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# Command Line Option Descriptions
commandLineOption.option.systemProperty=Set System Properties
commandLineOption.option.tnsAdmin=Directory of TNS-Admin (Defaults to $TNS_ADMIN) Help Screen
commandLineOption.option.install=Install the packaged APEX-Application and its corresponding DDL changes
commandLineOption.option.extractApex=Extract the APEX-Application into the temporary Directory
commandLineOption.option.extractDDL=Extract the DDL changes into the temporary Directory to a file named apexExtract.ddl
commandLineOption.option.list=List the packaged APEX-Applications
commandLineOption.option.dbConnect=TNS key-value Syntax or TNS-Alias (Option tnsadmin must be set for the latter one)
commandLineOption.option.tempDir=temporary Directory, where the APEX-Installation will be extracted for Installation
commandLineOption.option.dbUser=Username to connect to the Database\nThis aims to be the Installation Schema if not otherwise specified by Parameter --installSchema
commandLineOption.option.sourceId=ID of the APEX-Application, which should be installed\nDefault: if only 1 packaged APEX-Application exists, then this will be used. Otherwise this Parameter is mandatory
commandLineOption.option.targetId=new ID of the imported APEX-Application within the Target APEX-Workspace\nDefault: Source-ID\nRefer to: APEX_APPLICATION_INSTALL.set_application_id
commandLineOption.option.targetAlias=new Alias of the imported APEX-Application within the Target APEX-Workspace\nDefault: Alias of the imported APEX-Application\nRefer to: APEX_APPLICATION_INSTALL.set_application_alias
commandLineOption.option.targetName=new Name of the imported APEX-Application within the Target APEX-Workspace\nDefault: Name of the imported APEX-Application\nRefer to: APEX_APPLICATION_INSTALL.set_application_name
commandLineOption.option.targetAutoInstallSupObj=Import the supporting Objects of the APEX-Application\nDefault: no Import\nRefer to: APEX_APPLICATION_INSTALL.set_auto_install_sup_obj
commandLineOption.option.targetImagePrefix=new Image Prefix of the imported APEX-Application within the Target APEX-Workspace\nDefault: Image Prefix of the imported APEX-Application\nRefer to: APEX_APPLICATION_INSTALL.set_image_prefix
commandLineOption.option.targetKeepOffset=Should the IDs of the installed APEX Application be kept?\nDefault: false
commandLineOption.option.targetOffset=Offset to recalculate the IDs of the imported APEX Application\nDefault: no Offset -> same IDs as the imported APEX-Application\nRefer to: APEX_APPLICATION_INSTALL.set_offset
commandLineOption.option.targetWorkspace=Name of the Workspace, where the Application should be installed\nDefault: Workspace of the Install-Schema (if there only exists a single Workspace-Reference)\nRefer to: APEX_APPLICATION_INSTALL.set_workspace_id
commandLineOption.option.targetProxy=Set the Proxy for the imported APEX-Application within the Target APEX-Workspace\nRefer to: APEX_APPLICATION_INSTALL.set_proxy
commandLineOption.option.targetStaticAppFilePrefix=set the Prefix for the static Application Files\nDefault: Application File Prefix of the imported APEX-Application\nRefer to: APEX_APPLICATION_INSTALL.set_static_app_file_prefix
commandLineOption.option.targetStaticPluginFilePrefix=set the Prefix for the static Plugin Files\nDefault: Plugin File Prefix of the imported APEX-Application\nRefer to: APEX_APPLICATION_INSTALL.set_static_plugin_file_prefix
commandLineOption.option.targetStaticThemeFilePrefix=set the Prefix for the static Theme Files\nDefault: Theme File Prefix of the imported APEX-Application\nRefer to: APEX_APPLICATION_INSTALL.set_static_theme_file_prefix
commandLineOption.option.libraryPath=Path to the SQL*Plus Libraries\nDefault: $ORACLE_HOME/lib
