Maven / Gradle / Ivy
### run
#### wildfly-jar:run
*Full name:*
#### Description
Run the bootable JAR. This is blocking.
#### Attributes
* Requires a Maven project to be executed.
* Requires dependency resolution of artifacts in scope: `runtime`.
.Optional Parameters
|`<>`|`List`|`-`|Bootable JAR server arguments. +
*User property is*: `wildfly.bootable.arguments`. +
|`<>`|`String`|`-`|In case a custom JAR file name was specified during build, set this
option to this JAR file name. That is required for the plugin to
retrieve the JAR file to run. +
*User property is*: ``. +
*Alias is*: `jar-file-name`.
|`<>`|`List`|`-`|Additional JVM options. +
*User property is*: `wildfly.bootable.jvmArguments`. +
|`<>`|`boolean`|`-`|Set to `true` if you want the run goal to be skipped,
otherwise `false`. +
*Default value is*: `false`. +
*User property is*: ``. +
#### Parameter Details
[[arguments]] *arguments* +
Bootable JAR server arguments.
* *Type*: `java.util.List`
* *Required*: `No`
* *User Property*: `wildfly.bootable.arguments`
[[jarFileName]] *jarFileName* +
In case a custom JAR file name was specified during build, set this
option to this JAR file name. That is required for the plugin to
retrieve the JAR file to run.
* *Type*: `java.lang.String`
* *Required*: `No`
* *User Property*: ``
* *Alias*: `jar-file-name`
[[jvmArguments]] *jvmArguments* +
Additional JVM options.
* *Type*: `java.util.List`
* *Required*: `No`
* *User Property*: `wildfly.bootable.jvmArguments`
[[skip]] *skip* +
Set to `true` if you want the run goal to be skipped,
otherwise `false`.
* *Type*: `boolean`
* *Required*: `No`
* *User Property*: ``
* *Default*: `false`