResponse => {
val header: scala.xml.NodeSeq =
soapResponse.Header.toSeq flatMap { header =>
header.any collect {
case DataRecord(_, _, x: scala.xml.Node) => x
soapResponse.Body.any.headOption match {
case Some(DataRecord(_, _, x: scala.xml.Elem)) if (x.label == "Fault") &&
(x.scope.getURI(x.prefix) == SOAP_ENVELOPE_URI) =>
val fault = scalaxb.fromXML[soapenvelope12.Fault](x)
throw Fault(fault, fault.Detail, header)
case _ =>
(header, soapResponse.Body.any collect {
case DataRecord(_, _, x: scala.xml.Node) => x
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