hex.glm.GLM Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package hex.glm;
import hex.FrameTask.DataInfo;
import hex.FrameTask;
import hex.SupervisedModelBuilder;
import hex.glm.GLMModel.FinalizeAndUnlockTsk;
import hex.glm.GLMModel.GLMOutput;
import hex.glm.GLMModel.GLMParameters.Family;
import hex.glm.GLMModel.GLMParameters;
import hex.glm.GLMTask.GLMIterationTask;
import hex.glm.GLMTask.GLMLineSearchTask;
import hex.glm.GLMTask.LMAXTask;
import hex.glm.GLMTask.YMUTask;
import hex.glm.LSMSolver.ADMMSolver;
import hex.optimization.L_BFGS.GradientInfo;
import hex.optimization.L_BFGS.GradientSolver;
import hex.optimization.L_BFGS;
import hex.schemas.GLMV2;
import hex.schemas.ModelBuilderSchema;
import jsr166y.CountedCompleter;
import water.*;
import water.H2O.H2OCallback;
import water.H2O.H2OCountedCompleter;
import water.fvec.Frame;
import water.fvec.Vec;
import water.util.ArrayUtils;
import water.util.Log;
import water.util.MRUtils.ParallelTasks;
import water.util.ModelUtils;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
* Created by tomasnykodym on 8/27/14.
* Generalized linear model implementation.
public class GLM extends SupervisedModelBuilder {
public GLM(Key dest, String desc, GLMModel.GLMParameters parms) { super(dest, desc, parms); init(false); }
public GLM(GLMModel.GLMParameters parms) { super("GLM", parms); }
private static class TooManyPredictorsException extends RuntimeException {}
public ModelBuilderSchema schema() {
return new GLMV2();
private boolean _clean_enums;
public Job trainModel() {
_clean_enums = _parms._toEnum && !_response.isEnum();
init(true); // Expensive tests & conversions
DataInfo dinfo = new DataInfo(Key.make(),_train,_valid, 1, _parms.useAllFactorLvls || _parms.lambda_search, _parms._standardize ? DataInfo.TransformType.STANDARDIZE : DataInfo.TransformType.NONE, DataInfo.TransformType.NONE);
H2OCountedCompleter cmp = new H2OCountedCompleter(){
AtomicBoolean _gotException = new AtomicBoolean(false);
@Override public void compute2(){}
public void onCompletion(CountedCompleter cc){
if( _clean_enums ) { train().lastVec().remove(); valid().lastVec().remove(); }
@Override public boolean onExceptionalCompletion(Throwable ex, CountedCompleter cc){
if(!_gotException.getAndSet(true)) {
if( _clean_enums ) { train().lastVec().remove(); valid().lastVec().remove(); }
return true;
return false;
start(cmp, 100);
H2O.submitTask(new GLMDriver(cmp,_parms,_key,_progressKey,_dest,dinfo));
return this;
private static double GLM_GRAD_EPS = 1e-4; // done (converged) if subgrad < this value.
private static final int MAX_ITERATIONS_PER_LAMBDA = 10;
private static final int MAX_ITER = 50;
private static final int sparseCoefThreshold = 750;
private static final double beta_epsilon = 1e-4;
* Encapsulates state of the computation.
public static final class GLMTaskInfo extends Iced {
final long _nobs; // number of observations in our dataset
final double _ymu; // actual mean of the response
final double _lambdaMax;// lambda max of the current dataset
double [] _beta; // full solution at previous lambda (or null)
double [] _gradient; // full gradient at previous beta (or null)
int _iter;
int _max_iter;
double _lastLambda;
float [] _thresholds;
double _objval;
// these are not strictly state variables
// I put them here to have all needed info in state object (so I only need to keep State[] info when doing xval)
final Key _dstKey;
final DataInfo _dinfo;
final GLMParameters _params;
public GLMTaskInfo(Key dstKey, DataInfo dinfo, GLMParameters params, long nobs, double ymu, double lmax, double lambda, double[] beta, double[] gradient, double objval){
_dstKey = dstKey;
_dinfo = dinfo;
_params = params;
_nobs = nobs;
_ymu = ymu;
_lambdaMax = lmax;
_lastLambda = lambda;
_beta = beta;
_gradient = gradient;
_max_iter = _params.lambda_search?MAX_ITERATIONS_PER_LAMBDA:MAX_ITER;
_objval = objval;
if(_params.family == Family.binomial)
_thresholds = ModelUtils.DEFAULT_THRESHOLDS;
* Task to compute GLM solution for a particular (single) lambda value.
* Can be warmstarted by passing in a state of previous computation so e.g. incremental strong rules can be
* applied.
