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.circumflex-orm.2.0.1.source-code.dialect.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package ru.circumflex.orm
import java.sql._
/*!# Dialect
This little thingy does all dirty SQL rendering.
We are orienting the default dialect on the world's most advanced open-source
database, [PostgreSQL][psql].
If you feel that some of the statements do not work with your RDBMS vendor,
trace the exact method and provide it's implementation in your own class.
After that, set the `orm.dialect` configuration parameter accordingly.
class Dialect {
def driverClass: String =
throw new ORMException("Missing mandatory configuration parameter 'orm.connection.driver'.")
/*!## JDBC methods */
def prepareStatement(conn: Connection, sql: String): PreparedStatement =
/*!## SQL types */
def longType = "BIGINT"
def integerType = "INTEGER"
def numericType(precision: Int, scale: Int): String =
"NUMERIC" + (if (precision == -1) "" else "(" + precision + "," + scale + ")")
def textType = "TEXT"
def varcharType(length: Int): String =
"VARCHAR" + (if (length == -1) "" else "(" + length + ")")
def booleanType = "BOOLEAN"
def dateType = "DATE"
def timeType = "TIME"
def timestampType = "TIMESTAMP"
def xmlType = "XML"
/*!## Actions for Foreign Keys */
def fkNoAction = "NO ACTION"
def fkCascade = "CASCADE"
def fkRestrict = "RESTRICT"
def fkSetNull = "SET NULL"
def fkSetDefault = "SET DEFAULT"
/*!## Join Keywords */
def innerJoin = "INNER JOIN"
def leftJoin = "LEFT JOIN"
def rightJoin = "RIGHT JOIN"
def fullJoin = "FULL JOIN"
/*!## Predicates */
def EQ(ex1: String, ex2: String = "?") = ex1 + " = " + ex2
def NE(ex1: String, ex2: String = "?") = ex1 + " <> " + ex2
def GT(ex1: String, ex2: String = "?") = ex1 + " > " + ex2
def GE(ex1: String, ex2: String = "?") = ex1 + " >= " + ex2
def LT(ex1: String, ex2: String = "?") = ex1 + " < " + ex2
def LE(ex1: String, ex2: String = "?") = ex1 + " <= " + ex2
def emptyPredicate = "1 = 1"
def IS_NULL(ex: String) = ex + " IS NULL"
def IS_NOT_NULL(ex: String) = ex + " IS NOT NULL"
def LIKE(ex1: String, ex2: String = "?") = ex1 + " LIKE " + ex2
def ILIKE(ex1: String, ex2: String = "?") = ex1 + " ILIKE " + ex2
def BETWEEN(ex: String, v1: String = "?", v2: String= "?") =
ex + " BETWEEN " + v1 + " AND " + v2
def IN(ex: String) = ex + " IN"
def NOT_IN(ex: String) = ex + " NOT IN"
def parameterizedIn(ex: String, params: Iterable[String]) =
ex + " IN (" + params.mkString(", ") + ")"
def AND = "AND"
def OR = "OR"
def NOT = "NOT"
def ALL = "ALL"
def SOME = "SOME"
/*!## Functions and others */
def NULL = "NULL"
def COUNT(ex: String) = "COUNT(" + ex + ")"
def COUNT_DISTINCT(ex: String) = "COUNT(DISTINCT " + ex + ")"
def MAX(ex: String) = "MAX(" + ex + ")"
def MIN(ex: String) = "MIN(" + ex + ")"
def SUM(ex: String) = "SUM(" + ex + ")"
def AVG(ex: String) = "AVG(" + ex + ")"
/*!## Set operations */
/*!## Order specificators */
def asc = "ASC"
def desc = "DESC"
/*!## Param placeholders */
def placeholder = "?"
def xmlPlaceholder = "XMLPARSE(DOCUMENT ?)"
/*!## Features Compliance */
def supportsSchema_?(): Boolean = true
def supportsDropConstraints_?(): Boolean = true
/*!## Commons */
* Quotes literal expression as described in SQL92 standard.
def quoteLiteral(expr: String) = "'" + expr.replace("'", "''") + "'"
* Escapes JDBC-compliant parameter
def escapeParameter(value: Any): String = value match {
case Some(v) => escapeParameter(v)
case None | null => "NULL"
case v => quoteLiteral(v.toString)
* Qualifies relation name with it's schema.
def relationQualifiedName(relation: Relation[_, _]) =
if (supportsSchema_?) + "." + relation.relationName
else relation.relationName
* Just appends `AS` and specified `alias` to specified `expression`.
