.circumflex-web.2.2.source-code.package.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Circumflex Web Framework is a lightweight framework
for quick and robust application development using Scala
programming language.
package ru.circumflex
import core._
import javax.servlet.{FilterChain, FilterConfig}
import collection.Iterator
import javax.activation.MimetypesFileTypeMap
import java.io._
import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils
import collection.mutable.Map
/*!# The `web` Package
Package `web` contains different shortcuts, utilities and helpers --
the basis of routing DSL of Circumflex Web Framework.
You should import this package to use Circumflex Web Framework in your application:
import ru.circumflex.web._
If you don't wish to import all helpers into your global scope, then import this
package under an alias:
import ru.circumflex.{web => cx} // import under alias "cx"
cx.request // access members
package object web {
val WEB_LOG = new Logger("ru.circumflex.web")
/*!# Heplers
Helpers are tiny methods and structures which provide common functionality
for web applications like accessing current request, response, session, headers, cookies
and other stuff.
def request = ctx("cx.request").asInstanceOf[HttpRequest]
def response = ctx("cx.response").asInstanceOf[HttpResponse]
def filterChain = ctx("cx.filterChain").asInstanceOf[FilterChain]
def filterConfig = cx("cx.filterConfig").asInstanceOf[FilterConfig]
def servletContext = filterConfig.getServletContext
def session = request.session
/*!## The `headers` Helper
The `headers` object of package `ru.circumflex.web` lets you access request
headers and set response headers (i.e. mix functionality of `request.headers`
and `response.headers`).
object headers extends Map[String, String] {
def +=(kv: (String, String)): this.type = {
response.headers + kv
def -=(key: String): this.type = {
response.headers - key
def iterator: Iterator[(String, String)] = request.headers.iterator
def get(key: String): Option[String] = request.headers.get(key)
/*!## The `cookies` Helper
The `cookies` object of package `ru.circumflex.web` lets you access request
cookies and set response cookies (i.e. mix functionality of `request.cookies`
and `response.cookies`).
object cookies extends Map[String, HttpCookie] {
def +=(kv: (String, HttpCookie)): this.type = {
response.cookies += kv._2.asInstanceOf[HttpCookie]
def -=(key: String): this.type = {
response.cookies.find(_.name == key).map(c => response.cookies -= c)
def iterator: Iterator[(String, HttpCookie)] =
request.cookies.iterator.map(c => (c.name -> c))
def get(key: String): Option[HttpCookie] =
request.cookies.find(c => c.name == key)
/*!## The `flash` Helper
The `flash` object provides a way to pass temporary objects between requests.
Flash variables are stored in session until first access.
object flash extends Map[String, Any] with UntypedContainer {
val SESSION_KEY = "cx.flash"
protected def flashMap = session
.getOrElse(SESSION_KEY, Map[String, Any]())
.asInstanceOf[Map[String, Any]]
def +=(kv: (String, Any)): this.type = {
session(SESSION_KEY) = flashMap + (kv)
def -=(key: String): this.type = {
session(SESSION_KEY) = flashMap - key
def iterator: Iterator[(String, Any)] = flashMap.iterator
def get(key: String): Option[Any] = {
val m = flashMap
flashMap.get(key) map { v =>
session(SESSION_KEY) = m - key
override def contains(key: String): Boolean = flashMap.contains(key)
/*!## The `param` Helper
The `param` object of package `ru.circumflex.web` is a convenient helper to
retrieve the parameters of current match or current request. The parameters
are first resolved from `MatchResult` objects found in context. If no
match result contain a parameter with specified name, then the parameter is
resolved from request parameters.
object param extends Map[String, String] {
def +=(kv: (String, String)): this.type = this
def -=(key: String): this.type = this
def iterator: Iterator[(String, String)] = ctx.iterator.flatMap(p => p._2 match {
case m: MatchResult => m.params.iterator
case s: String => Seq(p._1 -> s).iterator
case _ => Iterator.empty
}) ++ request.params.iterator
def get(key: String): Option[String] = iterator.find(_._1 == key).map(_._2)
override def default(key: String): String = ""
def list(key: String): Seq[String] = iterator.filter(_._1 == key).map(_._2).toList
/*!## Response Helpers
Circumflex Web Framework provides following helpers for sending standard
HTTP responses:
* `send` writes specified `text` to response buffer and, if specified,
sets `statusCode`;
* `sendError` sends an error to the client using specified `statusCode` and
* `sendRedirect` sends `302 MOVED TEMPORARILY` to the client using specified
`url` and optional `flashes`;
* `sendFile` sends specified `file` to the client; if `filename` is provided,
`Content-Disposition: attachment` is also added to the response with specified
* `xSendFile` delegates filesending to the web server; refer to documentation
of your web server to understand how it works;
* `sendStream` accepts a function, which uses `OutputStream` to send binary
* `sendChars` accepts a function, which uses `Writer` to send character data;
* `forward` delegates further request processing to another component located
at specified `url` and immediately flushes the response at the end; note that
if you want to forward the request to another Circumflex route, you must make
sure that `CircumflexFilter` is mapped with `FORWARD `
in `web.xml`;
* `pass()` sends request and response down the filter chain and then immediately
flushes response.