* The performs iterative reweighted least squares algorithm with elastic net penalty.
public static final class GLMLambdaTask extends DTask{
FrameTask.DataInfo _activeData;
GLMTaskInfo _taskInfo;
final double _currentLambda;
int _iter;
final Key _jobKey;
Key _progressKey;
long _start_time;
double _addedL2;
public GLMLambdaTask(H2OCountedCompleter cmp, Key jobKey, Key progressKey, GLMTaskInfo state, double lambda){
_taskInfo = state;
_currentLambda = lambda;
_jobKey = jobKey;
_progressKey = progressKey;
private String LogInfo(String msg){
msg = "GLM2[dest=" + _taskInfo._dstKey + ", iteration=" + _iter + ", lambda = " + _currentLambda + "]: " + msg;
return msg;
int [] _activeCols;
* Apply strong rules to filter out expected innactive (with zero coefficient) predictors.
* @return indeces of expected active predictors.
private int [] activeCols(final double l1, final double l2, final double [] grad){
final double rhs = _taskInfo._params.alpha[0]*(2*l1-l2);
int [] cols = MemoryManager.malloc4(_taskInfo._dinfo.fullN());
int selected = 0;
int j = 0;
if(_activeCols == null)_activeCols = new int[]{-1};
for(int i = 0; i < _taskInfo._dinfo.fullN(); ++i)
if((j < _activeCols.length && i == _activeCols[j]) || grad[i] > rhs || grad[i] < -rhs){
cols[selected++] = i;
if(j < _activeCols.length && i == _activeCols[j])++j;
if(selected == _taskInfo._dinfo.fullN()){
_activeCols = null;
_activeData = _taskInfo._dinfo;
} else {
_activeCols = Arrays.copyOf(cols, selected);
_activeData = _taskInfo._dinfo.filterExpandedColumns(_activeCols);
LogInfo("strong rule at lambda_value=" + l1 + ", got " + selected + " active cols out of " + _taskInfo._dinfo.fullN() + " total.");
assert _activeCols == null || _activeData.fullN() == _activeCols.length:LogInfo("mismatched number of cols, got " + _activeCols.length + " active cols, but data info claims " + _activeData.fullN());
return _activeCols;
* Encapsulates state needed for line search i.e. previous solution and it's gradient and objective value.
private static final class IterationInfo {
final double [] _beta;
final double [] _grad;
final double _objval;
final int _iter;
public IterationInfo(int iter, double [] beta, double [] grad, double objval){
_iter = iter;
_beta = beta;
_grad = grad;
_objval = objval;
private transient IterationInfo _lastResult;
private double [] setSubmodel(final double[] newBeta, GLMValidation val, H2O.H2OCountedCompleter cmp){
double [] fullBeta = (_activeCols == null || newBeta == null)?newBeta:expandVec(newBeta,_activeCols, _taskInfo._dinfo.fullN()+1);
if(fullBeta == null){
fullBeta = MemoryManager.malloc8d(_taskInfo._dinfo.fullN()+1);
fullBeta[fullBeta.length-1] = _taskInfo._params.linkInv(_taskInfo._ymu);
final double [] newBetaDeNorm;
if(_taskInfo._dinfo._predictor_transform == FrameTask.DataInfo.TransformType.STANDARDIZE) {
newBetaDeNorm = fullBeta.clone();
double norm = 0.0; // Reverse any normalization on the intercept
// denormalize only the numeric coefs (categoricals are not normalized)
final int numoff = _taskInfo._dinfo.numStart();
for( int i=numoff; i< fullBeta.length-1; i++ ) {
double b = newBetaDeNorm[i]* _taskInfo._dinfo._normMul[i-numoff];
norm += b* _taskInfo._dinfo._normSub[i-numoff]; // Also accumulate the intercept adjustment
newBetaDeNorm[i] = b;
newBetaDeNorm[newBetaDeNorm.length-1] -= norm;
} else
newBetaDeNorm = null;
GLMModel.setSubmodel(cmp, _taskInfo._dstKey, _currentLambda, newBetaDeNorm == null ? fullBeta : newBetaDeNorm, newBetaDeNorm == null ? null : fullBeta, (_iter + 1), System.currentTimeMillis() - _start_time, _taskInfo._dinfo.fullN() >= sparseCoefThreshold, val);
return fullBeta;
* Computes the full gradient (gradient for all predictors) and checks line search condition (gradient has no NaNs/Infs) and the KKT conditions
* for the underlying optimization problem. If some inactive columns violate the KKTs,
* then they are added into the active set and solution is recomputed (rare), otherwise we just update the model in the K/V with this new solution
* and finish.
