ai.djl.ndarray.internal.NDArrayEx Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2019 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. A copy of the License is located at
* http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0/
* or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES
* OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions
* and limitations under the License.
package ai.djl.ndarray.internal;
import ai.djl.ndarray.NDArray;
import ai.djl.ndarray.NDList;
import ai.djl.ndarray.NDManager;
import ai.djl.ndarray.index.NDArrayIndexer;
import ai.djl.ndarray.types.DataType;
import ai.djl.ndarray.types.Shape;
import ai.djl.ndarray.types.SparseFormat;
import ai.djl.nn.Activation;
import ai.djl.nn.recurrent.RNN;
import java.util.List;
/** An internal interface that encapsulates engine specific operations. */
public interface NDArrayEx {
// NDArrays
* Applies reverse division with a scalar - i.e., (n / thisArrayValues).
* @param n the Value to use for reverse division
* @return a copy of the array after applying reverse division
NDArray rdiv(Number n);
* Applies reverse division with a scalar - i.e., (n / thisArrayValues).
* @param b the ndarray to use for reverse division
* @return a copy of the array after applying reverse division
NDArray rdiv(NDArray b);
* Applies in place reverse division - i.e., (n / thisArrayValues).
* @param n the value to use for reverse division
* @return this array after applying reverse division
NDArray rdivi(Number n);
* Applies in place reverse division - i.e., (n / thisArrayValues).
* @param b the ndarray to use for reverse division
* @return this array after applying reverse division
NDArray rdivi(NDArray b);
* Applies reverse subtraction with duplicates - i.e., (n - thisArrayValues).
* @param n the value to use for reverse subtraction
* @return a copy of array after reverse subtraction
NDArray rsub(Number n);
* Applies reverse subtraction with duplicates - i.e., (n - thisArrayValues).
* @param b the ndarray to use for reverse subtraction
* @return a copy of the array after reverse subtraction
NDArray rsub(NDArray b);
* Applies reverse subtraction in place - i.e., (n - thisArrayValues).
* @param n the value to use for reverse subtraction
* @return this array after reverse subtraction
NDArray rsubi(Number n);
* Applies reverse subtraction in place - i.e., (n - thisArrayValues).
* @param b the ndarray to use for reverse subtraction
* @return this array after reverse subtraction
NDArray rsubi(NDArray b);
* Applies reverse remainder of division with a scalar.
* @param n the value to use for reverse division
* @return a copy of array after applying reverse division
NDArray rmod(Number n);
* Applies reverse remainder of division.
* @param b the ndarray to use for reverse division
* @return a copy of array after applying reverse division
NDArray rmod(NDArray b);
* Applies in place reverse remainder of division with a scalar.
* @param n the value to use for reverse division
* @return this array after applying reverse division
NDArray rmodi(Number n);
* Applies in place reverse remainder of division.
* @param b the ndarray to use for reverse division
* @return this array after applying reverse division
NDArray rmodi(NDArray b);
* Reverses the power of each element being raised in the {@code NDArray}.
* @param n the value to use for reverse power
* @return a copy of array after applying reverse power
NDArray rpow(Number n);
* Reverses the power of each element being raised in the {@code NDArray} in place.
* @param n the value to use for reverse power
* @return a copy of array after applying reverse power
NDArray rpowi(Number n);
// Activations
* Computes rectified linear activation.
