.grackle-skunk_2. Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
// Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. (AURA)
// Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Grackle Contributors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package grackle
package skunk
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import cats.{Foldable, Reducible}
import cats.effect.{ Resource, Sync }
import cats.implicits._
import _root_.skunk.{ AppliedFragment, Decoder, Session, Fragment => SFragment }
import _root_.skunk.data.Arr
import _root_.skunk.codec.all.{ bool, varchar, int4, float8 }
import _root_.skunk.implicits._
import org.tpolecat.sourcepos.SourcePos
import org.tpolecat.typename.TypeName
import grackle.sql._
abstract class SkunkMapping[F[_]](
val pool: Resource[F, Session[F]],
val monitor: SkunkMonitor[F]
implicit val M: Sync[F]
) extends Mapping[F] with SkunkMappingLike[F]
trait SkunkMappingLike[F[_]] extends Mapping[F] with SqlMappingLike[F] { outer =>
implicit val M: Sync[F]
val pool: Resource[F, Session[F]]
val monitor: SkunkMonitor[F]
// Grackle needs to know about codecs, encoders, and fragments.
type Codec = (_root_.skunk.Codec[_], Boolean)
type Encoder = _root_.skunk.Encoder[_]
type Fragment = _root_.skunk.AppliedFragment
def toEncoder(c: Codec): Encoder = c._1
def isNullable(c: Codec): Boolean = c._2
// Also we need to know how to encode the basic GraphQL types.
def booleanEncoder = bool
def stringEncoder = varchar
def doubleEncoder = float8
def intEncoder = int4
def intCodec = (int4, false)
sealed trait IsNullable[T] {
def isNullable: Boolean
object IsNullable extends IsNullable0 {
implicit def nullable[T]: IsNullable[Option[T]] = new IsNullable[Option[T]] { def isNullable = true }
trait IsNullable0 {
implicit def notNullable[T]: IsNullable[T] = new IsNullable[T] { def isNullable = false }
sealed trait NullableTypeName[T] {
def value: String
object NullableTypeName extends NullableTypeName0 {
implicit def nullable[T](implicit typeName: TypeName[T]): NullableTypeName[Option[T]] = new NullableTypeName[Option[T]] { def value = typeName.value }
trait NullableTypeName0 {
implicit def notNullable[T](implicit typeName: TypeName[T]): NullableTypeName[T] = new NullableTypeName[T] { def value = typeName.value }
def col[T](colName: String, codec: _root_.skunk.Codec[T])(implicit tableName: TableName, typeName: NullableTypeName[T], isNullable: IsNullable[T], pos: SourcePos): ColumnRef =
ColumnRef(tableName.name, colName, (codec, isNullable.isNullable), typeName.value, pos)
// We need to demonstrate that our `Fragment` type has certain compositional properties.
implicit def Fragments: SqlFragment[AppliedFragment] =
new SqlFragment[AppliedFragment] { self =>
def combine(x: AppliedFragment, y: AppliedFragment) = x |+| y
def empty = AppliedFragment.empty
// N.B. the casts here are due to a bug in the Scala 3 sql interpreter, caused by something
// that may or may not be a bug in dotty. https://github.com/lampepfl/dotty/issues/12343
def bind[A](encoder: Encoder, value: A) = sql"$encoder".asInstanceOf[SFragment[A]].apply(value)
def in[G[_]: Reducible, A](f: AppliedFragment, fs: G[A], enc: Encoder): AppliedFragment = fs.toList.map(sql"$enc".asInstanceOf[SFragment[A]].apply).foldSmash(f |+| void" IN (", void", ", void")")(self, Foldable[List])
def const(s: String) = sql"#$s".apply(_root_.skunk.Void)
def and(fs: AppliedFragment*): AppliedFragment = fs.toList.map(parentheses).intercalate(void" AND ")(self)
def andOpt(fs: Option[AppliedFragment]*): AppliedFragment = and(fs.toList.unite: _*)
def or(fs: AppliedFragment*): AppliedFragment = fs.toList.map(parentheses).intercalate(void" OR ")(self)
def orOpt(fs: Option[AppliedFragment]*): AppliedFragment = or(fs.toList.unite: _*)
def whereAnd(fs: AppliedFragment*): AppliedFragment = if (fs.isEmpty) AppliedFragment.empty else void"WHERE " |+| and(fs: _*)
def whereAndOpt(fs: Option[AppliedFragment]*): AppliedFragment = whereAnd(fs.toList.unite: _*)
def parentheses(f: AppliedFragment): AppliedFragment = void"(" |+| f |+| void")"
def needsCollation(codec: Codec): Boolean =
codec._1.types.head.name match {
case "char" => true
case "character" => true
case "character varying" => true
case "text" => true
case "varchar" => true
case _ => false
def sqlTypeName(codec: Codec): Option[String] =
// And we need to be able to fetch `Rows` given a `Fragment` and a list of decoders.
def fetch(fragment: Fragment, codecs: List[(Boolean, Codec)]): F[Vector[Array[Any]]] = {
val rowDecoder: Decoder[Array[Any]] =
new Decoder[Array[Any]] {
val types = codecs.flatMap { case (_, (d, _)) => d.types }
def arrToList(arr: Arr[_]): List[Any] =
(arr.foldLeft(List.empty[Any]) { case (acc, elem) => elem :: acc }).reverse
def decode(start: Int, ss: List[Option[String]]): Either[Decoder.Error, Array[Any]] = {
val ncols = ss.length-start
val arr = scala.Array.ofDim[Any](ncols)
var i = 0
var ss0 = ss.drop(start)
var codecs0 = codecs
while(i < ncols) {
val (isJoin, (decoder, isNullable)) = codecs0.head
val len = decoder.length
val (seg, tl) = ss0.splitAt(len)
val elem: Either[Decoder.Error, Any] =
if(isJoin && !isNullable)
decoder.opt.decode(0, seg).map(_.getOrElse(FailedJoin))
decoder.decode(0, seg)
elem match {
case Left(err) => return Left(err)
case Right(v) =>
v match {
case a: Arr[a] => arr(i) = arrToList(a)
case Some(a: Arr[a]) => arr(i) = Some(arrToList(a))
case other => arr(i) = other
i = i + 1
ss0 = tl
codecs0 = codecs0.tail
pool.use { s =>
Resource.eval(s.prepare(fragment.fragment.query(rowDecoder))).use { ps =>
ps.stream(fragment.argument, 1024).compile.toVector
}.onError {
case NonFatal(e) => Sync[F].delay(e.printStackTrace())
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