* @param newBeta - computed solution
* @param failedLineSearch - boolean flag if we're already comming from failed line-search (unable to proceed) - in that case line search is never performed.
protected void checkKKTAndComplete(final double [] newBeta, final boolean failedLineSearch){
H2O.H2OCountedCompleter cmp = (H2O.H2OCountedCompleter)getCompleter();
final double [] fullBeta;
if(newBeta == null){
fullBeta = MemoryManager.malloc8d(_taskInfo._dinfo.fullN()+1);
fullBeta[fullBeta.length-1] = _taskInfo._params.linkInv(_taskInfo._ymu);
} else
fullBeta = expandVec(newBeta,_activeCols, _taskInfo._dinfo.fullN()+1);
// now we need full gradient (on all columns) using this beta
new GLMIterationTask(_jobKey, _taskInfo._dinfo, _taskInfo._params,false,true,true,fullBeta, _taskInfo._ymu,1.0/ _taskInfo._nobs, _taskInfo._thresholds, new H2O.H2OCallback(cmp) {
@Override public String toString(){
return "checkKKTAndComplete.Callback, completer = " + getCompleter() == null?"null":getCompleter().toString();
public void callback(final GLMIterationTask glmt2) {
// first check KKT conditions!
final double [] grad = glmt2.gradient(_taskInfo._params.alpha[0], _currentLambda);
if(!failedLineSearch) {
LogInfo("Check KKT got NaNs. Invoking line search");
_taskInfo._params.higher_accuracy = true;
new GLMTask.GLMLineSearchTask(_jobKey, _activeData, _taskInfo._params, _lastResult._beta, contractVec(fullBeta,_activeCols), 1e-4, _taskInfo._ymu, _taskInfo._nobs, new LineSearchIteration(getCompleter())).asyncExec(_activeData._adaptedFrame);
} else {
// TODO: add warning and break th lambda search? Or throw Exception?
LogInfo("got NaNs/Infs in gradient at lambda " + _currentLambda);
// check the KKT conditions and filter data for next lambda_value
// check the gradient
double[] subgrad = grad.clone();
ADMMSolver.subgrad(_taskInfo._params.alpha[0], _currentLambda, fullBeta, subgrad);
double err = GLM_GRAD_EPS;
if (!failedLineSearch &&_activeCols != null) {
for (int c : _activeCols)
if (subgrad[c] > err) err = subgrad[c];
else if (subgrad[c] < -err) err = -subgrad[c];
int[] failedCols = new int[64];
int fcnt = 0;
double grad_eps = GLM_GRAD_EPS;
for (int c : _activeCols)
if (subgrad[c] > grad_eps)
grad_eps = subgrad[c];
else if (subgrad[c] < -grad_eps)
grad_eps = -subgrad[c];
for (int i = 0; i < grad.length - 1; ++i) {
if (Arrays.binarySearch(_activeCols, i) >= 0) continue;
if (subgrad[i] > grad_eps || -subgrad[i] > grad_eps) {
if (fcnt == failedCols.length)
failedCols = Arrays.copyOf(failedCols, failedCols.length << 1);
failedCols[fcnt++] = i;
if (fcnt > 0) {
final int n = _activeCols.length;
_activeCols = Arrays.copyOf(_activeCols, _activeCols.length + fcnt);
for (int i = 0; i < fcnt; ++i)
_activeCols[n + i] = failedCols[i];
LogInfo(fcnt + " variables failed KKT conditions check! Adding them to the model and continuing computation.(grad_eps = " + grad_eps + ", activeCols = " + (_activeCols.length > 100?"lost":Arrays.toString(_activeCols)));
_activeData = _taskInfo._dinfo.filterExpandedColumns(_activeCols);
// NOTE: tricky completer game here:
// We expect 0 pending in this method since this is the end-point, ( actually it's racy, can be 1 with pending 1 decrement from the original Iteration callback, end result is 0 though)
// while iteration expects pending count of 1, so we need to increase it here (Iteration itself adds 1 but 1 will be subtracted when we leave this method since we're in the callback which is called by onCompletion!
// [unlike at the start of nextLambda call when we're not inside onCompletion]))
new GLMIterationTask(_jobKey, _activeData, _taskInfo._params, true, true, true, contractVec(glmt2._beta, _activeCols), _taskInfo._ymu, 1.0/ _taskInfo._nobs, _taskInfo._thresholds, new Iteration(getCompleter())).asyncExec(_activeData._adaptedFrame);
// update the state
_taskInfo._beta = glmt2._beta;
_taskInfo._gradient = glmt2.gradient(_taskInfo._params.alpha[0], _taskInfo._lastLambda);
_taskInfo._iter = _iter;
int diff = MAX_ITERATIONS_PER_LAMBDA - _iter + _taskInfo._iter;
if(diff > 0)
new Job.ProgressUpdate(diff).fork(_progressKey); // update progress
setSubmodel(newBeta, glmt2._val,(H2O.H2OCountedCompleter)getCompleter().getCompleter());
protected boolean needLineSearch(final GLMIterationTask glmt){ return needLineSearch(glmt,1);}
protected boolean needLineSearch(final GLMIterationTask glmt, double step) {
if(_taskInfo._params.family == Family.gaussian)
return false;
if(glmt._beta == null)
return false;
if (ArrayUtils.hasNaNsOrInfs(glmt._xy) || (glmt._grad != null && ArrayUtils.hasNaNsOrInfs(glmt._grad)) || (glmt._gram != null && glmt._gram.hasNaNsOrInfs()))
return true;
if(glmt._val != null && (glmt._val.residual_deviance > glmt._val.null_deviance))
return true;
if(glmt._val == null) // no validation info, no way to decide
return false;
return needLineSearch(glmt._beta, objval(glmt,_taskInfo._params.alpha[0], _currentLambda), step);
protected boolean needLineSearch(final double [] beta,double objval, double step){
assert beta != null;
if(Double.isNaN(objval))return true; // needed for gamma (and possibly others...)
