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This artifact provides a single jar that contains all classes required to use remote Jakarta Enterprise Beans and Jakarta Messaging, including all dependencies. It is intended for use by those not using maven, maven users should just import the Jakarta Enterprise Beans and Jakarta Messaging BOM's instead (shaded JAR's cause lots of problems with maven, as it is very easy to inadvertently end up with different versions on classes on the class path).

There is a newer version: 35.0.0.Final
Show newest version
ConfigurationError          = JGRP000001: configuration error: the following properties in %s are not recognized: %s
ProtocolLoadError           = JGRP000002: unable to load protocol %1$s (either with relative - %1$s - or absolute - %2$s - class name)
FileNotFound                = JGRP000003: file \"%s\" not found
ParseError                  = JGRP000004: parsing failure; the XML document is not correct: %s
ProtocolCreateError         = JGRP000005: failure creating protocol %s: %s
AcceptError                 = JGRP000006: failed accepting connection from peer
AttrReadFailure             = JGRP000007: failed reading value of attribute %s: %s
MissingAttribute            = JGRP000008: did not find attribute with name %s
AttrWriteFailure            = JGRP000009: failed writing to attribute %s: %s
VersionMismatch             = JGRP000010: packet from %s has different version (%s) than ours (%s); packet is discarded
MsgDroppedNak               = JGRP000011: %s: dropped message %s from non-member %s (view=%s)
MsgDroppedDiffCluster       = JGRP000012: discarded message from different cluster %s (our cluster is %s). Sender was %s
BatchDroppedDiffCluster     = JGRP000013: discarded message batch from different cluster %s (our cluster is %s). Sender was %s
SuppressMsg                 = (received %d identical messages from %s in the last %d ms)
Deprecated                  = JGRP000014: %s has been deprecated: %s
IncorrectBufferSize         = JGRP000015: the %s buffer of socket %s was set to %s, but the OS only allocated %s. \
  This might lead to performance problems. Please set your max %s buffer in the OS correctly (e.g. %s on Linux)
CallbackException           = JGRP000016: exception in %s callback: %s
DisconnectFailure           = JGRP000017: %s: disconnect failed: %s
UpHandlerFailure            = JGRP000018: failed passing message to up-handler
ReceiverFailure             = JGRP000019: failed passing message to receiver
StackDestroyFailure         = JGRP000020: failed destroying the protocol stack
OperationInvocationFailure  = JGRP000021: failed invoking operation %s: %s
FieldNotFound               = JGRP000022: Field %s not found in protocol %s
MethodNotFound              = JGRP000023: %s: method %s.%s() not found
ParseFailure                = JGRP000024: warning during parse
SyspropFailure              = JGRP000025: failed getting system property for %s: %s
OnlyLoopbackFound           = JGRP000026: unable to find an address other than loopback for IP version %s
PassUpFailure               = JGRP000027: failed passing message up
UnknownBundler              = JGRP000028: bundler_type %s not known; using default bundler
SendFailure                 = JGRP000029: %s: failed sending message to %s (%d bytes): %s, headers: %s
IncomingMsgFailure          = JGRP000030: %s: failed handling incoming message
PhysicalAddrMissing         = JGRP000032: %s: no physical address for %s, dropping message
FailureSendingToPhysAddr    = JGRP000034: %s: failure sending message to %s: %s
PassUpFailureEvent          = JGRP000035: %s: failed passing up event %s: %s
FailureSendingMsgBundle     = JGRP000036: %s: exception sending bundled msgs: %s
NoMulticastTransport        = JGRP000037: %s should not be used because the transport (%s) does not support IP multicasting; setting %s to false
