nacker.nussknacker-designer_2. Maven / Gradle / Ivy
#We use defaultUConfig.conf instead of reference.conf, as we don't want these properties in config loaded in model configuration
#This configuration file contains sensible designer defaults for all Nussknacker deployments, without assumptions about deployment models and external tools (grafana, flink etc.)
#All models configurations also shouldn't be in this file
storageDir: ./storage
storageDir: ${?STORAGE_DIR}
db {
url: "jdbc:hsqldb:file:"${storageDir}"/db;sql.syntax_ora=true"
url: ${?DB_URL}
driver: "org.hsqldb.jdbc.JDBCDriver"
driver: ${?DB_DRIVER}
user: "SA"
user: ${?DB_USER}
password: ""
password: ${?DB_PASSWORD}
connectionTimeout: 30000
connectionTimeout: ${?DB_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT}
#we use low values here, as NK UI is not very data-intensive
maximumPoolSize: 5
minimumIdle: 1
#has to be lower <= maxConnections
numThreads: 5
registerMbeans: true
poolName: "Nussknacker"
properties: {
# PostgreSQL specific
"ApplicationName": "Nussknacker"
http {
port: 8080
port: ${?HTTP_PORT}
interface: ""
interface: ${?HTTP_INTERFACE}
publicPath: ""
publicPath: ${?HTTP_PUBLIC_PATH}
environment: "default"
akka {
http {
server {
parsing {
max-content-length = 300000000 #300MB
# because FE sometimes send not encoded properly urls - e.g. scenario name with [square brackets]
uri-parsing-mode = relaxed
# Longer mainly for invoking tests on processes
request-timeout = 1 minute
# We don't want to implement HEAD handler correctly - default one is fine for us.
transparent-head-requests = true
//By default, akka-http has long mex-connection-backoff (2 minutes) per host,
//we do not handle them well, as we have much shorter timeouts, which may result in stalls etc.
host-connection-pool {
max-connection-backoff = 1 second
loggers = ["akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jLogger"]
loglevel = "DEBUG"
logging-filter = "akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jLoggingFilter"
intervalTimeSettings: {
processes: 20000
healthCheck: 30000
authentication: {
method: "BasicAuth"
issuer: ${?OAUTH2_ISSUER}
clientSecret: ${?OAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET}
clientId: ${?OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID}
authorizeUri: ${?OAUTH2_AUTHORIZE_URI}
redirectUri: ${?OAUTH2_REDIRECT_URI}
accessTokenUri: ${?OAUTH2_ACCESS_TOKEN_URI}
profileUri: ${?OAUTH2_PROFILE_URI}
profileFormat: ${?OAUTH2_PROFILE_FORMAT}
implicitGrantEnabled: ${?OAUTH2_IMPLICIT_GRANT_ENABLED}
jwt {
enabled: false #deprecated: use accessTokenIsJwt and/or userinfoFromIdToken
enabled: ${?OAUTH2_JWT_ENABLED}
accessTokenIsJwt: ${authentication.jwt.enabled}
accessTokenIsJwt: ${?OAUTH2_ACCESS_TOKEN_IS_JWT}
userinfoFromIdToken: ${authentication.jwt.enabled}
userinfoFromIdToken: ${?OAUTH2_USERINFO_FROM_ID_TOKEN}
audience: ${?OAUTH2_JWT_AUDIENCE}
accessTokenParams {
grant_type: "authorization_code"
grant_type: ${?OAUTH2_GRANT_TYPE}
authorizeParams {
response_type: "code"
response_type: ${?OAUTH2_RESPONSE_TYPE}
scope: "read:user"
scope: ${?OAUTH2_SCOPE}
audience: ${?OAUTH2_AUDIENCE}
usernameClaim: ${?OAUTH2_USERNAME_CLAIM}
headers {
Accept: "application/json"
usersFile: "./conf/users.conf"
processToolbarConfig {
defaultConfig {
topLeft: [
{ type: "search-panel" }
{ type: "tips-panel" }
{ type: "creator-panel", hidden: { archived: true } }
{ type: "activities-panel" }
topRight: [
{ type: "process-info-panel" }
type: "process-actions-panel"
buttons: [
{ type: "process-save", title: "Save changes", disabled: { archived: true } }
{ type: "process-deploy", disabled: { fragment: true, archived: true, type: "oneof" } }
{ type: "process-cancel", disabled: { fragment: true, archived: true, type: "oneof" } }
{ type: "custom-link", name: "metrics", icon: "/assets/buttons/metrics.svg", url: "/metrics/$processName", disabled: { fragment: true } }
id: "view-panel"
type: "buttons-panel"
title: "view"
buttons: [
{ type: "view-zoom-in" }
{ type: "view-zoom-out" }
{ type: "view-reset" }
id: "edit-panel"
type: "buttons-panel"
title: "edit"
hidden: { archived: true }
buttonsVariant: "small"
buttons: [
{ type: "edit-undo" }
{ type: "edit-redo" }
{ type: "edit-copy" }
{ type: "edit-paste" }
{ type: "edit-delete" }
{ type: "edit-layout" }
id: "process-panel"
type: "buttons-panel"
title: "scenario"
buttons: [
{ type: "process-properties" }
{ type: "process-compare" }
{ type: "process-migrate", disabled: { archived: true } }
{ type: "process-import", disabled: { archived: true } }
{ type: "process-json" }
{ type: "process-pdf" }
{ type: "process-archive", hidden: { archived: true } }
{ type: "process-unarchive", hidden: { archived: false } }
id: "test-panel"
type: "buttons-panel"
title: "test"
buttons: [
{ type: "generate-and-test", disabled: { archived: true }, hidden: { fragment: true } }
{ type: "adhoc-testing", disabled: { archived: true } }
{ type: "test-counts" }
{ type: "test-from-file", disabled: { archived: true }, hidden: { fragment: true } }
{ type: "test-generate", disabled: { archived: true }, hidden: { fragment: true } }
{ type: "test-hide" }
componentsAppUrl: "nu_components/list@"${http.publicPath}"/submodules/components/remoteEntry.js"
componentsAppUrl: ${?NU_FE_COMPONENTS_URL}
scenariosAppUrl: "nu_components/scenarios@"${http.publicPath}"/submodules/components/remoteEntry.js"
scenariosAppUrl: ${?NU_FE_SCENARIOS_URL}
tabs: [
{id: "scenarios", url: ${scenariosAppUrl}, title: "Scenarios", type: "Remote"},
{id: "components", url: ${componentsAppUrl}, title: "Components", type: "Remote"}
{id: "docs", url: "https://nussknacker.io/documentation/", title: "Docs", type: "Url"}
testDataSettings: {
maxSamplesCount: 20
testDataMaxLength: 200000
resultsMaxBytes: 50000000
scenarioLabelSettings: {
validationRules = [
validationPattern: "^[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+$",
validationMessage: "Scenario label can contain only alphanumeric characters, '-' and '_'"
validationPattern: "^.{1,20}$"
validationMessage: "Scenario label can contain up to 20 characters"
surveySettings: {
key: "welcome"
text: "We are happy to see you using Nussknacker. It would help us a ton to know a little more about you and how Nussknacker is helping you. Fill out our survey and get a free full-day Nussknacker workshop!"
link: "https://nussknacker.io/survey"
notifications {
duration: 24 hours
usageStatisticsReports {
enabled: true
errorReportsEnabled: true
repositoryGaugesCacheDuration: 10 seconds
scenarioStateTimeout: 5 seconds
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