mework.geode.spring-geode.1.7.1.source-code.changelog.txt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
Changes in version 1.7.1 (2022-06-24)
Aligns SBDG with Spring Boot 2.7.1
* Built with Oracle Java 8, JDK 1.8.0_331.
* Upgrades to Spring Framework 5.3.21.
* Upgrades to Spring Boot 2.7.1.
* Upgrades to Spring Data BOM 2021.2.1 (RAJ-SR1).
* Upgrades to Spring Data for Apache Geode 2.7.1
* Upgrades to Testcontainers 1.17.2
Changes in version 1.6.9 (2022-06-24)
Aligns SBDG with Spring Boot 2.6.9.
* Built with Oracle Java 8, JDK 1.8.0_331.
* Upgrades to Spring Framework 5.3.21.
* Upgrades to Spring Boot 2.6.9.
* Upgrades to Spring Data BOM 2021.1.5 (Q-SR5).
* Upgrades to Spring Data for Apache Geode 2.6.5.
* Upgrades to Testcontainers 1.17.2
Changes in version 1.7.0 (2022-05-19)
Aligns SBDG with Spring Boot 2.7.0
* Built with Java 8, JDK 1.8.0_331.
* Upgrades to Spring Framework 5.3.20.
* Upgrades to Spring Boot 2.7.0.
* Upgrades to Spring Data BOM 2021.2.0 (Raj-GA).
* Upgrades to Spring Data for Apache Geode 2.7.0.
* Upgrades to Spring Session BOM 2021.2.0.
* Upgrades to Spring Session for Apache Geode 2.7.0.
* Upgrades to Spring Test for Apache Geode 0.3.0-RAJ.
Changes in version 1.6.8 (2022-05-19)
Aligns SBDG with Spring Boot 2.6.8.
* Built with Java 8, JDK 1.8.0_331.
* Upgrades to Spring Framework 5.3.20.
* Upgrades to Spring Boot 2.6.8.
Changes in version 1.5.14 (2022-05-19)
Aligns SBDG with Spring Boot 2.5.15.
* Built with Java 8, JDK 1.8.0_331.
* Upgrades to Spring Framework 5.3.20.
* Upgrades to Spring Boot 2.5.14.
Changes in version 1.7.0-RC1 (2022-04-21)
Aligns SBDG with Spring Boot 2.7.0-RC1.
* Built on Java 8, JDK 1.8.0_331.
* Upgrades to Spring Framework 5.3.19.
* Upgrades to Spring Boot 2.7.0-RC1.
* Upgrades to Spring Data BOM 2021.2.0-RC1 (Raj-RC1).
* Upgrades to Spring Data for Apache Geode 2.7.0-RC1.
* Upgrades to Spring Session BOM 2021.2.0-RC1.
* Upgrades to Spring Session for Apache Geode 2.7.0-RC1.
* Upgrades to Spring Test for Apache Geode 0.3.0-RAJ-RC1.
Changes in version 1.6.7 (2022-04-21)
Aligns SBDG with Spring Boot 2.6.7.
* Built on Java 8, JDK 1.8.0_331.
* Upgrades to Spring Framework 5.3.19.
* Upgrades to Spring Boot 2.6.7.
* Upgrades to Spring Data BOM 2021.1.4 (Q-SR4).
* Upgrades to Spring Data for Apache Geode 2.6.4.
* Upgrades to Spring Session BOM 2021.1.3.
Changes in version 1.5.13 (2022-04-21)
Aligns SBDG with Spring Boot 2.5.13.
* Built on Java 8, JDK 1.8.0_331.
* Upgrades to Spring Framework 5.3.19.
* Upgrades to Spring Boot 2.5.13.
* Upgrades to Spring Data BOM 2021.0.11 (Pascal-SR11).
* Upgrades to Spring Data for Apache Geode 2.5.11.
* Upgrades to Spring Session BOM 2021.0.6
Changes in version 1.6.6 (2022-03-31)
Aligns SBDG with Spring Boot 2.6.6.
* Emergency release in response to: https://spring.io/blog/2022/03/31/spring-framework-rce-early-announcement,
and CVE: https://tanzu.vmware.com/security/cve-2022-22965.
* Upgrades to Spring Framework 5.3.18.
* Upgrades to Spring Boot 2.6.6.
Changes in version 1.5.12 (2022-03-31)
Aligns SBDG with Spring Boot 2.5.12.
* Emergency release in response to: https://spring.io/blog/2022/03/31/spring-framework-rce-early-announcement,
and CVE: https://tanzu.vmware.com/security/cve-2022-22965.
* Upgrades to Spring Framework 5.3.18.
* Upgrades to Spring Boot 2.5.12.
Changes in version 1.7.0-M3 (2022-03-24)
Aligns SBDG with Spring Boot 2.7.0-M3.
* Adds documentation on the Java version.
* Adds documentation on dependency version overriding complimenting Spring Boot's documentation.
* Fixes bug involving the spring.session.timeout Spring Boot property.
Resolves GitHub Issue #113: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot-data-geode/issues/113.
* Upgrades to Apache Geode 1.14.4.
* Upgrades to Awaitility 4.2.0.
* Upgrades to VMware Tanzu (Pivotal) GemFire 9.10.15.
* Upgrades to VMware Tanzu GemFire for VMs (Pivotal Cloud Cache) 1.14.4.
* Upgrades to Spring Framework 5.3.17.
* Upgrades to Spring Boot 2.7.0-M3.
