Download com.github.tonivade JAR files with all dependencies
equalizer from group com.github.tonivade (version 0.2.0)
Java Helper class to create nice equals methods
equalizer from group com.github.tonivade (version 0.3.0)
Java Helper class to create nice equals methods
claudb from group com.github.tonivade (version 1.3.1)
ClauDB is a REDIS implementation in Java
Group: com.github.tonivade Artifact: claudb
There is no JAR file uploaded. A download is not possible! Please choose another version.
tinydb from group com.github.tonivade (version 0.13.0)
TinyDB is a REDIS implementation in Java
Group: com.github.tonivade Artifact: tinydb
There is no JAR file uploaded. A download is not possible! Please choose another version.
zeromock-server from group com.github.tonivade (version 1.0)
Mock Http Server (mostly) without dependencies
zeromock-api from group com.github.tonivade (version 1.0)
Mock Http Server (mostly) without dependencies
zeromock-client from group com.github.tonivade (version 1.0)
Mock Http Server (mostly) without dependencies
zeromock-junit5 from group com.github.tonivade (version 1.0)
Mock Http Server (mostly) without dependencies
zeromock-junit4 from group com.github.tonivade (version 1.0)
Mock Http Server (mostly) without dependencies
puredbc from group com.github.tonivade (version 1.0)
Pure Functional Database Connection Layer
purecfg from group com.github.tonivade (version 1.0)
Pure Functional Configuration Library
purejson from group com.github.tonivade (version 1.0)
Pure Functional Json Parser Library
purecheck from group com.github.tonivade (version 1.0)
Pure Functional Testing Library
purefun-typeclasses from group com.github.tonivade (version 5.0)
Functional Programming Library for Java
purefun-stream from group com.github.tonivade (version 5.0)
Functional Programming Library for Java
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