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.circumflex-orm.1.1.source-code.relation.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package ru.circumflex.orm
import ORM._
import JDBC._
import ru.circumflex.core.Circumflex
import ru.circumflex.core.CircumflexUtil._
import java.lang.reflect.Method
import java.sql.PreparedStatement
// ## Relations registry
* This singleton holds mappings between `Record` classes and their
* corresponding relations. This provides weak coupling between the two
* to allow proper initialization of either side.
object RelationRegistry {
protected var _classToRelation: Map[Class[_], Relation[_]] = Map()
protected var _cacheableRelations: Seq[Cacheable[_]] = Nil
def cacheableRelations = _cacheableRelations
def getRelation[R <: Record[R]](r: R): Relation[R] =
_classToRelation.get(r.getClass) match {
case Some(rel: Relation[R]) => rel
case _ => {
val relClass = Circumflex.loadClass[Relation[R]](r.getClass.getName + "$")
val relation = relClass.getField("MODULE$").get(null).asInstanceOf[Relation[R]]
_classToRelation += (r.getClass -> relation)
relation match {
case c: Cacheable[_] =>
_cacheableRelations ++= List[Cacheable[_]](c)
case _ =>
return relation
// ## Relation
abstract class Relation[R <: Record[R]] {
// ### Commons
protected[orm] var _fields: List[Field[_]] = Nil
def fields: Seq[Field[_]] = _fields
protected[orm] var _associations: List[Association[R, _]] = Nil
def associations: Seq[Association[R, _]] = _associations
protected[orm] var _constraints: List[Constraint] = Nil
def constraints: Seq[Constraint] = _constraints
protected[orm] var _preAux: List[SchemaObject] = Nil
def preAux: Seq[SchemaObject] = _preAux
protected[orm] var _postAux: List[SchemaObject] = Nil
def postAux: Seq[SchemaObject] = _postAux
// Since we use reflection to read `Record`s from database
// we need this map to remember, what `Method` on `Record`
// instance should we invoke for each `Field`.
protected[orm] var _methodsMap: Map[Field[_], Method] = Map()
def methodsMap: Map[Field[_], Method] = _methodsMap
* Attempt to find a record class by convention of companion object,
* e.g. strip trailing `$` from `this.getClass.getName`.
val recordClass: Class[R] = Circumflex
.loadClass[R](this.getClass.getName.replaceAll("\\$(?=\\Z)", ""))
* This sample is used to introspect record for fields, constraints and,
* possibly, other stuff.
val recordSample: R = recordClass.newInstance
def r: R = recordSample
def >() = r
* Unique identifier based on `recordClass` to identify this relation
* among others.
val uuid = recordSample.uuid
* Relation name defaults to record's unqualified class name, transformed
* with `Circumflex.camelCaseToUnderscore`.
val relationName = camelCaseToUnderscore(recordClass.getSimpleName)
* Schema is used to produce a qualified name for relation.
val schema: Schema = defaultSchema
* Obtain a qualified name for this relation from dialect.
val qualifiedName = dialect.relationQualifiedName(this)
* Are DML statements allowed against this relation?
def readOnly_?(): Boolean = false
* Primary key field of this relation.
def primaryKey =
* Validator for this record.
val validation = new RecordValidator[R]()
* Create new `RelationNode` with specified `alias`.
def as(alias: String) = new RelationNode[R](this).as(alias)
def AS(alias: String) = as(alias)
* Try to find an association to specified `relation`.
def findAssociation[F <: Record[F]](relation: Relation[F]): Option[Association[R, F]] =
associations.find(_.foreignRelation == relation)
.asInstanceOf[Option[Association[R, F]]]
// ### Simple queries
* Create `Criteria` for this relation, assigning default `root` alias to it's root node.
def criteria = as("root").criteria
* Retrieve the record by specified `id` from transaction-scoped cache,
* or fetch it from database.
def get(id: Long): Option[R] = tx.getCachedRecord(this, id)
.orElse(as("root").criteria.add("" EQ id).unique)
* Fetch all records.
def all(limit: Int = -1, offset: Int = 0): Seq[R] = {
val root = as("root")
SELECT (root.*) FROM root LIMIT (limit) OFFSET (offset) list
// ### Events
protected var _beforeInsert: Seq[R => Unit] = Nil
def beforeInsert = _beforeInsert
def beforeInsert(callback: R => Unit): this.type = {
this._beforeInsert ++= List(callback)
return this
protected var _afterInsert: Seq[R => Unit] = Nil
def afterInsert = _afterInsert
def afterInsert(callback: R => Unit): this.type = {
this._afterInsert ++= List(callback)
return this
protected var _beforeUpdate: Seq[R => Unit] = Nil
def beforeUpdate = _beforeUpdate
def beforeUpdate(callback: R => Unit): this.type = {
this._beforeUpdate ++= List(callback)
return this
protected var _afterUpdate: Seq[R => Unit] = Nil
def afterUpdate = _afterUpdate
def afterUpdate(callback: R => Unit): this.type = {
this._afterUpdate ++= List(callback)
return this
protected var _beforeDelete: Seq[R => Unit] = Nil
def beforeDelete = _beforeDelete
def beforeDelete(callback: R => Unit): this.type = {
this._beforeDelete ++= List(callback)
return this
protected var _afterDelete: Seq[R => Unit] = Nil
def afterDelete = _afterDelete
def afterDelete(callback: R => Unit): this.type = {
this._afterDelete ++= List(callback)
return this
// ### Introspection and Initialization
* Inspect `recordClass` to find fields and constraints definitions.
