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hex.glm.GLMTask Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package hex.glm;

import hex.FrameTask;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;

import hex.glm.GLM.GLMTaskInfo;
import hex.glm.GLMModel;
import hex.glm.GLMModel.GLMParameters;
import hex.glm.GLMModel.GLMParameters.Family;

import hex.glm.GLMValidation.GLMXValidation;
import water.H2O.H2OCountedCompleter;
import water.*;
import water.fvec.Chunk;
import water.util.ArrayUtils;

 * Contains all GLM related distributed tasks.
 * @author tomasnykodym

public abstract class GLMTask> extends FrameTask {
  final protected GLMModel.GLMParameters _glm;
  public GLMTask(Key jobKey, DataInfo dinfo, GLMModel.GLMParameters glm){this(jobKey,dinfo,glm,null);}
  public GLMTask(Key jobKey, DataInfo dinfo, GLMModel.GLMParameters glm,H2OCountedCompleter cmp){super(jobKey,dinfo == null?null:dinfo._key,dinfo == null?null:dinfo._activeCols,cmp);_glm = glm;}

  //helper function to compute eta - i.e. beta * row
  protected final double computeEta(final int ncats, final int [] cats, final double [] nums, final double [] beta){
    double res = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < ncats; ++i)res += beta[cats[i]];
    final int numStart = _dinfo.numStart();
    for (int i = 0; i < nums.length; ++i) res += nums[i] * beta[numStart + i];
    res += beta[beta.length-1]; // intercept
    return res;

   * Helper task to compute precise mean of response and number of observations.
   * (We skip rows with NAs, so we can't use Vec's mean in general.
   * @author tomasnykodym
  static class YMUTask extends FrameTask{
    private long []  _nobs;
    protected double [] _ymu;
    public double [] _ymin;
    public double [] _ymax;
    final int _nfolds;
    public YMUTask(Key jobKey, Key dataInfoKey, int nfolds) {this(jobKey, dataInfoKey, nfolds, null);}
    public YMUTask(Key jobKey, Key dataInfoKey, int nfolds,  H2OCountedCompleter cmp) {
      super(jobKey, dataInfoKey, null, cmp);
      _nfolds = nfolds;
    @Override public void chunkInit(){
      _ymu = new double[_nfolds+1];
      _nobs = new long[_nfolds+1];
      _ymax = new double[_nfolds+1];
      _ymin = new double[_nfolds+1];
    @Override protected void processRow(long gid, double[] nums, int ncats, int[] cats, double [] responses) {
      double response = responses[0];
      _ymu[0] += response;
      if(response < _ymin[0])_ymin[0] = response;
      if(response > _ymax[0])_ymax[0] = response;
      for(int i = 1; i < _nfolds+1; ++i) {
        if(gid % _nfolds == (i-1))
        _ymu[i] += response;
        if(response < _ymin[0])_ymin[i] = response;
        if(response > _ymax[i])_ymax[i] = response;
    @Override public void reduce(YMUTask t){
      if(t._nobs[0] != 0){
        if(_nobs[0] == 0){
          _ymu = t._ymu;
          _nobs = t._nobs;
          _ymin = t._ymin;
          _ymax = t._ymax;
        } else {
          for(int i = 0; i < _nfolds+1; ++i) {
            if(_nobs[i] + t._nobs[i] == 0)continue;
            _ymu[i] = _ymu[i] * ((double) _nobs[i] / (_nobs[i] + t._nobs[i])) + t._ymu[i] * t._nobs[i] / (_nobs[i] + t._nobs[i]);
            _nobs[i] += t._nobs[i];
            if(t._ymax[i] > _ymax[i])
              _ymax[i] = t._ymax[i];
            if(t._ymin[i] < _ymin[i])
              _ymin[i] = t._ymin[i];
    @Override protected void chunkDone(long n){
      for(int i = 0; i < _ymu.length; ++i)
        if(_nobs[i] != 0)_ymu[i] /= _nobs[i];
    public double ymu(){return ymu(-1);}
    public long nobs(){return nobs(-1);}
    public double ymu(int foldId){return _ymu[foldId+1];}
    public long nobs(int foldId){return _nobs[foldId+1];}
   * Task to compute Lambda Max for the given dataset.
   * @author tomasnykodym
  static class LMAXTask extends GLMIterationTask {
    private double[] _z;
    private final double _gPrimeMu;
    private double _lmax;
    private final double _alpha;

