Download com.google.api-client JAR files with dependency
client-metadata-sample from group net.sf.javaprinciples.client (version 1.0.1)
org.openengsb.framework.api from group org.openengsb.framework (version 3.0.0.M2)
Interfaces to be implemented by Domains, Connectors and Events which handle intatiation of Services
and Proxies, classes for registration of bundles and services, classes for localization, classes that
save connector properties (Persistence) and finally classes that enable the web application to have
access to OSGI bundles. This bundle contains only the model and interface descriptions of all those services.
In theory someone can take only a minor number of openengsb bundles, the api and create the rest of the
system on his own.
commercetools-java-client-ahc-2_0 from group com.commercetools.sdk.jvm.core (version 1.5.0)
Group: com.commercetools.sdk.jvm.core Artifact: commercetools-java-client-ahc-2_0
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zeromock-client from group com.github.tonivade (version 1.0)
Mock Http Server (mostly) without dependencies
eforceconfig from group com.google.code.eforceconfig (version 1.1)
A simple java configuration framework based on XML
Group: com.google.code.eforceconfig Artifact: eforceconfig
There is no JAR file uploaded. A download is not possible! Please choose another version.
dagger-android from group com.google.dagger (version 2.55)
A fast dependency injector for Android and Java.
Group: com.google.dagger Artifact: dagger-android
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domain-events-api from group org.reactivecommons (version 5.2.3)
Abstract your broker with semantic async messages
ixortalk-organization-api from group com.ixortalk (version 1.3.3)
IxorTalk microservice for managing Organization entities
oauth-client-jaas from group de.adorsys.oauth (version 0.26)
semispace-google-client from group org.semispace (version 1.3.1)
Part of the SemiSpace tutorial: The Swing GUI application.
score-node-api from group io.cloudslang (version 0.3.28)
echo-output from group com.google.code.echo-maven-plugin (version 1.0.0)
orbit-client-spring-plugin from group cloud.orbit (version 2.0.0-alpha.108)
Orbit is a system to make building highly scalable realtime services easier.
reactive-jira-client from group cz.encircled (version 0.0.13)
Reactive Jira client
hubot-api from group io.fabric8 (version 2.2.153)
A Java library for performing Hubot notifications from inside kubernetes
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