ai.grakn.kb.internal.EmbeddedGraknTx Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2018 Grakn Labs Ltd
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
package ai.grakn.kb.internal;
import ai.grakn.GraknConfigKey;
import ai.grakn.GraknTx;
import ai.grakn.GraknTxType;
import ai.grakn.QueryExecutor;
import ai.grakn.concept.Attribute;
import ai.grakn.concept.AttributeType;
import ai.grakn.concept.Concept;
import ai.grakn.concept.ConceptId;
import ai.grakn.concept.EntityType;
import ai.grakn.concept.Label;
import ai.grakn.concept.LabelId;
import ai.grakn.concept.Relationship;
import ai.grakn.concept.RelationshipType;
import ai.grakn.concept.Role;
import ai.grakn.concept.Rule;
import ai.grakn.concept.SchemaConcept;
import ai.grakn.concept.Type;
import ai.grakn.exception.GraknTxOperationException;
import ai.grakn.exception.InvalidKBException;
import ai.grakn.exception.PropertyNotUniqueException;
import ai.grakn.factory.EmbeddedGraknSession;
import ai.grakn.graql.Pattern;
import ai.grakn.graql.QueryBuilder;
import ai.grakn.kb.admin.GraknAdmin;
import ai.grakn.kb.internal.cache.GlobalCache;
import ai.grakn.kb.internal.cache.TxCache;
import ai.grakn.kb.internal.cache.TxRuleCache;
import ai.grakn.kb.internal.concept.AttributeImpl;
import ai.grakn.kb.internal.concept.ConceptImpl;
import ai.grakn.kb.internal.concept.ConceptVertex;
import ai.grakn.kb.internal.concept.ElementFactory;
import ai.grakn.kb.internal.concept.RelationshipEdge;
import ai.grakn.kb.internal.concept.RelationshipImpl;
import ai.grakn.kb.internal.concept.RelationshipReified;
import ai.grakn.kb.internal.concept.SchemaConceptImpl;
import ai.grakn.kb.internal.concept.TypeImpl;
import ai.grakn.kb.internal.structure.EdgeElement;
import ai.grakn.kb.internal.structure.VertexElement;
import ai.grakn.kb.log.CommitLog;
import ai.grakn.util.ErrorMessage;
import ai.grakn.util.Schema;
import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.GraphTraversal;
import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.GraphTraversalSource;
import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.strategy.verification.ReadOnlyStrategy;
import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Edge;
import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Element;
import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Graph;
import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Vertex;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import static ai.grakn.util.ErrorMessage.CANNOT_FIND_CLASS;
import static;
* The {@link GraknTx} Base Implementation.
* This defines how a grakn graph sits on top of a Tinkerpop {@link Graph}.
* It mostly act as a construction object which ensure the resulting graph conforms to the Grakn Object model.
* @param A vendor specific implementation of a Tinkerpop {@link Graph}.
* @author Grakn Warriors
public abstract class EmbeddedGraknTx implements GraknAdmin {
final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EmbeddedGraknTx.class);
private static final String QUERY_BUILDER_CLASS_NAME = "ai.grakn.graql.internal.query.QueryBuilderImpl";
private static final String QUERY_EXECUTOR_CLASS_NAME = "ai.grakn.graql.internal.query.executor.QueryExecutorImpl";
//----------------------------- Shared Variables
private final EmbeddedGraknSession session;
private final G graph;
private final ElementFactory elementFactory;
private final GlobalCache globalCache;
private static final @Nullable
Constructor> queryBuilderConstructor = getQueryBuilderConstructor();
private static final @Nullable
Method queryExecutorFactory = getQueryExecutorFactory();
//----------------------------- Transaction Specific
private final ThreadLocal localConceptLog = new ThreadLocal<>();
private @Nullable GraphTraversalSource graphTraversalSource = null;
private final TxRuleCache ruleCache;
public EmbeddedGraknTx(EmbeddedGraknSession session, G graph) {
this.session = session;
this.graph = graph;
this.elementFactory = new ElementFactory(this);
this.ruleCache = new TxRuleCache(this);
//Initialise Graph Caches
globalCache = new GlobalCache(session.config());
//Initialise Graph
if (initialiseMetaConcepts()) commit();
public EmbeddedGraknSession session() {
return session;
public TxRuleCache ruleCache(){ return ruleCache;}
* Converts a Type Label into a type Id for this specific graph. Mapping labels to ids will differ between graphs
* so be sure to use the correct graph when performing the mapping.
