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.circumflex-orm.2.0.3.source-code.query.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package ru.circumflex.orm
import java.sql.{ResultSet, PreparedStatement}
import ru.circumflex.core._
/*!# Querying
SQL and DML queries form the heart of Circumflex ORM DSL.
Common features implemented in the `Query` trait are _named parameters_
which allow query reuse and _ensuring alias uniqueness_ which prevents
implicit relation node aliases from colliding within a single query.
The `SQLQuery` trait represents data-retrieval queries which usually employ
the `executeQuery` method of JDBC `PreparedStatement` and process JDBC
The `DMLQuery` trait represents data-manipulation queries which usually
employ the `executeUpdate` method of JDBC `PreparedStatement` and return
the number of affected rows.
trait Query extends SQLable with Expression with Cloneable {
// Keep track of last execution time
protected var _executionTime = 0l
def executionTime = _executionTime
protected var _aliasCounter = 0;
protected def nextAlias: String = {
_aliasCounter += 1
return "this_" + _aliasCounter
def setParams(st: PreparedStatement, index: Int): Int = {
var paramsCounter = index;
parameters.foreach(p => {
typeConverter.write(st, convertNamedParam(p), paramsCounter)
paramsCounter += 1
return paramsCounter
protected var _namedParams: Map[String, Any] = Map()
def renderParams: Seq[Any] = => convertNamedParam(p))
def set(name: String, value: Any): this.type = {
_namedParams += name -> value
return this
protected def convertNamedParam(param: Any): Any = param match {
case s: Symbol => lookupNamedParam(
case s: String if (s.startsWith(":")) => lookupNamedParam(s)
case _ => param
protected def lookupNamedParam(name: String): Any =
_namedParams.get(name.replaceAll("^:", "")) match {
case Some(p) => p
case _ => name
override def clone(): this.type = super.clone.asInstanceOf[this.type]
override def toString = toSql
/*! The `SQLQuery` trait defines a contract for data-retrieval queries.
It's only type parameter `T` designates the query result type (it is
determined by specified `projections`).
abstract class SQLQuery[T](val projection: Projection[T]) extends Query {
def projections: Seq[Projection[_]] = List(projection)
protected def ensureProjectionAlias[T](projection: Projection[T]): Unit =
projection match {
case p: AtomicProjection[_] if (p.alias == "this") => p.AS(nextAlias)
case p: CompositeProjection[_] =>
case _ =>
def resultSet[A](actions: ResultSet => A): A = {
val result = time {
tx.execute(toSql) { st =>
setParams(st, 1)
val rs = st.executeQuery
try {
} finally {
} { throw _ }
_executionTime = result._1
return result._2
def read(rs: ResultSet): Option[T] =
def list(): Seq[T] = resultSet { rs =>
var result = List[T]()
while ( read(rs) match {
case Some(r) =>
result ++= List(r)
case _ =>
def unique(): Option[T] = resultSet(rs => {
if (!
else if (rs.isLast)
else throw new ORMException("Unique result expected, but multiple rows found.")
class NativeSQLQuery[T](projection: Projection[T],
expression: Expression)
extends SQLQuery[T](projection) {
def parameters = expression.parameters
def toSql = expression.toSql.replaceAll("\\{\\*\\}", projection.toSql)
/*! `SearchQuery` represents a query with a `WHERE` clause. */
trait SearchQuery extends Query {
protected var _where: Predicate = EmptyPredicate
def where: Predicate = this._where
def WHERE(predicate: Predicate): this.type = {
this._where = predicate
return this
def WHERE(expression: String, params: Pair[String,Any]*): this.type =
WHERE(prepareExpr(expression, params: _*))
def add(predicates: Predicate*): this.type = {
where match {
case EmptyPredicate =>
this._where = AND(predicates: _*)
case p: AggregatePredicate if (p.operator == dialect.AND) =>
p.add(predicates: _*)
case p =>
this._where = _where.AND(predicates: _*)
return this
def add(expression: String, params: Pair[String, Any]*): this.type =
add(prepareExpr(expression, params: _*))
class Select[T](projection: Projection[T]) extends SQLQuery[T](projection)
with SearchQuery {
// Commons
protected var _distinct: Boolean = false
protected var _auxProjections: Seq[Projection[_]] = Nil
protected var _relations: Seq[RelationNode[_, _]] = Nil
protected var _having: Predicate = EmptyPredicate
protected var _groupBy: Seq[Projection[_]] = Nil
protected var _setOps: Seq[Pair[SetOperation, SQLQuery[T]]] = Nil
protected var _orders: Seq[Order] = Nil
protected var _limit: Int = -1
protected var _offset: Int = 0
def parameters: Seq[Any] = where.parameters ++
_having.parameters ++
_setOps.flatMap(p => p._2.parameters) ++
def setOps = _setOps