final double [] grad = _lastResult._grad;
// line search
double f_hat = 0;
final double [] oldBeta = _lastResult == null?contractVec(_taskInfo._beta,_activeCols):_lastResult._beta;
if(oldBeta == null) for(int i = 0; i < beta.length; ++i)
f_hat += step*grad[i] * beta[i] + 0.5*beta[i]*beta[i];
else for(int i = 0; i < beta.length; ++i) {
double diff = (beta[i] - oldBeta[i]);
f_hat += step * grad[i] * diff + .5*diff*diff;
f_hat = 1e-4*f_hat + _lastResult._objval;
return objval > f_hat;
protected void compute2() {
_start_time = System.currentTimeMillis();
if(_currentLambda > _taskInfo._lambdaMax)
return; // no point doing anything, it's just the null model
_iter = _taskInfo._iter;
LogInfo("starting computation of lambda = " + _currentLambda + ", previous lambda = " + _taskInfo._lastLambda);
int [] activeCols = activeCols(_currentLambda, _taskInfo._lastLambda, _taskInfo._gradient);
int n = activeCols == null?_taskInfo._dinfo.fullN():activeCols.length;
if(n > _taskInfo._params.maxActivePredictors)
throw new TooManyPredictorsException();
double [] beta = contractVec(_taskInfo._beta, _activeCols);
_lastResult = new IterationInfo(_taskInfo._iter,beta,contractVec(_taskInfo._gradient,_activeCols), _taskInfo._objval);
new GLMIterationTask(_jobKey, _activeData, _taskInfo._params, true, false, false, beta, _taskInfo._ymu, 1.0 / _taskInfo._nobs, _taskInfo._thresholds, new Iteration(this)).asyncExec(_activeData._adaptedFrame);
private class Iteration extends H2O.H2OCallback {
public final long _iterationStartTime;
final boolean _countIteration;
final double _lineSearchStep;
public Iteration(CountedCompleter cmp){ this(cmp,true,1.0);}
public Iteration(CountedCompleter cmp, boolean countIteration,double lineSearchStep){
_lineSearchStep = lineSearchStep;
_countIteration = countIteration;
_iterationStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); }
@Override public void callback(final GLMIterationTask glmt){
if(_jobKey != null && !isRunning(_jobKey) ) throw new JobCancelledException();
assert _activeCols == null || glmt._beta == null || glmt._beta.length == (_activeCols.length+1):LogInfo("betalen = " + glmt._beta.length + ", activecols = " + _activeCols.length);
assert _activeCols == null || _activeCols.length == _activeData.fullN();
assert getCompleter().getPendingCount() <= 1 : LogInfo("unexpected pending count, expected <= 1, got " + getCompleter().getPendingCount()); // will be decreased by 1 after we leave this callback
if (_countIteration) ++_iter;
long callbackStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
LogInfo("invoking line search");
double [] oldBeta = _lastResult._beta;
if(oldBeta == null) {
oldBeta = MemoryManager.malloc8d(_taskInfo._dinfo.fullN() + 1);
oldBeta[oldBeta.length-1] = _taskInfo._params.link(_taskInfo._ymu);
new GLMTask.GLMLineSearchTask(_jobKey,_activeData, _taskInfo._params, oldBeta, glmt._beta,1e-4, _taskInfo._ymu, _taskInfo._nobs, new LineSearchIteration(getCompleter())).asyncExec(_activeData._adaptedFrame);
if(glmt._newThresholds != null) {
_taskInfo._thresholds = ArrayUtils.join(glmt._newThresholds[0], glmt._newThresholds[1]);
double gerr = Double.NaN;
if (glmt._val != null && glmt._computeGradient) { // check gradient
_lastResult = new IterationInfo(_iter,glmt._beta,glmt.gradient(_taskInfo._params.alpha[0], _currentLambda),objval(glmt,_taskInfo._params.alpha[0],_currentLambda));
double [] grad = _lastResult._grad.clone();
ADMMSolver.subgrad(_taskInfo._params.alpha[0], _currentLambda, glmt._beta, grad);
gerr = 0;
for (double d : grad)
if (d > gerr) gerr = d;
else if (d < -gerr) gerr = -d;
if(gerr <= GLM_GRAD_EPS){
LogInfo("converged by reaching small enough gradient, with max |subgradient| = " + gerr );
final double [] newBeta = MemoryManager.malloc8d(glmt._xy.length);