* Upgrades to Spring Data BOM 2021.2.0-M4 (RAJ-M4).
* Upgrades to Spring Data for Apache Geode 2.7.0-M4.
* Upgrades to Spring Session for Apache Geode 2.7.0-M2
* Upgrades to Spring Test for Apache Geode 0.3.0-RAJ-M3.
Changes in version 1.6.5 (2022-03-24)
Aligns SBDG with Spring Boot 2.6.5.
* Adds documentation on the Java version.
* Adds documentation on dependency version overriding complimenting Spring Boot's documentation.
* Fixes bug involving the spring.session.timeout Spring Boot property.
Resolves GitHub Issue #113: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot-data-geode/issues/113.
* Upgrades to Apache Geode 1.14.4.
* Upgrades to Awaitility 4.2.0.
* Upgrades to Spring Framework 5.3.17.
* Upgrades to Spring Boot 2.6.5.
* Upgrades to Spring Data BOM 2021.1.3 (Q-SR3).
* Upgrades to Spring Data for Apache Geode 2.6.3
* Upgrades to Spring Session for Apache Geode 2.6.1.
* Upgrades to Spring Test for Apache Geode 0.2.2-Q.
* Upgrades to VMware Tanzu (Pivotal) GemFire 9.10.15.
* Upgrades to VMware Tanzu GemFire for VMs (Pivotal Cloud Cache) 1.14.4.
Changes in version 1.5.11 (2022-03-24)
Aligns SBDG with Spring Boot 2.5.11.
* Adds documentation on the Java version.
* Adds documentation on dependency version overriding complimenting Spring Boots documentation.
* Fixes bug involving the spring.session.timeout Spring Boot property.
Resolves GitHub Issue #113: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot-data-geode/issues/113.
* Upgrades to Apache Geode 1.13.8.
* Upgrades to Awaitility 4.2.0.
* Upgrades to Spring Framework 5.3.17.
* Upgrades to Spring Boot 2.5.11.
* Upgrades to Spring Data BOM 2021.0.10 (Pascal-SR10).
* Upgrades to Spring Data for Apache Geode 2.5.10.
* Upgrades to Spring Session for Apache Geode 2.5.6.
* Upgrades to Spring Test for Apache Geode 0.1.2-PASCAL.
* Upgrades to VMware Tanzu (Pivotal) GemFire 9.10.15.
* Upgrades to VMware Tanzu GemFire for VMs (Pivotal Cloud Cache) 1.13.7.
Changes in version 1.7.0-M2 (2022-02-28)
Aligns SBDG with Spring Boot 2.7.0-M2.
* Upgrades to Apache Geode 1.14.3.
* Upgrades to VMware Tanzu GemFire for VMs (Pivotal Cloud Cache) 1.14.3.
* Upgrades to Spring Framework 5.3.16.
* Upgrades to Spring Boot 2.7.0-M2.
* Upgrades to Spring Data BOM 2021.2.0-M3.
* Upgrades to Spring Data for Apache Geode 2.7.0-M3.
Changes in version 1.6.4 (2022-02-28)
Aligns SBDG with Spring Boot 2.6.4.
* Upgrades to Apache Geode 1.14.3.
* Upgrades to VMware Tanzu GemFire for VMs (Pivotal Cloud Cache) 1.14.3.
* Upgrades to Spring Framework 5.3.16.
* Upgrades to Spring Boot 2.6.4.
* Upgrades to Spring Data BOM 2021.1.2.
* Upgrades to Spring Data for Apache Geode 2.6.2
* Upgrades to Spring Session BOM 2021.1.2.
Changes in version 1.5.10 (2022-02-28)
Aligns SBDG with Spring Boot 2.5.10.
* Upgrades to VMware Tanzu GemFire for VMs (Pivotal Cloud Cache) 1.13.6.
* Upgrades to Spring Framework 5.3.16.
* Upgrades to Spring Boot 2.5.10.
* Upgrades to Spring Data BOM 2021.0.9.
* Upgrades to Spring Data for Apache Geode 2.5.9.
* Upgrades to Spring Session BOM 2021.0.5.
Changes in version 1.7.0-M1 (2022-01-21)
Aligns SBDG with Spring Boot 2.7.0-M1.
* Upgrades to VMware Tanzu (Pivotal) GemFire 9.10.14.
* Upgrades to Spring Framework 5.3.15.
* Upgrades to Spring Boot 2.7.0-M1.
* Upgrades to Spring Data BOM 2021.2.0-M2 (Raj-M2).
* Upgrades to Spring Data for Apache Geode 2.7.0-M2.
* Upgrades to Spring Session BOM 2021.2.0-M1.
* Upgrades to Spring Session for Apache Geode 2.7.0-M1.
* Upgrades to Spring Test for Apache Geode 0.3.0-RAJ-M2.
* Upgrades to Testcontainers 1.16.3.
Changes in version 1.6.3 (2022-01-21)
Aligns SBDG with Spring Boot 2.6.3.
* Upgrades to VMware Tanzu (Pivotal) GemFire 9.10.14.
* Upgrades to Spring Framework 5.3.15.
* Upgrades to Spring Boot 2.6.3.
* Upgrades to Spring Data BOM 2021.1.1.
* Upgrades to Spring Data for Apache Geode 2.6.1.
* Upgrades to Spring Test for Apache Geode 0.2.1-Q.
* Upgrades to Testcontainers 1.16.3.
Changes in version 1.5.9 (2022-01-20)
Aligns SBDG with Spring Boot 2.5.9.
