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* Grakn - A Distributed Semantic Database
* Copyright (C) 2016 Grakn Labs Limited
* Grakn is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Grakn is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Grakn. If not, see .
package ai.grakn.util;
import javax.annotation.CheckReturnValue;
* Enum containing error messages.
* Each error message contains a single format string, with a method {@link ErrorMessage#getMessage(Object...)} that
* accepts arguments to be passed to the format string.
* @author Filipe Teixeira
public enum ErrorMessage {
//--------------------------------------------- Core Errors -----------------------------------------------
CANNOT_DELETE("Type [%s] cannot be deleted as it still has incoming edges"),
SUPER_LOOP_DETECTED("By setting the super of concept [%s] to [%s]. You will be creating a loop. This is prohibited"),
INVALID_UNIQUE_PROPERTY_MUTATION("Property [%s] of Concept [%s] cannot be changed to [%s] as it is already taken by Concept [%s]"),
UNIQUE_PROPERTY_TAKEN("Property [%s] with value [%s] is already taken by concept [%s]"),
TOO_MANY_CONCEPTS("Too many concepts found for key [%s] and value [%s]"),
INVALID_DATATYPE("The value [%s] must be of datatype [%s]"),
INVALID_OBJECT_TYPE("The concept [%s] is not of type [%s]"),
REGEX_INSTANCE_FAILURE("The regex [%s] of Attribute Type [%s] cannot be applied because value [%s] " +
"does not conform to the regular expression"),
REGEX_NOT_STRING("The Attribute Type [%s] is not of type String so it cannot support regular expressions"),
CLOSED_CLEAR("The session for graph has been closed due to deleting the graph"),
TRANSACTIONS_NOT_SUPPORTED("The graph backend [%s] does not actually support transactions. The transaction was not %s. The graph was actually effected directly"),
IMMUTABLE_VALUE("The value [%s] cannot be changed to [%s] due to the property [%s] being immutable"),
META_TYPE_IMMUTABLE("The meta type [%s] is immutable"),
SCHEMA_LOCKED("Schema cannot be modified when using a batch loading graph"),
HAS_INVALID("The type [%s] is not allowed to have a resource of type [%s]"),
INVALID_SYSTEM_KEYSPACE("The system keyspace appears to be corrupted: [%s]."),
BACKEND_EXCEPTION("Backend Exception."),
INITIALIZATION_EXCEPTION("Graph for keyspace [%s] not properly initialized. Missing keyspace name resource"),
TX_CLOSED("The Transaction for keyspace [%s] is closed"),
SESSION_CLOSED("The session for graph [%s] was closed"),
TX_CLOSED_ON_ACTION("The transaction was %s and closed [%s]. Use the session to get a new transaction for the graph."),
TXS_OPEN("Closed session on graph [%s] with [%s] open transactions"),
LOCKING_EXCEPTION("Internal locking exception. Please clear the transaction and try again."),
CANNOT_BE_KEY_AND_RESOURCE("The Type [%s] cannot have the Attribute Type [%s] as a key and as a resource"),
TRANSACTION_ALREADY_OPEN("A transaction is already open on this thread for graph [%s]"),
TRANSACTION_READ_ONLY("This transaction on graph [%s] is read only"),
IS_ABSTRACT("The Type [%s] is abstract and cannot have any instances \n"),
CLOSE_FAILURE("Unable to close graph [%s]"),
VERSION_MISMATCH("You are attempting to use Grakn Version [%s] with a graph build using version [%s], this is not supported."),
NO_TYPE("Concept [%s] does not have a type"),
INVALID_DIRECTION("Cannot traverse an edge in direction [%s]"),
RESERVED_WORD("The word [%s] is reserved internally and cannot be used"),
INVALID_PROPERTY_USE("The concept [%s] cannot contain vertex property [%s]"),
