.grackle-circe_2. Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
// Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. (AURA)
// Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Grackle Contributors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package grackle
package circe
import scala.collection.Factory
import cats.MonadThrow
import cats.implicits._
import fs2.Stream
import io.circe.Json
import io.circe.Encoder
import org.tpolecat.sourcepos.SourcePos
import syntax._
import Cursor.DeferredCursor
import ScalarType._
abstract class CirceMapping[F[_]](implicit val M: MonadThrow[F]) extends Mapping[F] with CirceMappingLike[F]
trait CirceMappingLike[F[_]] extends Mapping[F] {
// Syntax to allow Circe-specific root effects
implicit class CirceMappingRootEffectSyntax(self: RootEffect.type) {
def computeJson(fieldName: String)(effect: (Path, Env) => F[Result[Json]])(implicit pos: SourcePos): RootEffect =
self.computeCursor(fieldName)((p, e) => effect(p, e).map(_.map(circeCursor(p, e, _))))
def computeEncodable[A](fieldName: String)(effect: (Path, Env) => F[Result[A]])(implicit pos: SourcePos, enc: Encoder[A]): RootEffect =
computeJson(fieldName)((p, e) => effect(p, e).map(_.map(enc(_))))
implicit class CirceMappingRootStreamSyntax(self: RootStream.type) {
def computeJson(fieldName: String)(effect: (Path, Env) => Stream[F, Result[Json]])(implicit pos: SourcePos): RootStream =
self.computeCursor(fieldName)((p, e) => effect(p, e).map(_.map(circeCursor(p, e, _))))
def computeEncodable[A](fieldName: String)(effect: (Path, Env) => Stream[F, Result[A]])(implicit pos: SourcePos, enc: Encoder[A]): RootStream =
computeJson(fieldName)((p, e) => effect(p, e).map(_.map(enc(_))))
def circeCursor(path: Path, env: Env, value: Json): Cursor =
CirceCursor(Context(path.rootTpe), value, None, env)
DeferredCursor(path, (context, parent) => CirceCursor(context, value, Some(parent), env).success)
override def mkCursorForMappedField(parent: Cursor, fieldContext: Context, fm: FieldMapping): Result[Cursor] =
(fm, parent.focus) match {
case (CirceField(_, json, _), _) =>
CirceCursor(fieldContext, json, Some(parent), parent.env).success
case (CursorFieldJson(_, f, _, _), _) =>
f(parent).map(res => CirceCursor(fieldContext, focus = res, parent = Some(parent), env = parent.env))
case _ =>
super.mkCursorForMappedField(parent, fieldContext, fm)
sealed trait CirceFieldMapping extends FieldMapping {
def subtree: Boolean = true
case class CirceField(fieldName: String, value: Json, hidden: Boolean = false)(implicit val pos: SourcePos) extends CirceFieldMapping
case class CursorFieldJson(fieldName: String, f: Cursor => Result[Json], required: List[String], hidden: Boolean = false)(
implicit val pos: SourcePos
) extends CirceFieldMapping
case class CirceCursor(
context: Context,
focus: Json,
parent: Option[Cursor],
env: Env
) extends Cursor {
def withEnv(env0: Env): Cursor = copy(env = env.add(env0))
def mkChild(context: Context = context, focus: Json = focus): CirceCursor =
CirceCursor(context, focus, Some(this), Env.empty)
def isLeaf: Boolean =
tpe.dealias match {
case BooleanType => focus.isBoolean
case StringType|IDType => focus.isString
case IntType|FloatType => focus.isNumber
case _: EnumType => focus.isString
case _ => false
def asLeaf: Result[Json] =
tpe.dealias match {
case BooleanType if focus.isBoolean => focus.success
case StringType|IDType if focus.isString => focus.success
case IntType if focus.isNumber =>
.toResultOrError(s"Expected Int found ${focus.noSpaces}")
case FloatType if focus.isNumber => focus.success
case e: EnumType if focus.isString =>
if (focus.asString.exists(e.hasValue)) focus.success
else Result.internalError(s"Expected Enum ${e.name}, found ${focus.noSpaces}")
case _: ScalarType if !focus.isObject => focus.success // custom Scalar; any non-object type is fine
case _ =>
Result.internalError(s"Expected Scalar type, found $tpe for focus ${focus.noSpaces} at ${context.path.reverse.mkString("/")} ")
def preunique: Result[Cursor] = {
val listTpe = tpe.nonNull.list
mkChild(context.asType(listTpe), focus).success
Result.internalError(s"Expected List type, found $focus for ${listTpe}")
def isList: Boolean = tpe.isList && focus.isArray
def asList[C](factory: Factory[Cursor, C]): Result[C] = tpe match {
case ListType(elemTpe) if focus.isArray =>
focus.asArray.map(_.view.map(e => mkChild(context.asType(elemTpe), e)).to(factory))
.toResultOrError(s"Expected List type, found $tpe for focus ${focus.noSpaces}")
case _ =>
Result.internalError(s"Expected List type, found $tpe for focus ${focus.noSpaces}")
def listSize: Result[Int] = tpe match {
case ListType(_) if focus.isArray =>
.toResultOrError(s"Expected List type, found $tpe for focus ${focus.noSpaces}")
case _ =>
Result.internalError(s"Expected List type, found $tpe for focus ${focus.noSpaces}")
def isNullable: Boolean = tpe.isNullable
def asNullable: Result[Option[Cursor]] = tpe match {
case NullableType(tpe) =>
if (focus.isNull) None.success
else Some(mkChild(context.asType(tpe))).success
case _ => Result.internalError(s"Expected Nullable type, found $focus for $tpe")
def isDefined: Result[Boolean] = tpe match {
case NullableType(_) => (!focus.isNull).success
case _ => Result.internalError(s"Expected Nullable type, found $focus for $tpe")
def narrowsTo(subtpe: TypeRef): Result[Boolean] =
(subtpe <:< tpe &&
((subtpe.dealias, focus.asObject) match {
case (nt: TypeWithFields, Some(obj)) =>
nt.fields.forall { f =>
f.tpe.isNullable || obj.contains(f.name)
} && obj.keys.forall(nt.hasField)
case _ => false
def narrow(subtpe: TypeRef): Result[Cursor] =
narrowsTo(subtpe).flatMap { n =>
if (n)
Result.internalError(s"Focus ${focus} of static type $tpe cannot be narrowed to $subtpe")
def field(fieldName: String, resultName: Option[String]): Result[Cursor] = {
val localField =
for {
obj <- focus.asObject
f <- obj(fieldName)
} yield mkChild(context.forFieldOrAttribute(fieldName, resultName), f)
localField.map(_.success).getOrElse(mkCursorForField(this, fieldName, resultName))
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