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penssl.wildfly-openssl.2.0.0.Alpha1.source-code.alpn.c Maven / Gradle / Ivy
#include "wfssl.h"
static jclass stringClass;
static jmethodID stringEquals;
extern ssl_dynamic_methods ssl_methods;
WF_OPENSSL(void, setAlpnProtos)(JNIEnv *e, jobject o, jlong ssl, jobjectArray alpn_protos);
WF_OPENSSL(void, enableAlpn)(JNIEnv *e, jobject o, jlong ctx);
WF_OPENSSL(jstring, getAlpnSelected)(JNIEnv *e, jobject o, jlong ssl /* SSL * */);
WF_OPENSSL(void, setServerALPNCallback)(JNIEnv *e, jobject o, jlong ssl, jobject callback);
WF_OPENSSL(jboolean, isAlpnSupported)(JNIEnv *e, jobject o);
int SSL_callback_alpn_select_proto(SSL* ssl, const unsigned char **out, unsigned char *outlen,
const unsigned char *in, unsigned int inlen, void *arg);
void alpn_init(JNIEnv *e) {
jclass sClazz = (*e)->FindClass(e, "java/lang/String");
stringClass = (jclass) (*e)->NewGlobalRef(e, sClazz);
stringEquals = (*e)->GetMethodID(e, stringClass, "equals", "(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z");
/* Convert protos to wire format */
static int initProtocols(JNIEnv *e, unsigned char **proto_data,
unsigned int *proto_len, jobjectArray protos) {
int i;
unsigned char *p_data;
* We start with allocate 128 bytes which should be good enough for most use-cases while still be pretty low.
* We will call realloc to increate this if needed.
size_t p_data_size = 128;
size_t p_data_len = 0;
jstring proto_string;
const char *proto_chars;
size_t proto_chars_len;
int cnt;
if (protos == NULL) {
/* Guard against NULL protos. */
return -1;
cnt = (*e)->GetArrayLength(e, protos);
if (cnt == 0) {
/* if cnt is 0 we not need to continue and can just fail fast. */
return -1;
p_data = (unsigned char *) malloc(p_data_size);
if (p_data == NULL) {
/* Not enough memory? */
return -1;
for (i = 0; i < cnt; ++i) {
proto_string = (jstring) (*e)->GetObjectArrayElement(e, protos, i);
proto_chars = (*e)->GetStringUTFChars(e, proto_string, 0);
proto_chars_len = strlen(proto_chars);
if (proto_chars_len > 0 && proto_chars_len <= MAX_ALPN_NPN_PROTO_SIZE) {
/* We need to add +1 as each protocol is prefixed by it's length (unsigned char).
* For all except of the last one we already have the extra space as everything is
* delimited by ','. */
p_data_len += 1 + proto_chars_len;
if (p_data_len > p_data_size) {
/* double size */
p_data_size <<= 1;
p_data = realloc(p_data, p_data_size);
if (p_data == NULL) {
/* Not enough memory? */
(*e)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(e, proto_string, proto_chars);
/* Write the length of the protocol and then increment before memmove the protocol itself. */
*p_data = proto_chars_len;
memmove(p_data, proto_chars, proto_chars_len);
p_data += proto_chars_len;
/* Release the string to prevent memory leaks */
(*e)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(e, proto_string, proto_chars);
if (p_data == NULL) {
/* Something went wrong so update the proto_len and return -1 */
*proto_len = 0;
return -1;
} else {
if (*proto_data != NULL) {
/* Free old data */
/* Decrement pointer again as we incremented it while creating the protocols in wire format. */
p_data -= p_data_len;
*proto_data = p_data;
*proto_len = p_data_len;
return 0;
int SSL_callback_alpn_select_proto(SSL* ssl, const unsigned char **out, unsigned char *outlen,
const unsigned char *in, unsigned int inlen, void *arg) {
JavaVM *javavm;
JNIEnv *e;
jobjectArray array;
jobject *nativeArray;
jclass clazz;
jmethodID method;
jobject result;
int count;
const unsigned char *p;
