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package ru.circumflex.orm
import xml._
import ORM._
// ## XML (de)serialization
* A trait for data holders that are capable of (de)serializing themselves (from)into
* XML.
trait XmlSerializable[T] {
def to(value: T): String
def from(string: String): T
* Deployment is a unit of work of XML import tool. It specifies the prefix
* for record classes resolution, as well as the behavior, if certain records
* already exist.
class Deployment(val id: String,
val prefix: String,
val onExist: Deployment.OnExistAction,
val entries: Seq[Node],
val validate: Boolean = true) {
def process(): Unit = try {
entries.foreach(e => processNode(e, Nil))
} catch {
case e =>
throw e
protected def processNode[R <: Record[R]](
node: Node,
parentPath: Seq[Pair[Association[_, _], Record[_]]]): Record[R] = {
val cl = pickClass(node)
var r = cl.newInstance.asInstanceOf[R]
// Decide, whether a record should be processed, and how exactly.
if ( != null) {
val crit = prepareCriteria(r, node)
crit.unique match {
case Some(rec: R) if (onExist == Deployment.Skip || node.child.size == 0) =>
return rec
case Some(rec: R) if (onExist == Deployment.Recreate) =>
case Some(rec: R) if (onExist == Deployment.Update) =>
r = rec
case _ =>
// If we are still here, let's process the record further: set parents, attributes,
// subelements and foreigners.
parentPath.foreach(p =>
if (r._fields.contains(p._1.field)) r.setField(p._1.field,
var foreigns: Seq[Pair[Association[_, _], Node]] = Nil
node.attributes.foreach(a => setRecordField(r, a.key, a.value.toString))
node.child.foreach {
case n: Elem => try {
r.getClass.getMethod(n.label) match {
case m if (classOf[Field[_]].isAssignableFrom(m.getReturnType)) =>
setRecordField(r, n.label, n.text.trim)
case m if (classOf[Association[_, _]].isAssignableFrom(m.getReturnType)) =>
n.child.find(_.isInstanceOf[Elem]) match {
case Some(n) =>
val a = m.invoke(r).asInstanceOf[Association[R, R]]
val parent = processNode(n, parentPath ++ List(a -> r))
r.setValue(a, parent)
case None =>
throw new ORMException("The element <" + n.label + "> is empty.")
case m if (classOf[InverseAssociation[_, _]].isAssignableFrom(m.getReturnType)) =>
val a = m.invoke(r).asInstanceOf[InverseAssociation[R, R]].association
foreigns ++= n.child.filter(_.isInstanceOf[Elem]).map(n => (a -> n))
} catch {
case e: NoSuchMethodException =>
ormLog.warn("Could not process '" + n.label + "' of " + r.getClass)
case _ =>
// Now the record is ready to be saved.
if (validate) else r.save_!()
// Finally, process the foreigners.
foreigns.foreach(p =>
processNode(p._2, parentPath ++ List(p._1.asInstanceOf[Association[R, R]] -> r)))
// And return our record.
return r
protected def pickClass(node: Node): Class[_] = {
var p = ""
if (prefix != "") p = prefix + "."
return Class.forName(p + node.label, true, Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader())
protected def setRecordField[R <: Record[R]](r: R, k: String, v: String): Unit = try {
val m = r.getClass.getMethod(k)
if (classOf[Field[_]].isAssignableFrom(m.getReturnType)) { // only scalar fields are accepted
val field = m.invoke(r).asInstanceOf[Field[Any]]
val value = convertValue(r, k, v)
r.setValue(field, value)
} catch {
case e: NoSuchMethodException => ormLog.warn("Could not process '" + k + "' of " + r.getClass)
protected def prepareCriteria[R <: Record[R]](r: R, n: Node): Criteria[R] = {
val crit = r.relation.criteria
n.attributes.foreach(a => {
val k = a.key
val v = convertValue(r, k, a.value.toString)
val field = r.getClass.getMethod(k).invoke(r).asInstanceOf[Field[Any]]
crit.add(field EQ v)
return crit
protected def convertValue(r: Record[_], k: String, v: String): Any = try {
} catch {
case _ => v
override def toString = id match {
case "" => "deployment@" + hashCode
case _ => id
object Deployment {
trait OnExistAction
object Skip extends OnExistAction
object Update extends OnExistAction
object Recreate extends OnExistAction
def readOne(n: Node): Deployment = if (n.label == "deployment") {
val id = (n \ "@id").text
val prefix = (n \ "@prefix").text
val onExist = (n \ "@onExist").text match {
case "keep" | "ignore" | "skip" => Deployment.Skip
case "update" => Deployment.Update
case "recreate" | "delete" | "delete-create" | "overwrite" => Deployment.Recreate
case _ => Deployment.Skip
val validate = (n \ "@validate").text match {
case "false" | "f" | "no" | "off" => false
case _ => true
return new Deployment(id, prefix, onExist, n.child.filter(n => n.isInstanceOf[Elem]), validate)
} else throw new ORMException(" expected, but <" + n.label + "> found.")
def readAll(n: Node): Seq[Deployment] = if (n.label == "deployments")
(n \ "deployment").map(n => readOne(n))
else throw new ORMException(" expected, but " + n.label + " found.")
class FileDeploymentHelper(f: File) {
def process(): Unit = Deployment.readAll(XML.loadFile(f)).foreach(_.process)