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getopt-databind from group pro.johndunlap (version 0.5.6)

This is a Java library which provides a flexible and customizable way to bind command line arguments to Java objects, in a similar manner to how JSON, XML, and YAML can be bound to Java objects. You can easily define Java classes that represent the data structure of your command line arguments, and use annotations to specify how those arguments should be parsed and bound to the corresponding fields in your Java object. This allows you to write command line interfaces that are more intuitive and easier to use, while also reducing the amount of boilerplate code that is needed to parse and validate command line arguments.

Group: pro.johndunlap Artifact: getopt-databind
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Artifact getopt-databind
Group pro.johndunlap
Version 0.5.6
Last update 20. April 2023
Organization not specified
License MIT License
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

fastutil-core from group co.datadome (version

fastutil extends the Java Collections Framework by providing type-specific maps, sets, lists, and queues with a small memory footprint and fast operations; it provides also big (64-bit) arrays, sets, and lists, sorting algorithms, fast, practical I/O classes for binary and text files, and facilities for memory mapping large files. This jar (fastutil-core.jar) contains data structures based on integers, longs, doubles, and objects, only; fastutil.jar contains all classes. If you have both jars in your dependencies, this jar should be excluded.

Group: co.datadome Artifact: fastutil-core
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Artifact fastutil-core
Group co.datadome
Last update 25. December 2022
Organization not specified
License Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

gene-mapper-experimental-base from group de.julielab (version 1.0.0)

This project has a lot of business classes to work with genes and related named entities. Genes are part of a GeneDocument and may have gold IDs as well as mapped/predicted IDs. Another large part are species because most (all?) gene ID databases are species specific. So there are also classes or members to represent species mentions and the assignment of species IDs (taxonomy IDs) to genes. There is little to no business logic herein. This project is only useful as building block in other projects dealing with species assignment, gene ID mapping or similar efforts.

Group: de.julielab Artifact: gene-mapper-experimental-base
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Artifact gene-mapper-experimental-base
Group de.julielab
Version 1.0.0
Last update 03. December 2022
Organization JULIE Lab Jena, Germany
URL Not specified
License BSD-2-Clause
Dependencies amount 21
Dependencies commons-lang3, commons-text, julielab-java-utilities, slf4j-api, lucene-analyzers-common, guava, julielab-ranklib-mallet, jcore-mallet-2.0.9, libsvm, spark-core, guice, julie-xml-tools, julielab-entity-evaluator, ehcache, cache-api, annotations, commons-codec, commons-io, junit-jupiter-engine, assertj-core, com.wcohen.secondstring,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

brownies-collections from group org.magicwerk (version 0.9.16)

Brownies Collections complements the Java Collections Framework. GapList combines the strengths of both ArrayList and LinkedList. BigList is a list optimized for storing large number of elements. There are specialized List implementations for all primitive data types (IntGapList, IntBigList, IntObjGapList, IntObjBigList). The key collection classes offer support for keys and constraints for lists and collections (KeyList, KeyCollection, KeySet, Key1List, Key1Collection, Key1Set, Key2List, Key2Collection, Key2Set).

Group: org.magicwerk Artifact: brownies-collections
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Artifact brownies-collections
Group org.magicwerk
Version 0.9.16
Last update 28. October 2022
Organization not specified
License The Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

jadex-serialization-xml from group org.activecomponents.jadex (version 4.0.267)

Jadex XML is an XML data binding framework for Java and also for other representations. The main idea of Jadex XML is that neither the XML-Schema on the one side nor the Java classes on the other side should define other binding. Instead, a separate mapping between both is used as a mediation. This allows designing the XML representation independent of the Java side but still being able to connect both as desired. This idea was first put forward by the JiBX data binding framework. Jadex XML pushes it further by combining it with the configuration by exception principle. The framework can detect obvious correspondences between both sides automatically and only needs configuration information when translations are necessary. The configuration information is currently specified directly in form of Java configuration classes.

Group: org.activecomponents.jadex Artifact: jadex-serialization-xml
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Artifact jadex-serialization-xml
Group org.activecomponents.jadex
Version 4.0.267
Last update 08. September 2022
Organization not specified
License GPL-3.0
Dependencies amount 2
Dependencies jadex-util-commons, jadex-serialization-traverser,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

threadfix-cli-lib from group com.github.secdec.astam-correlator (version 1.3.8)

This module contains library classes for accessing the ThreadFix REST API. The ThreadFix IDE plugins use this library to retrieve application and vulnerability marker information, and in the ThreadFix scanner plugins to get endpoint information and upload scans to ThreadFix applications. The easiest way to start using the library is with the PluginClient or ThreadFixRestClient classes. Both have constructors that take a PropertiesManager instance, which holds the ThreadFix API key and url information. The default PropertiesManager implementation stores these properties in, but the ThreadFix plugins extend the default PropertiesManager class to override this behavior for the target platform.

