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* Wicket Ajax Support
* @author Igor Vaynberg
* @author Matej Knopp
if (Function.prototype.bind == null) {
Function.prototype.bind = function(object) {
var __method = this;
return function() {
return __method.apply(object, arguments);
// Wicket Namespace
if (typeof(Wicket) == "undefined")
Wicket = { };
* Browser types
if (typeof(Wicket.Browser) == "undefined") {
Wicket.Browser = {
isKHTML: function() {
return /Konqueror|KHTML/.test(navigator.userAgent) && !/Apple/.test(navigator.userAgent);
isSafari: function() {
return !/Chrome/.test(navigator.userAgent) && /KHTML/.test(navigator.userAgent) && /Apple/.test(navigator.userAgent);
isChrome: function() {
return /KHTML/.test(navigator.userAgent) && /Apple/.test(navigator.userAgent) && /Chrome/.test(navigator.userAgent);
isOpera: function() {
return !Wicket.Browser.isSafari() && typeof(window.opera) != "undefined";
isIE: function() {
return !Wicket.Browser.isSafari() && typeof(document.all) != "undefined" && typeof(window.opera) == "undefined";
isIEQuirks: function() {
// is the browser internet explorer in quirks mode (we could use document.compatMode too)
return Wicket.Browser.isIE() && document.documentElement.clientHeight == 0;
isIELessThan7: function() {
var index = navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE");
var version = parseFloat(navigator.userAgent.substring(index + 5));
return Wicket.Browser.isIE() && version < 7;
isIE7: function() {
var index = navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE");
var version = parseFloat(navigator.userAgent.substring(index + 5));
return Wicket.Browser.isIE() && version >= 7;
isGecko: function() {
return /Gecko/.test(navigator.userAgent) && !Wicket.Browser.isSafari();
* Events related code
* Based on code from Mootools (
if (typeof(Wicket.Event) == "undefined") {
Wicket.Event = {
idCounter: 0,
getId: function(element) {
var current = element.getAttribute("id");
if (typeof(current) == "string" && current.length > 0) {
return current;
} else {
current = "wicket-generated-id-" + Wicket.Event.idCounter++;
element.setAttribute("id", current);
return current;
handler: function() {
var id = this[0];
var original = this[1];
var element = Wicket.$(id);
fire: function(element, event) {
if (document.createEvent) {
var e=document.createEvent("Event");
e.initEvent(event, true, true);
return element.dispatchEvent(e);
} else {
return element.fireEvent("on"+event);
// adds an event of specified type to the element
// also supports the domready event on window
// domready is event fired when the DOM is complete, but before loading external resources (images, ...)
add: function(element, type, fn) {
// is the event domready?
if (element == window && type == "domready") {
} else {
if (element.addEventListener){
element.addEventListener((type == 'mousewheel' && Wicket.Browser.isGecko()) ? 'DOMMouseScroll' : type, fn, false);
} else {
if (element == window || element == document) {
fn = fn.bind(element);
else {
fn = Wicket.Event.handler.bind([Wicket.Event.getId(element), fn]);
// Because of the fn.bind (returning a new function object)
// you can't detach the event first to be sure that there are no doubles :(
//element.detachEvent('on'+type, fn);
element.attachEvent('on'+type, fn);
return element;
// handlers that will be fired on dom ready event
domReadyHandlers : new Array(),
// fires the dom ready event and cleanup the handlers
fireDomReadyHandlers : function() {
var h = Wicket.Event.domReadyHandlers;
while (h.length > 0) {
var c = h.shift();
Wicket.Event.domReadyHandlers = null;
// adds the dom ready event
addDomReadyEvent : function(fn) {
// is the window already loaded?
if (window.loaded) {
} else if (! || ! {
// register the handler
// callback
var domReady = function() {
if (window.loaded)
window.loaded = true;
// invoke the handlers
if (document.readyState &&
(Wicket.Browser.isKHTML() ||
Wicket.Browser.isSafari() ||
) {
// chrome, safari and konqueror don't support the event - simulate it through a timeout
var domCheck = function() {
if (document.readyState == "loaded" ||
document.readyState == "complete") {
} else {
// dom not yet ready, set timer to check later
window.setTimeout(domCheck, 10);
window.setTimeout(domCheck, 10);
} else if (document.readyState && Wicket.Browser.isIE()) {
if (document.getElementById('ie_ready') == null) {
// for internet explorer we need to load a "dummy" scrip from ::/ to get the
// readystatechangeevernt - that means the main page being loaded and now the browser
// is loading dependencies
var src = (window.location.protocol == 'https:') ? '\/\/:' : 'javascript:void(0)';