commandLineOption.option.nlsLang=NLS_LANG Settings for SQL*Plus\nDefault: Content of the Environment-Variable NLS_LANG
commandLineOption.option.force=Overwrite existing Files during Installation or Extraction (APEX- and/or DDL-Extraction)
commandLineOption.option.oracleHome=Home Directory of the Oracle Installation.\nDefault: Content of the Environment-Variable ORACLE_HOME
commandLineOption.option.sqlplusExecutable=Executable of SQL*Plus (Path to file sqlplus or sqlplus.exe)\nDefault: $ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus (or %ORACLE_HOME%\\bin\\sqlplus.exe under Windows)
commandLineOption.option.asSysdba=Establish the Connection with the SYSDBA System-Role
commandLineOption.option.quiet=Supress Output
commandLineOption.option.installSchema=Installation Schema\nDefault: Login-Schema
commandLineOption.option.changeLogSchemaName=Schema where the Liquibase ChangeLog Table will be created (if it not already exists)\nDefault: Login-Schema
commandLineOption.option.changeLogTableName=Name of the Liquibase ChangeLog Table.\nDefault: DATABASECHANGELOG
commandLineOption.option.changeLogLockTableName=Name of the Liquibase ChangeLog-Lock Table.\nDefault: DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK
commandLineOption.option.changeLogTablespaceName=Tablespace, where the Liquibase ChangeLog and ChangeLog-Lock Tables will be created.\nDefault: Default Tablespace of the Liquibase-Schema
commandLineOption.option.output=Location where any Output should be written. Can be either a File (--extractDDL) or a Directory (--extractAPEX) or - (a hyphen, --extractDDL) to redirect the Output to the Standard Output.

# Help Messages
helpCommand.header.1=Installs the packaged APEX-Applications
helpCommand.examples.3=\ \ List all packaged APEX-Applications:
helpCommand.examples.4=\ \ \ \ {0} --list
helpCommand.examples.6=\ \ Install a single packaged APEX-Application into User Scott (at Database on localhost):
helpCommand.examples.7=\ \ \ \ {0} --install --dbConnect="(DESCRIPTION=(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=))(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=" --dbUser=SCOTT --dbPassword=tiger
helpCommand.examples.8=\ \ \ \ {0} --install --dbConnect="LOCALHOST" --dbUser=SCOTT --dbPassword=tiger [this Example assumes that there exists a tnsnames.ora with a TNS-Alias named LOCALHOST]
helpCommand.examples.9=\ \ \ \ {0} -i -c "//localhost:1521/XE" -u SCOTT
helpCommand.examples.11=\ \ Install a single packaged APEX-Application into User Scott by an APEX Administrator (at Database on localhost):
helpCommand.examples.12=\ \ \ \ {0} --install --dbConnect="//localhost:1521/XE" --dbUser SYSTEM --installSchema scott
helpCommand.examples.13=\ \ \ \ {0} -i -c "(DESCRIPTION=(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=))(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=" -u SYSTEM -s SCOTT
helpCommand.examples.15=\ \ Install APEX-Application with ID 100 into User Scott by an APEX Administrator (at Database on localhost) with a randomly available ID and the Alias ALIAS_NEW
helpCommand.examples.16=\ \ \ \ {0} -i -c "//localhost:1521/xe" -u system -s scott --sourceId 100 -a ALIAS_NEW
helpCommand.examples.18=\ \ Install APEX-Application with ID 100 into User Scott (at Database on localhost) with the same Installation Information:
helpCommand.examples.19=\ \ \ \ {0} -i -c "//localhost:1521/xe" -u scott --sourceId=100 -t 100 --keepOffset
helpCommand.examples.21=\ \ Extract a single packaged APEX-Application into the actual Working Directory:
helpCommand.examples.22=\ \ \ \ {0} --extractApex
helpCommand.examples.23=\ \ \ \ {0} --extractApex -o .
helpCommand.examples.24=\ \ \ \ {0} --extractApex --output=.