* Upgrades to Apache Geode 1.13.7.
* Upgrades to VMware Tanzu (Pivotal) GemFire 9.10.14.
* Upgrades to Spring Framework 5.3.15.
* Upgrades to Spring Boot 2.5.9.
* Upgrades to Spring Data BOM 2021.0.8.
* Upgrades to Spring Data for Apache Geode 2.5.8.
* Upgrades to Spring Test for Apache Geode 0.1.1-PASCAL.
* Upgrades to Testcontainers 1.16.3.
Changes in version 1.6.2 (2022-01-10)
Aligns SBDG with Spring Boot 2.6.2.
* Upgrades to Apache Geode 1.14.2
* Upgrades to VMware Tanzu (Pivotal) GemFire 9.10.13.
* Upgrades to VMware Tanzu GemFire for VMs (Pivotal Cloud Cache) 1.14.2.
* Upgrades to Spring Framework 5.3.14.
* Upgrades to Spring Boot 2.6.2.
* Upgrades to Spring Cloud Bindings 1.8.1.
* Upgrades to Spring Session BOM 2021.1.1.
* Upgrades to Gradle 6.9.2.
Changes in version 1.5.8 (2022-01-10)
Aligns SBDG with Spring Boot 2.5.8.
* Upgrades to Apache Geode 1.13.6.
* Upgrades to VMware Tanzu (Pivotal) GemFire 9.10.13.
* Upgrades to VMware Tanzu GemFire for VMs (Pivotal Cloud Cache) 1.13.5.
* Upgrades to Spring Framework 5.3.14.
* Upgrades to Spring Boot 2.5.8.
* Upgrades to Spring Session BOM 2021.0.4.
* Upgrades to Gradle 6.9.2.
Changes in version 1.6.1 (2021-12-02)
Aligns SBDG with Spring Boot 2.6.1.
* Add chapter in SBDG reference documentation to explain the primary dependency versions and their importance.
* Upgrades to Spring Boot 2.6.1.
Changes in version 1.6.0 (2021-11-19)
Aligns SBDG with Spring Boot 2.6.0.
* Upgrades to Awaitility 4.1.1.
* Upgrades to Spring Framework 5.3.13.
* Upgrades to Spring Boot 2.6.0.
* Upgrades to Spring Data 2021.1.0 (Q-GA).
* Upgrades to Spring Data for Apache Geode 2.6.0
* Upgrades to Spring Session BOM 2021.1.0.
* Upgrades to Spring Session for Apache Geode 2.6.0.
* Upgrades to Spring Test for Apache Geode 0.0.28.
* Upgrades to Testcontainers 1.16.2.
Changes in version 1.5.7 (2021-11-18)
Aligns SBDG with Spring Boot 2.5.7.
* Upgrades to Awaitility 4.1.1.
* Upgrades to Spring Framework 5.3.13.
* Upgrades to Spring Boot 2.5.7.
* Upgrades to Spring Data 2021.0.7 (Pascal-SR7).
* Upgrades to Spring Data for Apache Geode 2.5.7.
* Upgrades to Testcontainers 1.16.2.
Changes in version 1.4.13 (2021-11-18)
Aligns SBDG with Spring Boot 2.4.13.
* Upgrades to Awaitility 4.1.1.
* Upgrades to Byte Buddy 1.12.1.
* Upgrades to Spring Framework 5.3.13.
* Upgrades to Spring Boot 2.4.13.
* Upgrades to Spring Data 2020.0.15 (Ockham-SR15).
* Upgrades to Spring Data for Apache Geode 2.4.15.
* Upgrades to Testcontainers 1.16.2.
* Upgrades to VMware Tanzu (Pivotal) GemFire 9.10.10.
Changes in version 1.6.0-RC1 (2021-10-21)
Aligns SBDG with Spring Boot 2.6.0-RC1
* Upgrades to VMware Tanzu (Pivotal) GemFire 9.10.10.
* Upgrades to Spring Framework 5.3.12.
* Upgrades to Spring Boot 2.6.0-RC1
* Upgrades to Spring Data 2021.1.0-RC1 (Q-RC1).
* Upgrades to Spring Data for Apache Geode 2.6.0-RC1.
* Upgrades to Spring Session BOM 2021.1.0-RC1.
* Upgrades to Spring Session for Apache Geode 2.6.0-RC1.
Changes in version 1.5.6 (2021-10-21)
Aligns SBDG with Spring Boot 2.5.6.
* Upgrades to VMware Tanzu (Pivotal) GemFire 9.10.10.
* Upgrades to Spring Framework 5.3.12.
* Upgrades to Spring Boot 2.5.6.
* Upgrades to Spring Data 2021.0.6 (Pascal-SR6).
* Upgrades to Spring Data for Apache Geode 2.5.6.
* Upgrades to Spring Session BOM 2021.0.3.
* Upgrades to Spring Session for Apache Geode 2.5.5.
Changes in version 1.4.12 (2021-10-21)
Aligns SBDG with Spring Boot 2.4.12.
* Upgrades to Byte Buddy 1.11.21.
* Upgrades to Mockito 4.0.0.
* Upgrades to Spring Framework 5.3.12.
* Upgrades to Spring Boot 2.4.12.
* Upgrades to Spring Data 2020.0.14 (Ockham-SR14).
* Upgrades to Spring Data for Apache Geode 2.4.14.
* Upgrades to Spring Session BOM 2020.0.7.