* @param label The label to be converted to the id
* @return The matching type id
public LabelId convertToId(Label label) {
if (txCache().isLabelCached(label)) {
return txCache().convertLabelToId(label);
return LabelId.invalid();
* Gets and increments the current available type id.
* @return the current available Grakn id which can be used for types
private LabelId getNextId() {
TypeImpl, ?> metaConcept = (TypeImpl, ?>) getMetaConcept();
Integer currentValue = metaConcept.vertex().property(Schema.VertexProperty.CURRENT_LABEL_ID);
if (currentValue == null) {
currentValue = Schema.MetaSchema.values().length + 1;
} else {
currentValue = currentValue + 1;
//Vertex is used directly here to bypass meta type mutation check, currentValue);
return LabelId.of(currentValue);
* @return The graph cache which contains all the data cached and accessible by all transactions.
GlobalCache getGlobalCache() {
return globalCache;
* @return The number of open transactions currently.
public abstract int numOpenTx();
* Opens the thread bound transaction
public void openTransaction(GraknTxType txType) {
* Gets the config option which determines the number of instances a {@link Type} must have before the {@link Type}
* if automatically sharded.
* @return the number of instances a {@link Type} must have before it is shareded
public long shardingThreshold() {
return session().config().getProperty(GraknConfigKey.SHARDING_THRESHOLD);
public TxCache txCache() {
TxCache txCache = localConceptLog.get();
if (txCache == null) {
localConceptLog.set(txCache = new TxCache(getGlobalCache()));
if (txCache.isTxOpen() && txCache.schemaNotCached()) {
return txCache;
public boolean isClosed() {
return !txCache().isTxOpen();
public abstract boolean isTinkerPopGraphClosed();
public GraknTxType txType() {
return txCache().txType();
public GraknAdmin admin() {
return this;
* @param The type of the concept being built
* @param vertex A vertex which contains properties necessary to build a concept from.
* @return A concept built using the provided vertex
public T buildConcept(Vertex vertex) {
return factory().buildConcept(vertex);
* @param The type of the {@link Concept} being built
* @param edge An {@link Edge} which contains properties necessary to build a {@link Concept} from.
* @return A {@link Concept} built using the provided {@link Edge}
public T buildConcept(Edge edge) {
return factory().buildConcept(edge);
* A flag to check if batch loading is enabled and consistency checks are switched off
* @return true if batch loading is enabled
public boolean isBatchTx() {
return GraknTxType.BATCH.equals(txCache().txType());
private boolean initialiseMetaConcepts() {
boolean schemaInitialised = false;
if (isMetaSchemaNotInitialised()) {
VertexElement type = addTypeVertex(Schema.MetaSchema.THING.getId(), Schema.MetaSchema.THING.getLabel(), Schema.BaseType.TYPE);
VertexElement entityType = addTypeVertex(Schema.MetaSchema.ENTITY.getId(), Schema.MetaSchema.ENTITY.getLabel(), Schema.BaseType.ENTITY_TYPE);
VertexElement relationType = addTypeVertex(Schema.MetaSchema.RELATIONSHIP.getId(), Schema.MetaSchema.RELATIONSHIP.getLabel(), Schema.BaseType.RELATIONSHIP_TYPE);
VertexElement resourceType = addTypeVertex(Schema.MetaSchema.ATTRIBUTE.getId(), Schema.MetaSchema.ATTRIBUTE.getLabel(), Schema.BaseType.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE);
addTypeVertex(Schema.MetaSchema.ROLE.getId(), Schema.MetaSchema.ROLE.getLabel(), Schema.BaseType.ROLE);
addTypeVertex(Schema.MetaSchema.RULE.getId(), Schema.MetaSchema.RULE.getLabel(), Schema.BaseType.RULE);, true);, true);, true);
relationType.addEdge(type, Schema.EdgeLabel.SUB);
resourceType.addEdge(type, Schema.EdgeLabel.SUB);
entityType.addEdge(type, Schema.EdgeLabel.SUB);
schemaInitialised = true;
//Copy entire schema to the graph cache. This may be a bad idea as it will slow down graph initialisation
//Role and rule have to be copied separately due to not being connected to meta schema
return schemaInitialised;
* Copies the {@link SchemaConcept} and it's subs into the {@link TxCache}.