    public LMAXTask(Key jobKey, DataInfo dinfo, GLMModel.GLMParameters params, double ymu, long nobs, float [] thresholds, H2OCountedCompleter cmp) {
      super(jobKey, dinfo, params, false, true, true, params.nullModelBeta(dinfo,ymu), ymu, 1.0/nobs, thresholds, cmp);
      _gPrimeMu = params.linkDeriv(ymu);
      _alpha = params.alpha[0];
    @Override public void chunkInit(){
      _z = MemoryManager.malloc8d(_grad.length);
    @Override public void processRow(long gid, double[] nums, int ncats, int[] cats, double [] responses) {
      double w = (responses[0] - _ymu) * _gPrimeMu;
      for( int i = 0; i < ncats; ++i ) _z[cats[i]] += w;
      final int numStart = _dinfo.numStart();
      for(int i = 0; i < nums.length; ++i)
        _z[i+numStart] += w*nums[i];
      super.processRow(gid, nums, ncats, cats, responses);
    @Override public void reduce(GLMIterationTask git){
      ArrayUtils.add(_z, ((LMAXTask) git)._z);
    @Override protected void postGlobal(){
      double res = Math.abs(_z[0]);
      for( int i = 1; i < _z.length; ++i )
        if(res < _z[i])res = _z[i];
        else if(res < -_z[i])res = -_z[i];
      _lmax = _glm.variance(_ymu) * res / (_nobs * Math.max(_alpha,1e-3));
    public double lmax(){ return _lmax;}

  public static class GLMLineSearchTask extends GLMTask {
    public GLMLineSearchTask(Key jobKey, DataInfo dinfo, GLMModel.GLMParameters glm, double[] oldBeta, double[] newBeta, double betaEps, double ymu, long nobs, H2OCountedCompleter cmp) {
      super(jobKey, dinfo, glm, cmp);
      ArrayList betas = new ArrayList();
      double diff = 1;
      while(diff > betaEps && betas.size() < 100){
        diff = 0;
        for(int i = 0; i < newBeta.length; ++i) {
          newBeta[i] = 0.5*(oldBeta == null?newBeta[i]:(oldBeta[i] + newBeta[i]));
          double d = newBeta[i] - (oldBeta == null?0:oldBeta[i]);
          if(d > diff) diff = d;
          else if(d < -diff) diff = -d;
      // public GLMIterationTask(Key jobKey, DataInfo dinfo, GLMParams glm, boolean computeGram, boolean validate, boolean computeGradient, double [] beta, double ymu, double reg, float [] thresholds, H2OCountedCompleter cmp) {
      _glmts = new GLMIterationTask[betas.size()];
      for(int i = 0; i < _glmts.length; ++i)
        _glmts[i] = new GLMIterationTask(jobKey,null,glm,false,true,true,betas.get(i),ymu,1.0/nobs,new float[]{0} /* don't really want CMs!*/,null);

    public GLMLineSearchTask(Key jobKey, DataInfo dinfo, GLMModel.GLMParameters glm, double [][] betas, double ymu, long nobs, H2OCountedCompleter cmp) {
      super(jobKey, dinfo, glm, cmp);

      // public GLMIterationTask(Key jobKey, DataInfo dinfo, GLMParams glm, boolean computeGram, boolean validate, boolean computeGradient, double [] beta, double ymu, double reg, float [] thresholds, H2OCountedCompleter cmp) {
      _glmts = new GLMIterationTask[betas.length];
      for(int i = 0; i < _glmts.length; ++i)
        _glmts[i] = new GLMIterationTask(jobKey,null,glm,false,true,true,betas[i],ymu,1.0/nobs,new float[]{0} /* don't really want CMs!*/,null);

