Download mail JAR file with all dependencies
mail from group io.thorntail (version 2.1.0.Final)
Java Mail API for messaging
Group: io.thorntail Artifact: mail
There is no JAR file uploaded. A download is not possible! Please choose another version.
mail from group com.zandero (version 1.1.1)
mail utilities and mail service wrappers
mail from group org.grails.plugins (version 4.0.0)
Provides Mail support to a running Grails application
mail from group io.lsn.spring (version 1.0.2b)
Mailing service with scheduler, thymeleaf and attachments
mail from group org.wildfly.swarm (version 2016.10.0)
Java Mail API for messaging
mail from group com.cedarsoft.commons (version 7.2.0)
Path: :open:commons:mail
mail from group org.glassfish.main.resources (version 8.0.0-JDK17-M9)
Group: org.glassfish.main.resources Artifact: mail
There is no JAR file uploaded. A download is not possible! Please choose another version.
mail from group io.thorntail (version 2.7.0.Final)
Java Mail API for messaging
mail from group com.youthlin (version 2.0.0)
mail from group com.kilumanga.play (version 0.0.1)
mail from group br.com.objectos (version 0.1.0)
Send e-mails with Java. Simple.
mail from group javamail (version 1.3.2)
Group: javamail Artifact: mail
There is no JAR file uploaded. A download is not possible! Please choose another version.
mail from group br.com.objectos.way (version 0.4.1)
Send e-mails with Java. Simple.
mail from group com.cedarsoft.commons (version 7.1.0)
Path: :open:commons:mail
mail from group org.echocat.jomon.net (version 1.6.2)
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