helpCommand.examples.26=\ \ Extract APEX-Application with ID 10 into Directory /tmp:
helpCommand.examples.27=\ \ \ \ {0} --extractApex --sourceId=100 --output=/tmp

# Exception Message
installApexException.message=INST-{0,number,00000}: {1}
installApexException.reason.unknown=Unknown Exception. See Printstack below
installApexException.reason.noDirectoryByCLIArgument=Location of CommandLine Option {0} isn''t a Directory ({1})
installApexException.reason.noDirectoryBySystemPropertyOrEnvironmentVariable=Location of SystemProperty or Environment Variable {0} isn''t a Directory ({1})
installApexException.reason.missingRequiredCommandLineOption=CommandLine Option {0} hasn''t been set but is needed for Command {1}
installApexException.reason.cliOptionEvaluationError=Environment Variable {0} is empty and CommandLine Option --{1} hasn''t been specified. Either of these Options is needed for Command --{2}
installApexException.reason.createDirectoryError=Can''t create the Directory {0} requested by Option {1}. Reason: {2}
installApexException.reason.createFileError=Can''t create the File {0} requested by Option {1}. Reason: {2}
installApexException.reason.createDataSourceError=Cannot create the DataSource to TNS {0} with User {1}. Reason: {2}
installApexException.reason.fileNotFoundByOption=File specified by CommandLine Option {0} ({1}) is missing
installApexException.reason.fileNotFoundBySystemPropertyOrEnvironmentVariable=File specified by Environment Variable {0} (referenced by CommandLine Option {1}) ({2}) is missing
installApexException.reason.fileWithoutExecutionPrivilegeByOption=File specified by CommandLine Option {0} ({1}) is not executable (lacks execution Privileges)
installApexException.reason.fileWithoutExecutionPrivilegeBySystemPropertyOrEnvironmentVariable=File specified by Environment Variable {0} (referenced by CommandLine Option {1}) ({2}) is not executable (lacks execution Privileges)
installApexException.reason.apexIdNotNumeric=APEX-ID defined by Option {0} isn''t numeric
installApexException.reason.noApexDirectoryIncluded=There is no APEX-Directory {0} included within this JAR-Archive
installApexException.reason.errorOnApexDirectoryAccess=Error while accessing included APEX-Directory {0}. {1}
installApexException.reason.noApexApplicationsIncluded=No APEX-Applications included within packaged Directory {0}
installApexException.reason.apexParserException=Error while parsing File {0} of APEX-Application {1}. Error: {2}
installApexException.reason.wrongInternalApexId=internal APEX ID {0} doesn''t correspond with the parsed APEX-ID {1} of Location {2}
installApexException.reason.consoleProblem=There exists an Error while interacting with the Console. See Stacktrace below
installApexException.reason.upgradeError=Error while upgrading the Schema {0} (by Connection {1}). See Stacktrace below
installApexException.reason.noApexInstalled=No APEX Environment installed on this Database
installApexException.reason.noWorkspaceAssigned=Installation Schema {0} has no Assignment to any APEX-Workspaces or the connected User lacks the Role APEX_ADMINISTRATION_ROLE
installApexException.reason.requestedWorkspaceNotAssigned=requested Workspace {0} is not assigned to Installation Schema {1}
installApexException.reason.requestedApexIdNotAvailable=requested Apex Application ID {0} is not a valid Installation Candidate.
installApexException.reason.exitingOutputIsDirectory=requested Output {0} is an existing Directory instead of a File
installApexException.reason.existingOutputIsFile=requested Output {0} is an existing File instead of a Directory
installApexException.reason.cannotOverwriteOutputFileWithoutForceFlag=Output File {0} already exists. Retry with the Command Line Option {1} to overwrite it
installApexException.reason.cannotOverwriteOutputDirectoryWithoutForceFlag=Output Directory {0} already exists. Retry with the Command Line Option {1} to overwrite it
installApexException.reason.cannotQuietlyReadPasswordFromConsole=cannot quietly read Password from Console. Either use Command Line Option {1} or remove {2}
installApexException.reason.errorWhileInstallApplicationWithSQLPlus=Error while installing the APEX-Applicaiton with ID {0} ({1}) by SQL*Plus. See Stacktrace below
installApexException.reason.noApexInstallationScriptAvailable=No APEX Installation Script {0} available within Extraction Directory {1}
installApexException.reason.invalidErrorCodeBySQLPlus=Installation with SQL*Plus was unsuccessful. Error-Code: {0}

# Service Values
abstractDataSourceCommand.passwordPrompt=Password of Database User {0}: 
listCommand.header=The following APEX-Application{0,choice,1# is|1