* @return a copy of array after applying relu
NDArray relu();
NDArray sigmoid();
NDArray tanh();
NDArray softPlus();
NDArray softSign();
NDArray leakyRelu(float alpha);
NDArray elu(float alpha);
NDArray selu();
NDArray gelu();
default NDArray swish(float beta) {
return Activation.sigmoid(getArray().mul(beta)).mul(getArray());
default NDArray mish() {
return getArray().exp().add(1).log2().tanh().mul(getArray());
// Pooling Operations
NDArray maxPool(Shape kernelShape, Shape stride, Shape padding, boolean ceilMode);
NDArray globalMaxPool();
NDArray avgPool(
Shape kernelShape,
Shape stride,
Shape padding,
boolean ceilMode,
boolean countIncludePad);
NDArray globalAvgPool();
NDArray lpPool(
float normType, Shape kernelShape, Shape stride, Shape padding, boolean ceilMode);
NDArray globalLpPool(float normType);
// Optimizer
void adadeltaUpdate(
NDList inputs,
NDList weights,
float weightDecay,
float rescaleGrad,
float clipGrad,
float rho,
float epsilon);
void adagradUpdate(
NDList inputs,
NDList weights,
float learningRate,
float weightDecay,
float rescaleGrad,
float clipGrad,
float epsilon);
void adamUpdate(
NDList inputs,
NDList weights,
float learningRate,
float learningRateBiasCorrection,
float weightDecay,
float rescaleGrad,
float clipGrad,
float beta1,
float beta2,
float epsilon,
boolean lazyUpdate,
boolean adamw);
void nagUpdate(
NDList inputs,
NDList weights,
float learningRate,
float weightDecay,
float rescaleGrad,
float clipGrad,
float momentum);
void rmspropUpdate(
NDList inputs,
NDList weights,
float learningRate,
float weightDecay,
float rescaleGrad,
float clipGrad,
float rho,
float momentum,
float epsilon,
boolean centered);
void sgdUpdate(
NDList inputs,
NDList weights,
float learningRate,
float weightDecay,
float rescaleGrad,
float clipGrad,
float momentum,
boolean lazyUpdate);
// Neural network
NDList convolution(
NDArray input,
NDArray weight,
NDArray bias,
Shape stride,
Shape padding,
Shape dilation,
int groups);
NDList deconvolution(
NDArray input,
NDArray weight,
NDArray bias,
Shape stride,
Shape padding,
Shape outPadding,
Shape dilation,
int groups);
NDList linear(NDArray input, NDArray weight, NDArray bias);
NDList embedding(NDArray input, NDArray weight, SparseFormat sparse);
NDList prelu(NDArray input, NDArray alpha);
NDList dropout(NDArray input, float rate, boolean training);
NDList layerNorm(NDArray input, Shape normalizedShape, NDArray gamma, NDArray beta, float eps);
NDList batchNorm(
NDArray input,
NDArray runningMean,
NDArray runningVar,
NDArray gamma,
NDArray beta,
int axis,
float momentum,
float eps,
boolean training);
* Applies RNN operation to input data.
* @param input the inputs to the recurrent operation.
* @param state the hidden state to the recurrent operation.
* @param params all params (weights and biases) for the recurrent operation
* @param hasBiases If false, then the recurrent operation does not use bias weights b_ih and
* b_hh
* @param numLayers the number of recurrent layers.
* @param activation the activation function to use
* @param dropRate If non-zero, introduces a Dropout layer on the outputs of each RNN layer
* except the last layer, with dropout probability equal to dropout
* @param training apply dropout if is true
* @param bidirectional If true, becomes a bidirectional RNN
* @param batchFirst If true, then the input and output NDArray are provided as (batch, seq,
* feature)
* @return the output of the operation
NDList rnn(
NDArray input,
NDArray state,
NDList params,
boolean hasBiases,
int numLayers,
RNN.Activation activation,
double dropRate,
boolean training,
boolean bidirectional,
boolean batchFirst);
* Applies GRU operation to input data.
* @param input the inputs to the GRU operation.
* @param state the hidden state to the GRU operation.
* @param params all params (weights and biases) for the GRU operation
* @param hasBiases If false, then the recurrent operation does not use bias weights b_ih and
* b_hh
* @param numLayers the number of recurrent layers.
* @param dropRate If non-zero, introduces a Dropout layer on the outputs of each GRU layer
* except the last layer, with dropout probability equal to dropout
* @param training apply dropout if is true
* @param bidirectional If true, becomes a bidirectional GRU
* @param batchFirst If true, then the input and output NDArray are provided as (batch, seq,
* feature)
* @return the output of the operation
NDList gru(
NDArray input,
NDArray state,
NDList params,
boolean hasBiases,
int numLayers,
double dropRate,
boolean training,
boolean bidirectional,
boolean batchFirst);
* Applies LSTM operation to input data.