* This is important as lookups for {@link SchemaConcept}s based on {@link Label} depend on this caching.
* @param schemaConcept the {@link SchemaConcept} to be copied into the {@link TxCache}
private void copyToCache(SchemaConcept schemaConcept) {
schemaConcept.subs().forEach(concept -> {
getGlobalCache().cacheLabel(concept.label(), concept.labelId());
getGlobalCache().cacheType(concept.label(), concept);
private boolean isMetaSchemaNotInitialised() {
return getMetaConcept() == null;
public G getTinkerPopGraph() {
return graph;
* Utility function to get a read-only Tinkerpop traversal.
* @return A read-only Tinkerpop traversal for manually traversing the graph
public GraphTraversalSource getTinkerTraversal() {
operateOnOpenGraph(() -> null); //This is to check if the graph is open
if (graphTraversalSource == null) {
graphTraversalSource = getTinkerPopGraph().traversal().withStrategies(ReadOnlyStrategy.instance());
return graphTraversalSource;
public QueryBuilder graql() {
if (queryBuilderConstructor == null) {
throw new RuntimeException(CANNOT_FIND_CLASS.getMessage("query executor", QUERY_EXECUTOR_CLASS_NAME));
try {
return (QueryBuilder) queryBuilderConstructor.newInstance(this);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public ElementFactory factory() {
return elementFactory;
* @param key The concept property tp search by.
* @param value The value of the concept
* @return A concept with the matching key and value
//----------------------------------------------General Functionality-----------------------------------------------
public Optional getConcept(Schema.VertexProperty key, Object value) {
Iterator vertices = getTinkerTraversal().V().has(, value);
if (vertices.hasNext()) {
Vertex vertex =;
return Optional.of(factory().buildConcept(vertex));
} else {
return Optional.empty();
public final Stream sups(SchemaConcept schemaConcept) {
Set superSet = new HashSet<>();
while (schemaConcept != null) {
schemaConcept = schemaConcept.sup();
private Set getConcepts(Schema.VertexProperty key, Object value) {
Set concepts = new HashSet<>();
getTinkerTraversal().V().has(, value).forEachRemaining(v -> concepts.add(factory().buildConcept(v)));
return concepts;
public void checkSchemaMutationAllowed() {
if (isBatchTx()) throw GraknTxOperationException.schemaMutation();
public void checkMutationAllowed() {
if (GraknTxType.READ.equals(txType())) throw GraknTxOperationException.transactionReadOnly(this);
public VertexElement addVertexElement(Schema.BaseType baseType, ConceptId... conceptIds) {
return factory().addVertexElement(baseType, conceptIds);
* Adds a new type vertex which occupies a grakn id. This result in the grakn id count on the meta concept to be
* incremented.
* @param label The label of the new type vertex
* @param baseType The base type of the new type
* @return The new type vertex
private VertexElement addTypeVertex(LabelId id, Label label, Schema.BaseType baseType) {
VertexElement vertexElement = addVertexElement(baseType);, label.getValue());, id.getValue());
return vertexElement;
* An operation on the graph which requires it to be open.
* @param supplier The operation to be performed on the graph
* @return The result of the operation on the graph.
* @throws GraknTxOperationException if the graph is closed.
private X operateOnOpenGraph(Supplier supplier) {
if (isClosed()) throw GraknTxOperationException.transactionClosed(this, txCache().getClosedReason());
return supplier.get();
public EntityType putEntityType(Label label) {
return putSchemaConcept(label, Schema.BaseType.ENTITY_TYPE, false,
v -> factory().buildEntityType(v, getMetaEntityType()));
* This is a helper method which will either find or create a {@link SchemaConcept}.