long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
ADMMSolver slvr = new ADMMSolver(_currentLambda, _taskInfo._params.alpha[0], GLM_GRAD_EPS, _addedL2);
slvr.solve(glmt._gram,glmt._xy,glmt._yy,newBeta, _currentLambda * _taskInfo._params.alpha[0]);
if(_lineSearchStep < 1){
if(glmt._beta != null)
for(int i = 0; i < newBeta.length; ++i)
newBeta[i] = glmt._beta[i]*(1-_lineSearchStep) + _lineSearchStep*newBeta[i];
for(int i = 0; i < newBeta.length; ++i)
newBeta[i] *= _lineSearchStep;
// print all info about iteration
LogInfo("Gram computed in " + (callbackStart - _iterationStartTime) + "ms, " + (Double.isNaN(gerr)?"":"gradient = " + gerr + ",") + ", step = " + _lineSearchStep + ", ADMM: " + slvr.iterations + " iterations, " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t1) + "ms (" + slvr.decompTime + "), subgrad_err=" + slvr.gerr);
if (slvr._addedL2 > _addedL2) LogInfo("added " + (slvr._addedL2 - _addedL2) + "L2 penalty");
new Job.ProgressUpdate(1).fork(_progressKey); // update progress
_addedL2 = slvr._addedL2;
if (ArrayUtils.hasNaNsOrInfs(newBeta)) {
throw new RuntimeException(LogInfo("got NaNs and/or Infs in beta"));
} else {
final double bdiff = beta_diff(glmt._beta, newBeta);
if (_taskInfo._params.family == Family.gaussian || bdiff < beta_epsilon || _iter >= _taskInfo._max_iter) { // Gaussian is non-iterative and gradient is ADMMSolver's gradient => just validate and move on to the next lambda_value
int diff = (int) Math.log10(bdiff);
int nzs = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < newBeta.length; ++i)
if (newBeta[i] != 0) ++nzs;
LogInfo("converged (reached a fixed point with ~ 1e" + diff + " precision), got " + nzs + " nzs");
checkKKTAndComplete(newBeta, false);
} else { // not done yet, launch next iteration
if (glmt._beta != null)
setSubmodel(glmt._beta, glmt._val, (H2O.H2OCountedCompleter) getCompleter().getCompleter()); // update current intermediate result
final boolean validate = _taskInfo._params.higher_accuracy || (_iter % 5) == 0;
new GLMIterationTask(_jobKey,_activeData,glmt._glm, true, validate, validate, newBeta, _taskInfo._ymu,1.0/ _taskInfo._nobs, _taskInfo._thresholds, new Iteration(getCompleter(),true,Math.min(1,2*_lineSearchStep))).asyncExec(_activeData._adaptedFrame);
private class LineSearchIteration extends H2O.H2OCallback {
LineSearchIteration(CountedCompleter cmp){super((H2O.H2OCountedCompleter)cmp); }
@Override public void callback(final GLMTask.GLMLineSearchTask glmt) {
assert getCompleter().getPendingCount() <= 1:"unexpected pending count, expected 1, got " + getCompleter().getPendingCount();
double step = 0.5;
for(int i = 0; i < glmt._glmts.length; ++i){
LogInfo("line search: found admissible step = " + step + ", objval = " + objval(glmt._glmts[i],_taskInfo._params.alpha[0],_currentLambda));
_taskInfo._params.higher_accuracy = true;
new GLMIterationTask(_jobKey,_activeData, _taskInfo._params,true,true,true,glmt._glmts[i]._beta, _taskInfo._ymu,1.0/ _taskInfo._nobs, _taskInfo._thresholds, new Iteration(getCompleter(),false,step)).asyncExec(_activeData._adaptedFrame);
step *= 0.5;
} // no line step worked converge
if(!_taskInfo._params.higher_accuracy){ // start from scratch
_taskInfo._params.higher_accuracy = true;
int add2iter = (_iter - _taskInfo._iter);
LogInfo("Line search failed to progress, rerunning current lambda from scratch with high accuracy on, adding " + add2iter + " to max iterations");
_taskInfo._max_iter += add2iter;
new GLMIterationTask(_jobKey,_activeData, _taskInfo._params,true,true,true,contractVec(_taskInfo._beta,_activeCols), _taskInfo._ymu,1.0/ _taskInfo._nobs, _taskInfo._thresholds, new Iteration(getCompleter(),false,1)).asyncExec(_activeData._adaptedFrame);
LogInfo("Line search did not find feasible step, converged.");
* Contains implementation of the glm algo.