* Upgrades to Spring Session for Apache Geode 2.4.8.
Changes in version 1.6.0-M3 (2021-09-28)
Aligns SBDG with Spring Boot 2.6.0-M3.
* Includes additional test coverage around SDG GemfireTemplate auto-configuration per Region provided by SBDG.
* Upgrades to Apache Geode 1.14.0.
* Upgrades to VMware Tanzu GemFire for VMs (Pivotal Cloud Cache) 1.14.0.
* Upgrades to Gradle 6.9.1.
* Upgrades to Spring Framework 5.3.10.
* Upgrades to Spring Boot 2.6.0-M3.
* Upgrades to Spring Cloud Bindings 1.8.0.
* Upgrades to Spring Data 2021.1.0-M3 (Q-M3).
* Upgrades to Spring Data for Apache Geode 2.6.0-M3.
* Upgrades to Spring Test for Apache Geode 0.0.26.
Changes in version 1.5.5 (2021-09-28)
Aligns SBDG with Spring Boot 2.5.5.
* Upgrades to Gradle 6.9.1.
* Upgrades to Spring Framework 5.3.10.
* Upgrades to Spring Boot 2.5.5
* Upgrades to Spring Data 2021.0.5 (Pascal-SR5).
* Upgrades to Spring Data for Apache Geode 2.5.5.
* Upgrades to Spring Test for Apache Geode 0.0.26.
Changes in version 1.4.11 (2021-09-28)
Aligns SBDG with Spring Boot 2.4.11.
* Upgrades to Byte Buddy 1.11.18.
* Upgrades to Gradle 6.9.1.
* Upgrades to Mockito 3.12.4.
* Upgrades to Spring Framework 5.3.10.
* Upgrades to Spring Boot 2.4.11.
* Upgrades to Spring Data 2020.0.13 (Ockham-SR13).
* Upgrades to Spring Data for Apache Geode 2.4.13.
Changes in version 1.6.0-M2 (2021-08-19)
Aligns SBDG with Spring Boot 2.6.0-M2.
* Improves test coverage of Region GemfireTemplate auto-configuration further ensuring the correct behavior.
* Replaces all Spring @Configuration annotations with Spring Boot @SpringBootConfiguration annotations
in SBDG's auto-configuration classes.
* Upgrades to Apache Geode 1.13.4.
* Upgrades to VMware Tanzu (Pivotal) GemFire 9.10.9.
* Upgrades to VMware Tanzu GemFire for VMs (Pivotal Cloud Cache (PCC)) 1.13.3.
* Upgrades to Spring Boot 2.6.0-M2.
* Upgrades to Spring Data 2021.1.0-M2 (Q-M2).
* Upgrades to Spring Data for Apache Geode 2.6.0-M2
* Upgrades to Spring Session BOM 2021.1.0-M1.
* Upgrades to Spring Session for Apache Geode 2.6.0-M1.
* Upgrades to Testcontainers 1.16.0.
Changes in version 1.5.4 (2021-08-19)
Aligns SBDG with Spring Boot 2.5.4.
* Upgrades to Apache Geode 1.13.4.
* Upgrades to VMware Tanzu (Pivotal) GemFire 9.10.9.
* Upgrades to VMware Tanzu GemFire for VMs (Pivotal Cloud Cache (PCC)) 1.13.3.
* Upgrades to Spring Boot 2.5.4.
* Upgrades to Spring Data 2021.0.4 (Pascal-SR4).
* Upgrades to Spring Data for Apache Geode 2.5.4.
* Upgrades to Spring Session BOM 2021.0.2.
* Upgrades to Spring Session for Apache Geode 2.5.4.
* Upgrades to Testcontainers 1.16.0.
Changes in version 1.4.10 (2021-08-19)
Aligns SBDG with Spring Boot 2.4.10.
* Upgrades to Apache Geode 1.13.4.
* Upgrades to VMware Tanzu (Pivotal) GemFire 9.10.9.
* Upgrades to VMware Tanzu GemFire for VMs (Pivotal Cloud Cache (PCC)) 1.13.3.
* Upgrades to Byte Buddy 1.11.13.
* Upgrades to Spring Boot 2.4.10.
* Upgrades to Spring Data 2020.0.12 (Ockham-SR12).
* Upgrades to Spring Data for Apache Geode 2.4.12.
* Upgrades to Spring Session BOM 2020.0.6.
* Upgrades to Spring Session for Apache Geode 2.4.7.
* Upgrades to Testcontainers 1.16.0.
Changes in version 1.6.0-M1 (2021-07-22)
Aligns SBDG with Spring Boot 2.6.0-M1
* Edited the SBDG Reference Documentation.
Resolves https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot-data-geode/pull/109.
* Upgrades to VMware Tanzu (Pivotal) GemFire 9.10.8.
* Upgrades to VMware Tanzu GemFire for VMs (Pivotal Cloud Cache (PCC)) 1.13.2.
* Upgrades to Spring Framework 5.3.9.
* Upgrades to Spring Boot 2.6.0-M1.
* Upgrades to Spring Data 2021.1.0-M1 (Q-M1).
* Upgrades to Spring Data for Apache Geode 2.6.0-M1
* Upgrades to Spring Build Conventions Gradle Plugin 0.0.38.
Changes in version 1.5.3 (2021-07-22)
Aligns SBDG with Spring Boot 2.5.3.
* Upgrades to Apache Geode 1.13.3.
* Upgrades to VMware Tanzu (Pivotal) GemFire 9.10.8.