* When a new {@link SchemaConcept} is created it is added for validation through it's own creation method for
* example {@link ai.grakn.kb.internal.concept.RoleImpl#create(VertexElement, Role)}.
* When an existing {@link SchemaConcept} is found it is build via it's get method such as
* {@link ai.grakn.kb.internal.concept.RoleImpl#get(VertexElement)} and skips validation.
* Once the {@link SchemaConcept} is found or created a few checks for uniqueness and correct
* {@link ai.grakn.util.Schema.BaseType} are performed.
* @param label The {@link Label} of the {@link SchemaConcept} to find or create
* @param baseType The {@link Schema.BaseType} of the {@link SchemaConcept} to find or create
* @param isImplicit a flag indicating if the label we are creating is for an implicit {@link Type} or not
* @param newConceptFactory the factory to be using when creating a new {@link SchemaConcept}
* @param The type of {@link SchemaConcept} to return
* @return a new or existing {@link SchemaConcept}
private T putSchemaConcept(Label label, Schema.BaseType baseType, boolean isImplicit, Function newConceptFactory) {
//Get the type if it already exists otherwise build a new one
SchemaConceptImpl schemaConcept = getSchemaConcept(convertToId(label));
if (schemaConcept == null) {
if (!isImplicit && label.getValue().startsWith(Schema.ImplicitType.RESERVED.getValue())) {
throw GraknTxOperationException.invalidLabelStart(label);
VertexElement vertexElement = addTypeVertex(getNextId(), label, baseType);
//Mark it as implicit here so we don't have to pass it down the constructors
if (isImplicit) {, true);
schemaConcept = SchemaConceptImpl.from(buildSchemaConcept(label, () -> newConceptFactory.apply(vertexElement)));
} else if (!baseType.equals(schemaConcept.baseType())) {
throw labelTaken(schemaConcept);
//noinspection unchecked
return (T) schemaConcept;
* Throws an exception when adding a {@link SchemaConcept} using a {@link Label} which is already taken
private GraknTxOperationException labelTaken(SchemaConcept schemaConcept) {
if (Schema.MetaSchema.isMetaLabel(schemaConcept.label())) {
return GraknTxOperationException.reservedLabel(schemaConcept.label());
return PropertyNotUniqueException.cannotCreateProperty(schemaConcept, Schema.VertexProperty.SCHEMA_LABEL, schemaConcept.label());
private T validateSchemaConcept(Concept concept, Schema.BaseType baseType, Supplier invalidHandler) {
if (concept != null && baseType.getClassType().isInstance(concept)) {
//noinspection unchecked
return (T) concept;
} else {
return invalidHandler.get();
* A helper method which either retrieves the {@link SchemaConcept} from the cache or builds it using a provided supplier
* @param label The {@link Label} of the {@link SchemaConcept} to retrieve or build
* @param dbBuilder A method which builds the {@link SchemaConcept} via a DB read or write
* @return The {@link SchemaConcept} which was either cached or built via a DB read or write
private SchemaConcept buildSchemaConcept(Label label, Supplier dbBuilder) {
if (txCache().isTypeCached(label)) {
return txCache().getCachedSchemaConcept(label);
} else {
return dbBuilder.get();
public RelationshipType putRelationshipType(Label label) {
return putSchemaConcept(label, Schema.BaseType.RELATIONSHIP_TYPE, false,
v -> factory().buildRelationshipType(v, getMetaRelationType()));
public RelationshipType putRelationTypeImplicit(Label label) {
return putSchemaConcept(label, Schema.BaseType.RELATIONSHIP_TYPE, true,
v -> factory().buildRelationshipType(v, getMetaRelationType()));
public Role putRole(Label label) {
return putSchemaConcept(label, Schema.BaseType.ROLE, false,
v -> factory().buildRole(v, getMetaRole()));
public Role putRoleTypeImplicit(Label label) {
return putSchemaConcept(label, Schema.BaseType.ROLE, true,
v -> factory().buildRole(v, getMetaRole()));
public AttributeType putAttributeType(Label label, AttributeType.DataType dataType) {