HeaderTypeNotKnown          = JGRP000038: %s: header type %s not known
FailedToDeliverMsg          = JGRP000039: %s: failed to deliver %s %s: %s
SenderNotFound              = JGRP000040: %s: sender %s not found in retransmission table
MessageNotFound             = JGRP000041: %s: message %s::%d not found in retransmission table
TypeNotKnown                = JGRP000042: %s: type %s not known
FailedHandlingEvent         = JGRP000043: %s: failed handling event: %s
FailedSendingAck            = JGRP000044: %s: failed sending ACK(%d) to %s: %s
TimerMinThreads             = JGRP000045: timer.min_threads should not be less than 2 for timer_type=\"old\"; setting value to 2 (from %d)
OldBundlerType              = JGRP000046: bundler_type=%s has been removed; using %s
TrafficClass                = JGRP000047: traffic class of %d could not be set, will be ignored: %s
InterfaceJoinFailed         = JGRP000048: Could not join %s on interface %s
BufferSizeFailed            = JGRP000049: failed setting %s buffer size of %d in %s: %s
CompressionFailure          = JGRP000050: exception on uncompression
RSVP_Misconfig              = JGRP000051: resend_interval (%d) is >= timeout (%d); setting resend_interval to timeout / 3
RSVP_Timeout                = JGRP000052: message ran into a timeout, missing acks: %s
AnErrorOccurredWhileLoadingPropertiesFrom = JGRP000100: An error occurred while loading properties from
AREYOUDEADHdrFromIsNull = JGRP000101: ARE_YOU_DEAD: hdr.from is null
AttemptToBindServersocketFailedPort = JGRP000102: Attempt to bind serversocket failed, port=
AttemptToMoveFailedAt = JGRP000103: attempt to move failed at:
AttemptToWriteDataFailedAt = JGRP000104: attempt to write data failed at
ClusternameIsNullCannotGetMembership = JGRP000107: cluster_name is null, cannot get membership
ConditionAwaitDeleteWasReceivedButLockWasGone = JGRP000108: Condition await delete was received, but lock was gone
ConditionAwaitWasReceivedButLockWasNotCreatedWaiterMayBlockForever = JGRP000109: Condition await was received but lock was not created. Waiter may block forever
ConditionResponseWasClientLockWasNotPresentIgnoredSignal = JGRP000110: Condition response was client lock was not present. Ignored signal.
ConditionSignalWasReceivedButLockWasNotCreatedCouldnTNotifyAnyone = JGRP000111: Condition signal was received but lock was not created. Couldn't notify anyone.
ConnectionClosedUnexpectedly = JGRP000112: Connection closed unexpectedly:
CorrIsNullCannotSendRequest = JGRP000113: corr is null, cannot send request
CouldNotInitializeNewCiphers = JGRP000114: could not initialize new ciphers
CouldNotOpenConnectionToDatabase = JGRP000115: Could not open connection to database
CouldNotSetNumberOfTimerThreads = JGRP000116: could not set number of timer threads
CouldnTDeliverMessage = JGRP000117: couldn't deliver message %s: %s
CouldnTDeliverOOBMessage = JGRP000118: couldn't deliver OOB message %s: %s
DefaultMembershipChangePolicyFailed = JGRP000119: default membership change policy failed
DestinationIsNull = JGRP000120: destination is null
DidnTFindPhysicalAddressFor = JGRP000121: didn't find physical address for
DigestOrSenderIsNull = JGRP000122: digest or sender is null
DiscardedLOCKDENIEDResponseWithLockId = JGRP000123: discarded LOCK-DENIED response with lock-id=
DiscardedLOCKGRANTEDResponseWithLockId = JGRP000124: discarded LOCK-GRANTED response with lock-id=
ErrorBuildingURL = JGRP000126: Error building URL
ErrorCallingService = JGRP000127: Error calling service
ErrorClearingTable = JGRP000128: Error clearing table
ErrorClosingConnection = JGRP000129: Error closing connection
ErrorClosingConnectionToJDBCPINGDatabase = JGRP000130: Error closing connection to JDBC_PING database
ErrorClosingSocketConnection = JGRP000131: error closing socket connection
ErrorCreatingConnection = JGRP000132: Error creating connection
