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m.4.4.0.source-code.BaseSRF Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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// SRM SDK Release 4.4.0 - January 21, 2010

// - SRM spec. 4.4
 *                             NOTICE
 * This software is provided openly and freely for use in representing and
 * interchanging environmental data & databases.
 * This software was developed for use by the United States Government with
 * unlimited rights.  The software was developed under contract
 * DASG60-02-D-0006 TO-193 by Science Applications International Corporation.
 * The software is unclassified and is deemed as Distribution A, approved
 * for Public Release.
 * Use by others is permitted only upon the ACCEPTANCE OF THE TERMS AND
 *    1. Recipient may make unlimited copies of this software and give
 *       copies to other persons or entities as long as the copies contain
 *       this NOTICE, and as long as the same copyright notices that
 *       appear on, or in, this software remain.
 *    2. Trademarks. All trademarks belong to their respective trademark
 *       holders.  Third-Party applications/software/information are
 *       copyrighted by their respective owners.
 *    3. Recipient agrees to forfeit all intellectual property and
 *       ownership rights for any version created from the modification
 *       or adaptation of this software, including versions created from
 *       the translation and/or reverse engineering of the software design.
 *    4. Transfer.  Recipient may not sell, rent, lease, or sublicense
 *       this software.  Recipient may, however enable another person
 *       or entity the rights to use this software, provided that this
 *       AGREEMENT and NOTICE is furnished along with the software and
 *       /or software system utilizing this software.
 *       All revisions, modifications, created by the Recipient, to this
 *       software and/or related technical data shall be forwarded by the
 *       Recipient to the Government at the following address:
 *         SMDC
 *         Attention SEDRIS (TO193) TPOC
 *         P.O. Box 1500
 *         Huntsville, AL  35807-3801
 *         or via electronic mail to:  [email protected]
 *    5. No Warranty. This software is being delivered to you AS IS
 *       and there is no warranty, EXPRESS or IMPLIED, as to its use
 *       or performance.

 *                 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

@author David Shen
@brief Declaration of Base SRF class.

/** @mainpage Spatial Reference Model (SRM) Java API
@section Introduction
This is the documentation for the SRM Java API.

All classes in this API are in the SRM package.

The SRM classes provide the following functionality:
- Creation
  - SRFs
    - SRF templates (e.g., LSR 3D, TM_AUGMENTED_3D, Celestiodetic, Celestiocentric)
    - SRF set members (e.g., UTM zone 12, GTRS cell 1234, UPS northern pole)
    - SRFs (e.g., British National Grid Airy)
  - Coordinates
    - 2D coordinate
    - 3D coordinate
    - Surface coordinate
  - Directions
  - Orientations
- Conversion
  - Coordinate conversion between SRFs
  - Direction conversion between SRFs
  - Orientation conversion between SRFs
- Validation
  - Coordinate validation within a SRF
  - Direction validation within a SRF
  - Orientation validation within a SRF
- Calculations
  - Euclidean distance
  - Geodesic distance
  - Point scale
  - Vertical separation offset
  - Convergence of the Meridian
  - Map azimuth
- Abstract space coordinate instancing in a SRF

A sample program to convert a Celestiodetic 3D coordinate to
a Celestiocentric 3D coordinate is as follows:
import SRM.*;

public class CdToCcConv
    public static void main (String args[])
        System.out.println("*** Sample program using SRM Java API to convert a 3D coordinate");
        System.out.println("*** from a Celestiodetic SRF to a Celestiocentric SRF.");

        // Declare reference variables for the CD_3D and CC_3D SRFs
        SRF_Celestiodetic CdSrf = null;
        SRF_Celestiocentric CcSrf = null;

            // Create a Celestiodetic SRF with WGS 1984 and Identity transformation
            CdSrf = new SRF_Celestiodetic(SRM_ORM_Code.ORMCOD_WGS_1984,

            // Create a Celestiocentric SRF with WGS 1984 and Identity transformation
            CcSrf = new SRF_Celestiocentric(SRM_ORM_Code.ORMCOD_WGS_1984,

            // Create a 3D Celestiodetic coordinate with
            // longitude           => 10.0 degrees (note: this input parameter is converted to radians)
            // latitude            => 20.0 degrees (note: this input parameter is converted to radians)
            // ellipsoidal height => 100.0 meters
            Coord3D_Celestiodetic CdCoord =