All helpers by convention throw `ResponseSentException` which is caught by
`CircumflexFilter` to indicate that the response have been processed
def send(text: String = "", statusCode: Int = -1): Nothing = {
if (statusCode != -1)
response.body(r => r.getWriter.write(text)).flush()
def sendError(statusCode: Int, message: String = "No message available."): Nothing =
response.body(r => r.sendError(statusCode, message)).flush()
def sendRedirect(url: String, flashes: (String, Any)*): Nothing = {
flashes.foreach(kv => flash(kv._1) = kv._2)
response.body(r => r.sendRedirect(url)).flush()
def sendFile(file: File, filename: String = ""): Nothing = {
// if filename is provided, add `Content-Disposition` header
if (filename != "") response.attachment(filename)
// if not set explicitly, infer content type from extension
if (response.contentType == "")
response.contentType(new MimetypesFileTypeMap().getContentType(file))
// send file by copying streams
response.body { r =>
val is = new FileInputStream(file)
try {
IOUtils.copy(is, r.getOutputStream)
} finally {
} flush()
def xSendFile(file: File, filename: String = ""): Nothing = {
// if filename is provided, add `Content-Disposition` header
if (filename != "") response.attachment(filename)
val xsf = cx.instantiate[XSendFileHeader]("cx.xSendFile", DefaultXSendFileHeader)
response.headers(xsf.name) = xsf.value(file)
def sendStream(streamFunc: OutputStream => Unit): Nothing =
response.body(r => streamFunc(r.getOutputStream)).flush()
def sendChars(writerFunc: Writer => Unit): Nothing =
response.body(r => writerFunc(r.getWriter)).flush()
def forward(url: String): Nothing = {
def pass(): Nothing = {
filterChain.doFilter(request.raw, response.raw)
/*!## The `matchers` Helper
The `matchers` helper contains shortcuts for various matchers (for example, by known HTTP headers).
You should import this object if you want to use it:
import ru.circumflex.web.{matchers => m}
get("/" & m.ACCEPT(":mime")) = "You are accepting " + param("mime")
object matchers {
val ACCEPT = new HeaderMatcherHelper("Accept")
val ACCEPT_CHARSET = new HeaderMatcherHelper("Accept-Charset")
val ACCEPT_ENCODING = new HeaderMatcherHelper("Accept-Encoding")
val ACCEPT_LANGUAGE = new HeaderMatcherHelper("Accept-Language")
val ACCEPT_RANGES = new HeaderMatcherHelper("Accept-Ranges")
val AUTHORIZARION = new HeaderMatcherHelper("Authorization")
val CACHE_CONTROL = new HeaderMatcherHelper("Cache-Control")
val CONNECTION = new HeaderMatcherHelper("Connection")
val CONTENT_LENGTH = new HeaderMatcherHelper("Content-Length")
val COOKIE = new HeaderMatcherHelper("Cookie")
val CONTENT_TYPE = new HeaderMatcherHelper("Content-Type")
val DATE = new HeaderMatcherHelper("Date")
val EXPECT = new HeaderMatcherHelper("Expect")
val FROM = new HeaderMatcherHelper("From")
val HOST = new HeaderMatcherHelper("Host")
val IF_MATCH = new HeaderMatcherHelper("If-Match")
val IF_MODIFIED_SINCE = new HeaderMatcherHelper("If-Modified-Since")
val IF_NONE_MATCH = new HeaderMatcherHelper("If-None-Match")
val IF_RANGE = new HeaderMatcherHelper("If-Range")
val IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE = new HeaderMatcherHelper("If-Unmodified-Since")
val MAX_FORWARDS = new HeaderMatcherHelper("Max-Forwards")
val PRAGMA = new HeaderMatcherHelper("Pragma")
val PROXY_AUTHORIZATION = new HeaderMatcherHelper("Proxy-Authorization")
val RANGE = new HeaderMatcherHelper("Range")
val REFERER = new HeaderMatcherHelper("Referer")
val TE = new HeaderMatcherHelper("TE")
val UPGRADE = new HeaderMatcherHelper("Upgrade")
val USER_AGENT = new HeaderMatcherHelper("User-Agent")
val VIA = new HeaderMatcherHelper("Via")
val WARNING = new HeaderMatcherHelper("Warning")