ErrorCreatingContainer = JGRP000133: Error creating container
ErrorCreatingObject = JGRP000134: Error creating object
ErrorDeletingObject = JGRP000135: Error deleting object
ErrorListingContainer = JGRP000136: Error listing container
ErrorMarshallingObject = JGRP000137: Error marshalling object
ErrorReadingJDBCPINGTable = JGRP000138: Error reading JDBC_PING table
ErrorReadingObject = JGRP000139: Error reading object
ErrorReadingObjects = JGRP000140: Error reading objects
ErrorReadingTable = JGRP000141: Error reading table
ErrorResubmittingTaskForRequestId = JGRP000142: error resubmitting task for request-id:
ErrorSerializingPingData = JGRP000143: error serializing PingData
ErrorUnmarshallingObject = JGRP000144: Error unmarshalling object
ErrorUpdatingJDBCPINGTable = JGRP000145: Error updating JDBC_PING table
ErrorWhileUnregisteringOfOurOwnAddressFromJDBCPINGDatabaseDuringShutdown = JGRP000146: Error while unregistering of our own Address from JDBC_PING database during shutdown
EventHandlerFailedHandlingDownEvent = JGRP000147: event handler failed handling down event
EventHandlerFailedHandlingUpEvent = JGRP000148: event handler failed handling up event
ExceptionClosingServerListeningSocket = JGRP000149: exception closing server listening socket
ExceptionExecutingTask = JGRP000150: exception executing task
ExceptionIs = JGRP000151: exception is
ExceptionOccurredTryingToFragmentMessage = JGRP000152: exception occurred trying to fragment message
ExceptionSettingReceiveBufferSizeTo = JGRP000153: exception setting receive buffer size to
ExceptionSettingSendBufferSizeTo = JGRP000154: exception setting send buffer size to
ExceptionSwitchingToClientRole = JGRP000155: exception switching to client role
ExceptionSwitchingToCoordinatorRole = JGRP000156: exception switching to coordinator role
ExceptionSwitchingToParticipant = JGRP000157: exception switching to participant
ExceptionWasGeneratedWhileCreatingAnOidInstance = JGRP000158: Exception was generated while creating an Oid instance
FailedCallingListener = JGRP000159: failed calling listener
FailedConnectingTo = JGRP000160: failed connecting to
FailedCreatingAnInstanceOf = JGRP000161: failed creating an instance of
FailedCreatingBridgeChannelProps = JGRP000162: failed creating bridge channel (props=
FailedDecodingKey = JGRP000163: failed decoding key
FailedDecryptingAndSendingMessageUpWhenDrainingQueue = JGRP000164: failed decrypting and sending message up when draining queue
FailedDeletingAllObjects = JGRP000165: failed deleting all objects
FailedDeliveringMessage = JGRP000166: failed delivering message
FailedDestroying = JGRP000167: failed destroying
FailedExecutingCommand = JGRP000168: failed executing command %s: %s
FailedExecutingTask = JGRP000169: failed executing task
FailedExecutingTasksS = JGRP000170: failed executing tasks(s)
FailedExpiringOldScopes = JGRP000171: failed expiring old scopes
FailedForwardingMessageOverBridge = JGRP000172: failed forwarding message over bridge
FailedForwardingMessageTo = JGRP000173: failed forwarding message to
FailedForwardingUnicastMessageToCoord = JGRP000174: failed forwarding unicast message to coord
FailedHandlingMessage = JGRP000175: failed handling message
FailedInsertingProtocol = JGRP000176: failed inserting protocol
FailedInstallingView = JGRP000177: failed installing view
FailedMarshallingRsp = JGRP000178: failed marshalling rsp (
FailedNotifyingChangeListener = JGRP000179: failed notifying change listener
FailedPassingUpBatch = JGRP000180: failed passing up batch
FailedPassingUpMessage = JGRP000181: failed passing up message
FailedPinging = JGRP000182: failed pinging %s: %s
FailedProcessingMessage = JGRP000183: failed processing message
FailedReadingAddresses = JGRP000185: failed reading addresses
FailedReadingData = JGRP000186: failed reading data
FailedReadingLineOfInputStream = JGRP000187: failed reading line of input stream