            // Instantiate a 3D Celestiocentric coordinate
            // This is an alternative method for instantiate a 3D coordinate
            Coord3D_Celestiocentric CcCoord = new Coord3D_Celestiocentric(CcSrf);

            // print out the SRF parameter values and the coordinate component values
            System.out.println("CdSrf parameter =>  \n" + CdSrf);
            System.out.println("CcSrf parameter =>  \n" + CcSrf);
            System.out.println("CdCoord components (source) => \n" + CdCoord);

            // convert the 3D Celestiodetic coordinate to 3D Celestiocentric coordinate
            SRM_Coordinate_Valid_Region_Code valRegion =
                CcSrf.changeCoordinateSRF(CdCoord, CcCoord);

            // print out the values of the resulting 3D Celestiocentric coordinate
            System.out.println("CcCoord components (destination) => \n" + CcCoord + " is " + valRegion);
        catch (SrmException ex)
            // catch SrmException and print out the error code and text.
            System.out.println("Exception caught=> " + ex.what() + ", " + ex);

Running the sample program above will produce output as follows:
*** Sample program using SRM Java API to convert a 3D coordinate
*** from a Celestiodetic SRF to a Celestiocentric SRF.
CdSrf parameter =>
orm: ORMCOD_WGS_1984
CcSrf parameter =>
orm: ORMCOD_WGS_1984
CdCoord components (source) =>
[ 0.17453292519943295, 0.3490658503988659, 100.0 ]
CcCoord components (destination) =>
[ 5904838.698311626, 1041182.3792437915, 2167730.9898430835 ] is VALID

package SRM;

import java.util.*;

/** The BaseSRF abstract class is the base class for all SRFs.
 @author David Shen
 @see BaseSRF_2D, BaseSRF_3D
public abstract class BaseSRF implements Cloneable
    private SRM_SRF_Code _mySrfCode = SRM_SRF_Code.SRFCOD_UNSPECIFIED;

    private SRM_SRFS_Code _mySrfsCode = SRM_SRFS_Code.SRFSCOD_UNSPECIFIED;

    private SRM_SRFSM_Code _mySrfsMemberCode = null;

    // ORM code for the SRF
    protected SRM_ORM_Code _orm;

    // RT Code for the SRF
    protected SRM_RT_Code _rt;

    protected SRM_SRFT_Code _mySrftCode = SRM_SRFT_Code.SRFTCOD_UNSPECIFIED;

    protected SRM_CS_Code _myCsCode = SRM_CS_Code.CSCOD_UNSPECIFIED;

    // The following Hash Map does not need to be Synchronized because the assumption
    // (constraint) is that an SRF cannot be shared by several threads.

    // this is for the caching of the interim conversion path and initialization data
    // This is a controlled version of the HashMap that currently limites the number
    // of cached OpSeq to 200 per SRF.
    protected CacheManager _myOpSeq;

    // this is for caching of the interim SRFs for conversion prior to the distance
    // computation
    protected HashMap _internalSRFs;

    /** Creates a Standard SRF from its SRF code.
        @param srf_code in: the code for a standard SRF to create
        @param rt_code in: the RT code to use in the created SRF
        @return a SRF template instance associated with the "Standard" SRF.
        @exception This method throws SrmException
        @note Use the concrete SRF classes to create "standard" SRFs,
              which use pre-defined SRF template constructor parameters.
        @note All SRFs are intrinsically created from a template, hence the
             appropriate template instance will always be returned.
        @see createStandardSRF(), SRM_SRF_Code

        A sample code to create a British National Grid Airy SRF is as follows:

        import SRM.*;

        // call createStandardSRF with:
            BaseSRF bngSrf = BaseSRF.createStandardSRF(SRM_SRF_Code.SRFCOD_BRITISH_NATIONAL_GRID_AIRY,
        catch (SrmException ex)

        // Note1: In this example, the returned object is of class SRF_TransverseMercator with its pre-defined parameters.
        // Note2: The RT parameter must be compatible with ORMCOD_OSGB_1936. (See Users' Guide for the
                  pre-assigned ORMs associated with each standard SRF.