* It's DTask so it can be computed on other nodes (to distributed single node part of the computation).
public final class GLMDriver extends DTask {
final DataInfo _dinfo;
transient ArrayList _foldInfos = new ArrayList();
final GLMParameters _params;
final Key _dstKey;
final Key _jobKey;
final Key _progressKey;
double [] lambdas;
final GLMTaskInfo[] _state;
int _lambdaId;
int _maxLambda;
transient AtomicBoolean _gotException = new AtomicBoolean();
public GLMDriver(H2OCountedCompleter cmp,GLMParameters params, Key jobKey, Key progressKey, Key dstKey, DataInfo dinfo){
_jobKey = jobKey;
_params = params;
_dstKey = dstKey;
_dinfo = dinfo;
_state = params.n_folds > 1?new GLMTaskInfo[_params.n_folds+1]:new GLMTaskInfo[1];
_progressKey = progressKey;
private double [] nullBeta(DataInfo dinfo, GLMParameters params, double ymu){
double [] beta = MemoryManager.malloc8d(dinfo.fullN()+1);
beta[beta.length-1] = params.linkInv(ymu);
return beta;
private void doCleanup(){
for(DataInfo dinfo:_foldInfos)
@Override public boolean onExceptionalCompletion(final Throwable ex, CountedCompleter cc){
for(DataInfo dinfo:_foldInfos)
if(ex instanceof TooManyPredictorsException){
// TODO add warning
_maxLambda = _lambdaId;
return false;
new RemoveCall(null, _dstKey).invokeTask();
return true;
return false;
@Override public void onCompletion(CountedCompleter cc){
H2OCountedCompleter cmp = (H2OCountedCompleter)getCompleter();
new FinalizeAndUnlockTsk(cmp,_dstKey,_jobKey).fork();
protected void compute2() {
if(_params.alpha.length > 1){ // just fork off grid search
// compute lambda max
// if this is cross-validated task, don't do actual computation,
// just fork off the nfolds+1 tasks and wait for the results
if(_params.nlambdas == -1)_params.nlambdas = 100;
if(_params.lambda_search && _params.nlambdas <= 1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("GLM2(" + _dstKey + ") nlambdas must be > 1 when running with lambda search.");
Futures fs = new Futures();
new YMUTask(_jobKey, _dinfo._key, _params.n_folds,new H2O.H2OCallback(this) {
public String toString(){
return "YMUTask callback. completer = " + getCompleter() != null?"null":getCompleter().toString();
public void callback(final YMUTask ymut) {
if (ymut._ymin == ymut._ymax)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("GLM2(" + _dstKey + "): attempted to run with constant response. Response == " + ymut._ymin + " for all rows in the training set.");
final double gYmu;
final long nobs;
boolean skipNAs = true;
final double iceptAdjust;
if((double)ymut.nobs()/_dinfo._adaptedFrame.numRows() < .75){
skipNAs = false;
gYmu = _dinfo._adaptedFrame.lastVec().mean();
nobs = _dinfo._adaptedFrame.numRows();
} else {
gYmu = ymut.ymu();
nobs = ymut.nobs();
if(_params.family == Family.binomial && _params.prior != -1 && _params.prior != gYmu && !Double.isNaN(_params.prior)) {
double ratio = _params.prior / gYmu;
double pi0 = 1, pi1 = 1;
if (ratio > 1) {
pi1 = 1.0 / ratio;
} else if (ratio < 1) {
pi0 = ratio;
iceptAdjust = Math.log(pi0 / pi1);
} else {
_params.prior = gYmu;
iceptAdjust = 0;
H2O.H2OCountedCompleter cmp = (H2O.H2OCountedCompleter)getCompleter();
new LMAXTask(_jobKey, _dinfo, _params, gYmu,nobs, ModelUtils.DEFAULT_THRESHOLDS,new H2O.H2OCallback(cmp){
public String toString(){
return "LMAXTask callback. completer = " + (getCompleter() != null?"NULL":getCompleter().toString());
@Override public void callback(final LMAXTask gLmax){
// public GLMModel(Key selfKey, String[] names, String[][] domains, GLMParameters parms, GLMOutput output) {
GLMOutput glmOutput = new GLMOutput(GLM.this,_dinfo,_params.family == Family.binomial);
String warning = null;
if(_params.lambda_search) {
assert !Double.isNaN(gLmax.lmax()) : "running lambda_value search, but don't know what is the lambda_value max!";
if (_params.lambda_min_ratio == -1)
_params.lambda_min_ratio = nobs > 25 * _dinfo.fullN() ? 1e-4 : 1e-2;
final double d = Math.pow(_params.lambda_min_ratio, 1.0 / (_params.nlambdas - 1));
lambdas = new double[_params.nlambdas];
lambdas[0] = gLmax.lmax();
if (_params.nlambdas == 1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Number of lambdas must be > 1 when running with lambda_search!");
