.circumflex-scalate.2.0.source-code.package.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package ru.circumflex
import core._, web._
import org.fusesource.scalate._
import org.fusesource.scalate.servlet._
import java.util.Enumeration
import javax.servlet.ServletContext
/*!# The `scalate` package
Package `scalate` contains rendering methods and configuration objects
for [Scalate Templating Engine][scalate-home].
You should import this package if you intend to use Scalate in your web application:
import ru.circumflex.scalate._
You can also use aliased imports to prevent collisions between method names:
import ru.circumflex.{scalate => sc} // import under alias "sc"
sc.render("/path/to/template.ssp") // access members
Here's the example usage from Circumflex Web Application:
import ru.circumflex._, core._, web._, scalate._
class Main extends RequestRouter {
get("/hello/:name") = render("/templates/hello.ssp")
Two methods are used for rendering: `render(template: String, statusCode: Int = 200, layout: Boolean = true)`
and `view(view: String, it: AnyRef)`. Consult [Scalate Documentation][scalate-doc] for more details.
By default, the `ServletTemplateEngine` is used which resolves templates from servlet context.
If you wish to use your own `TemplateEngine` implementation with the methods of `scalate` package,
just set the `scalate.engine` configuration parameter to fully-qualified class name of templage
engine implementation.
[scalate-doc]: http://scalate.fusesource.org/documentation/user-guide.html
[scalate-home]: http://scalate.fusesource.org/
package object scalate {
object defaultConfiguration extends Config {
def getServletContext = servletContext
def getName = getServletContext.getServletContextName
def getInitParameterNames = getServletContext.getInitParameterNames
def getInitParameter(name: String) = getServletContext.getInitParameter(name)
val defaultEngine = new ServletTemplateEngine(defaultConfiguration)
defaultEngine.importStatements ::= "import ru.circumflex._, core._, web._;"
val engine = cx.instantiate[TemplateEngine]("scalate.engine", defaultEngine)
def acquireRenderContext: RenderContext = {
val rctx = new ServletRenderContext(engine, response.raw.getWriter, request.raw, response.raw, servletContext)
// add context parameters
ctx.foreach(p => rctx.attributes(p._1) = p._2)
return rctx
def render(template: String,
statusCode: Int = 200,
layout: Boolean = true): Nothing = {
acquireRenderContext.include(template, layout)
def view(view: String, it: AnyRef): Nothing = {
acquireRenderContext.view(it, view)