// SELECT clause
override def projections = List(projection) ++ _auxProjections
def distinct_?(): Boolean = _distinct
def DISTINCT(): Select[T] = {
this._distinct = true
return this
// FROM clause
def from = _relations
def FROM(nodes: RelationNode[_, _]*): Select[T] = {
this._relations = nodes.toList
return this
protected def ensureNodeAlias(node: RelationNode[_, _]): RelationNode[_, _] =
node match {
case j: JoinNode[_, _, _, _] =>
case n: RelationNode[_, _] if (n.alias == "this") => node.AS(nextAlias)
case n => n
// HAVING clause
def having: Predicate = this._having
def HAVING(predicate: Predicate): Select[T] = {
this._having = predicate
return this
def HAVING(expression: String, params: Pair[String,Any]*): Select[T] =
HAVING(prepareExpr(expression, params: _*))
// GROUP BY clause
def groupBy: Seq[Projection[_]] = _groupBy
def GROUP_BY(proj: Projection[_]*): Select[T] = {
proj.toList.foreach(p => addGroupByProjection(p))
return this
protected def addGroupByProjection(proj: Projection[_]): Unit =
findProjection(projection, p => p.equals(proj)) match {
case None =>
this._auxProjections ++= List(proj)
this._groupBy ++= List(proj)
case Some(p) => this._groupBy ++= List(p)
protected def findProjection(projection: Projection[_],
predicate: Projection[_] => Boolean): Option[Projection[_]] =
if (predicate(projection)) return Some(projection)
else projection match {
case p: CompositeProjection[_] =>
return p.subProjections.find(predicate)
case _ => return None
// Set Operations
protected def addSetOp(op: SetOperation, sql: SQLQuery[T]): Select[T] = {
val q = clone()
q._setOps ++= List(op -> sql)
return q
def UNION(sql: SQLQuery[T]): Select[T] =
addSetOp(OP_UNION, sql)
def UNION_ALL(sql: SQLQuery[T]): Select[T] =
addSetOp(OP_UNION_ALL, sql)
def EXCEPT(sql: SQLQuery[T]): Select[T] =
addSetOp(OP_EXCEPT, sql)
def EXCEPT_ALL(sql: SQLQuery[T]): Select[T] =
addSetOp(OP_EXCEPT_ALL, sql)
def INTERSECT(sql: SQLQuery[T]): Select[T] =
addSetOp(OP_INTERSECT, sql)
def INTERSECT_ALL(sql: SQLQuery[T]): Select[T] =
// ORDER BY clause
def orderBy = _orders
def ORDER_BY(order: Order*): Select[T] = {
this._orders ++= order.toList
return this
// LIMIT and OFFSET clauses
def limit = this._limit
def LIMIT(value: Int): Select[T] = {
_limit = value
return this
def offset = this._offset
def OFFSET(value: Int): Select[T] = {
_offset = value
return this
// Miscellaneous
def toSql =
/*! The `DMLQuery` trait defines a contract for data-manipulation queries. */
trait DMLQuery extends Query {
def execute(): Int = {
val result = time {
tx.execute(toSql){ st =>
setParams(st, 1)
} { throw _ }
_executionTime = result._1
return result._2
class NativeDMLQuery(expression: Expression) extends DMLQuery {
def parameters = expression.parameters
def toSql = expression.toSql
class Insert[PK, R <: Record[PK, R]](val relation: Relation[PK, R],
val fields: Seq[Field[_, R]])
extends DMLQuery {
def parameters =
def toSql: String = dialect.insert(this)
class InsertSelect[PK, R <: Record[PK, R]](val relation: Relation[PK, R],
val query: SQLQuery[_])
extends DMLQuery {
if (relation.readOnly_?)
throw new ORMException("The relation " + relation.qualifiedName + " is read-only.")
def parameters = query.parameters
def toSql: String = dialect.insertSelect(this)
class InsertSelectHelper[PK, R <: Record[PK, R]](val relation: Relation[PK, R]) {
def SELECT[T](projection: Projection[T]) = new InsertSelect(relation, new Select(projection))
class Delete[PK, R <: Record[PK, R]](val node: RelationNode[PK, R])
extends DMLQuery with SearchQuery {
val relation = node.relation
if (relation.readOnly_?)
throw new ORMException("The relation " + relation.qualifiedName + " is read-only.")
def parameters = where.parameters
def toSql: String = dialect.delete(this)
class Update[PK, R <: Record[PK, R]](val node: RelationNode[PK, R])
extends DMLQuery with SearchQuery {
val relation = node.relation
if (relation.readOnly_?)
throw new ORMException("The relation " + relation.qualifiedName + " is read-only.")
private var _setClause: Seq[(Field[_, R], Option[Any])] = Nil
def setClause = _setClause
def SET[T](field: Field[T, R], value: T): Update[PK, R] = {
_setClause ++= List(field -> Some(value))
return this
def SET[K, P <: Record[K, P]](association: Association[K, R, P], value: P): Update[PK, R]=
SET(association.field.asInstanceOf[Field[Any, R]], value.PRIMARY_KEY.value)
def SET_NULL[T](field: Field[T, R]): Update[PK, R] = {
_setClause ++= List(field -> None)
return this
def SET_NULL[K, P <: Record[K, P]](association: Association[K, R, P]): Update[PK, R] =
def parameters = ++ where.parameters
def toSql: String = dialect.update(this)