    @Override public void setupLocal(){
      for(GLMIterationTask glmt:_glmts)
        glmt._dinfo = _dinfo;
    @Override public void closeLocal(){
      for(GLMIterationTask glmt:_glmts)
        glmt._dinfo = null;
    GLMIterationTask [] _glmts;
    @Override public void chunkInit(){
      _glmts = _glmts.clone();
      for(int i = 0; i < _glmts.length; ++i)
        (_glmts[i] = (GLMIterationTask)_glmts[i].clone()).chunkInit();
    @Override public void chunkDone(long n){
      for(int i = 0; i < _glmts.length; ++i)
    @Override public void postGlobal(){
      for(int i = 0; i < _glmts.length; ++i)
    @Override public final void processRow(long gid, final double [] nums, final int ncats, final int [] cats, double [] responses){
      for(int i = 0; i < _glmts.length; ++i)
    public void reduce(GLMLineSearchTask git){
      for(int i = 0; i < _glmts.length; ++i)

   * One iteration of glm, computes weighted gram matrix and t(x)*y vector and t(y)*y scalar.
   * @author tomasnykodym
  public static class GLMIterationTask extends GLMTask {
    final double [] _beta;
    protected Gram  _gram;
    double [] _xy;
    protected double [] _grad;
    double    _yy;
    GLMValidation _val; // validation of previous model
    final double _ymu;
    protected final double _reg;
    long _nobs;
    final boolean _validate;
    final float [] _thresholds;
    float [][] _newThresholds;
    int [] _ti;
    final boolean _computeGradient;
    final boolean _computeGram;
    public static final int N_THRESHOLDS = 50;

    public GLMIterationTask(Key jobKey, DataInfo dinfo, GLMModel.GLMParameters glm, boolean computeGram, boolean validate, boolean computeGradient, double [] beta, double ymu, double reg, float [] thresholds, H2OCountedCompleter cmp) {
      super(jobKey, dinfo,glm,cmp);
      _beta = beta;
      _ymu = ymu;
      _reg = reg;
      _computeGram = computeGram;
      _validate = validate;
      assert != Family.binomial || thresholds != null;
      _thresholds = _validate?thresholds:null;
      _computeGradient = computeGradient;
      assert !_computeGradient || validate;

    private void sampleThresholds(int yi){
      _ti[yi] = (_newThresholds[yi].length >> 2);
      try{ Arrays.sort(_newThresholds[yi]);} catch(Throwable t){
        System.out.println("got AIOOB during sort?! ary = " + Arrays.toString(_newThresholds[yi]));
      } // sort throws AIOOB sometimes!
      for (int i = 0; i < _newThresholds.length; i += 4)
        _newThresholds[yi][i >> 2] = _newThresholds[yi][i];
    @Override public void processRow(long gid, final double [] nums, final int ncats, final int [] cats, double [] responses){
      final double y = responses[0];
      assert (( != Family.gamma) || y > 0) : "illegal response column, y must be > 0  for family=Gamma.";
      assert (( != Family.binomial) || (0 <= y && y <= 1)) : "illegal response column, y must be <0,1>  for family=Binomial. got " + y;
      final double w, eta, mu, var, z;
      final int numStart = _dinfo.numStart();
      double d = 1;
      if( == Family.gaussian){
        w = 1;
        z = y;
        mu = (_validate || _computeGradient)?computeEta(ncats,cats,nums,_beta):0;
      } else {
        if( _beta == null ) {
          mu = _glm.mustart(y, _ymu);
          eta =;
        } else {
          eta = computeEta(ncats, cats,nums,_beta);
          mu = _glm.linkInv(eta);
        var = Math.max(1e-5, _glm.variance(mu)); // avoid numerical problems with 0 variance
        d = _glm.linkDeriv(mu);
        z = eta + (y-mu)*d;
        w = 1.0/(var*d*d);
      if(_validate) {
        _val.add(y, mu);
        if( == Family.binomial) {
          int yi = (int) y;
          if (_ti[yi] == _newThresholds[yi].length)
          _newThresholds[yi][_ti[yi]++] = (float) mu;
      assert w >= 0|| Double.isNaN(w) : "invalid weight " + w; // allow NaNs - can occur if line-search is needed!
      final double wz = w * z;
      _yy += wz * z;
      if(_computeGradient || _computeGram){
        final double grad = _computeGradient?w*d*(mu-y):0;
        for(int i = 0; i < ncats; ++i){
          final int ii = cats[i];
          if(_computeGradient)_grad[ii] += grad;
          _xy[ii] += wz;
        for(int i = 0; i < nums.length; ++i){
          _xy[numStart+i] += wz*nums[i];
            _grad[numStart+i] += grad*nums[i];
        if(_computeGradient)_grad[numStart + _dinfo._nums] += grad;
        _xy[numStart + _dinfo._nums] += wz;
        if(_computeGram)_gram.addRow(nums, ncats, cats, w);