def alias(expression: String, alias: String) =
expression + " AS " + alias
* Qualifies a column with table alias (e.g. "")
def qualifyColumn(vh: ValueHolder[_, _], tableAlias: String) =
tableAlias + "." +
* Takes specified `expression` into parentheses and prepend `ON`.
def ON(expression: Expression) = "ON (" + expression.toInlineSql + ")"
* Takes specified `expression` in parentheses and prepend `NOT`.
def not(expression: String) = "NOT (" + expression + ")"
* Takes specified `subquery` into parentheses and prepend with
* specified `expression`.
def subquery(expression: String, subquery: SQLQuery[_]) =
expression + " ( " + subquery.toSql + " )"
/*!## Data Definition Language */
* Produces a full definition of constraint (prepends the specific definition
* with `CONSTRAINT` keyword and constraint name).
def constraintDefinition(constraint: Constraint) =
"CONSTRAINT " + constraint.constraintName + " " + constraint.sqlDefinition
* Produces an `ALTER TABLE` statement with specified abstract `action`.
def alterTable(rel: Relation[_, _], action: String) =
"ALTER TABLE " + rel.qualifiedName + " " + action
* Produces an `ALTER TABLE` statement with `ADD CONSTRAINT` action.
def alterTableAddConstraint(constraint: Constraint) =
alterTable(constraint.relation, "ADD " + constraintDefinition(constraint));
* Produces an `ALTER TABLE` statement with `DROP CONSTRAINT` action.
def alterTableDropConstraint(constraint: Constraint) =
alterTable(constraint.relation, "DROP CONSTRAINT " + constraint.constraintName);
* Produces a `CREATE SCHEMA` statement.
def createSchema(schema: Schema) = "CREATE SCHEMA " +
* Produces `DROP SCHEMA` statement.
def dropSchema(schema: Schema) = "DROP SCHEMA " + + " CASCADE"
* Produces a `CREATE TABLE` statement without constraints.
def createTable[PK, R <: Record[PK, R]](table: Table[PK, R]) =
"CREATE TABLE " + table.qualifiedName + " (" +", ") +
", PRIMARY KEY (" + + "))"
* Produces a `DROP TABLE` statement.
def dropTable[PK, R <: Record[PK, R]](table: Table[PK, R]) =
"DROP TABLE " + table.qualifiedName
* Produces a `CREATE VIEW` statement.
def createView[PK, R <: Record[PK, R]](view: View[PK, R]) =
"CREATE VIEW " + view.qualifiedName + " (" +", ") + ") AS " +
* Produces a `DROP VIEW` statement.
def dropView[PK, R <: Record[PK, R]](view: View[PK, R]) =
"DROP VIEW " + view.qualifiedName
* Produces a `CREATE INDEX` statement.
def createIndex(idx: Index): String = {
var result = "CREATE "
if (idx.unique_?) result += "UNIQUE "
result += "INDEX " + + " ON " + idx.relation.qualifiedName +
" USING " + idx.using + " (" + idx.expression + ")"
if (idx.where != EmptyPredicate)
result += " WHERE " + idx.where.toInlineSql
return result
* Produces a `DROP INDEX` statement.
def dropIndex(idx: Index) =
"DROP INDEX " + + "." +
* Produces an SQL definition for a column represented by specified `field`
* (e.g. `mycolumn VARCHAR NOT NULL`).
def columnDefinition[R <: Record[_, R]](field: Field[_, R]): String = {
var result = + " " + field.sqlType
if (field.notNull_?) result += " NOT NULL"
result += defaultExpression(field)
return result
* Produces a name from multiple fields (generally by delimiting them with comma).
def compositeFieldName(names: String*): String = names.mkString(", ")
* Performs dialect-specific relation initialization.
def initializeRelation[R <: Record[_, R]](relation: Relation[_, R]): Unit = {}
* Performs dialect-specific field initialization.
def initializeField[R <: Record[_, R]](field: Field[_, R]): Unit = field match {
case f: AutoIncrementable[_, _]
if (f.autoIncrement_? && !field.record.relation.isInstanceOf[View[_, R]]) => {
val seqName = sequenceName(f)
val seq = new SchemaObject {
val objectName = "SEQUENCE " + seqName
val sqlDrop = "DROP SEQUENCE " + seqName
val sqlCreate = "CREATE SEQUENCE " + seqName
case _ =>
* Produces a `DEFAULT` expression for specified `field`.
def defaultExpression[R <: Record[_, R]](field: Field[_, R]): String =
field match {
case a: AutoIncrementable[_, _] if (a.autoIncrement_?) =>
" DEFAULT NEXTVAL('" + sequenceName(field) + "')"
case _ =>" DEFAULT " + _).getOrElse("")
* Produces a name for database sequence.
def sequenceName[R <: Record[_, R]](vh: ValueHolder[_, R]) = + "." +
vh.record.relation.relationName + "_" + + "_seq"
* Produces a definition of unique constraint (e.g. `UNIQUE (name, value)`).
def uniqueKeyDefinition(uniq: UniqueKey) =
"UNIQUE (" +", ") + ")"
* Produces a definition of foreign key constraint (e.g.