    public static BaseSRF createStandardSRF(SRM_SRF_Code srf_code,
                                            SRM_RT_Code  rt_code) throws SrmException
        if (srf_code == null)
            throw new SrmException(SrmException._INVALID_INPUT,
                                   new String("createStandardSRF: null reference srf code"));

        if (srf_code == SRM_SRF_Code.SRFCOD_UNSPECIFIED)
            throw new SrmException(SrmException._INVALID_INPUT,
                                   new String("createStandardSRF: UNSPECIFIED SRF is not valid for this operation"));

        if (rt_code == null)
            throw new SrmException(SrmException._INVALID_INPUT,
                                   new String("createStandardSRF: null reference rt code"));

        return CreateSRF.standardSRF(srf_code, rt_code);

    /** Creates an SRF from a SRF set code, a set member code specific to
        that set, and an ORM code.
        @param srf_set in: the code for an SRF set
        @param set_member in: the code for an SRF set member.
        @param orm in: the ORM code associated with the created SRF
        @param rt in: the RT transformation associated with the created SRF
        @return a SRF template instance associated with the SRF Set member.
        @note All SRFs are intrinsically created from a template, hence the
             appropriate template instance will always be returned.
        @note There is a specific sub-class of SRM_SRFSM_Code class associated with each SRF set for specifying its member code as follows:.
        @note The SRFS member code "UNSPECIFIED" is not allowed when specifying a SRF set member.
  1. Alabama SPCS => SRM_SRFSM_Alabama_SPCS_Code
  2. Global Coordinate System (GTRS) => SRM_SRFSM_GTRS_GCS_Code
  3. Lambert NTF => SRM_SRFSM_Lambert_NTF_Code
  4. Japan Plane System => SRM_SRFSM_Japan_Rectangular_Plane_CS_Code
  5. Universal Polar Stereographic => SRM_SRFSM_UPS_Code
  6. Universal Transverse Mercator => SRM_SRFSM_UTM_Code
  7. Wisconsin SPCS => SRM_SRFSM_Wisconsin_SPCS_Code
@see createSRFSetMember(), SRM_SRFS_Code, SRM_SSM_Code A sample code to create a UTM SRF corresponding to Zone 12 Southern hemisphere based on WGS 1984 with Identity transformation is as follows: @code import SRM.*; ... // call createSRFSetMember with: // SRF Set code => UTM // Set Member code => Zone 12 southern hemisphere // ORM => WGS 1984 // RT => WGS 1984 IDENTITY transformation try { BaseSRF utmSrf = BaseSRF.createSRFSetMember(SRM_SRFS_Code.SRFSCOD_UNIVERSAL_TRANSVERSE_MERCATOR, SRFSM_UTM_Code.SRFMSUTM_ZONE_12_SOUTHERN_HEMISPHERE, SRM_ORM_Code.ORMCOD_WGS_1984, SRM_RT_Code.RTCOD_WGS_1984_IDENTITY); } catch (SrmException ex) ... // Note1: In this example, the returned object is of class SRF_TransverseMercator with its parameters pre-defined. // Note2: The SRFS member code (SRFSM_UTM_Code) must be compatible with the SRFS code (SRFSCOD_UNIVERSAL_TRANSVERSE_MERCATOR). @endcode */ public static BaseSRF createSRFSetMember(SRM_SRFS_Code srf_set, SRM_SRFSM_Code set_member, SRM_ORM_Code orm, SRM_RT_Code rt) throws SrmException { if (srf_set == null || set_member == null || orm == null || rt == null) throw new SrmException(SrmException._INVALID_INPUT, new String("createSRFSetMember: null reference input parameter")); if (srf_set == SRM_SRFS_Code.SRFSCOD_UNSPECIFIED) throw new SrmException(SrmException._INVALID_INPUT, new String("createSRFSetMember: UNSPECIFIED SRF is not valid for this operation")); return CreateSRF.srfSetMember(srf_set, set_member, orm, rt); } /** Returns this pre-defined ("standard") SRF code. @return the pre-defined SRF code of this SRF @note This method will return "SRFCOD_UNSPECIFIED" if the SRF was not originally created with the createStandardSRF method. @see createStandardSRF() */ public SRM_SRF_Code getSRFCode() { return _mySrfCode; } /** Returns this SRF's Template code. @return the SRF Template code of this SRF @see createStandardSRF() */ public SRM_SRFT_Code getSRFTemplateCode() { return _mySrftCode; } /** Returns this SRF's Set code. @return the SRF Set code of this SRF @note This method will return "SRFSCOD_UNSPECIFIED" if the SRF Set was not originally created with the createSRFSetMember method. @see createSRFSetMember() */ public SRM_SRFS_Code getSRFSetCode() { return _mySrfsCode; } /** Returns this SRF's Set member code. @return the SRF Set member code of this SRF @note This method will return 0 (which means "UNSPECIFIED") if the SRF Set was not originally created with the createSRFSetMember method. @see createSRFSetMember() */ public SRM_SRFSM_Code getSRFSetMemberCode() { return _mySrfsMemberCode; } /** Returns this SRF's CS Code. @return the SRF CS code of this SRF */ public SRM_CS_Code getCSCode() { return _myCsCode; } /** Returns this SRF's Object Reference Model code. @return an ORM code of this SRF @deprecated As of SRM 4.1.2, replaced by getOrm() @see getOrm() */ public SRM_ORM_Code get_orm() { return _orm; } /** Returns this SRF's Object Reference Model code. @return an ORM code of this SRF */ public SRM_ORM_Code getOrm() { return _orm; } /** Returns this SRF's RT code. @return an RT code of this SRF @deprecated As of SRM 4.1.2, replaced by getRt() @see getRt() */ public SRM_RT_Code get_rt() { return _rt; } /** Returns this SRF's RT code. @return an RT code of this SRF */ public SRM_RT_Code getRt() { return _rt; } /** Returns this SRF's major semi-axis value (A). @return a major semi-axis value */ public double getA() { return (new OrmData(this.getOrm())).A; } /** Returns this SRF's flattening value (F). @return a flattening value */ public double getF() { return (new OrmData(this.getOrm())).F; } /** Queries for the SRFT support by the implementation. @return true if the SRFT is supported by this implementation. */ public static boolean querySRFTSupport(SRM_SRFT_Code srft_code) { if (srft_code == SRM_SRFT_Code.SRFTCOD_UNSPECIFIED) return false; else return true; // hardcoded to true because we support all the SRFTs. } /** Queries for the ORM/RT pair support by the implementation. @param orm_code in: the object reference model code. @param rt_code in: the reference transformation code. @return true if the ORM/RT pair is supported by this implementation. @note Not all the supported SRFTs is compatible with all the supported ORM/RT pairs. */ static boolean queryORMSupport(SRM_ORM_Code orm_code, SRM_RT_Code rt_code) { return RtDataSet.isValidPair(orm_code, rt_code); } /** Changes a coordinate's values to this SRF. @param src in: the source coordinate in some other SRF @param tgt in out: the target coordinate in this SRF @return the Valid Region of the target coordinate @note The source and target coordinates must be of same the dimension (2D or 3D). */ public SRM_Coordinate_Valid_Region_Code changeCoordinateSRF(Coord src, Coord tgt) throws SrmException { SRM_Coordinate_Valid_Region_Code retValid; double[] tgtValues = new double[3]; if (src == null || tgt == null) throw new SrmException(SrmException._INVALID_INPUT, new String("changeCoordinateSRF: null reference input parameter")); if ((src instanceof Coord3D) && (tgt instanceof Coord3D)) { retValid = OpManager.instance().computeAsArray (src.getSRF(), this, src.getValues(), tgtValues, null); ((Coord3D)tgt).setValues(tgtValues); return retValid; } else if ((src instanceof Coord2D) && (tgt instanceof Coord2D)) { double[] srcValues = { src.getValues()[0], src.getValues()[1], 0.0 }; retValid = OpManager.instance().computeAsArray (src.getSRF(), this, srcValues, tgtValues, null); // this operation only uses the first two components of