private def findMembers(cl: Class[_]): Unit = {
if (cl != classOf[Any]) findMembers(cl.getSuperclass)
.filter(f => classOf[ValueHolder[_]].isAssignableFrom(f.getType))
.flatMap(f =>
try {
val m = cl.getMethod(f.getName)
if (classOf[ValueHolder[_]].isAssignableFrom(m.getReturnType))
else None
} catch { case e => None })
.foreach(m => processMember(m))
private def processMember(m: Method): Unit = m.getReturnType match {
case cl if classOf[Field[_]].isAssignableFrom(cl) =>
val f = m.invoke(recordSample).asInstanceOf[Field[_]]
this._fields ++= List(f)
if (f.unique_?) this.unique(f)
this._methodsMap += f -> m
case cl if classOf[Association[R, _]].isAssignableFrom(cl) =>
val a = m.invoke(recordSample).asInstanceOf[Association[R, _]]
this._associations ++= List[Association[R, _]](a)
this._fields ++= List(a.field)
this._methodsMap += a.field -> m
this._constraints ++= List(associationFK(a))
case _ =>
private def associationFK(assoc: Association[_, _]): ForeignKey = {
val name = relationName + "_" + + "_fkey"
new ForeignKey(this,
* Allow dialects to override the initialization logic.
// ### Definitions
* A helper for creating named constraints.
protected[orm] def constraint(name: String): ConstraintHelper =
new ConstraintHelper(this, name)
protected[orm] def CONSTRAINT(name: String): ConstraintHelper =
* Add a unique constraint to this relation's definition.
protected[orm] def unique(fields: Field[_]*): UniqueKey =
constraint(relationName + "_" +"_") + "_key")
.unique(fields: _*)
protected[orm] def UNIQUE(fields: Field[_]*) = unique(fields: _*)
* Add a foreign key constraint to this relation's definition.
def foreignKey(localFields: Field[_]*): ForeignKeyHelper =
new ForeignKeyHelper(this, relationName + "_" +"_") + "_fkey", localFields)
def FOREIGN_KEY(localFields: Field[_]*): ForeignKeyHelper =
foreignKey(localFields: _*)
* Add an index to this relation's definition.
def index(indexName: String, expressions: String*): Index = {
val idx = new Index(this, indexName, expressions: _*)
return idx
def INDEX(indexName: String, expressions: String*): Index =
index(indexName, expressions: _*)
* Add specified `objects` to this relation's `preAux` queue.
def addPreAux(objects: SchemaObject*): this.type = {
objects.foreach(o => if (!_preAux.contains(o)) _preAux ++= List(o))
return this
* Add specified `objects` to this relaion's `postAux` queue.
def addPostAux(objects: SchemaObject*): this.type = {
objects.foreach(o => if (!_postAux.contains(o)) _postAux ++= List(o))
return this
// ### Persistence
* A helper to set parameters to `PreparedStatement`.
protected[orm] def setParams(record: R, st: PreparedStatement, fields: Seq[Field[_]]) =
(0 until fields.size).foreach(ix => typeConverter.write(st, fields(ix).getValue, ix + 1))
* Uses last generated identity to refetch specified `record`.
* This method must be called immediately after `insert_!`.
def refetchLast(record: R): Unit = {
val root = as("root")
SELECT (root.*) FROM root WHERE (dialect.lastIdExpression(root)) unique match {
case Some(r: R) => copyFields(r, record)
case _ => throw new ORMException("Could not locate the last inserted row.")
protected[orm] def copyFields(from: R, to: R): Unit =
from._fields.foreach(f => to._fields.find(_ == f) match {
case Some(field: Field[Any]) => field.setValue(f.getValue)
case _ =>
// ### Equality and others
override def equals(that: Any) = that match {
case r: Relation[R] => r.relationName.equalsIgnoreCase(this.relationName)
case _ => false
override def hashCode = this.relationName.toLowerCase.hashCode
override def toString = qualifiedName
// ## Table
abstract class Table[R <: Record[R]] extends Relation[R]
with SchemaObject {
val objectName = "TABLE " + qualifiedName
lazy val sqlDrop = dialect.dropTable(this)
lazy val sqlCreate = dialect.createTable(this)
// ## View
abstract class View[R <: Record[R]] extends Relation[R]
with SchemaObject {
* Views are not updatable by default.
override def readOnly_?() = true
* A `query` that makes up this view definition.
def query: Select[_]
// ### Miscellaneous
val objectName = "VIEW " + qualifiedName
lazy val sqlDrop = dialect.dropView(this)
lazy val sqlCreate = dialect.createView(this)