AttributeType attributeType = putSchemaConcept(label, Schema.BaseType.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, false,
v -> factory().buildAttributeType(v, getMetaAttributeType(), dataType));
//These checks is needed here because caching will return a type by label without checking the datatype
if (Schema.MetaSchema.isMetaLabel(label)) {
throw GraknTxOperationException.metaTypeImmutable(label);
} else if (!dataType.equals(attributeType.dataType())) {
throw GraknTxOperationException.immutableProperty(attributeType.dataType(), dataType, Schema.VertexProperty.DATA_TYPE);
return attributeType;
public Rule putRule(Label label, Pattern when, Pattern then) {
Rule rule = putSchemaConcept(label, Schema.BaseType.RULE, false,
v -> factory().buildRule(v, getMetaRule(), when, then));
//NB: thenTypes() will be empty as type edges added on commit
//NB: this will cache also non-committed rules
if (rule.then() != null){
.flatMap(v -> v.getTypeLabels().stream())
.map(vl -> this.admin().getSchemaConcept(vl))
.forEach(type -> ruleCache.updateRules(type, rule));
return rule;
//------------------------------------ Lookup
public T getConcept(ConceptId id) {
return operateOnOpenGraph(() -> {
if (txCache().isConceptCached(id)) {
return txCache().getCachedConcept(id);
} else {
if (id.getValue().startsWith(Schema.PREFIX_EDGE)) {
Optional concept = getConceptEdge(id);
if (concept.isPresent()) return concept.get();
return this.getConcept(Schema.VertexProperty.ID, id.getValue()).orElse(null);
private Optional getConceptEdge(ConceptId id) {
String edgeId = id.getValue().substring(1);
GraphTraversal traversal = getTinkerTraversal().E(edgeId);
if (traversal.hasNext()) {
return Optional.of(factory().buildConcept(factory().buildEdgeElement(;
return Optional.empty();
private T getSchemaConcept(Label label, Schema.BaseType baseType) {
operateOnOpenGraph(() -> null); //Makes sure the graph is open
SchemaConcept schemaConcept = buildSchemaConcept(label, () -> getSchemaConcept(convertToId(label)));
return validateSchemaConcept(schemaConcept, baseType, () -> null);
public T getSchemaConcept(LabelId id) {
if (!id.isValid()) return null;
return this.getConcept(Schema.VertexProperty.LABEL_ID, id.getValue()).orElse(null);
public Collection> getAttributesByValue(V value) {
if (value == null) return Collections.emptySet();
//Make sure you trying to retrieve supported data type
if (!AttributeType.DataType.SUPPORTED_TYPES.containsKey(value.getClass().getName())) {
throw GraknTxOperationException.unsupportedDataType(value);
HashSet> attributes = new HashSet<>();
AttributeType.DataType dataType = AttributeType.DataType.SUPPORTED_TYPES.get(value.getClass().getTypeName());
//noinspection unchecked
getConcepts(dataType.getVertexProperty(), dataType.getPersistenceValue(value)).forEach(concept -> {
if (concept != null && concept.isAttribute()) {
//noinspection unchecked
return attributes;
public T getSchemaConcept(Label label) {
Schema.MetaSchema meta = Schema.MetaSchema.valueOf(label);
if (meta != null) return getSchemaConcept(meta.getId());
return getSchemaConcept(label, Schema.BaseType.SCHEMA_CONCEPT);
public T getType(Label label) {
return getSchemaConcept(label, Schema.BaseType.TYPE);
public EntityType getEntityType(String label) {
return getSchemaConcept(Label.of(label), Schema.BaseType.ENTITY_TYPE);
public RelationshipType getRelationshipType(String label) {
return getSchemaConcept(Label.of(label), Schema.BaseType.RELATIONSHIP_TYPE);
public AttributeType getAttributeType(String label) {
return getSchemaConcept(Label.of(label), Schema.BaseType.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE);
public Role getRole(String label) {
return getSchemaConcept(Label.of(label), Schema.BaseType.ROLE);
public Rule getRule(String label) {
return getSchemaConcept(Label.of(label), Schema.BaseType.RULE);
//This is overridden by vendors for more efficient clearing approaches
public void clearGraph() {
* Closes the root session this graph stems from. This will automatically rollback any pending transactions.