the tgtValues ((Coord2D)tgt).setValues(tgtValues); return retValid; } else throw new SrmException(SrmException._INVALID_INPUT, new String("changeCoordinateSRF: Input coordinate of different dimensions")); } /** Check a coordinate in this SRF for valid region. @param src in: the source coordinate in some other SRF @return the coordinate valid region code in the coordinate's SRF @note The input coordinate must have been created using this SRF. */ public SRM_Coordinate_Valid_Region_Code checkCoordinate(Coord src) throws SrmException { SRM_SRFT_Code myBoundaryTemplateSrf; SRM_SRFS_Code mySrfSet; if (src == null) throw new SrmException(SrmException._INVALID_INPUT, new String("checkCoordinate: null reference input parameter")); if (src.getSRF() != this) throw new SrmException(SrmException._INVALID_SOURCE_COORDINATE, new String("checkCoordinate: Coordinate associated with different SRF")); // get the template SRF where the boundary validation will take place myBoundaryTemplateSrf = CoordCheck.getsrfBoundaryDefTemplate(this); SRM_Coordinate_Valid_Region_Code retValidity = SRM_Coordinate_Valid_Region_Code.COORDVALRGN_VALID; mySrfSet = this.getSRFSetCode(); if (myBoundaryTemplateSrf != this.getSRFTemplateCode()) { /*!\note This case is where the validity boundaries for an SRF are in a different SRF from the SRF itself */ BaseSRF tmpSrf; double[] coord_tgt = new double[3]; // instantiate cache for the interim SRFs if (this._internalSRFs == null) this._internalSRFs = new HashMap(); tmpSrf = (BaseSRF)this._internalSRFs.get("IntCheckBoundSrfT"); // create an interim SRF using the common if (tmpSrf == null) { tmpSrf = CreateSRF.fromCode(myBoundaryTemplateSrf, this.getOrm(), this.getRt()); // cache the created interim SRF this._internalSRFs.put("IntCheckBoundSrfT", tmpSrf); } // convert src coord to the interim Celestiodetic (in this case) coord. retValidity = OpManager.instance().computeAsArray(this, tmpSrf, src.getValues(), coord_tgt, null); // Use specialized SRF coord checks if it is an SRF Set member if (this.getSRFSetCode() != SRM_SRFS_Code.SRFSCOD_UNSPECIFIED) { switch (mySrfSet) { case SRFSCOD_ALABAMA_SPCS: retValidity = CoordCheck.forALSP_cd (new OrmData(this.getOrm()), ((SRF_TransverseMercator)this).getSRFParameters(), coord_tgt); break; case SRFSCOD_GTRS_GLOBAL_COORDINATE_SYSTEM: retValidity = CoordCheck.forGTRS_cd (this.getSRFSetMemberCode(), coord_tgt); break; case SRFSCOD_JAPAN_RECTANGULAR_PLANE_CS: retValidity = CoordCheck.forJapan_cd ( new OrmData(this.getOrm()), (SRM_SRFSM_Japan_Rectangular_Plane_CS_Code)this.getSRFSetMemberCode(), ((SRF_TransverseMercator)this).getSRFParameters(), coord_tgt ); break; case SRFSCOD_LAMBERT_NTF: retValidity = CoordCheck.forLNTF_cd ( new OrmData(this.getOrm()), (SRM_SRFSM_Lambert_NTF_Code)this.getSRFSetMemberCode(), coord_tgt ); break; case SRFSCOD_UNIVERSAL_POLAR_STEREOGRAPHIC: retValidity = CoordCheck.forUPS_cd (((SRF_PolarStereographic)this).getSRFParameters(), coord_tgt); break; case SRFSCOD_UNIVERSAL_TRANSVERSE_MERCATOR: retValidity = CoordCheck.forUTM_cd (new OrmData(this.getOrm()), ((SRF_TransverseMercator)this).getSRFParameters(), (SRM_SRFSM_UTM_Code)this.getSRFSetMemberCode(), coord_tgt); break; case SRFSCOD_WISCONSIN_SPCS: retValidity = CoordCheck.forWISP_cd (new OrmData(this.getOrm()), coord_tgt); break; default: throw new SrmException(SrmException._INVALID_SOURCE_SRF, new String("checkCoordinate: Unsupported SRM_SRFS_Code")); } } // This case takes care of the template and the predefined SRFs // Note: As for now, all the boundary SRFs are Celestiodetic, thus the only case. // Since we are getting the validation result from the conversion to CD_3D, we // just need to pass that result to the caller and no more checking is needed. // else // { // if (myBoundaryTemplateSrf == SRM_SRFT_Code.SRFTCOD_CELESTIODETIC) // retValidity = CoordCheck.forCelestiodetic(new OrmData(tmpSrf.getOrm()), coord_tgt); // else // throw new SrmException(SrmException._INVALID_SOURCE_SRF, // new String("Unsupported validity")); // } } else { /*!