Download plugin-storage-mongo JAR file with all dependencies
hibernate-tools-maven-plugin from group org.hibernate (version 5.3.7.Final)
Maven plugin to provide hibernate-tools reverse engineering and code/schema generation abilities.
struts2-tiles-plugin from group org.apache.struts (version 2.5.16)
maven-archetype-plugin from group org.apache.maven.plugins (version 3.0.1)
sonar-maven-plugin from group org.sonarsource.scanner.maven (version
Trigger SonarQube analysis on Maven projects
spring-boot-maven-plugin from group org.springframework.boot (version 2.0.0.RELEASE)
Spring Boot Maven Plugin
cxf-wadl2java-plugin from group org.apache.tomee.patch (version 2.6.17-TomEE)
Apache CXF WADL2Java Code Generation Maven2 Plugin
cloudfoundry-gradle-plugin from group org.cloudfoundry (version 2.3.0.RELEASE)
struts2-bootstrap-plugin from group com.jgeppert.struts2.bootstrap (version 2.5.0)
Group: com.jgeppert.struts2.bootstrap Artifact: struts2-bootstrap-plugin
Show documentation Show source
Show documentation Show source
maven-compiler-plugin from group org.apache.maven.plugins (version 3.6.1)
The Compiler Plugin is used to compile the sources of your project.
maven-compiler-plugin from group org.apache.maven.plugins (version 3.6.0)
The Compiler Plugin is used to compile the sources of your project.
maven-surefire-plugin from group org.apache.maven.plugins (version 2.22.0)
Maven Surefire MOJO in maven-surefire-plugin.
maven-dependency-plugin from group org.apache.maven.plugins (version 3.0.2)
sonarqube-gradle-plugin from group org.sonarsource.scanner.gradle (version 2.6.2)
Gradle plugin to help analyzing projects with SonarQube
hibernate-tools-maven-plugin from group org.hibernate (version 5.4.2.Final)
Maven plugin to provide hibernate-tools reverse engineering and code/schema generation abilities.
commons-build-plugin from group org.apache.commons (version 1.10)
Apache Maven Mojo for Apache Commons Build tasks.
For example:
mvn commons-build:download-page [-Dcommons.release.version=1.2.3]
To use a SNAPSHOT version (for testing etc)
mvn org.apache.commons:commons-build-plugin:1.14.0-SNAPSHOT:download-page [-Dcommons.release.version=1.2.3]
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