ai.djl.modality.cv.util.NDImageUtils Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2019 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. A copy of the License is located at
* http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0/
* or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES
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package ai.djl.modality.cv.util;
import ai.djl.modality.cv.Image;
import ai.djl.ndarray.NDArray;
import ai.djl.ndarray.types.Shape;
import ai.djl.util.RandomUtils;
* {@code NDImageUtils} is an image processing utility to load, reshape, and convert images using
* {@link NDArray} images.
public final class NDImageUtils {
private NDImageUtils() {}
* Resizes an image to the given width and height.
* @param image the image to resize
* @param size the desired size
* @return the resized NDArray
public static NDArray resize(NDArray image, int size) {
return resize(image, size, size, Image.Interpolation.BILINEAR);
* Resizes an image to the given width and height.
* @param image the image to resize
* @param width the desired width
* @param height the desired height
* @return the resized NDArray
public static NDArray resize(NDArray image, int width, int height) {
return resize(image, width, height, Image.Interpolation.BILINEAR);
* Resizes an image to the given width and height with given interpolation.
* @param image the image to resize
* @param width the desired width
* @param height the desired height
* @param interpolation the desired interpolation
* @return the resized NDArray
public static NDArray resize(
NDArray image, int width, int height, Image.Interpolation interpolation) {
return image.getNDArrayInternal().resize(width, height, interpolation.ordinal());
* Rotate an image NDArray counter-clockwise 90 degree.
* @param image the image to rotate
* @param times the image to rotate
* @return the rotated Image
public static NDArray rotate90(NDArray image, int times) {
Shape shape = image.getShape();
int batchDim = shape.dimension() == 4 ? 1 : 0;
if (isCHW(shape)) {
return image.rotate90(times, new int[] {1 + batchDim, 2 + batchDim});
} else {
return image.rotate90(times, new int[] {batchDim, 1 + batchDim});
* Normalizes an image NDArray of shape CHW or NCHW with a single mean and standard deviation to
* apply to all channels. TensorFlow enforce HWC instead.
* @param input the image to normalize
* @param mean the mean to normalize with (for all channels)
* @param std the standard deviation to normalize with (for all channels)
* @return the normalized NDArray
* @see NDImageUtils#normalize(NDArray, float[], float[])
public static NDArray normalize(NDArray input, float mean, float std) {
return normalize(input, new float[] {mean, mean, mean}, new float[] {std, std, std});
* Normalizes an image NDArray of shape CHW or NCHW with mean and standard deviation. TensorFlow
* enforce HWC instead.
* Given mean {@code (m1, ..., mn)} and standard deviation {@code (s1, ..., sn} for {@code n}
* channels, this transform normalizes each channel of the input tensor with: {@code output[i] =
* (input[i] - m1) / (s1)}.
* @param input the image to normalize
* @param mean the mean to normalize with for each channel
* @param std the standard deviation to normalize with for each channel
* @return the normalized NDArray
public static NDArray normalize(NDArray input, float[] mean, float[] std) {
boolean chw = isCHW(input.getShape());
boolean tf = "TensorFlow".equals(input.getManager().getEngine().getEngineName());
if ((chw && tf) || (!chw && !tf)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"normalize requires CHW format. TensorFlow requires HWC");
return input.getNDArrayInternal().normalize(mean, std);
* Converts an image NDArray from preprocessing format to Neural Network format.
Converts an image NDArray of shape HWC in the range {@code [0, 255]} to a {@link
* ai.djl.ndarray.types.DataType#FLOAT32} tensor NDArray of shape CHW in the range {@code [0,
* 1]}.
* @param image the image to convert
* @return the converted image
public static NDArray toTensor(NDArray image) {
return image.getNDArrayInternal().toTensor();
* Crops an image to a square of size {@code min(width, height)}.
* @param image the image to crop
* @return the cropped image
* @see NDImageUtils#centerCrop(NDArray, int, int)
public static NDArray centerCrop(NDArray image) {
Shape shape = image.getShape();
int w = (int) shape.get(1);
int h = (int) shape.get(0);
if (w == h) {
return image;
if (w > h) {
return centerCrop(image, h, h);
return centerCrop(image, w, w);
* Crops an image to a given width and height from the center of the image.
* @param image the image to crop
* @param width the desired width of the cropped image
* @param height the desired height of the cropped image
* @return the cropped image
public static NDArray centerCrop(NDArray image, int width, int height) {
Shape shape = image.getShape();
if (isCHW(image.getShape()) || shape.dimension() == 4) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("CenterCrop only support for HWC image format");
int w = (int) shape.get(1);
int h = (int) shape.get(0);
int x;
int y;
int dw = (w - width) / 2;
int dh = (h - height) / 2;
if (dw > 0) {
x = dw;
w = width;
} else {
x = 0;
if (dh > 0) {
y = dh;
h = height;
} else {
y = 0;
return crop(image, x, y, w, h);
* Crops an image with a given location and size.
