Download http JAR file with all dependencies
http from group net.lecousin.framework.network (version 0.1.0)
Core http functionalities
Group: net.lecousin.framework.network Artifact: http
There is no JAR file uploaded. A download is not possible! Please choose another version.
http from group io.vulpine.lib (version 0.3.0)
Wrapper for Java's HttpUrlConnection for making easy web requests.
http from group io.femo (version 0.0.2)
An easy to use HTTP API, that supports synchronous and asynchronous execution of HTTP request.
On android only asynchronous driver is supported.
http from group com.zandero (version 1.3)
HTTP utilities
http from group org.echocat.jomon.net (version 1.6.2)
http from group org.vesalainen.parsers (version 1.1.1)
http from group org.webpieces (version 1.9.25)
testing this out
http from group me.tfeng.play-mods (version 0.8.6)
http from group org.echocat.jomon.net (version 1.6.3)
http from group com.googlecode.openbox (version 2.1.0)
Http client Framework
http from group io.femo (version 0.0.1)
An easy to use HTTP API, that supports synchronous and asynchronous execution of HTTP request.
On android only asynchronous driver is supported.
http from group io.datakernel (version 1.1.3)
High-performance asynchronous HTTP client and server.
http from group io.ultreia.java4all (version 2.0.7)
Http tools
Group: io.ultreia.java4all Artifact: http
There is no JAR file uploaded. A download is not possible! Please choose another version.
http from group org.geoserver (version 1.5.0-RC3)
http from group ch.squaredesk.nova (version 7.0.3)
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