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.circumflex-orm.1.1.source-code.package.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package ru.circumflex
import ORM._
import java.util.regex.Pattern
// ## ORM package object
package object orm {
// ### Implicits
implicit def relation2node[R <: Record[R]](relation: Relation[R]): RelationNode[R] ="this")
implicit def node2relation[R <: Record[R]](node: RelationNode[R]): Relation[R] =
implicit def string2helper(expression: String): SimpleExpressionHelper =
new SimpleExpressionHelper(expression)
implicit def string2predicate(expression: String): Predicate =
new SimpleExpression(expression, Nil)
implicit def string2order(expression: String): Order =
new Order(expression, Nil)
implicit def paramExpr2predicate(expression: ParameterizedExpression): Predicate =
new SimpleExpression(expression.toSql, expression.parameters)
implicit def predicate2aggregateHelper(predicate: Predicate) =
new AggregatePredicateHelper(predicate)
implicit def predicate2string(predicate: Predicate): String = predicate.toInlineSql
implicit def string2projection(expression: String): Projection[Any] =
new ExpressionProjection[Any](expression)
implicit def association2field(association: Association[_, _]): Field[Long] =
implicit def relation2recordSample[R <: Record[R]](relation: Relation[R]): R =
implicit def field2projection[T](field: Field[T]): Projection[T] =
new ExpressionProjection[T](field2str(field))
// The most magical ones.
implicit def node2record[R <: Record[R]](node: RelationNode[R]): R = {
return node.relation.recordSample
implicit def field2str(field: Field[_]): String = lastAlias match {
case Some(alias) => alias + "." +
case None =>
implicit def field2helper(field: Field[_]) = new SimpleExpressionHelper(field2str(field))
implicit def field2order(field: Field[_]): Order = new Order(field2str(field), Nil)
implicit def tuple2proj[T1, T2](
t: Tuple2[Projection[T1],Projection[T2]]) =
new Tuple2Projection(t._1, t._2)
implicit def tuple3proj[T1, T2, T3](
t: Tuple3[Projection[T1], Projection[T2], Projection[T3]]) =
new Tuple3Projection(t._1, t._2, t._3)
implicit def tuple4proj[T1, T2, T3, T4](
t: Tuple4[Projection[T1], Projection[T2], Projection[T3], Projection[T4]]) =
new Tuple4Projection(t._1, t._2, t._3, t._4)
implicit def tuple5proj[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5](
t: Tuple5[Projection[T1], Projection[T2], Projection[T3], Projection[T4], Projection[T5]]) =
new Tuple5Projection(t._1, t._2, t._3, t._4, t._5)
implicit def tuple6proj[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6](
t: Tuple6[Projection[T1], Projection[T2], Projection[T3], Projection[T4], Projection[T5],
Projection[T6]]) =
new Tuple6Projection(t._1, t._2, t._3, t._4, t._5, t._6)
implicit def tuple7proj[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7](
t: Tuple7[Projection[T1], Projection[T2], Projection[T3], Projection[T4], Projection[T5],
Projection[T6], Projection[T7]]) =
new Tuple7Projection(t._1, t._2, t._3, t._4, t._5, t._6, t._7)
implicit def tuple8proj[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8](
t: Tuple8[Projection[T1], Projection[T2], Projection[T3], Projection[T4], Projection[T5],
Projection[T6], Projection[T7], Projection[T8]]) =
new Tuple8Projection(t._1, t._2, t._3, t._4, t._5, t._6, t._7, t._8)
implicit def tuple9proj[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9](
t: Tuple9[Projection[T1], Projection[T2], Projection[T3], Projection[T4], Projection[T5],
Projection[T6], Projection[T7], Projection[T8], Projection[T9]]) =
new Tuple9Projection(t._1, t._2, t._3, t._4, t._5, t._6, t._7, t._8, t._9)
implicit def tuple10proj[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10](
t: Tuple10[Projection[T1], Projection[T2], Projection[T3], Projection[T4], Projection[T5],
Projection[T6], Projection[T7], Projection[T8], Projection[T9], Projection[T10]]) =
new Tuple10Projection(t._1, t._2, t._3, t._4, t._5, t._6, t._7, t._8, t._9, t._10)
// ### Current Transaction Shortcuts
* Shortcut for retrieving current transaction via `transactionManager.getTransaction`.