for (int i = 1; i < lambdas.length; ++i)
lambdas[i] = lambdas[i - 1] * d;
} else {
if(_params.lambda == null || _params.lambda.length == 0)
lambdas = new double[]{1e-2*gLmax.lmax()};
lambdas = _params.lambda;
int i = 0;
while(i < lambdas.length && lambdas[i] >= gLmax.lmax())++i;
if(i == lambdas.length)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Given lambda(s) are all > lambda_max = " + gLmax.lmax() + ", have nothing to run with. lambda = " + Arrays.toString(lambdas));
if(i > 0) {
warning = "Removed " + i + " lambdas greater than lambda_max.";
lambdas = ArrayUtils.append(new double[]{gLmax.lmax()},Arrays.copyOfRange(lambdas,i,lambdas.length));
double nextLambda = lambdas[1];
if(lambdas.length > 1)
glmOutput.addNullSubmodel(gLmax.lmax(), _params.link(gYmu), gLmax._val);
_maxLambda = lambdas.length;
GLMModel model = new GLMModel(_dstKey, _params, glmOutput, _dinfo, gYmu,gLmax.lmax(),nobs);
if(warning != null)
final double lmax = gLmax.lmax();
_state[0] = new GLMTaskInfo(_dstKey,_dinfo,_params,gLmax._nobs,gLmax._ymu,lmax,lmax,null,gLmax.gradient(_params.alpha[0],lmax),objval(gLmax,_params.alpha[0],gLmax.lmax()));
if(_params.n_folds > 1){
final H2OCountedCompleter cmp = new H2OCallback((H2OCountedCompleter)getCompleter()) {
public void callback(H2OCountedCompleter h2OCountedCompleter) {
GLMLambdaTask [] tasks = new GLMLambdaTask[_state.length];
H2OCountedCompleter cmp = new LambdaSearchIteration((H2OCountedCompleter)getCompleter());
for(int i = 0; i < tasks.length; ++i)
tasks[i] = new GLMLambdaTask(cmp,_jobKey,_progressKey,_state[i],lambdas[_lambdaId]);
// now we have copmuted lmax for all n_folds model and solution for global lmax (lmax on the whole dataset) for all n_folds
// just start tasks to compute the first lambda in parallel for all n_folds.
new ParallelTasks(new LambdaSearchIteration((H2OCountedCompleter)getCompleter()),tasks).fork();
for(int i = 1; i < _state.length; ++i){
final int fi = i;
final GLMParameters params = (GLMParameters)_params.clone();
params.n_folds = 0;
final DataInfo dinfo = _dinfo.getFold(i-1,_params.n_folds);
if(i != 0){
// public LMAXTask(Key jobKey, DataInfo dinfo, GLMModel.GLMParameters glm, double ymu, long nobs, double alpha, float [] thresholds, H2OCountedCompleter cmp) {
new LMAXTask(_jobKey,dinfo,_params,ymut.ymu(fi-1),ymut.nobs(fi-1), ModelUtils.DEFAULT_THRESHOLDS,new H2OCallback(cmp) {
public String toString(){
return "Xval LMAXTask callback., completer = " + getCompleter() == null?"null":getCompleter().toString();
public void callback(LMAXTask lLmax) {
// long nobs, double ymu, double lmax, double [] beta, double [] gradient
final double lmax = lLmax.lmax();
Key dstKey = Key.make(_dstKey.toString() + "_xval_" + fi, (byte)1, Key.HIDDEN_USER_KEY, true, H2O.SELF);
_state[fi] = new GLMTaskInfo(dstKey,dinfo,params,lLmax._nobs,lLmax._ymu,lLmax.lmax(),gLmax.lmax(),nullBeta(dinfo,params,lLmax._ymu),lLmax.gradient(_params.alpha[0],lmax),objval(lLmax,_params.alpha[0],lLmax.lmax()));
new GLMModel(dstKey, params, new GLMOutput(GLM.this,dinfo,_params.family == Family.binomial), dinfo, lLmax._ymu, lmax, nobs).delete_and_lock(_jobKey);
if(lLmax.lmax() > gLmax.lmax()){
// lambda max for this n_fold is > than global lambda max -> it has non-trivial solution for global lambda max, need to compute it first.
new GLMLambdaTask((H2OCountedCompleter)getCompleter(),_jobKey,_progressKey,_state[fi],gLmax.lmax()).fork();
} else {
new GLMLambdaTask(new LambdaSearchIteration((H2OCountedCompleter) getCompleter()), _jobKey, _progressKey, _state[0], lambdas[++_lambdaId]).fork();
private class LambdaSearchIteration extends H2O.H2OCallback {
public LambdaSearchIteration(H2OCountedCompleter cmp){super(cmp);}
public void callback(H2OCountedCompleter h2OCountedCompleter) {
double currentLambda = lambdas[_lambdaId];
if(_params.n_folds > 1){
// copy the state over
ParallelTasks t = (ParallelTasks)h2OCountedCompleter;
for(int i = 0; i < t._tasks.length; ++i)
_state[i] = t._tasks[i]._taskInfo;
// launch xval-task to compute validations of xval models
// getCompleter().addToPendingCount(1);
// TODO ...
