Download oracle-nosql-client JAR file with all dependencies
oracle-nosql-client from group com.oracle.kv (version 4.4.6)
Oracle NoSQL Database Client - supplies build and runtime support for the client side of the Oracle NoSQL Database. Note that a running Oracle NoSQL Database Server (store) is required to do anything meaningful with this client.
oracle-nosql-client from group com.oracle.kv (version 18.3.10)
Oracle NoSQL Database Client - supplies build and runtime support for the client side of the Oracle NoSQL Database. Note that a running Oracle NoSQL Database Server (store) is required to do anything meaningful with this client.
oracle-nosql-client from group com.oracle.kv (version 18.3.0)
Oracle NoSQL Database Client - supplies build and runtime support for the client side of the Oracle NoSQL Database. Note that a running Oracle NoSQL Database Server (store) is required to do anything meaningful with this client.
oracle-nosql-client from group com.oracle.kv (version 4.0.9)
Oracle NoSQL Database Client - supplies build and runtime support for the client side of the Oracle NoSQL Database. Note that a running Oracle NoSQL Database Server (store) is required to do anything meaningful with this client.
oracle-nosql-client from group com.oracle.kv (version 3.3.5)
Oracle NoSQL Database Client - supplies build and runtime support for the client side of the Oracle NoSQL Database. Note that a running Oracle NoSQL Database Server (store) is required to do anything meaningful with this client.
oracle-nosql-client from group com.oracle.kv (version 3.5.2)
Oracle NoSQL Database Client - supplies build and runtime support for the client side of the Oracle NoSQL Database. Note that a running Oracle NoSQL Database Server (store) is required to do anything meaningful with this client.
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