* Upgrades to VMware Tanzu GemFire for VMs (Pivotal Cloud Cache (PCC)) 1.13.2.
* Upgrades to Spring Framework 5.3.9.
* Upgrades to Spring Boot 2.5.3.
* Upgrades to Spring Data 2021.0.3 (Pascal-SR3).
* Upgrades to Spring Data for Apache Geode 2.5.3.
* Upgrades to Spring Build Conventions Gradle Plugin 0.0.38.
Changes in version 1.4.9 (2021-07-22)
Aligns SBDG with Spring Boot 2.4.9.
* Upgrades to Apache Geode 1.13.3.
* Upgrades to VMware Tanzu (Pivotal) GemFire 9.10.8.
* Upgrades to VMware Tanzu GemFire for VMs (Pivotal Cloud Cache (PCC)) 1.13.2.
* Upgrades to Byte Buddy 1.11.8.
* Upgrades to Spring Framework 5.3.9.
* Upgrades to Spring Boot 2.4.9.
* Upgrades to Spring Data 2020.0.11 (Ockham-SR11).
* Upgrades to Spring Data for Apache Geode 2.4.11.
* Upgrades to Spring Build Conventions Gradle Plugin 0.0.38.
Changes in version 1.5.2 (2021-06-24)
Aligns SBDG with Spring Boot 2.4.8.
* Upgrades to Spring Boot 2.5.2
* Upgrades to Spring Data 2021.0.2 (Pascal-SR2).
* Upgrades to Spring Data for Apache Geode 2.5.2.
* Upgrades to Spring Session BOM 2021.0.1.
* Upgrades to Spring Session for Apache Geode 2.5.2.
Changes in version 1.4.8 (2021-06-24)
Aligns SBDG with Spring Boot 2.4.8.
* Upgrades to Byte Buddy 1.11.5.
* Upgrades to Mockito 3.11.2.
* Upgrades to Spring Boot 2.4.8.
* Upgrades to Spring Data 2020.0.10 (Ockham-SR10).
* Upgrades to Spring Data for Apache Geode 2.4.10.
* Upgrades to Spring Session BOM 2020.0.5.
* Upgrades to Spring Session for Apache Geode 2.4.5.
Changes in version 1.5.1 (2021-06-15)
Aligns SBDG with Spring Boot 2.5.1.
* Edits and revises the SBDG Reference Documentation Index.
Resolves https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot-data-geode/pull/105.
* Edits and revises Chapter 19 - Apache Geode API Extensions.
Resolves https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot-data-geode/pull/106.
* Upgrades to Gradle 6.9.
* Upgrades to Spring Framework 5.3.8.
* Upgrades to Spring Boot 2.5.1.
* Upgrades to Spring Session for Apache Geode 2.5.1.
Changes in version 1.4.7 (2021-06-15)
Aligns SBDG with Spring Boot 2.4.7.
* Edits and revises the SBDG Reference Documentation Index.
Resolves https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot-data-geode/pull/105.
* Edits and revises Chapter 19 - Apache Geode API Extensions.
Resolves https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot-data-geode/pull/106.
* Upgrades to Byte Buddy 1.11.2.
* Upgrades to Gradle 6.9.
* Upgrades to Mockito 3.11.1.
* Upgrades to Spring Framework 5.3.8.
* Upgrades to Spring Boot 2.4.7.
* Upgrades to Spring Session for Apache Geode 2.4.4.
Changes in version 1.3.12.RELEASE (2021-06-15)
Aligns SBDG with Spring Boot 2.3.12.RELEASE.
* Edits and revises Chapter 19 - Apache Geode API Extensions.
Resolves https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot-data-geode/pull/106.
* Upgrades to Byte Buddy 1.11.2.
* Upgrades to Gradle 6.9.
* Upgrades to Mockito 3.11.1.
* Upgrades to Spring Boot 2.3.12.RELEASE.
* Upgrades to Spring Session for Apache Geode 2.3.6.RELEASE.
Changes in version 1.5.0 (2021-05-20)
Aligns SBDG with Spring Boot 2.5.0 along with the latest versions of Spring Framework, Spring Data,
Spring Session and Spring Test for Apache Geode.
* Upgrade documentation references to VMware Tanzu GemFire for VMs (formerly Pivotal Cloud Cache) to product version
* Upgrades to Awaitility 4.1.0.
* Upgrades to Spring Framework 5.3.7.
* Upgrades to Spring Boot 2.5.0
* Upgrades to Spring Data Pascal SR1 (2021.0.1)
* Upgrades to Spring Data for Apache Geode 2.5.1
* Upgrades to Spring Session BOM 2021.0.0.
* Upgrades to Spring Session for Apache Geode 2.5.0.
* Upgrades to Spring Test for Apache Geode 0.0.25.
Changes in version 1.4.6 (2021-05-20)
Aligns SBDG with Spring Boot 2.4.6 along with the latest versions of Spring Framework, Spring Data,
Spring Session and Spring Test for Apache Geode.
* Upgrades to Awaitility 4.1.0
* Upgrades to Byte Buddy 1.11.0.
* Upgrades to Mockito 3.10.0.
* Upgrades to Spring Framework 5.3.7.
* Upgrades to Spring Boot 2.4.6.
* Upgrades to Spring Data Ockham-SR9.
* Upgrades to Spring Data for Apache Geode 2.4.9.