def tx = transactionManager.getTransaction
def TX = tx
def commit() = tx.commit()
def COMMIT() = commit()
def rollback() = tx.rollback()
def ROLLBACK() = rollback()
// ### Constants
val NO_ACTION = ForeignKeyAction(dialect.fkNoAction)
val CASCADE = ForeignKeyAction(dialect.fkCascade)
val RESTRICT = ForeignKeyAction(dialect.fkRestrict)
val SET_NULL = ForeignKeyAction(dialect.fkSetNull)
val SET_DEFAULT = ForeignKeyAction(dialect.fkSetDefault)
val INNER = JoinType(dialect.innerJoin)
val LEFT = JoinType(dialect.leftJoin)
val RIGHT = JoinType(dialect.rightJoin)
val FULL = JoinType(dialect.fullJoin)
val OP_UNION = SetOperation(dialect.union)
val OP_UNION_ALL = SetOperation(dialect.unionAll)
val OP_EXCEPT = SetOperation(dialect.except)
val OP_EXCEPT_ALL = SetOperation(dialect.exceptAll)
val OP_INTERSECT = SetOperation(dialect.intersect)
val OP_INTERSECT_ALL = SetOperation(dialect.intersectAll)
// ### SQL shortcuts
// Predicates.
def and(predicates: Predicate*) =
new AggregatePredicateHelper(predicates.head).and(predicates.tail: _*)
def AND(predicates: Predicate*) = and(predicates: _*)
def or(predicates: Predicate*) =
new AggregatePredicateHelper(predicates.head).or(predicates.tail: _*)
def OR(predicates: Predicate*) = or(predicates: _*)
def not(predicate: Predicate) =
new SimpleExpression(dialect.not(predicate.toSql), predicate.parameters)
def NOT(predicate: Predicate) = not(predicate)
def expr[T](expression: String): ExpressionProjection[T] =
new ExpressionProjection[T](expression)
def prepareExpr(expression: String, params: Pair[String, Any]*): SimpleExpression = {
var sqlText = expression
var parameters: Seq[Any] = Nil
val paramsMap = Map[String, Any](params: _*)
val pattern = Pattern.compile(":(\\w+)\\b")
val matcher = pattern.matcher(expression)
while(matcher.find) paramsMap.get( match {
case Some(param) => parameters ++= List(param)
case _ => parameters ++= List(null)
sqlText = matcher.replaceAll("?")
return new SimpleExpression(sqlText, parameters)
// Simple subqueries.
def exists(subquery: SQLQuery[_]) =
new SubqueryExpression(dialect.exists, subquery)
def EXISTS(subquery: SQLQuery[_]) = exists(subquery)
def notExists(subquery: SQLQuery[_]) =
new SubqueryExpression(dialect.notExists, subquery)
def NOT_EXISTS(subquery: SQLQuery[_]) = notExists(subquery)
// Simple projections.
def count(expr: String) =
new ExpressionProjection[Int](dialect.count + "(" + expr + ")")
def COUNT(expr: String) = count(expr)
def countDistinct(expr: String) =
new ExpressionProjection[Int](
dialect.count + "(" + dialect.distinct + " " + expr + ")")
def COUNT_DISTINCT(expr: String) = countDistinct(expr)
def max(expr: String) =
new ExpressionProjection[Any](dialect.max + "(" + expr + ")")
def MAX(expr: String) = max(expr)
def min(expr: String) =
new ExpressionProjection[Any](dialect.min + "(" + expr + ")")
def MIN(expr: String) = min(expr)
def sum(expr: String) =
new ExpressionProjection[Any](dialect.sum + "(" + expr + ")")
def SUM(expr: String) = sum(expr)
def avg(expr: String) =
new ExpressionProjection[Any](dialect.avg + "(" + expr + ")")
def AVG(expr: String) = avg(expr)
// Query DSLs
def select[T](projection: Projection[T]) = new Select(projection)
def SELECT[T](projection: Projection[T]) = select(projection)
def insertInto[R <: Record[R]](relation: Relation[R]) = new InsertSelectHelper(relation)
def INSERT_INTO[R <: Record[R]](relation: Relation[R]) = insertInto(relation)
def update[R <: Record[R]](node: RelationNode[R]) = new Update(node)
def UPDATE[R <: Record[R]](node: RelationNode[R]) = update(node)
def delete[R <: Record[R]](node: RelationNode[R]) = new Delete(node)
def DELETE[R <: Record[R]](node: RelationNode[R]) = delete(node)