const unsigned char *end;
const unsigned char *proto;
unsigned char proto_len;
int c;
tcn_ssl_conn_t *con = SSL_get_app_data1(ssl);
if(con->alpn_selection_callback == NULL) {
/* Get the JNI environment for this callback */
javavm = tcn_get_java_vm();
(*javavm)->AttachCurrentThread(javavm, (void **)&e, NULL);
p = in;
end = in + inlen;
/* first we count them */
count = 0;
while (p < end) {
proto_len = *p;
proto = ++p;
if (proto + proto_len <= end) {
/* Move on to the next protocol. */
p += proto_len;
/* now we allocate an array */
array = (*e)->NewObjectArray(e, count, stringClass, NULL);
nativeArray = malloc(count * sizeof(jobject));
p = in;
end = in + inlen;
c = 0;
while (p < end) {
proto_len = *p;
proto = ++p;
if (proto + proto_len <= end) {
jobject string = tcn_new_stringn(e, (const char*)proto, proto_len);
nativeArray[c] = string;
(*e)->SetObjectArrayElement(e, array, c++, string);
/* Move on to the next protocol. */
p += proto_len;
clazz = (*e)->GetObjectClass(e, con->alpn_selection_callback);
method = (*e)->GetMethodID(e, clazz, "select", "([Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;");
result = (*e)->CallObjectMethod(e, con->alpn_selection_callback, method, array);
if(result == NULL) {
p = in;
end = in + inlen;
c = 0;
while (p < end) {
proto_len = *p;
proto = ++p;
if (proto + proto_len <= end) {
jobject string = nativeArray[c++];
if((*e)->CallBooleanMethod(e, string, stringEquals, result)) {
/* we have a match */
*out = proto;
*outlen = proto_len;
/* Move on to the next protocol. */
p += proto_len;
/* it did not return a valid response */
WF_OPENSSL(void, setAlpnProtos)(JNIEnv *e, jobject o, jlong ssl, jobjectArray alpn_protos)
#pragma comment(linker, "/EXPORT:"__FUNCTION__"="__FUNCDNAME__)
SSL *ssl_;
unsigned char * alpn_proto_data;
unsigned int alpn_proto_len;
if(ssl_methods.SSL_set_alpn_protos == NULL) {
ssl_ = J2P(ssl, SSL *);
TCN_ASSERT(ssl != 0);
alpn_proto_data = NULL;
alpn_proto_len = 0;
if (initProtocols(e, &alpn_proto_data, &alpn_proto_len, alpn_protos) == 0) {
ssl_methods.SSL_set_alpn_protos(ssl_, alpn_proto_data, alpn_proto_len);
WF_OPENSSL(void, enableAlpn)(JNIEnv *e, jobject o, jlong ctx)
#pragma comment(linker, "/EXPORT:"__FUNCTION__"="__FUNCDNAME__)
tcn_ssl_ctxt_t *c;
if(ssl_methods.SSL_set_alpn_protos == NULL) {
c = J2P(ctx, tcn_ssl_ctxt_t *);
TCN_ASSERT(ctx != 0);
ssl_methods.SSL_CTX_set_alpn_select_cb(c->ctx, SSL_callback_alpn_select_proto, (void *) c);
WF_OPENSSL(jstring, getAlpnSelected)(JNIEnv *e, jobject o, jlong ssl /* SSL * */) {
#pragma comment(linker, "/EXPORT:"__FUNCTION__"="__FUNCDNAME__)
SSL *ssl_ = J2P(ssl, SSL *);
const unsigned char *proto;
unsigned int proto_len;
if (ssl_ == NULL) {
throwIllegalStateException(e, "ssl is null");
return NULL;
if(ssl_methods.SSL_get0_alpn_selected == NULL) {
return NULL;
ssl_methods.SSL_get0_alpn_selected(ssl_, &proto, &proto_len);
return tcn_new_stringn(e, (const char *) proto, (size_t) proto_len);
WF_OPENSSL(void, setServerALPNCallback)(JNIEnv *e, jobject o, jlong ssl, jobject callback) {
#pragma comment(linker, "/EXPORT:"__FUNCTION__"="__FUNCDNAME__)
SSL *ssl_;
tcn_ssl_conn_t *con;
if(ssl_methods.SSL_set_alpn_protos == NULL) {
ssl_ = J2P(ssl, SSL *);
if (ssl_ == NULL) {
throwIllegalStateException(e, "ssl is null");
con = SSL_get_app_data1(ssl_);
con->alpn_selection_callback = (*e)->NewGlobalRef(e, callback);
WF_OPENSSL(jboolean, isAlpnSupported)(JNIEnv *e, jobject o) {
#pragma comment(linker, "/EXPORT:"__FUNCTION__"="__FUNCDNAME__)
return ssl_methods.SSL_set_alpn_protos != NULL;