Download org.andromda JAR files with all dependencies
andromda-script-wrappers from group org.andromda (version 3.4)
Provides implementations of "Script Wrapper" classes, these classes are injected into class files in order to provide the ability to write your business logic in an interpreted manner
andromda-schema2xmi from group org.andromda (version 3.4)
Provides XMI Generation from a Database Schema. This is for users who would like to take an existing database
schema and reverse engineer it into an XMI document.
andromda-core from group org.andromda (version 3.4)
The Core refers to the "engine" of the framework. The core
takes care of making all the components of AndroMDA work together. This
includes plugin discovery (i.e. cartridges, translation-libraries),
manufacturing of metafacades, etc.
andromda-utils from group org.andromda (version 3.4)
andromda-etc from group org.andromda (version 3.4)
Group: org.andromda Artifact: andromda-etc
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andromda from group org.andromda (version 3.4)
AndroMDA (pronounced: andromeda) is an open source code generation framework that follows the Model Driven
Architecture (MDA) paradigm. It takes model(s) from CASE-tool(s) and generates fully deployable applications and
other components.
Group: org.andromda Artifact: andromda
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andromda-distribution from group org.andromda (version 3.3)
Provides the assembly of the AndroMDA distribution
Group: org.andromda Artifact: andromda-distribution
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