Changes in version 1.3.11.RELEASE (2021-05-20)
Aligns SBDG with Spring Boot 2.3.11.RELEASE along with the latest versions of Spring Framework, Spring Data,
Spring Session and Spring Test for Apache Geode.
* Upgrades to Byte Buddy 1.11.0.
* Upgrades to Mockito 3.10.0.
* Upgrades to VMware Tanzu GemFire for VMS (Pivotal Cloud Cache) 1.12.2.
* Upgrades to Spring Framework 5.2.15.RELEASE.
* Upgrades to Spring Boot 2.3.11.RELEASE.
Changes in version 1.5.0-RC1 (2021-04-28)
Aligns SBDG with Spring Boot 2.5.0-RC1 along with the latest versions of Spring Framework, Spring Data,
Spring Session and Spring Test for Apache Geode.
* Upgrades to Gradle 6.8.3.
* Upgrades to VMware Tanzu (Pivotal) GemFire 9.10.7.
* Upgrades to Spring Framework 5.3.6.
* Upgrades to Spring Boot 2.5.0-RC1
* Upgrades to Spring Data Pascal GA (2021.0.0)
* Upgrades to Spring Data for Apache Geode 2.5.0
* Upgrades to Spring Session BOM 2021.0.0-RC1.
* Upgrades to Spring Session for Apache Geode 2.5.0-RC1.
* Upgrades to Testcontainers 1.15.3.
Changes in version 1.4.5 (2021-04-28)
Aligns SBDG with Spring Boot 2.4.5 along with the latest versions of Spring Framework, Spring Data,
Spring Session and Spring Test for Apache Geode.
* Upgrades to Byte Buddy 1.10.22.
* Upgrades to Gradle 6.8.3.
* Upgrades to VMware Tanzu (Pivotal) GemFire 9.10.7.
* Upgrades to Spring Framework 5.3.6.
* Upgrades to Spring Boot 2.4.5
* Upgrades to Spring Data Ockham-SR8.
* Upgrades to Spring Data for Apache Geode 2.4.8.
* Upgrades to Spring Session BOM 2020.0.4.
* Upgrades to Spring Session for Apache Geode 2.4.3.
* Upgrades to Testcontainers 1.15.3.
Changes in version 1.3.10.RELEASE (2021-04-28)
Aligns SBDG with Spring Boot 2.3.10.RELEASE along with the latest versions of Spring Framework, Spring Data,
Spring Session and Spring Test for Apache Geode.
* Upgrades to Apache Geode 1.12.2.
* Upgrades to Byte Buddy 1.10.22.
* Upgrades to Gradle 6.8.3.
* Upgrades to Mockito 3.9.0.
* Upgrades to VMware Tanzu (Pivotal) GemFire 9.10.7.
* Upgrades to Spring Framework 5.2.14.RELEASE.
* Upgrades to Spring Boot 2.3.10.RELEASE.
* Upgrades to Spring Data Neumann-SR10.
* Upgrades to Spring Data for Apache Geode & VMware Tanzu (Pivotal) GemFire 2.3.9.RELEASE.
* Upgrades to Spring Session BOM Dragonfruit-SR3.
* Upgrades to Spring Session for Apache Geode & VMware Tanzu (Pivotal) GemFire 2.3.5.RELEASE.
* Upgrades to Testcontainers 1.15.3.
Changes in version 1.5.0-M3 (2021-04-09)
Aligns SBDG with Spring Boot 2.5.0-M3 along with the latest versions of Spring Framework 5.x, Spring Data 2021.0.0,
Spring Session 2021.0.0 and Spring Test for Apache Geode.
* Creates and adds a new MappingPdxSerializerIncludedTypeRegistrar class to allow users to register
additional application domain model types to be handled by SDG's MappingPdxSerializer and de/serialized as PDX bytes.
* Cleans up instability and possible conflicts in the SBDG test suite, particularly when run CI build environments
like Jenkins or Travis CI.
* Uses the new Jenkins CI Declarative Pipeline syntax for builds.
* Upgrades to Apache Geode 1.13.2.
* Upgrades to Mockito 3.9.0.
* Upgrades to Spring Framework 5.3.5.
* Upgrades to Spring Boot 2.4.4.
* Upgrades to Spring Cloud Bindings 1.7.1.
* Upgrades to Spring Data Pascal-M5
* Upgrades to Spring Data BOM 2021.0.0-M5 (Pascal-M5).
* Upgrades to Spring Data for Apache Geode 2.5.0-M5.
* Upgrades to Spring Test for Apache Geode 0.0.25-PASCAL-M5.
Changes in version 1.4.4 (2021-04-09)
Aligns SBDG with Spring Boot 2.4.4 along with the latest versions of Spring Framework 5.x, Spring Data 2020.0.x,
Spring Session 2020.0.x and Spring Test for Apache Geode.
* Cleans up instability and possible conflicts in the SBDG test suite, particularly when run CI build environments
like Jenkins or Travis CI.
* Uses the new Jenkins CI Declarative Pipeline syntax for builds.
* Upgrades to Apache Geode 1.13.2.
* Upgrades to Mockito 3.9.0.
* Upgrades to Spring Framework 5.3.5.
* Upgrades to Spring Boot 2.4.4.
* Upgrades to Spring Cloud Bindings 1.7.1.
* Upgrades to Spring Data Ockham-SR6
* Upgrades to Spring Data BOM 2020.0.6.
* Upgrades to Spring Data for Apache Geode 2.4.6.
* Upgrades to Spring Test for Apache Geode 0.0.24.