* @param input the inputs to the LSTM operation.
* @param states the hidden state and cell state to the LSTM operation.
* @param params all params (weights and biases) for the LSTM operation
* @param hasBiases If false, then the recurrent operation does not use bias weights b_ih and
* b_hh
* @param numLayers the number of recurrent layers.
* @param dropRate If non-zero, introduces a Dropout layer on the outputs of each LSTM layer
* except the last layer, with dropout probability equal to dropout
* @param training apply dropout if is true
* @param bidirectional If true, becomes a bidirectional LSTM
* @param batchFirst If true, then the input and output NDArray are provided as (batch, seq,
* feature)
* @return the output of the operation
NDList lstm(
NDArray input,
NDList states,
NDList params,
boolean hasBiases,
int numLayers,
double dropRate,
boolean training,
boolean bidirectional,
boolean batchFirst);
// Image and CV
* Normalizes a NDArray of shape CHW or NCHW with mean and standard deviation.
* Given mean `(m1, ..., mn)` and std `(s\ :sub:`1`\ , ..., s\ :sub:`n`)` for `n` channels,
* this transform normalizes each channel of the input tensor with: output[i] = (input[i] - m\
* :sub:`i`\ ) / s\ :sub:`i`
* @param mean the mean value for each channel
* @param std the standard deviation for each channel
* @return the result of normalization
default NDArray normalize(float[] mean, float[] std) {
NDManager manager = getArray().getManager();
int dim = getArray().getShape().dimension();
Shape shape = (dim == 3) ? new Shape(3, 1, 1) : new Shape(1, 3, 1, 1);
try (NDArray meanArr = manager.create(mean, shape);
NDArray stdArr = manager.create(std, shape)) {
return getArray().sub(meanArr).divi(stdArr);
default NDArray toTensor() {
NDManager manager = getArray().getManager();
try (NDManager subManager = manager.newSubManager()) {
NDArray array = getArray();
NDArray result = array;
int dim = result.getShape().dimension();
if (dim == 3) {
result = result.expandDims(0);
// For Apple Silicon MPS it is important not to switch to 64-bit float here
if (result.getDataType() == DataType.FLOAT32) {
result = result.div(255.0f).transpose(0, 3, 1, 2);
} else {
result = result.div(255.0).transpose(0, 3, 1, 2);
if (dim == 3) {
result = result.squeeze(0);
// The network by default takes float32
if (!result.getDataType().equals(DataType.FLOAT32)) {
result = result.toType(DataType.FLOAT32, false);
return result;
NDArray resize(int width, int height, int interpolation);
default NDArray crop(int x, int y, int width, int height) {
NDArray array = getArray();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(30);
if (array.getShape().dimension() == 4) {
.append(y + height)
.append(x + width)
return array.get(sb.toString());
// TODO: default can be implemented by using np.flip
NDArray randomFlipLeftRight();
// TODO: default can be implemented by using np.flip
NDArray randomFlipTopBottom();
// TODO: add TorchVision support
NDArray randomBrightness(float brightness);
// TODO: add TorchVision support
NDArray randomHue(float hue);
// TODO: add TorchVision support
NDArray randomColorJitter(float brightness, float contrast, float saturation, float hue);
// Miscellaneous
* Returns an {@link NDArrayIndexer}.
* @param manager the manager used to create the arrays
* @return an {@link NDArrayIndexer}
NDArrayIndexer getIndexer(NDManager manager);
* Returns elements chosen from the {@code NDArray} or the other {@code NDArray} depending on
* condition.
Given three {@code NDArray}s, condition, this, and other, returns an {@code NDArray} with
* the elements from this or other, depending on whether the elements from condition {@code
* NDArray} are {@code true} or {@code false}. If condition has the same shape as this, each
* element in the output {@code NDArray} is from this if the corresponding element in the
* condition is {@code true}, and from other if {@code false}.