UNKNOWN_CONCEPT("Uknown concept type [%s]"),
INVALID_IMPLICIT_TYPE("Label [%s] is not an implicit label"),
LABEL_TAKEN("The label [%s] has already been used"),
//--------------------------------------------- Validation Errors
VALIDATION("A structural validation error has occurred. Please correct the [`%s`] errors found. \n"),
VALIDATION_RELATION_MORE_CASTING_THAN_ROLES("The relation [%s] has [%s] role players but its type [%s] " +
"only allows [%s] roles \n"),
VALIDATION_RELATION_CASTING_LOOP_FAIL("The relation [%s] has a role player playing the role [%s] " +
"which it's type [%s] is not connecting to via a relates connection \n"),
VALIDATION_CASTING("The type [%s] of role player [%s] is not allowed to play Role [%s] \n"),
VALIDATION_ROLE_TYPE_MISSING_RELATION_TYPE("Role [%s] does not have a relates connection to any Relationship Type. \n"),
VALIDATION_RELATION_TYPE("Relationship Type [%s] does not have one or more roles \n"),
VALIDATION_NOT_EXACTLY_ONE_KEY("Thing [%s] does not have exactly one key of type [%s] \n"),
VALIDATION_RELATION_TYPES_ROLES_SCHEMA("The Role [%s] which is connected to Relationship Type [%s] " +
"does not have a %s Role Type which is connected to the %s Relationship Type [%s] \n"),
VALIDATION_RELATION_DUPLICATE("You have created one or more relationships with the following roles and role player [%s] \n"),
VALIDATION_REQUIRED_RELATION("The role player [%s] of type [%s] can only play the role of [%s] once but is currently doing so [%s] times \n"),
//--------------------------------------------- Rule validation Errors
VALIDATION_RULE_MISSING_ELEMENTS("The [%s] of rule [%s] refers to type [%s] which does not exist in the graph \n"),
VALIDATION_RULE_DISJUNCTION_IN_BODY("The rule [%s] does not form a valid Horn clause, as it contains a disjunction in the body\n"),
VALIDATION_RULE_DISJUNCTION_IN_HEAD("The rule [%s] does not form a valid Horn clause, as it contains a disjunction in the head\n"),
VALIDATION_RULE_HEAD_NON_ATOMIC("The rule [%s] does not form a valid Horn clause, as it contains a multi-atom head\n"),
VALIDATION_RULE_ILLEGAL_ATOMIC_IN_HEAD("Atomic [%s] is not allowed to form a rule head of rule [%s]\n"),
VALIDATION_RULE_ILLEGAL_HEAD_ATOM_WITH_UNBOUND_VARIABLE("Atom [%s] is not allowed to form a rule head of rule [%s] as it contains an unbound variable\n"),
VALIDATION_RULE_ILLEGAL_HEAD_ATOM_WITH_AMBIGUOUS_SCHEMA_CONCEPT("Atom [%s] is not allowed to form a rule head of rule [%s] as it has an ambiguous schema concept\n"),
VALIDATION_RULE_ILLEGAL_HEAD_ATOM_WITH_IMPLICIT_SCHEMA_CONCEPT("Atom [%s] is not allowed to form a rule head of rule [%s] as it has an implicit schema concept\n"),
VALIDATION_RULE_ILLEGAL_HEAD_RELATION_WITH_IMPLICIT_ROLE("Relationship [%s] is not allowed to form a rule head of rule [%s] as it has an implicit role\n"),
VALIDATION_RULE_ILLEGAL_HEAD_RELATION_WITH_AMBIGUOUS_ROLE("Relationship [%s] is not allowed to form a rule head of rule [%s] as it has an ambiguous (unspecified, variable or meta) role\n"),
VALIDATION_RULE_ILLEGAL_HEAD_RESOURCE_WITH_AMBIGUOUS_PREDICATES("Attribute [%s] is not allowed to form a rule head of rule [%s] as it has ambiguous value predicates\n"),
VALIDATION_RULE_ILLEGAL_HEAD_RESOURCE_WITH_NONSPECIFIC_PREDICATE("Attribute [%s] is not allowed to form a rule head of rule [%s] as it has a non-specific value predicate\n"),
VALIDATION_RULE_INVALID_RELATION_TYPE("Attempting to define a rule containing a relation pattern with type [%s] which is not a relation type\n"),