Changes in version 1.5.0-M2 (2021-02-22)
Aligns SBDG with Spring Boot 2.5.0-M2 along with the latest versions of Spring Framework, Spring Data, Spring Session
and Spring Test for Apache Geode.
* States project goals in the reference documentation under the 'Introduction'.
* Adds new chapter on 'Testing' in the reference documentation.
* Adds new quick-start module to the Spring Geode Samples.
* Edits README to include a new 'Get Started' section and a revised table containing the current and EOL versions
along with links (URL) to the documentation for learning.
* Upgrades to Gradle 6.8.2.
* Upgrades to VMware Tanzu (Pivotal) GemFire 9.10.6.
* Upgrades to Spring Build Conventions Gradle Plugin 0.0.37.
* Upgrades to Spring Framework 5.3.4.
* Upgrades to Spring Boot 2.5.0-M2.
* Upgrades to Spring Data Pascal-M4.
* Upgrades to Spring Data BOM 2021.0.0-M4 (Pascal-M4).
* Upgrades to Spring Data for Apache Geode 2.5.0-M4.
* Upgrades to Spring Test for Apache Geode 0.0.22.
* Upgrades to Testcontainers 1.15.2.
Changes in version 1.4.3 (2021-02-22)
Aligns SBDG with Spring Boot 2.4.3 along with the latest versions of Spring Framework, Spring Data, Spring Session
and Spring Test for Apache Geode.
* States project goals in the reference documentation under the 'Introduction'.
* Adds new chapter on 'Testing' in the reference documentation.
* Upgrades to Byte Buddy 1.10.20.
* Upgrades to Gradle 6.8.2.
* Upgrades to Mockito 3.8.0.
* Upgrades to VMware Tanzu (Pivotal) GemFire 9.10.6.
* Upgrades to Spring Build Conventions Gradle Plugin 0.0.37.
* Upgrades to Spring Framework 5.3.4.
* Upgrades to Spring Boot 2.4.3
* Upgrades to Spring Data Ockham-SR5
* Upgrades to Spring Data for Apache Geode 2.4.5.RELEASE.
* Upgrades to Spring Session BOM 2020.0.3.
* Upgrades to Spring Session for Apache Geode 2.4.2.
* Upgrades to Spring Test for Apache Geode 0.0.22.
* Upgrades to Testcontainers 1.15.2.
Changes in version 1.3.9.RELEASE (2021-02-22)
Aligns SBDG with Spring Boot 2.3.9.RELEASE along with the latest versions of Spring Framework, Spring Data,
Spring Session and Spring Test for Apache Geode.
* States project goals in the reference documentation under the 'Introduction'.
* Adds new chapter on 'Testing' in the reference documentation.
* Upgrades to Byte Buddy 1.10.20.
* Upgrades to Gradle 6.8.2.
* Upgrades to Mockito 3.8.0.
* Upgrades to VMware Tanzu (Pivotal) GemFire 9.10.6.
* Upgrades to Spring Framework 5.2.13.RELEASE.
* Upgrades to Spring Boot 2.3.9.RELEASE.
* Upgrades to Spring Data Neumann-SR7.
* Upgrades to Spring Data for Apache Geode & VMware Tanzu (Pivotal) GemFire 2.3.7.RELEASE.
* Upgrades to Spring Session BOM Dragonfruit-SR2.
* Upgrades to Spring Session for Apache Geode & VMware Tanzu (Pivotal) GemFire 2.3.4.RELEASE.
* Upgrades to Testcontainers 1.15.2.
Changes in version 1.5.0-M1 (2021-01-25)
Aligns SBDG with Spring Boot 2.5.0-M1 along with the latest versions of Spring Framework, Spring Data
and Spring Session.
* Includes runtime dependency on 'com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype:jackson-datatype-jsr310' in the spring-geode module
for developer convenience when using the JSON Cache Data Import/Export feature.
* Upgrades to Spring Boot 2.5.0-M1.
* Upgrades to Spring Data BOM 2021.0.0-M2/Pascal-M2
* Upgrades to Spring Data for Apache Geode 2.5.0-M2.
* Upgrades to Spring Session 2021.0.0-M1.
* Upgrades to Spring Session for Apache Geode 2.5.0-M1.
* Upgrades to Spring Build Conventions Gradle Plugin 0.0.36.
* Upgrades to Gradle 6.8.1.
Changes in version 1.4.2 (2021-01-22)
Aligns SBDG with Spring Boot 2.4.2 along with the latest versions of Spring Framework, Spring Data
and Spring Session.
* Adds additional (organization of) log details to @EnableClusterAware annotation and functionality.
* Adds documentation on the new @EnableClusterAware annotation, strictMatch attribute.
* Improves standalone Apache Geode-based Cluster detection along with improving isolation between Conditions
in the @EnableClusterAware annotation configuration as well as caching Condition state.
* Upgrades to Spring Framework 5.3.3.
* Upgrades to Spring Boot 2.4.2.
* Upgrades to Spring Data BOM 2020.0.3/Ockham-SR3.
* Upgrades to Spring Data for Apache Geode 2.4.3.
* Upgrades to Mockito 3.7.7.
Changes in version 1.3.8.RELEASE (2021-01-19)
Aligns SBDG with Spring Boot 2.3.8.RELEASE along with the latest versions of Spring Framework, Spring Data
and Spring Session.
* Upgrades to Spring Boot 2.3.8.RELEASE.