Group: com.github.secdec.astam-correlator Artifact: threadfix-cli-lib
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Artifact threadfix-cli-lib
Group com.github.secdec.astam-correlator
Version 1.3.8
Last update 15. March 2022
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 7
Dependencies threadfix-entities, commons-httpclient, commons-cli, commons-io, commons-validator, gson, jackson-annotations,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

test-drop-in-framework from group com.salesforce.cqe (version 4.1.2)

Test Drop-in Framework for Selenium WebDriver 4.1.x This repository contains these major deliverables: a) the Test Drop-in Framework, b) a WebDriver implementation offering enhanced logging capabilities, and c) the @FindByJS annotation support Provides a thin abstraction layer between the test environment and the test class plus its helpers. This makes the test code independent of the test environment, thus allowing exchange of tests between organizations or even companies. It comes with an event firing WebDriver wrapper plus corresponding interface. This allows you to implement listeners to arbitrary WebDriver activities for various purposes such as logging. Offers support of JavaScript commands to find elements in a way similar to @FindBy used on fields in Page Object classes.

Group: com.salesforce.cqe Artifact: test-drop-in-framework
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Artifact test-drop-in-framework
Group com.salesforce.cqe
Version 4.1.2
Last update 28. December 2021
Organization not specified
License BSD 3-Clause
Dependencies amount 5
Dependencies testng, selenium-java, jackson-core, jackson-annotations, jackson-databind,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

gt-main from group io.oss84.geotools (version 24.2-oss84-1)

The main module contains the GeoTools public interfaces that are used by other GeoTools modules (and GeoTools applications). Where possible we make use industry standard terms as provided by OGC and ISO standards. The formal GeoTools public api consists of gt-metadata, jts and the gt-main module. The main module contains the default implementations that are available provided to other GeoTools modules using our factory system. Factories are obtained from an appropriate FactoryFinder, giving applications a chance configure the factory used using the Factory Hints facilities. FilterFactory ff = CommonFactoryFinder.getFilterFactory(); Expression expr = ff.add( expression1, expression2 ); If you find yourself using implementation specific classes chances are you doing it wrong: Expression expr = new AddImpl( expression1, expressiom2 );

Group: io.oss84.geotools Artifact: gt-main
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Artifact gt-main
Group io.oss84.geotools
Version 24.2-oss84-1
Last update 21. February 2021
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
Dependencies amount 4
Dependencies gt-referencing, jts-core, commons-text, jackson-core,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

javautil from group org.eurekaclinical (version 4.5)

JavaUtil is a utility library to speed the development of Java software. We developed it over multiple years during our internal development efforts, and it has reached a point of stability where we have decided to make it available to the outside world. The JavaUtil package aims to fill in the gaps of the Apache Commons and similar utility libraries out there. Features include convenience classes for string, collections, arrays, dates, iterators, colors, logging, unit testing, a little bit of basic statistics, database queries, caching and more.

Group: org.eurekaclinical Artifact: javautil
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Artifact javautil
Group org.eurekaclinical
Version 4.5
Last update 11. August 2020
Organization not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies commons-dbcp2,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

jadex-xml from group org.activecomponents.jadex (version 3.0.117)

Jadex XML is an XML data binding framework for Java and also for other representations. The main idea of Jadex XML is that neither the XML-Schema on the one side nor the Java classes on the other side should define other binding. Instead, a separate mapping between both is used as a mediation. This allows designing the XML representation independent of the Java side but still being able to connect both as desired. This idea was first put forward by the JiBX data binding framework. Jadex XML pushes it further by combining it with the configuration by exception principle. The framework can detect obvious correspondences between both sides automatically and only needs configuration information when translations are necessary. The configuration information is currently specified directly in form of Java configuration classes.

Group: org.activecomponents.jadex Artifact: jadex-xml
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Artifact jadex-xml
Group org.activecomponents.jadex
Version 3.0.117
Last update 10. May 2020
Organization not specified
License GPL-3.0
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies jadex-commons,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

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