FailedReadingRequest = JGRP000188: failed reading request
FailedReadingRetransmittedMessage = JGRP000189: failed reading retransmitted message
FailedReceivingPacket = JGRP000190: failed receiving packet
FailedReceivingPacketFrom = JGRP000191: failed receiving packet from %s: %s
FailedRemovingObjects = JGRP000192: failed removing objects
FailedRemovingProtocol = JGRP000193: failed removing protocol
FailedRetransmissionTask = JGRP000194: failed retransmission task
FailedRunningTask = JGRP000195: failed running task
FailedSending = JGRP000196: failed sending
FailedSendingDataTo = JGRP000198: failed sending data to
FailedSendingDiagRspTo = JGRP000199: failed sending diag rsp to
FailedSendingDiscoveryRequest = JGRP000200: failed sending discovery request
FailedSendingMessage = JGRP000201: failed sending message
FailedSendingMessageDownWhenDrainingQueue = JGRP000202: failed sending message down when draining queue
FailedSendingMessageTo = JGRP000203: failed sending message to
FailedSendingOnLocalCluster = JGRP000204: failed sending on local cluster
FailedSendingPacketOnSocket = JGRP000205: failed sending packet on socket: %s
FailedSendingResponse = JGRP000206: failed sending response
FailedSendingUpMERGEEvent = JGRP000207: failed sending up MERGE event
FailedSendingViewToLocalCluster = JGRP000208: failed sending view to local cluster
FailedSendingViewToRemote = JGRP000209: failed sending view to remote
FailedStartingDiagnostics = JGRP000210: failed starting diagnostics
FailedStopping = JGRP000211: failed stopping
FailedSubmittingTaskToThreadPool = JGRP000212: failed submitting task to thread pool
FailedSubscribingTo = JGRP000213: failed subscribing to
FailedToDeleteFile = JGRP000214: Failed to delete file:
FailedToDeletePingDataInDatabase = JGRP000215: Failed to delete PingData in database
FailedToDeliverBatch = JGRP000216: failed to deliver batch %s: %s
FailedToDeliverMessage = JGRP000217: failed to deliver message %s: %s
FailedToDeliverOOBMessage = JGRP000218: failed to deliver OOB message %s: %s
FailedToSendConnectMessage = JGRP000219: failed to send connect message:
FailedToStorePingDataInDatabase = JGRP000220: Failed to store PingData in database
FailedToUnregisterMBean = JGRP000221: failed to unregister MBean
FailedToWriteFileToS3BucketHTTPResponseCode = JGRP000222: Failed to write file to S3 bucket - HTTP Response code: (
FailedToWriteTemporaryFile = JGRP000223: Failed to write temporary file:
FailedUnfragmentingAMessage = JGRP000224: failed unfragmenting a message
FailedUnmarshallingBufferIntoReturnValue = JGRP000225: failed unmarshalling buffer into return value
FailedUnmarshallingResponse = JGRP000227: failed unmarshalling response
FailedUnmarshallingViewFromRemoteCluster = JGRP000228: failed unmarshalling view from remote cluster
FailedUnsubscribingFrom = JGRP000229: failed unsubscribing from
FailedWritingResponse = JGRP000230: failed writing response
FailureCreatingContainer = JGRP000234: failure creating container
FailureHandlingDiagnosticsRequest = JGRP000235: failure handling diagnostics request
FailureReadingFrame = JGRP000236: failure reading frame
FailureRelayingMessage = JGRP000237: failure relaying message
FailureRemovingData = JGRP000238: failure removing data
FailureSubmittingTaskToThreadPool = JGRP000239: failure submitting task to thread pool
FailureUnmarshallingBuffer = JGRP000240: failure unmarshalling buffer
FailureWhileWritingToSocket = JGRP000241: Failure while writing to socket
FindSubgroupsTaskFailed = JGRP000242: FindSubgroupsTask failed
FlushingBroadcastingFailed = JGRP000243: flushing (broadcasting) failed
GmsHeaderWithType = JGRP000244: GmsHeader with type=%s not known
GroupaddrOrLocaladdrIsNullCannotRegisterWithGossipRouterS = JGRP000245: group_addr or local_addr is null, cannot register with GossipRouter(s)
HeaderSTypeIsNeitherREQNorRSP = JGRP000246: header's type is neither REQ nor RSP !