\note this is the easy case where the boundaries are in the same srf*/ // Notice that only the non projection based SRFs fall into this category if (myBoundaryTemplateSrf == SRM_SRFT_Code.SRFTCOD_CELESTIODETIC) { OrmData ormData = new OrmData(this.getOrm()); retValidity = CoordCheck.forCelestiodetic(ormData, src.getValues()); ormData = null; } else if (myBoundaryTemplateSrf == SRM_SRFT_Code.SRFTCOD_CELESTIOCENTRIC || myBoundaryTemplateSrf == SRM_SRFT_Code.SRFTCOD_LOCAL_SPACE_RECT_3D || myBoundaryTemplateSrf == SRM_SRFT_Code.SRFTCOD_LOCAL_TANGENT_SPC_EUCLIDEAN || myBoundaryTemplateSrf == SRM_SRFT_Code.SRFTCOD_LOCOCENTRIC_EUCLIDEAN_3D || myBoundaryTemplateSrf == SRM_SRFT_Code.SRFTCOD_SOLAR_MAGNETIC_ECLIPTIC || myBoundaryTemplateSrf == SRM_SRFT_Code.SRFTCOD_SOLAR_MAGNETIC_DIPOLE) { retValidity = CoordCheck.forNaN_3D(src.getValues()); } else if (myBoundaryTemplateSrf == SRM_SRFT_Code.SRFTCOD_LOCAL_TANGENT_SPC_CYLINDRICAL) { retValidity = CoordCheck.forCylindrical(src.getValues()); } else if (myBoundaryTemplateSrf == SRM_SRFT_Code.SRFTCOD_LOCAL_TANGENT_SPC_AZIMUTHAL_SPHERICAL) { retValidity = CoordCheck.forAzSpherical(src.getValues()); } else if (myBoundaryTemplateSrf == SRM_SRFT_Code.SRFTCOD_CELESTIOMAGNETIC || myBoundaryTemplateSrf == SRM_SRFT_Code.SRFTCOD_EQUATORIAL_INERTIAL || myBoundaryTemplateSrf == SRM_SRFT_Code.SRFTCOD_SOLAR_ECLIPTIC || myBoundaryTemplateSrf == SRM_SRFT_Code.SRFTCOD_SOLAR_EQUATORIAL || myBoundaryTemplateSrf == SRM_SRFT_Code.SRFTCOD_HELIOSPHERIC_ARIES_ECLIPTIC || myBoundaryTemplateSrf == SRM_SRFT_Code.SRFTCOD_HELIOSPHER_EARTH_ECLIPTIC || myBoundaryTemplateSrf == SRM_SRFT_Code.SRFTCOD_HELIOSPHER_EARTH_EQUATORIAL) { retValidity = CoordCheck.forSpherical(src.getValues()); } else if (myBoundaryTemplateSrf == SRM_SRFT_Code.SRFTCOD_LOCAL_SPACE_RECT_2D) { retValidity = CoordCheck.forNaN_2D(src.getValues()); } else if (myBoundaryTemplateSrf == SRM_SRFT_Code.SRFTCOD_LOCAL_SPACE_AZIMUTHAL_2D) { retValidity = CoordCheck.forLocalSpaceAzimuthal2D(src.getValues()); } else if (myBoundaryTemplateSrf == SRM_SRFT_Code.SRFTCOD_LOCAL_SPACE_POLAR_2D) { retValidity = CoordCheck.forLocalSpacePolar(src.getValues()); } // shouldn't fall through past here } return retValidity; } /** Returns the Euclidean distance between two coordinates. @param coord1 in: a coordinate in some SRF @param coord2 in: a coordinate in some SRF @return the Euclidean distance between the two coordinates (in meters). @note The input coordinates do not need to be from the same SRF, but must have the same dimensionality, i.e., both 2D, 3D, or Surface. @note This method will make (and cache) internal conversions when the inputs coordinates are from SRFs other than SRF_Celestiocentric. */ public static double calculateEuclideanDistance(Coord coord1, Coord coord2) throws SrmException { double[] tempCcSrcCoord; double[] tempCcTgtCoord; double delta_x,delta_y,delta_z; /*Check for null reference*/ if (coord1 == null || coord2 == null) throw new SrmException(SrmException._INVALID_INPUT, new String("calculateEuclideanDistance: null reference input parameter")); // !!! raise unimplemented exception if these are 2D coordinates Need Fix for future version if ((coord1.getSRF() instanceof BaseSRF_2D) || (coord2.getSRF() instanceof BaseSRF_2D)) throw new SrmException(SrmException._NOT_IMPLEMENTED, new String("calculateEuclideanDistance: Not implemented for 2D coordinates" + " in this release")); /*Test to see if the source and target SRF's are both for the same body*/ if (OrmDataSet.getElem(coord1.getSRF().getOrm())._reference_orm != OrmDataSet.getElem(coord2.getSRF().getOrm())._reference_orm) throw new SrmException(SrmException._INVALID_INPUT, new String("calculateEuclideanDistance: coordinates" + " associated with different reference ORMs")); // convert src coordinate to interim CC_3D SRF tempCcSrcCoord = interimConv(coord1, SRM_SRFT_Code.SRFTCOD_CELESTIOCENTRIC); // converting target coordinate to celestiocentric SRF tempCcTgtCoord = interimConv(coord2, SRM_SRFT_Code.SRFTCOD_CELESTIOCENTRIC); delta_x = tempCcSrcCoord[0] - tempCcTgtCoord[0]; delta_y = tempCcSrcCoord[1] - tempCcTgtCoord[1]; delta_z = tempCcSrcCoord[2] - tempCcTgtCoord[2]; return Math.sqrt(Const.square(delta_x) + Const.square(delta_y) + Const.square(delta_z)); } /** Returns the string for this version of SRM Java implementation. @return This SRM Java implementation version. */ public static String getImplVerInfo() { return new String("4.4.0"); } /** Returns a string representation of this SRF. */ public String toString() { String retString = new String(); retString = retString + "orm: " + _orm + "\n"; retString = retString + "rt: " + _rt; return retString; } /** @return TRUE if the SRF parameters are equal. @note This method returns FALSE if the input srf is null */ public abstract boolean isEqual (BaseSRF srf); /** Returns the shallow copy of this object instance. @note The cloned object will reference the same object as the original object. */ public BaseSRF makeClone() throws SrmException { try { return (BaseSRF)super.clone(); } catch (java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException ex) { throw new SrmException(SrmException._INACTIONABLE, new String("BaseSRF.makeClone(): failed")); } } protected void setSrfCode (SRM_SRF_Code srfCode) { _mySrfCode = srfCode; } protected void setSrfSetCode (SRM_SRFS_Code srfSetCode) { _mySrfsCode = srfSetCode; } protected void setSrfSetMemberCode (SRM_SRFSM_Code srfSetMemberCode) { _mySrfsMemberCode = srfSetMemberCode; } // converts a Coord to a vector of coordinate component values in the target SRF protected static double[] interimConv (Coord src_coord, SRM_SRFT_Code tgt_srft) throws SrmException { BaseSRF tmpTgtSrf; BaseSRF src_srf = src_coord.getSRF(); double[] tmpTgtCoord = new double[4]; double[] tmpSrcCoord = new double[4]; // instantiate cache for the interim SRFs if (src_srf._internalSRFs == null) src_srf._internalSRFs = new HashMap(); if (tgt_srft == SRM_SRFT_Code.SRFTCOD_CELESTIOCENTRIC) { tmpTgtSrf = (BaseSRF)src_srf._internalSRFs.get("Interim_Cc"); // create an interim Celestiocentric SRF if (tmpTgtSrf== null) tmpTgtSrf = new SRF_Celestiocentric(src_srf.getOrm(), src_srf.getRt()); // cache the interim Celestiocentric in the (source) SRF for // coordinate 1. We use the same one for coordinate 2. src_srf._internalSRFs.put("Interim_Cc", tmpTgtSrf); } else if (tgt_srft == SRM_SRFT_Code.SRFTCOD_CELESTIODETIC) { tmpTgtSrf = (BaseSRF)src_srf._internalSRFs.get("Interim_Cd"); // create an interim Celestiocentric SRF if (tmpTgtSrf== null) tmpTgtSrf = new SRF_Celestiodetic(src_srf.getOrm(), src_srf.getRt()); // cache the interim Celestiocentric in the (source) SRF for // coordinate 1. We use the same one for coordinate 2. src_srf._internalSRFs.put("Interim_Cd", tmpTgtSrf); } else throw new SrmException(SrmException._OPERATION_UNSUPPORTED, "Operation not supported due to SRF incompatibility"); tmpSrcCoord[0] = src_coord.getValues()[0]; tmpSrcCoord[1] = src_coord.getValues()[1]; if (src_coord instanceof Coord3D) tmpSrcCoord[2] = src_coord.getValues()[2]; else tmpSrcCoord[2] = 0.0; // converting source coordinate to celestiocentric SRF OpManager.instance().computeAsArray(src_srf, tmpTgtSrf, tmpSrcCoord, tmpTgtCoord, null); return tmpTgtCoord; } }

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