Download cloudgraph-rdb JAR file with all dependencies
cloudgraph-rdb from group org.cloudgraph (version 0.6.8)
CloudGraph(tm) is a suite of Service Data Object (SDO) 2.1 services designed for relational and big-table style "cloud" databases, such as HBase and others.
Group: org.cloudgraph Artifact: cloudgraph-rdb
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cloudgraph-rdb from group org.cloudgraph (version 0.6.4)
CloudGraph(tm) is a suite of Service Data Object (SDO) 2.1 services designed for relational and big-table style "cloud" databases, such as HBase and others.
cloudgraph-rdb from group org.cloudgraph (version 2.0.5)
CloudGraph(tm) is a suite of Service Data Object (SDO) 2.1 services designed for relational and big-table style "cloud" databases, such as HBase and others.
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