* @param image the image to crop
* @param x the x coordinate of the top-left corner of the crop
* @param y the y coordinate of the top-left corner of the crop
* @param width the width of the cropped image
* @param height the height of the cropped image
* @return the cropped image
public static NDArray crop(NDArray image, int x, int y, int width, int height) {
return image.getNDArrayInternal().crop(x, y, width, height);
* Randomly flip the input image left to right with a probability of 0.5.
* @param image the image with HWC format
* @return the flipped image
public static NDArray randomFlipLeftRight(NDArray image) {
return image.getNDArrayInternal().randomFlipLeftRight();
* Randomly flip the input image top to bottom with a probability of 0.5.
* @param image the image with HWC format
* @return the flipped image
public static NDArray randomFlipTopBottom(NDArray image) {
return image.getNDArrayInternal().randomFlipTopBottom();
* Crop the input image with random scale and aspect ratio.
* @param image the image with HWC format
* @param width the output width of the image
* @param height the output height of the image
* @param minAreaScale minimum targetArea/srcArea value
* @param maxAreaScale maximum targetArea/srcArea value
* @param minAspectRatio minimum aspect ratio
* @param maxAspectRatio maximum aspect ratio
* @return the cropped image
public static NDArray randomResizedCrop(
NDArray image,
int width,
int height,
double minAreaScale,
double maxAreaScale,
double minAspectRatio,
double maxAspectRatio) {
Shape shape = image.getShape();
if (isCHW(image.getShape()) || shape.dimension() == 4) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"randomResizedCrop only support for HWC image format");
int h = (int) shape.get(0);
int w = (int) shape.get(1);
int srcArea = h * w;
double targetArea =
minAreaScale * srcArea
+ (maxAreaScale - minAreaScale) * srcArea * RandomUtils.nextFloat();
// get ratio from maximum achievable h and w
double minRatio = (targetArea / h) / h;
double maxRatio = w / (targetArea / w);
double[] intersectRatio = {
Math.max(minRatio, minAspectRatio), Math.min(maxRatio, maxAspectRatio)
if (intersectRatio[1] < intersectRatio[0]) {
return centerCrop(image, width, height);
// compute final area to crop
float finalRatio =
RandomUtils.nextFloat((float) intersectRatio[0], (float) intersectRatio[1]);
int newWidth = (int) Math.round(Math.sqrt(targetArea * finalRatio));
int newHeight = (int) (newWidth / finalRatio);
// num in nextInt(num) should be greater than 0
// otherwise it throws IllegalArgumentException: bound must be positive
int x = w == newWidth ? 0 : RandomUtils.nextInt(w - newWidth);
int y = h == newHeight ? 0 : RandomUtils.nextInt(h - newHeight);
try (NDArray cropped = crop(image, x, y, newWidth, newHeight)) {
return resize(cropped, width, height);
* Randomly jitters image brightness with a factor chosen from [max(0, 1 - brightness), 1 +
* brightness].
* @param image the image with HWC format
* @param brightness the brightness factor from 0 to 1
* @return the transformed image
public static NDArray randomBrightness(NDArray image, float brightness) {
return image.getNDArrayInternal().randomBrightness(brightness);
* Randomly jitters image hue with a factor chosen from [max(0, 1 - hue), 1 + hue].
* @param image the image with HWC format
* @param hue the hue factor from 0 to 1
* @return the transformed image
public static NDArray randomHue(NDArray image, float hue) {
return image.getNDArrayInternal().randomHue(hue);
* Randomly jitters the brightness, contrast, saturation, and hue of an image.
* @param image the image with HWC format
* @param brightness the brightness factor from 0 to 1
* @param contrast the contrast factor from 0 to 1
* @param saturation the saturation factor from 0 to 1
* @param hue the hue factor from 0 to 1
* @return the transformed image
public static NDArray randomColorJitter(
NDArray image, float brightness, float contrast, float saturation, float hue) {
return image.getNDArrayInternal().randomColorJitter(brightness, contrast, saturation, hue);
* Check if the shape of the image follows CHW/NCHW.
* @param shape the shape of the image
* @return true for (N)CHW, false for (N)HWC
public static boolean isCHW(Shape shape) {
if (shape.dimension() < 3) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Not a valid image shape, require at least three dimensions");
if (shape.dimension() == 4) {
shape = shape.slice(1);
if (shape.get(0) == 1 || shape.get(0) == 3) {
return true;
} else if (shape.get(2) == 1 || shape.get(2) == 3) {
return false;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Image is neither CHW nor HWC");