    @Override protected void chunkInit(){
      if(_computeGram)_gram = new Gram(_dinfo.fullN(), _dinfo.largestCat(), _dinfo._nums, _dinfo._cats,true);
      _xy = MemoryManager.malloc8d(_dinfo.fullN()+1); // + 1 is for intercept
      int rank = 0;
      if(_beta != null)for(double d:_beta)if(d != 0)++rank;
        _val = new GLMValidation(null,_ymu, _glm,rank, _thresholds);
        if( == Family.binomial){
          _ti = new int[2];
          _newThresholds = new float[2][N_THRESHOLDS << 2];
        _grad = MemoryManager.malloc8d(_dinfo.fullN()+1); // + 1 is for intercept
      if( == Family.binomial && _validate){
        _ti = new int[2];
        _newThresholds = new float[2][4*N_THRESHOLDS];

    @Override protected void chunkDone(long n){
      for(int i = 0; i < _xy.length; ++i)
        _xy[i] *= _reg;
      if(_grad != null)
        for(int i = 0; i < _grad.length; ++i)
          _grad[i] *= _reg;
      _yy *= _reg;
      if(_validate && == Family.binomial) {
        assert _val != null;
        _newThresholds[0] = Arrays.copyOf(_newThresholds[0],_ti[0]);
        _newThresholds[1] = Arrays.copyOf(_newThresholds[1],_ti[1]);

    public void reduce(GLMIterationTask git){
      if(_jobKey == null || Job.isRunning(_jobKey)) {
        ArrayUtils.add(_xy, git._xy);
        if (_computeGram) _gram.add(git._gram);
        _yy += git._yy;
        _nobs += git._nobs;
        if (_validate) _val.add(git._val);
        if (_computeGradient) ArrayUtils.add(_grad, git._grad);
        if(_validate && == Family.binomial) {
          _newThresholds[0] = ArrayUtils.join(_newThresholds[0], git._newThresholds[0]);
          _newThresholds[1] = ArrayUtils.join(_newThresholds[1], git._newThresholds[1]);
          if (_newThresholds[0].length >= 2 * N_THRESHOLDS) {
            for (int i = 0; i < 2 * N_THRESHOLDS; i += 2)
              _newThresholds[0][i >> 1] = _newThresholds[0][i];
          if (_newThresholds[0].length > N_THRESHOLDS)
            _newThresholds[0] = Arrays.copyOf(_newThresholds[0], N_THRESHOLDS);
          if (_newThresholds[1].length >= 2 * N_THRESHOLDS) {
            for (int i = 0; i < 2 * N_THRESHOLDS; i += 2)
              _newThresholds[1][i >> 1] = _newThresholds[1][i];
          if (_newThresholds[1].length > N_THRESHOLDS)
            _newThresholds[1] = Arrays.copyOf(_newThresholds[1], N_THRESHOLDS);