public void closeSession() {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw GraknTxOperationException.closingFailed(this, e);
* Close the transaction without committing
public void close() {
if (isClosed()) {
try {
} finally {
String closeMessage = ErrorMessage.TX_CLOSED_ON_ACTION.getMessage("closed", keyspace());
* Commits and closes the transaction without returning CommitLog
* @throws InvalidKBException
public void commit() throws InvalidKBException {
if (isClosed()) {
String closeMessage = ErrorMessage.TX_CLOSED_ON_ACTION.getMessage("committed", keyspace());
try {
} finally {
* Commits, closes transaction and returns CommitLog.
* @return the commit log that would have been submitted if it is needed.
* @throws InvalidKBException when the graph does not conform to the object concept
public Optional commitAndGetLogs() throws InvalidKBException {
if (isClosed()) {
return Optional.empty();
try {
return commitWithLogs();
} finally {
String closeMessage = ErrorMessage.TX_CLOSED_ON_ACTION.getMessage("committed", keyspace());
private void closeTransaction(String closedReason) {
try {
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
//Ignored for Tinker
} finally {
private Optional commitWithLogs() throws InvalidKBException {
Map newInstances = txCache().getShardingCount();
Map> newAttributes = txCache().getNewAttributes();
boolean logsExist = !newInstances.isEmpty() || !newAttributes.isEmpty();
//If we have logs to commit get them and add them
if (logsExist) {
return Optional.of(CommitLog.create(keyspace(), newInstances, newAttributes));
return Optional.empty();
void commitTransactionInternal() {
try {
LOG.trace("Graph is valid. Committing graph . . . ");
LOG.trace("Graph committed.");
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
private void validateGraph() throws InvalidKBException {
Validator validator = new Validator(this);
if (!validator.validate()) {
List errors = validator.getErrorsFound();
if (!errors.isEmpty()) throw InvalidKBException.validationErrors(errors);
public boolean isValidElement(Element element) {
return element != null;
//------------------------------------------ Fixing Code for Postprocessing ----------------------------------------
* Returns the duplicates of the given concept
* @param mainConcept primary concept - this one is returned by the index and not considered a duplicate
* @param conceptIds Set of Ids containing potential duplicates of the main concept
* @return a set containing the duplicates of the given concept
private Set getDuplicates(X mainConcept, Set conceptIds) {
Set duplicated =
//filter non-null, will be null if previously deleted/merged
return duplicated;
* Creates a new shard for the concept
* @param conceptId the id of the concept to shard
public void shard(ConceptId conceptId) {
ConceptImpl type = getConcept(conceptId);
if (type == null) {
LOG.warn("Cannot shard concept [" + conceptId + "] due to it not existing in the graph");
} else {
* Returns the current number of shards the provided {@link Type} has. This is used in creating more
* efficient query plans.
* @param concept The {@link Type} which may contain some shards.
* @return the number of Shards the {@link Type} currently has.
public long getShardCount(Type concept) {
return TypeImpl.from(concept).shardCount();
public final QueryExecutor queryExecutor() {
if (queryExecutorFactory == null) {
throw new RuntimeException(CANNOT_FIND_CLASS.getMessage("query builder", QUERY_BUILDER_CLASS_NAME));
try {
return (QueryExecutor) queryExecutorFactory.invoke(null, this);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
private static @Nullable
Constructor> getQueryBuilderConstructor() {
try {
return Class.forName(QUERY_BUILDER_CLASS_NAME).getConstructor(GraknTx.class);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException | ClassNotFoundException e) {
return null;
private static @Nullable
Method getQueryExecutorFactory() {
try {
return Class.forName(QUERY_EXECUTOR_CLASS_NAME).getDeclaredMethod("create", EmbeddedGraknTx.class);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException | ClassNotFoundException e) {
return null;