// now launch the next lambda
if(++_lambdaId < _maxLambda){
double nextLambda = lambdas[_lambdaId];
if(_params.n_folds > 1){
GLMLambdaTask [] tasks = new GLMLambdaTask[_state.length];
H2OCountedCompleter cmp = new LambdaSearchIteration((H2OCountedCompleter)getCompleter());
for(int i = 0; i < tasks.length; ++i) {
_state[i]._lastLambda = currentLambda;
tasks[i] = new GLMLambdaTask(cmp, _jobKey, _progressKey, _state[i], nextLambda);
new ParallelTasks(new LambdaSearchIteration((H2OCountedCompleter)getCompleter()),tasks).fork();
} else {
_state[0]._lastLambda = currentLambda;
new GLMLambdaTask(new LambdaSearchIteration((H2OCountedCompleter) getCompleter()), _jobKey, _progressKey, _state[0], nextLambda).fork();
private static final double beta_diff(double[] b1, double[] b2) {
if(b1 == null)return Double.MAX_VALUE;
double res = b1[0] >= b2[0]?b1[0] - b2[0]:b2[0] - b1[0];
for( int i = 1; i < b1.length; ++i ) {
double diff = b1[i] - b2[i];
if(diff > res)
res = diff;
else if( -diff > res)
res = -diff;
return res;
private static final double [] expandVec(double [] beta, final int [] activeCols, int fullN){
assert beta != null;
if (activeCols == null) return beta;
double[] res = MemoryManager.malloc8d(fullN);
int i = 0;
for (int c : activeCols)
res[c] = beta[i++];
res[res.length - 1] = beta[beta.length - 1];
return res;
private static final double [] contractVec(double [] beta, final int [] activeCols){
if(beta == null)return null;
if(activeCols == null)return beta.clone();
double [] res = MemoryManager.malloc8d(activeCols.length+1);
int i = 0;
for(int c:activeCols)
res[i++] = beta[c];
res[res.length-1] = beta[beta.length-1];
return res;
private static final double [] resizeVec(double[] beta, final int[] activeCols, final int[] oldActiveCols, int fullN){
if(beta == null || Arrays.equals(activeCols,oldActiveCols))return beta;
double [] full = expandVec(beta, oldActiveCols,fullN);
if(activeCols == null)return full;
return contractVec(full,activeCols);
protected static double l2norm(double[] beta){
if(beta == null)return 0;
double l2 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < beta.length-1; ++i)
l2 += beta[i] * beta[i];
return l2;
protected static double l1norm(double[] beta){
if(beta == null)return 0;
double l1 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < beta.length-1; ++i)
l1 += beta[i] < 0?-beta[i]:beta[i];
return l1;
private static double penalty(double [] beta, double alpha, double lambda){
return lambda*(alpha*l1norm(beta) + .5*(1-alpha)*l2norm(beta));
private static double objval(GLMIterationTask glmt, double alpha, double lambda){
return glmt._val.residual_deviance / glmt._nobs + penalty(glmt._beta,alpha,lambda);
public final static class GLMGradientInfo extends GradientInfo {
public final GLMValidation _val;
public GLMGradientInfo(GLMIterationTask t, double lambda) {
super(t._val.residualDeviance()/t._nobs, t.gradient(0,lambda));
_val = t._val;
public final static class GLMGradientSolver extends GradientSolver {
final Key _jobKey = null;
final GLMParameters _glmp;
final DataInfo _dinfo;
final double _ymu;
final double _lambda;
final long _nobs;
public GLMGradientSolver(GLMParameters glmp, DataInfo dinfo, double lambda, double ymu, long nobs){
_glmp = glmp;
_dinfo = dinfo;
_ymu = ymu;
_nobs = nobs;
_lambda = lambda;
public GradientInfo[] getGradient(double[][] betas) {
final double reg = 1.0/_nobs;
GLMIterationTask [] glmts = new GLMLineSearchTask(_jobKey,_dinfo,_glmp,betas,_ymu,_nobs,null).doAll(_dinfo._adaptedFrame)._glmts;
GradientInfo [] ginfos = new GradientInfo[glmts.length];
for(int i = 0; i < ginfos.length; ++i)
ginfos[i] = new GLMGradientInfo(glmts[i],_lambda);
return ginfos;
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