VALIDATION_RULE_INVALID_RESOURCE_TYPE("Attempting to define a rule containing a resource pattern with type [%s] which is not a resource type\n"),
VALIDATION_RULE_RESOURCE_OWNER_CANNOT_HAVE_RESOURCE("Attempting to define a rule containing a resource pattern of type [%s] with type [%s] that cannot have this resource\n"),
VALIDATION_RULE_ROLE_CANNOT_BE_PLAYED("Attempting to define a rule containing a relation pattern with role [%s] which cannot be played in relation [%s]\n"),
VALIDATION_RULE_TYPE_CANNOT_PLAY_ROLE("Attempting to define a rule containing a relation pattern with type [%s] that cannot play role [%s] in relation [%s]\n"),
//--------------------------------------------- Factory Errors
INVALID_PATH_TO_CONFIG("Unable to open config file [%s]"),
INVALID_COMPUTER("The graph computer [%s] is not supported"),
CONFIG_IGNORED("The config parameter [%s] with value [%s] is ignored for this implementation"),
CANNOT_PRODUCE_TX("Cannot produce a Grakn Transaction using the backend [%s]"),
//--------------------------------------------- Client Errors
INVALID_ENGINE_RESPONSE("Grakn Engine located at [%s] returned response [%s], cannot proceed."),
INVALID_FACTORY("Graph Factory [%s] is not valid"),
MISSING_FACTORY_DEFINITION("Graph Factor Config ['knowledge-base.mode'] missing from provided config. " +
"Cannot produce graph"),
COULD_NOT_REACH_ENGINE("Could not reach Grakn engine at [%s]"),
//--------------------------------------------- Graql Errors -----------------------------------------------
NO_TX("no graph provided"),
SYNTAX_ERROR_NO_POINTER("syntax error at line %s:\n%s"),
SYNTAX_ERROR("syntax error at line %s: \n%s\n%s\n%s"),
MUST_BE_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE("type '%s' must be a attribute-type"),
ID_NOT_FOUND("id '%s' not found"),
LABEL_NOT_FOUND("label '%s' not found"),
NOT_A_ROLE_TYPE("'%s' is not a role type. perhaps you meant 'isa %s'?"),
NOT_A_RELATION_TYPE("'%s' is not a relation type. perhaps you forgot to separate your statements with a ';'?"),
INSTANCE_OF_ROLE_TYPE("cannot get instances of role type %s"),
CONFLICTING_PROPERTIES("the following unique properties in '%s' conflict: '%s' and '%s'"),
NON_POSITIVE_LIMIT("limit %s should be positive"),
NEGATIVE_OFFSET("offset %s should be non-negative"),
INVALID_VALUE("unsupported resource value type %s"),
AGGREGATE_ARGUMENT_NUM("aggregate '%s' takes %s arguments, but got %s"),
UNKNOWN_AGGREGATE("unknown aggregate '%s'"),
VARIABLE_NOT_IN_QUERY("the variable %s is not in the query"),
SELECT_NONE_SELECTED("no variables have been selected. at least one variable must be selected"),
NO_PATTERNS("no patterns have been provided. at least one pattern must be provided"),
MATCH_INVALID("cannot match on property of type [%s]"),
NO_LABEL_SPECIFIED_FOR_HAS("no label was specified for a resource type in a 'has' property"),
MULTIPLE_TX("a graph has been specified twice for this query"),
INSERT_UNDEFINED_VARIABLE("%s doesn't have an 'isa', a 'sub' or an 'id'"),
INSERT_PREDICATE("cannot insert a concept with a predicate"),
INSERT_RELATION_WITHOUT_ISA("cannot insert a relation without an isa edge"),
INSERT_METATYPE("'%s' cannot be a subtype of '%s'"),
INSERT_RECURSIVE("%s should not refer to itself"),
INSERT_ABSTRACT_NOT_TYPE("the concept [%s] is not a type and cannot be set to abstract"),
INSERT_RELATION_WITHOUT_ROLE_TYPE("attempted to insert a relation without all role types specified"),
INVALID_STATMENT("Value [%s] not of type [%s] in data [%s]"),
TEMPLATE_MISSING_KEY("Key [%s] not present in data: [%s]"),