* Upgrades to Spring Session for Apache Geode & VMware Tanzu (Pivotal) GemFire 2.3.3.RELEASE.
* Upgrades to Byte Buddy 1.10.19.
* Upgrades to Gradle 6.8.
* Upgrades to Mockito 3.7.7.
* Upgrades to Testcontainers 1.15.1.
Changes in version 1.2.13.RELEASE (2021-01-19)
Aligns SBDG with Spring Boot 2.2.13.RELEASE along with the latest versions of Spring Framework, Spring Data
and Spring Session.
* Upgrades to Spring Boot 2.2.13.RELEASE.
* Upgrades to Spring Session for Apache Geode & VMware Tanzu (Pivotal) GemFire 2.2.7.RELEASE.
* Upgrades to Byte Buddy 1.10.19.
* Upgrades to Gradle 6.8.
* Upgrades to Mockito 3.7.7.
* Upgrades to Testcontainers 1.15.1.
Changes in version 1.4.1 (2021-01-15)
Aligns SBDG with Spring Boot 2.4.1 along with the latest versions of Spring Framework, Spring Data
and Spring Session.
* Adds new spring-geode-cloud module with an early implementation of the Spring Cloud Bindings
BindingsPropertiesProcessor for Apache Geode.
* Adds new 'strictMatch' attribute to the @EnableClusterAware annotation enabling fail-fast logic and support
when a required Apache Geode-based Cluster is not available to service Spring Boot, Apache Geode ClientCache
* Adds support in the @EnableClusterAware annotation logic to connect to secure (Auth & TLS/SSL enabled)
Apache Geode clusters in any runtime environment.
Resolves Resolves https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot-data-geode/issues/57.
* Adds section on 'Gradle Dependency Management' under the 'Using Spring Boot for Apache Geode' section
of the SBDG Reference Documentation.
* Edits TIP in the Inline Caching Sample Guide to include a reference to the specific documentation on
Synchronous, Inline Caching in the SBDG Reference Documentation.
* Improves log output about runtime environment when users use the @EnableClusterAware annotation.
Resolves https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot-data-geode/issues/99.
* Upgrades to Apache Geode 1.13.1.
* Uprade to Gradle 6.8.
* Upgrades to Byte Buddy 1.10.19.
* Upgrades to Mockito 3.7.0.
* Upgrades to Pivotal Cloud Cache 1.13.0.
* Upgrades to Spring Framework 5.3.2.
* Upgrades to Spring Boot 2.4.1
* Upgrades to Spring Data BOM 2020.0.2/Ockham-SR2
* Upgrades to Spring Data for Apache Geode 2.4.2
* Upgrades to Spring Session for Apache Geode 2.4.1.
* Upgrades to Testcontainers 1.15.1.
Changes in version 1.3.7.RELEASE (2020-12-11)
Aligns SBDG with Spring Boot 2.3.7.RELEASE along with the latest versions of Spring Framework, Spring Data
and Spring Session.
* Add section on 'Gradle Dependency Management' under the 'Using Spring Boot for Apache Geode' section
of the SBDG Reference Documentation.
* Edits TIP in the Inline Caching Sample Guide to include a reference to the specific documentation on
Synchronous, Inline Caching in the SBDG Reference Documentation.
* Upgrades to Spring Framework 5.2.12.RELEASE.
* Upgrades to Spring Boot 2.3.7.RELEASE.
* Upgrades to Spring Data Release Train (BOM) Neumann-SR6.
* Upgrades to Spring Data for Apache Geode & VMware Tanzu (Pivotal) GemFire 2.3.6.RELEASE.
* Upgrades to Freefair Lombok Gradle Plugin 5.3.0.
* Upgrades to Mockito 3.6.28.
Changes in version 1.2.12.RELEASE (2020-12-10)
Aligns SBDG with Spring Boot 2.2.12.RELEASE along with the latest versions of Spring Framework, Spring Data
and Spring Session.
* Adds documentation on using the 'spring-geode-bom' in the 'Using Spring Boot for Apache Geode' section
of the SBDG Reference Documentation.
* Edits TIP in the Inline Caching Sample Guide to include a reference to the specific documentation on
Synchronous, Inline Caching in the SBDG Reference Documentation.
* Add section on 'Gradle Dependency Management' under the 'Using Spring Boot for Apache Geode' section
of the SBDG Reference Documentation.
* Upgrades to Spring Framework 5.2.12.RELEASE.
* Upgrades to Spring Boot 2.2.12.RELEASE.
* Upgrades to Spring Data Release Train (BOM) Moore-SR12.
* Upgrades to Spring Data for Apache Geode & VMware Tanzu (Pivotal) GemFire 2.2.12.RELEASE.
* Upgrades to Freefair Lombok Gradle Plugin 5.3.0.
* Upgrades to Gradle 6.7.1.
* Upgrades to Mockito 3.6.28.
Changes in version 1.4.0 (2020-12-09)
Aligns SBDG with Spring Boot 2.4.0 along with the latest versions of Spring Framework, Spring Data, Spring Session,
and Spring Test.
* Adds new Sample Guide and Code Example covering Asynchronous Inline Caching.
* Adds documentation on using the new spring-geode-bom Maven BOM to manage SBDG module dependencies
in Spring Boot application Maven POM files.
* Adds additional builder methods on the AsyncInlineCachingRegionConfigurer to configure and AEQ;
e.g. withSerialQueue().
* Add metadata to the RepositoryAsyncEventListener.process(:List
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