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cuneiform-core from group (version 2.0.4-RELEASE)

Group: Artifact: cuneiform-core
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Artifact cuneiform-core
Version 2.0.4-RELEASE
Last update 17. May 2016
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 5
Dependencies antlr4, json, commons-logging, log4j, mockito-all,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

cuneiform from group (version 2.0.4-RELEASE)

A Functional Workflow Language. Cuneiform is a workflow specification language which makes it easy to integrate heterogeneous tools and libraries and exploit data parallelism. Users do not have to create heavy-weight wrappers for establised tools or to reimplement them. Instead, they apply their existing software to partitioned data. Using the Hi-WAY application master Cuneiform can be executed on Hadoop YARN which makes it suitable for large scale data analysis. Cuneiform comes in the form of a functional programming language with a Foreign Function Interface (FFI) that lets users create functions in any suitable scripting language and apply these functions in a uniform way. Data paralelism is expressed by applying map, cross-product, dot-product, or combinations of the aforementioned algorithmic skeletons to collections of black-box data.

Group: Artifact: cuneiform
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Artifact cuneiform
Version 2.0.4-RELEASE
Last update 17. May 2016
Organization not specified
License Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

io.janusproject from group io.janusproject (version

Janus is an open-source multi-agent platform fully implemented in Java 1.8. Janus enables developers to quickly create web, enterprise and desktop multiagent-based applications. It provides a comprehensive set of features to develop, run, display and monitor multiagent-based applications. Janus-based applications can be distributed across a network. Janus could be used as an agent-oriented platform, an organizational platform, and/or an holonic platform. It also natively manages the concept of recursive agents and holons. Janus is jointly developed by the multiagent team of the University of Burgondy Franche Comté, and the Grupo de Investigación en Tecnologías Informáticas Avanzadas de Tucumán. This is the new version of Janus fully reimplemented to support the SARL Agent-Oriented Programming Language (

Group: io.janusproject Artifact: io.janusproject
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Artifact io.janusproject
Group io.janusproject
Last update 23. January 2016
Organization Janus Project Consortium
License Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

portofino-war-gae from group com.manydesigns (version 4.2.1)

Group: com.manydesigns Artifact: portofino-war-gae
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Artifact portofino-war-gae
Group com.manydesigns
Version 4.2.1
Last update 11. December 2015
Organization not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 6
Dependencies portofino-pageactions, portofino-database, portofino-stripes, portofino-theme, slf4j-jdk14, appengine-api-1.0-sdk,
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atgdust from group com.github.talberto (version 2.1.0)

ATG DUST is a framework for building JUnit tests for applications built on the ATG Dynamo platform. This framework allows one to quickly write test code that depends up Nucleus or ATG Repositories. By using this framework one can drastically cut down on development time. It takes only a few seconds to start up a test with a repository, but it may take multiple minutes to start up an application server. To get started with DUST, take a look at This page will walk you through the process of running a basic test which starts Nucleus. After that, read the other getting started guides to describe how to create standalone Junit tests which can startup repositories and use the DynamoHttpServletResponse classes. For only ATG10 and tested.

Group: com.github.talberto Artifact: atgdust
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Artifact atgdust
Group com.github.talberto
Version 2.1.0
Last update 27. November 2014
Organization not specified
License Apache License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 10
Dependencies log4j, commons-dbcp, hsqldb, servlet-api, jsp-api, commons-io, ddlutils, validation-api, cglib, junit,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

jdbctemplatetool from group org.crazycake (version 1.0.4-RELEASE)

Spring JdbcTemplate did very convient and useful, but it also has some disadvantages or in another word “inconvenient”. For example, you can’t just pass an object and tell JdbcTemplate to turn it into a sql and save to database just like hibernate does. Alright, you may say “JdbcTemplate doesn’t need you to write hbm.xml , so it’s understandable”. But is it true that this thing is impossible to achieve? And also you know JdbcTemplate can auto turn the result of a query to a list of persistent object a.k.a PO, but when you want to do this you will meet a problem: “How to ?”.Because you can’t find any function of JdbcTemplate to pass a sql and a PO class as we expected. After you google for it, you’ve been told you can create a BeanPropertyRowMapper to deal with this. But isn’t it could be more easier? Based on those questions I create JdbcTemplateTool which can provide these features.

Group: org.crazycake Artifact: jdbctemplatetool
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Artifact jdbctemplatetool
Group org.crazycake
Version 1.0.4-RELEASE
Last update 24. September 2014
Organization not specified
License The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 6
Dependencies spring-orm, persistence-api, slf4j-api, slf4j-log4j12, spring-core, camel-name-utils,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

jeuron-project from group org.jeuron (version 0.4.0)

The Jeuron Application Platform is a lightweight framework to assemble software components intended to support multiple project and deployment scenarios while also providing an environment for testing and debugging. The platform is comprised of a set of packages which provide transport, messaging, configuration, and execution services designed to create a configurable, scalable, and distributed application environment. The low resource model permits the platform to be instantiated during each build cycle and to be deployed at all levels of the application hierarchy such as application servers, web servers, and mobile or wired workstations.

Group: org.jeuron Artifact: jeuron-project
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Artifact jeuron-project
Group org.jeuron
Version 0.4.0
Last update 25. April 2014
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License GNU Lesser General Public License
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

userClassifier from group (version 1.0.3)

Interactively classify through visual means. You are Presented with a scatter graph of the data against two user selectable attributes, as well as a view of the decision tree. You can create binary splits by creating polygons around data plotted on the scatter graph, as well as by allowing another classifier to take over at points in the decision tree should you see fit. For more information see: Malcolm Ware, Eibe Frank, Geoffrey Holmes, Mark Hall, Ian H. Witten (2001). Interactive machine learning: letting users build classifiers. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 55(3):281-292.

Group: Artifact: userClassifier
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Artifact userClassifier
Version 1.0.3
Last update 25. April 2014
Organization University of Waikato, Hamilton, NZ
License GNU General Public License 3
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies weka-dev,
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jeuron from group org.jeuron (version 0.4.0)

Group: org.jeuron Artifact: jeuron
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Artifact jeuron
Group org.jeuron
Version 0.4.0
Last update 24. April 2014
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 0
Dependencies No dependencies
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low-latency-primitive-concurrent-queues from group (version 1.0.0)

An low latency, lock free, primitive bounded blocking queue backed by an int[]. This class mimics the interface of {@linkplain java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue BlockingQueue}, however works with primitive ints rather than objects, so is unable to actually implement the BlockingQueue. This class takes advantage of the Unsafe.putOrderedObject, which allows us to create non-blocking code with guaranteed writes. These writes will not be re-orderd by instruction reordering. Under the covers it uses the faster store-store barrier, rather than the the slower store-load barrier, which is used when doing a volatile write. One of the trade off with this improved performance is we are limited to a single producer, single consumer.

Group: Artifact: low-latency-primitive-concurrent-queues
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Artifact low-latency-primitive-concurrent-queues
Version 1.0.0
Last update 24. February 2014
Organization not specified
License The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Dependencies amount 2
Dependencies mockito-core, japex-maven-plugin,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!

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