//--------------------------------------------- Engine Errors -----------------------------------------------
ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_EXCEPTION("Illegal argument exception caused by [%s]"),
NO_CONCEPT_IN_KEYSPACE("No concept with ID [%s] exists in keyspace [%s]"),
READ_ONLY_QUERY("Invalid query: [%s]. LoaderClient only accepts queries that mutate the graph."),
//Server Errors
ENGINE_ERROR("Exception on Grakn engine"),
ENGINE_STARTUP_ERROR("Could not start Grakn engine: [%s]"),
UNAVAILABLE_TASK_CLASS("Could not find task class [%s]"),
UNAVAILABLE_PROPERTY("Property requested [%s] has not been defined. See configuration file [%s] for configured properties."),
MISSING_MANDATORY_REQUEST_PARAMETERS("Missing mandatory query parameter [%s]"),
MISSING_MANDATORY_BODY_REQUEST_PARAMETERS("Missing mandatory parameter in body [%s]"),
MISSING_REQUEST_BODY("Empty body- it should contain the Graql query to be executed."),
UNSUPPORTED_CONTENT_TYPE("Unsupported Content-Type [%s] requested"),
INVALID_CONTENT_TYPE("Invalid combination of query [%s] and content type [%s]"),
EXPLAIN_ONLY_MATCH("Cannot get explanation for non-get query, given: [%s]"),
INVALID_QUERY_USAGE("Only %s queries are allowed."),
MISSING_TASK_ID("Could not retrieve id %s"),
TASK_STATE_RETRIEVAL_FAILURE("Could not get state from storage %s"),
ENGINE_UNAVAILABLE("Cannot reach Grakn engine on [%s:%s]"),
AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE("Authentication parameters are incorrect or invalid"),
CANNOT_DELETE_KEYSPACE("Could not delete keyspace [%s]"),
//Post processing Errors
TX_MUTATION_ERROR("Unexpected error during graph mutation due to [%s]"),
UNABLE_TO_MUTATE("Unable to mutate [%s] due to several repeating errors"),
BACK_OFF_RETRY("Unexpected failure performing backoff and retry of [%s]S"),
//Distributed loading Errors
ERROR_COMMUNICATING_TO_HOST("Exception thrown while trying to communicate with host [%s]"),
STATE_STORAGE_ERROR("Exception thrown while retrieving state of a task from storage."),
//--------------------------------------------- Reasoner Errors -----------------------------------------------
NON_ATOMIC_QUERY("Addressed query is not atomic: [%s]."),
NON_GROUND_NEQ_PREDICATE("Addressed query [%s] leads to a non-ground neq predicate when planning resolution."),
ROLE_PATTERN_ABSENT("Addressed relation [%s] is missing a role pattern."),
ROLE_ID_IS_NOT_ROLE("Assignment of non-role id to a role variable in pattern [%s]."),
NO_ATOMS_SELECTED("No atoms were selected from query [%s]."),
RULE_CREATION_ARITY_ERROR("Arity mismatch when creating a rule."),
UNIFICATION_ATOM_INCOMPATIBILITY("Attempted unification on incompatible atoms."),
ILLEGAL_ATOM_CONVERSION("Attempted illegal conversion of atom [%s]."),
//--------------------------------------------- Analytics Errors -----------------------------------------------
NO_SOURCE("No valid source id provided"),
NO_DESTINATION("No valid destination id provided"),
ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_NOT_SPECIFIED("No attribute type provided for compute query."),
INSTANCE_DOES_NOT_EXIST("Thing does not exist in the subgraph."),
ROLE_AND_RULE_DO_NOT_HAVE_INSTANCE("Role and rule do not have instances."),
NO_PATH_EXIST("There is no path between the two instances."),
MAX_ITERATION_REACHED("Max iteration of [%s] reached.");
private final String message;
ErrorMessage(String message) {
this.message = message;
public String getMessage(Object... args) {
return String.format(message, args);