gorm-tools.7.3.70.source-code.messages.yml Maven / Gradle / Ivy
# ---- ERRORS ----
unhandled: Unhandled Problem
unexpected: Unexpected Exception
notFound: '{name} lookup failed using key {key}'
illegalArgument: Illegal Argument Exception
notupdateable: '{name} can not be updated'
optimisticLocking: '{name} persist failed as version changed since last retrieval'
uniqueConstraintViolation: Unique index or primary key violation
problem: Data Problem
empty: Empty Data
bindId: Id was passed in the data but bindId argument was false. Set bindId=true or remove the id property
emptyPayload: Expected payload is null or empty, No operation performed.
qRequired: q or qSearch parameter restriction is required
# Delete Errors
externalSource: '{name} cannot be deleted as its sourced externally'
reference: '{other} contains 1 or more references to {name} {id} and cannot be deleted'
# ---- VALIDATION ----
problem: '{name} Validation Error(s)'
MaxLength: 'length must be less than or equal to {value}'
MinLength: 'length must be greater than or equal to {value}'
InList: 'must be in list {value}'
NotEqual: 'must not equal {value}'