.circumflex-orm.1.1.source-code.common.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package ru.circumflex.orm
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import ORM._
import ru.circumflex.core.WrapperModel
// ## Common interfaces
* Simple interface for objects capable to render themselves into SQL statements.
trait SQLable {
def toSql: String
* Simple interface for expressions with JDBC-style parameters
trait ParameterizedExpression extends SQLable {
* The parameters associated with this expression. The order is important.
def parameters: Seq[Any]
* Render this query by replacing parameter placeholders with actual values.
def toInlineSql: String = parameters.foldLeft(toSql)((sql, p) =>
sql.replaceFirst("\\?", typeConverter.escape(p)))
// Equality and others.
override def equals(that: Any) = that match {
case e: ParameterizedExpression =>
e.toSql == this.toSql && (e.parameters.toList -- this.parameters.toList) == Nil
case _ => false
override def hashCode = 0
override def toString = toSql
* Simple interface for database objects capable to render themselves into DDL
* CREATE and DROP statements.
trait SchemaObject {
* SQL statement to create this database object.
def sqlCreate: String
* SQL statement to drop this database object.
def sqlDrop: String
* SQL object name. It is used to uniquely identify this object
* during schema creation by `DDL` to avoid duplicates and to print
* nice messages on schema generation.
* We follow default convention to name objects:
* `FUNCTION`, `PROCEDURE`, `INDEX`, etc. (note the upper case), and
* `qualified_name` is object's unique identifier.
* For equality testing, object names are taken in case-insensitive manner
* (e.g. `MY_TABLE` and `my_table` are considered equal).
def objectName: String
override def hashCode = objectName.toLowerCase.hashCode
override def equals(obj: Any) = obj match {
case so: SchemaObject => so.objectName.equalsIgnoreCase(this.objectName)
case _ => false
override def toString = objectName
* *Value holder* is designed to be an extensible atomic data carrier unit
* of record. It is subclassed by 'Field' and 'Association'.
abstract class ValueHolder[T](val name: String, val uuid: String) extends WrapperModel {
// An internally stored value.
protected var _value: T = _
protected var _setter: T => T = t => t
// This way the value will be unwrapped by FTL engine.
def item = getValue
// Should the `NOT NULL` constraint be applied to this value holder?
protected var _notNull: Boolean = true
def nullable_?(): Boolean = !_notNull
def notNull: this.type = {
_notNull = true
return this
def NOT_NULL: this.type = notNull
def nullable: this.type = {
_notNull = false
return this
def NULLABLE: this.type = nullable
def setter = _setter
def setter(sf: T => T): this.type = {
_setter = sf
return this
def SETTER(sf: T => T): this.type = setter(sf)
// Getters.
def getValue(): T = _value
def apply(): T = getValue
def getOrElse(default: T) = get().getOrElse(default)
def get(): Option[T] = getValue match {
case null => None
case value => Some(value)
def empty_?(): Boolean = getValue() == null
def null_?(): Boolean = empty_?
def NULL_?(): Boolean = empty_?
// Setters.
def setValue(newValue: T): this.type = {
_value = if (newValue != null) _setter(newValue) else newValue
return this
def :=(newValue: T): this.type = setValue(newValue)
def update(newValue: T): this.type = setValue(newValue)
def setNull(): this.type = setValue(null.asInstanceOf[T])
def null_!() = setNull()
def NULL_!() = null_!()
// Equality methods.
override def equals(that: Any) = that match {
case vh: ValueHolder[T] => vh.uuid == this.uuid
case _ => false
override def hashCode = this.uuid.hashCode
* Return a `String` representation of internal value.
def toString(default: String = "") = if (getValue == null) default else getValue.toString
* Return `uuid` as this holder's identifier.
override def toString = uuid
* An action for `ON UPDATE` and `ON DELETE` clauses of
* foreign key definitions.
case class ForeignKeyAction(val toSql: String) extends SQLable {
override def toString = toSql
* Join types for use in `FROM` clauses of SQL queries.
case class JoinType(val toSql: String) extends SQLable {
override def toString = toSql
* Set operations for use in SQL queries.
case class SetOperation(val toSql: String) extends SQLable {
override def toString = toSql
* An expression to use in `ORDER BY` clause.
class Order(val expression: String, val parameters: Seq[Any])
extends ParameterizedExpression {
// Specificator (`ASC` or `DESC`).
protected[orm] var _specificator = dialect.asc
def asc: this.type = {
this._specificator = dialect.asc
return this
def ASC: this.type = asc
def desc: this.type = {
this._specificator = dialect.desc
return this
def DESC: this.type = desc
// Miscellaneous.
def toSql = expression + " " + _specificator
// ## JDBC utilities
* Helper constructions that automatically close such JDBC objects as
* `ResultSet`s and `PreparedStatement`s.
object JDBC {
protected[orm] val sqlLog = LoggerFactory.getLogger("ru.circumflex.orm")
def autoClose[A <: {def close(): Unit}, B](obj: A)
(actions: A => B)
(errors: Throwable => B): B =
try {
return actions(obj)
} catch {
case e => return errors(e)
} finally {
def auto[A <: {def close(): Unit}, B](obj: A)
(actions: A => B): B =
autoClose(obj)(actions)(throw _)
// ## Exceptions
* The most generic exception class.
class ORMException(msg: String, cause: Throwable) extends Exception(msg, cause) {
def this(msg: String) = this(msg, null)
def this(cause: Throwable) = this(null, cause)