IAMNOTDEADHdrFromIsNull = JGRP000248: I_AM_NOT_DEAD: hdr.from is null
InputStreamIsNull = JGRP000249: input stream is null !
Krb5TokenFailedToSetupCorrectlyCannotAuthenticateAnyPeers = JGRP000250: Krb5Token failed to setup correctly - cannot authenticate any peers
Krb5TokenKerberosContextProcessingException = JGRP000251: Krb5Token Kerberos context processing exception
Krb5TokenServiceTicketValidationFailed = JGRP000252: Krb5Token service ticket validation failed
MBeanDeRegistrationFailed = JGRP000253: MBean de-registration failed
MemberSAddressIsNull = JGRP000254: member's address is null !
MembershipChangePolicy = JGRP000255: membership change policy %s failed, falling back to default policy to compute new membership: %s
MessageDoesnTHaveAScopeHeaderAttached = JGRP000256: message doesn't have a ScopeHeader attached
MessageIsNullCannotSendRetransmission = JGRP000257: message is null, cannot send retransmission
MessageLength = JGRP000258: message length (
MessageOrMessageBufferIsNull = JGRP000259: message or message buffer is null
MessageWithRSVPFlagNeedsToHaveAnRsvpHeader = JGRP000260: message with RSVP flag needs to have an RsvpHeader
NakAckHeaderType = JGRP000262: NakAck header type %s not known !
NeighborProtocol = JGRP000263: Neighbor protocol
NewRange = JGRP000264: new range
NoMethodHandlerIsRegisteredDiscardingRequest = JGRP000265: no method handler is registered. Discarding request.
ProtocolError = JGRP000266: Protocol error
ProtocolStackCannotContainTwoStateTransferProtocolsRemoveEitherOneOfThem = JGRP000267: Protocol stack cannot contain two state transfer protocols. Remove either one of them
Received%DSeqnosButFwdqueueIsEmpty = JGRP000269: received %d seqnos but fwd_queue is empty
ReceivedNullConnectionFromTheDriverManager = JGRP000270: Received null connection from the DriverManager!
ReceivedObjectIsNeitherARequestNorAResponse = JGRP000271: received object is neither a Request nor a Response:
RequestOfType = JGRP000273: Request of type
RuntimeErrorEncounteredFromClusterExecuteRunnableMethod = JGRP000274: Runtime Error encountered from cluster execute(Runnable) method
SelectNowOperationOnWriteSelectorFailedDidnTExpectThisToOccurPleaseReportThis = JGRP000275: SelectNow operation on write selector failed, didn't expect this to occur, please report this
SenderOfMessageIsNull = JGRP000276: sender of message is null
SendingOfSTABLEMessagesFailed = JGRP000277: sending of STABLE messages failed
SizeOfTheReceivedPacket = JGRP000278: size of the received packet (%d) ) is bigger than allocated buffer (%d): will not be able to handle packet. Use the FRAG2 protocol and make its frag_size lower than %d.
StabilityDigestIsNull = JGRP000279: stability digest is null
StopFlushFailed = JGRP000280: stop flush failed
SuspectedMemberIsNull = JGRP000281: suspected member is null
TaskExecutionFailed = JGRP000282: task execution failed
TaskForRange = JGRP000283: task for range
UnicastHeaderType = JGRP000284: UnicastHeader type %d not known
ViewidIsNull = JGRP000285: view_id is null
ViewOrDigestIsNullCannotSendConsolidatedMergeView/Digest = JGRP000286: view or digest is null, cannot send consolidated merge view/digest
X509TokenNotSetupCorrectlyCheckTokenAttrs = JGRP000288: X509Token not setup correctly - check token attrs
X509TokenReceivedTokenNotValid = JGRP000289: X509Token - received token not valid
XMITREQRangeOfXmitMsgIsNull = JGRP000290: XMIT_REQ: range of xmit msg is null; discarding request from %s

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