hex.tree.DBinomHistogram Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package hex.tree;
import java.util.*;
import water.H2O;
import water.MemoryManager;
import water.util.IcedBitSet;
A Histogram, computed in parallel over a Vec.
Sums (and sums-of-squares) of binomials - 0 or 1. Sums-of-squares==sums in this case.
@author Cliff Click
public class DBinomHistogram extends DHistogram {
private long _sums[]; // Sums (& square-sums since only 0 & 1 allowed), shared, atomically incremented
public DBinomHistogram( String name, final int nbins, byte isInt, float min, float maxEx, long nelems, boolean doGrpSplit ) {
@Override boolean isBinom() { return true; }
@Override public double mean(int b) {
long n = _bins[b];
return n>0 ? (double)_sums[b]/n : 0;
@Override public double var (int b) {
long n = _bins[b];
if( n<=1 ) return 0;
return (_sums[b] - (double)_sums[b]*_sums[b]/n)/(n-1);
// Big allocation of arrays
@Override void init0() {
_sums = MemoryManager.malloc8(_nbin);
// Add one row to a bin found via simple linear interpolation.
// Compute bin min/max.
// Compute response mean & variance.
@Override void incr0( int b, double y ) {
// Merge two equal histograms together. Done in a F/J reduce, so no
// synchronization needed.
@Override void add0( DBinomHistogram dsh ) {
// Compute a "score" for a column; lower score "wins" (is a better split).
// Score is the sum of the MSEs when the data is split at a single point.
// mses[1] == MSE for splitting between bins 0 and 1.
// mses[n] == MSE for splitting between bins n-1 and n.
@Override public DTree.Split scoreMSE( int col ) {
final int nbins = nbins();
assert nbins > 1;
// Store indices from sort to determine group split later
Integer idx[] = new Integer[nbins];
for(int b = 0; b < nbins; b++) idx[b] = b;
// Sort predictor levels in ascending order of mean response within each bin
if(_isInt == 2 && _step == 1.0f && nbins >= 4 && _doGrpSplit) {
final Double[] means = new Double[nbins];
for(int b = 0; b < nbins; b++) means[b] = mean(b);
Arrays.sort(idx, new Comparator() {
@Override public int compare(Integer o1, Integer o2) { return means[o1].compareTo(means[o2]); }
// Compute mean/var for cumulative bins from 0 to nbins inclusive.
long sums0[] = MemoryManager.malloc8(nbins+1);
long ns0[] = MemoryManager.malloc8(nbins+1);
for( int b=1; b<=nbins; b++ ) {
long m0 = sums0[b-1], m1 = _sums[idx[b-1]];
long k0 = ns0 [b-1], k1 = _bins[idx[b-1]];
if( k0==0 && k1==0 ) continue;
sums0[b] = m0+m1;
ns0 [b] = k0+k1;
long tot = ns0[nbins];
// If we see zero variance, we must have a constant response in this
// column. Normally this situation is cut out before we even try to split, but we might
// have NA's in THIS column...
if( sums0[nbins] == 0 || sums0[nbins] == tot ) { assert isConstantResponse(); return null; }
// Compute mean/var for cumulative bins from nbins to 0 inclusive.
long sums1[] = MemoryManager.malloc8(nbins+1);
long ns1[] = MemoryManager.malloc8(nbins+1);
for( int b=nbins-1; b>=0; b-- ) {
long m0 = sums1[b+1], m1 = _sums[idx[b]];
long k0 = ns1 [b+1], k1 = _bins[idx[b]];
if( k0==0 && k1==0 ) continue;
sums1[b] = m0+m1;
ns1 [b] = k0+k1;
assert ns0[b]+ns1[b]==tot;
// Now roll the split-point across the bins. There are 2 ways to do this:
// split left/right based on being less than some value, or being equal/
// not-equal to some value. Equal/not-equal makes sense for categoricals
// but both splits could work for any integral datatype. Do the less-than
// splits first.
int best=0; // The no-split
double best_se0=Double.MAX_VALUE; // Best squared error
double best_se1=Double.MAX_VALUE; // Best squared error
byte equal=0; // Ranged check
for( int b=1; b<=nbins-1; b++ ) {
if( _bins[idx[b]] == 0 ) continue; // Ignore empty splits
// We're making an unbiased estimator, so that MSE==Var.
// Then Squared Error = MSE*N = Var*N
// = (ssqs/N - mean^2)*N
// = ssqs - N*mean^2
// = ssqs - N*(sum/N)(sum/N)
// = ssqs - sum^2/N
// For binomial, ssqs == sum, so further reduces:
// = sum - sum^2/N
double se0 = sums0[b]; se0 -= se0*se0/ns0[b];
double se1 = sums1[b]; se1 -= se1*se1/ns1[b];
if( (se0+se1 < best_se0+best_se1) || // Strictly less error?
// Or tied MSE, then pick split towards middle bins
(se0+se1 == best_se0+best_se1 &&
Math.abs(b -(nbins>>1)) < Math.abs(best-(nbins>>1))) ) {
best_se0 = se0; best_se1 = se1;
best = b;
// If the min==max, we can also try an equality-based split
if( _isInt > 0 && _step == 1.0f && // For any integral (not float) column
_maxEx-_min > 2 ) { // Also need more than 2 (boolean) choices to actually try a new split pattern
for( int b=1; b<=nbins-1; b++ ) {
if( _bins[idx[b]] == 0 ) continue; // Ignore empty splits
long N = ns0[b+0] + ns1[b+1];
if( N == 0 ) continue;
double sums = sums0[b+0]+sums1[b+1];
double sumb = _sums[idx[b+0]];
double si = sums - sums*sums/ N ; // Left+right, excluding 'b'
double sx = sumb - sumb*sumb/_bins[idx[b]]; // Just 'b'
if( si+sx < best_se0+best_se1 ) { // Strictly less error?
best_se0 = si; best_se1 = sx;
best = b; equal = 1; // Equality check
if( best==0 ) return null; // No place to split
assert best > 0 : "Must actually pick a split "+best;
long n0 = equal == 0 ? ns0[best] : ns0[best]+ ns1[best+1];
long n1 = equal == 0 ? ns1[best] : _bins[idx[best]] ;
double p0 = equal == 0 ? sums0[best] : sums0[best]+sums1[best+1];
double p1 = equal == 0 ? sums1[best] : _sums[idx[best]] ;
// For categorical predictors, set bits for levels grouped to right of split
IcedBitSet bs = null;
if(_isInt == 2 && _step == 1.0f && nbins >= 4 && _doGrpSplit) {
// Small cats: always use 4B to store and prepend offset # of zeros at front
// Big cats: save offset and store only nbins # of bits that are left after trimming
int offset = (int)_min;
if(_maxEx <= 32) {
equal = 2;
bs = new IcedBitSet(32);
for(int i = best; i < nbins; i++)
bs.set(idx[i] + offset);
throw H2O.unimpl(); // TODO: fold offset into IcedBitSet
} else {
equal = 3;
bs = new IcedBitSet(nbins, offset);
for(int i = best; i < nbins; i++)
throw H2O.unimpl(); // TODO: fold offset into IcedBitSet
return new DTree.Split(col,best,bs,equal,best_se0,best_se1,n0,n1,p0/n0,p1/n1);
@Override public long byteSize0() {
return 8*1 + // 1 more internal arrays