Note that all non-zero values are interpreted as {@code true} in condition {@link
* NDArray}.
* @param condition the condition {@code NDArray}
* @param other the other {@code NDArray}
* @return the result {@code NDArray}
NDArray where(NDArray condition, NDArray other);
* Joins a sequence of {@code NDArray}s in {@link NDList} along a new axis.
The axis parameter specifies the index of the new axis in the dimensions of the result.
* For example, if axis=0 it will be the first dimension and if axis=-1 it will be the last
* dimension.
* @param arrays the input {@link NDList}. Each {@code NDArray} in the {@link NDList} must have
* the same shape as the {@code NDArray}
* @param axis the axis in the result {@code NDArray} along which the input {@link NDList} are
* stacked
* @return the result {@code NDArray}. The stacked {@code NDArray} has one more dimension than
* the the {@code NDArray}
NDArray stack(NDList arrays, int axis);
* Joins a sequence of {@code NDArray}s in {@link NDList} along first axis.
* @param arrays the input {@link NDList}. Each {@code NDArray} in the {@link NDList} must have
* the same shape as the {@code NDArray}
* @return the result {@code NDArray}. The stacked {@code NDArray} has one more dimension than
* the {@code NDArray}s in {@link NDList}
default NDArray stack(NDList arrays) {
return stack(arrays, 0);
* Joins a {@link NDList} along an existing axis.
* @param arrays a {@link NDList} which have the same shape as the {@code NDArray}, except in
* the dimension corresponding to axis
* @param axis the axis along which the {@link NDList} will be joined
* @return the concatenated {@code NDArray}
NDArray concat(NDList arrays, int axis);
* Joins a {@link NDList} along first axis.
* @param arrays a {@link NDList} which have the same shape as the {@code NDArray}, except in
* the dimension corresponding to axis
* @return the concatenated {@code NDArray}
default NDArray concat(NDList arrays) {
return concat(arrays, 0);
* Computes Multibox training targets.
* @param inputs a NDList of (anchors, labels, and class prediction)
* @param iouThreshold the anchor-GroundTruth overlap threshold to be regarded as a positive
* match
* @param ignoreLabel the label for ignored anchors
* @param negativeMiningRatio the max negative to positive samples ratio, use -1 to disable
* mining
* @param negativeMiningThreshold the threshold used for negative mining
* @param minNegativeSamples the minimum number of negative samples
* @return an NDList of (bounding box labels, bounding box masks, class labels)
NDList multiBoxTarget(
NDList inputs,
float iouThreshold,
float ignoreLabel,
float negativeMiningRatio,
float negativeMiningThreshold,
int minNegativeSamples);
* Generate prior(anchor) boxes from data, sizes and ratios.
* @param sizes List of sizes of generated MultiBoxPriores
* @param ratios List of aspect ratios of generated MultiBoxPriores
* @param steps Priorbox step across y and x, -1 for auto calculation
* @param offsets Priorbox center offsets, y and x respectively
* @param clip Whether to clip out-of-boundary boxes
* @return an NDList of anchor boxes
NDList multiBoxPrior(
List sizes,
List ratios,
List steps,
List offsets,
boolean clip);
* Converts multi-box detection predictions.
* @param inputs a NDList of (anchors, labels, and class prediction) in that order
* @param clip whether to clip out-of-boundary boxes
* @param threshold the threshold to be a positive prediction
* @param backgroundId the background id
* @param nmsThreshold the non-maximum suppression threshold
* @param forceSuppress whether to suppress all detections regardless of class_id
* @param nmsTopK the number of detections to keep before NMS, -1 for no limit
* @return an NDList
NDList multiBoxDetection(
NDList inputs,
boolean clip,
float threshold,
int backgroundId,
float nmsThreshold,
boolean forceSuppress,
int nmsTopK);
* Get internal {@link NDArray}.
* @return a NDArray
NDArray getArray();