.circumflex-orm.1.1.source-code.cacheable.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package ru.circumflex.orm
import ru.circumflex.core._
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
* Preserves every record in it's own application-scoped cache.
* This cache spans across multiple transactions and is invalidated either manually
* by invoking `invalidateCache` method, or implicitly by invoking `insert_!`, `update!`
* or `delete_!` method on corresponding record.
* **Warning!** We see no way of invalidating application-scope cache in response to custom DML queries,
* so writing data into cacheable relations with other methods, than `insert_!`, `update_!`
* or `delete_!`, will **always** result in cache inconsistencies. Use at your own risk!
trait Cacheable[R <: Record[R]] extends Relation[R] {
protected var _cache = new ConcurrentHashMap[Long, R]
def updateRecordCache(record: R): R = {
_cache.put(record.id(), record)
return record
def getCachedRecord(id: Long): Option[R] = _cache.get(id)
def evictRecordCache(record: R): Unit = _cache.remove(record.id())
* Clears applciation-scoped cache.
def invalidateCache(): Unit = {
_cache = new ConcurrentHashMap[Long, R]
afterInsert(r => invalidateCache)
afterUpdate(r => invalidateCache)
afterDelete(r => invalidateCache)