    @Override protected void postGlobal(){
      if(_val != null){
    public double [] gradient(double alpha, double lambda){
      final double [] res = _grad.clone();
      if(_beta != null)
        for(int i = 0; i < res.length-1; ++i) res[i] += (1-alpha)*lambda*_beta[i];
      return res;

  public static class GLMValidationTask> extends MRTask {
    protected final GLMModel _model;
    protected GLMValidation _res;
    public final double _lambda;
    public boolean _improved;
    Key _jobKey;
    public static Key makeKey(){return Key.make("__GLMValidation_" + Key.make().toString());}
    public GLMValidationTask(GLMModel model, double lambda){this(model,lambda,null);}
    public GLMValidationTask(GLMModel model, double lambda, H2OCountedCompleter completer){super(completer); _lambda = lambda; _model = model;}
    @Override public void map(Chunk[] chunks){
      _res = new GLMValidation(null,_model._ymu,_model._parms,_model.rank(_lambda));
      final int nrows = chunks[0]._len;
      double [] row   = MemoryManager.malloc8d(_model._output._names.length);
      float  [] preds = MemoryManager.malloc4f( == Family.binomial?3:1);
      for(int i = 0; i < nrows; ++i){
        for(int j = 0; j < chunks.length-1; ++j){
          if(chunks[j].isNA0(i))continue OUTER;
          row[j] = chunks[j].at0(i);
        _model.score0(row, preds);
        double response = chunks[chunks.length-1].at0(i);
        _res.add(response, == Family.binomial?preds[2]:preds[0]);
    @Override public void reduce(GLMValidationTask gval){_res.add(gval._res);}
    @Override public void postGlobal(){
  // use general score to reduce number of possible different code paths
  public static class GLMXValidationTask extends GLMValidationTask{
    protected final GLMModel [] _xmodels;
    protected GLMValidation [] _xvals;
    long _nobs;
    final float [] _thresholds;
    public static Key makeKey(){return Key.make("__GLMValidation_" + Key.make().toString());}

    public GLMXValidationTask(GLMModel mainModel,double lambda, GLMModel [] xmodels, float [] thresholds){this(mainModel,lambda,xmodels,thresholds,null);}
    public GLMXValidationTask(GLMModel mainModel,double lambda, GLMModel [] xmodels, float [] thresholds, final H2OCountedCompleter completer){
      super(mainModel, lambda,completer);
      _xmodels = xmodels;
      _thresholds = thresholds;
    @Override public void map(Chunk [] chunks){
      _xvals = new GLMValidation[_xmodels.length];
      for(int i = 0; i < _xmodels.length; ++i)
        _xvals[i] = new GLMValidation(null,_xmodels[i]._ymu,_xmodels[i]._parms,_xmodels[i]._output.rank(),_thresholds);
      final int nrows = chunks[0]._len;
      double [] row   = MemoryManager.malloc8d(_xmodels[0]._output._names.length);
      float  [] preds = MemoryManager.malloc4f(_xmodels[0] == Family.binomial?3:1);
      for(int i = 0; i < nrows; ++i){
        for(int j = 0; j < chunks.length-1; ++j){
          if(chunks[j].isNA0(i))continue OUTER;
          row[j] = chunks[j].at0(i);
        final int mid = i % _xmodels.length;
        final GLMModel model = _xmodels[mid];
        final GLMValidation val = _xvals[mid];
        model.score0(row, preds);
        double response = chunks[chunks.length-1].at80(i);
        val.add(response, == Family.binomial?preds[2]:preds[0]);
    @Override public void reduce(GLMXValidationTask gval){
      _nobs += gval._nobs;
      for(int i = 0; i < _xvals.length; ++i)

    @Override public void postGlobal() {
      H2OCountedCompleter cmp = (H2OCountedCompleter)getCompleter();
      if(cmp != null)cmp.addToPendingCount(_xvals.length + 1);
      for (int i = 0; i < _xvals.length; ++i) {
        _xvals[i].nobs = _nobs - _xvals[i].nobs;
        GLMModel.setXvalidation(cmp, _xmodels[i]._key, _lambda, _xvals[i]);
      GLMModel.setXvalidation(cmp, _model._key, _lambda, new GLMXValidation(_model, _xmodels, _xvals, _lambda, _nobs,_thresholds));


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