Download org.seleniumhq.webdriver JAR files with dependency
org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.engines.entitylinking.labeltokenizer.opennlp from group org.apache.stanbol (version 0.12.0)
LabelTokenizer implementation based on OpenNLP.
Group: org.apache.stanbol Artifact: org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.engines.entitylinking.labeltokenizer.opennlp
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Artifact org.apache.stanbol.enhancer.engines.entitylinking.labeltokenizer.opennlp
Group org.apache.stanbol
Version 0.12.0
Group org.apache.stanbol
Version 0.12.0
spring-cloud-task-core from group org.springframework.cloud (version 1.0.2.RELEASE)
Spring Cloud Task
org-netbeans-modules-editor-util from group net.sf.squirrel-sql.thirdpary-non-maven (version 4.0)
The NetBeans Platform is a generic base for desktop applications. It provides the services common
to almost all large desktop applications: window management, menus, settings and storage, an update
manager, and file access. Get a head start by reusing these standard components, allowing you to
concentrate fully on your application's business logic.
Group: net.sf.squirrel-sql.thirdpary-non-maven Artifact: org-netbeans-modules-editor-util
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direct-msg-monitor from group org.nhind (version 1.1.7)
Direct Project message monitor for timely and reliable messaging
uima-ducc-transport from group org.apache.uima (version 2.1.0)
log4j-liquibase from group org.apache.logging.log4j (version 2.6)
The Apache Log4j Liquibase binding to Log4j 2 Core
maven-easybeans-plugin from group org.ow2.easybeans (version 3.0.0-M1)
shocon-parser_sjs1_2.13 from group org.akka-js (version 1.0.0)
andromda-etc from group org.andromda (version 3.4)
Group: org.andromda Artifact: andromda-etc
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activemq-all from group org.apache.activemq (version 6.1.5)
Puts together an ActiveMQ jar bundle
configrity-core_2.10 from group org.streum (version 1.0.0)
reststop-bootstrap from group org.kantega.reststop (version 2.6)
axis2-jaxws-mar from group org.apache.axis2 (version 1.8.2)
Axis2 JAXWS Implementation
Group: org.apache.axis2 Artifact: axis2-jaxws-mar
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cli from group org.jvnet.hudson.main (version 1.395)
deltaspike-project from group org.apache.deltaspike (version 2.0.0)
Apache DeltaSpike CDI Extensions.
Group: org.apache.deltaspike Artifact: deltaspike-project
There is no JAR file uploaded. A download is not possible! Please choose another version.
Page 6082 from 8419 (items total 126274)