* `FOREIGN KEY (country_id) REFERENCES country(id) ON DELETE CASCADE`).
def foreignKeyDefinition(fk: ForeignKey) =
"FOREIGN KEY (" +", ") +
") REFERENCES " + fk.parentRelation.qualifiedName + " (" +", ") + ") " +
"ON DELETE " + fk.onDelete.toSql + " " +
"ON UPDATE " + fk.onUpdate.toSql
* Produces a definition of check constraint (e.g. `CHECK (index > 0)`).
def checkConstraintDefinition(check: CheckConstraint) =
"CHECK (" + check.expression + ")"
/*!## Structured Query Language */
* Produces an SQL representation of join node.
def join(j: JoinNode[_, _, _, _]): String = joinInternal(j, null)
* Some magic to convert join tree to SQL.
protected def joinInternal(node: RelationNode[_, _], on: String): String = {
var result = ""
node match {
case j: JoinNode[_, _, _, _] =>
result += joinInternal(j.left, on) +
" " + j.joinType.toSql + " " +
joinInternal(j.right, j.sqlOn)
case _ =>
result += node.toSql
if (on != null) result += " " + on
return result
* Produces a `SELECT` statement.
def select(q: Select[_]): String = {
var result = "SELECT "
if (q.distinct_?)
result += "DISTINCT "
result +=", ")
if (q.from.size > 0)
result += " FROM " +", ")
if (q.where != EmptyPredicate)
result += " WHERE " + q.where.toSql
if (q.groupBy.size > 0)
result += " GROUP BY " + q.groupBy.flatMap(_.sqlAliases).mkString(", ")
if (q.having != EmptyPredicate)
result += " HAVING " + q.having.toSql
q.setOps.foreach {
case (op: SetOperation, subq: SQLQuery[_]) =>
result += " " + op.toSql + " ( " + subq.toSql + " )"
case _ =>
if (q.orderBy.size > 0)
result += " ORDER BY " +", ")
if (q.limit > -1)
result += " LIMIT " + q.limit
if (q.offset > 0)
result += " OFFSET " + q.offset
return result
* Returns a predicate expression for querying the last inserted record
* for `IdentityGenerator`.
def identityLastIdPredicate[PK, R <: Record[PK, R]](node: RelationNode[PK, R]): Predicate =
new SimpleExpression(node.alias + "." + + " = LASTVAL()", Nil)
* Returns a query which retrieves the last generated identity value for `IdentityGenerator`.
def identityLastIdQuery[PK, R <: Record[PK, R]](node: RelationNode[PK, R]): SQLQuery[PK] =
new Select(expr[PK]("LASTVAL()"))
* Returns a query which retrieves the next sequence value for the primary key of specified `node`.
def sequenceNextValQuery[PK, R <: Record[PK, R]](node: RelationNode[PK, R]): SQLQuery[PK] =
new Select(expr[PK]("NEXTVAL('" + sequenceName(node.relation.PRIMARY_KEY) + "')"))
/*!## Data Manipulation Language */
* Produces an `INSERT INTO .. VALUES` statement for specified `record` and specified `fields`.
def insert[PK, R <: Record[PK, R]](dml: Insert[PK, R]): String = {
var result = "INSERT INTO " + dml.relation.qualifiedName
if (dml.fields.size > 0)
result += " (" +", ") +
") VALUES (" +", ") + ")"
else result += " DEFAULT VALUES"
return result
* Produces an `INSERT .. SELECT` statement.
def insertSelect[PK, R <: Record[PK, R]](dml: InsertSelect[PK, R]) =
"INSERT INTO " + dml.relation.qualifiedName + " (" +", ") + ") " + dml.query.toSql
* Produces an `UPDATE` statement.
def update[PK, R <: Record[PK, R]](dml: Update[PK, R]): String = {
var result = "UPDATE " + dml.node.toSql + " SET " + => + " = " + f._1.placeholder).mkString(", ")
if (dml.where != EmptyPredicate) result += " WHERE " + dml.where.toSql
return result
* Produces a `DELETE` statement.
def delete[PK, R <: Record[PK, R]](dml: Delete[PK, R]): String = {
var result = "DELETE FROM " + dml.node.toSql
if (dml.where != EmptyPredicate) result += " WHERE " + dml.where.toSql
return result