hex.tree.DHistogram Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package hex.tree;
import sun.misc.Unsafe;
import water.*;
import water.fvec.Frame;
import water.fvec.Vec;
import water.nbhm.UtilUnsafe;
import water.util.ArrayUtils;
/** A Histogram, computed in parallel over a Vec.
* A {@code DHistogram} bins every value added to it, and computes a the
* vec min and max (for use in the next split), and response mean and variance
* for each bin. {@code DHistogram}s are initialized with a min, max and
* number-of- elements to be added (all of which are generally available from
* a Vec). Bins run from min to max in uniform sizes. If the {@code
* DHistogram} can determine that fewer bins are needed (e.g. boolean columns
* run from 0 to 1, but only ever take on 2 values, so only 2 bins are
* needed), then fewer bins are used.
{@code DHistogram} are shared per-node, and atomically updated. There's
* an {@code add} call to help cross-node reductions. The data is stored in
* primitive arrays, so it can be sent over the wire.
If we are successively splitting rows (e.g. in a decision tree), then a
* fresh {@code DHistogram} for each split will dynamically re-bin the data.
* Each successive split will logarithmically divide the data. At the first
* split, outliers will end up in their own bins - but perhaps some central
* bins may be very full. At the next split(s), the full bins will get split,
* and again until (with a log number of splits) each bin holds roughly the
* same amount of data. This dynamic binning resolves a lot of problems with
* picking the proper bin count or limits - generally a few more tree levels
* will equal any fancy but fixed-size binning strategy.
* @author Cliff Click
public abstract class DHistogram extends Iced {
public final transient String _name; // Column name (for debugging)
public final byte _isInt; // 0: float col, 1: int col, 2: enum & int col
public final char _nbin; // Bin count
public final float _step; // Linear interpolation step per bin
public final float _min, _maxEx; // Conservative Min/Max over whole collection. _maxEx is Exclusive.
public int _bins[]; // Bins, shared, atomically incremented
public final boolean _doGrpSplit;
// Atomically updated float min/max
protected float _min2, _maxIn; // Min/Max, shared, atomically updated. _maxIn is Inclusive.
private static final Unsafe _unsafe = UtilUnsafe.getUnsafe();
static private final long _min2Offset;
static private final long _max2Offset;
static {
try {
_min2Offset = _unsafe.objectFieldOffset(DHistogram.class.getDeclaredField("_min2"));
_max2Offset = _unsafe.objectFieldOffset(DHistogram.class.getDeclaredField("_maxIn"));
} catch( Exception e ) {
throw H2O.fail();
public void setMin( float min ) {
int imin = Float.floatToRawIntBits(min);
float old = _min2;
while( min < old && !_unsafe.compareAndSwapInt(this, _min2Offset, Float.floatToRawIntBits(old), imin ) )
old = _min2;
// Find Inclusive _max2
public void setMax( float max ) {
int imax = Float.floatToRawIntBits(max);
float old = _maxIn;
while( max > old && !_unsafe.compareAndSwapInt(this, _max2Offset, Float.floatToRawIntBits(old), imax ) )
old = _maxIn;
public DHistogram( String name, final int nbins, final byte isInt, final float min, final float maxEx, long nelems, boolean doGrpSplit ) {
assert nelems > 0;
assert nbins >= 1;
assert maxEx > min : "Caller ensures "+maxEx+">"+min+", since if max==min== the column "+name+" is all constants";
_isInt = isInt;
_name = name;
_doGrpSplit = doGrpSplit;
_maxEx=maxEx; // Set Exclusive max
_min2 = Float.MAX_VALUE; // Set min/max to outer bounds
_maxIn= -Float.MAX_VALUE;
// See if we can show there are fewer unique elements than nbins.
// Common for e.g. boolean columns, or near leaves.
int xbins = nbins;
float step;
if( isInt>0 && maxEx-min <= nbins ) {
assert ((long)min)==min; // No overflow
xbins = (char)((long)maxEx-(long)min); // Shrink bins
assert xbins > 1; // Caller ensures enough range to bother
step = 1.0f; // Fixed stepsize
} else {
step = (maxEx-min)/nbins; // Step size for linear interpolation
assert step > 0;
_step = 1.0f/step; // Use multiply instead of division during frequent binning math
_nbin = (char)xbins;
// Do not allocate the big arrays here; wait for scoreCols to pick which cols will be used.
abstract boolean isBinom();
// Interpolate d to find bin#
int bin( float col_data ) {
if( Float.isNaN(col_data) ) return 0; // Always NAs to bin 0
if (Float.isInfinite(col_data)) // Put infinity to most left/right bin
if (col_data<0) return 0;
else return _bins.length-1;
// When the model is exposed to new test data, we could have data that is
// out of range of any bin - however this binning call only happens during
// model-building.
assert _min <= col_data && col_data < _maxEx : "Coldata "+col_data+" out of range "+this;
int idx1 = (int)((col_data-_min)*_step);
assert 0 <= idx1 && idx1 <= _bins.length;
if( idx1 == _bins.length) idx1--; // Roundoff error allows idx1 to hit upper bound, so truncate
return idx1;
float binAt( int b ) { return _min+b/_step; }
public int nbins() { return _nbin; }
public int bins(int b) { return _bins[b]; }
public float mins(int b) { return _min2; }
public float maxsIn(int b) { return _maxIn; } // Always an Inclusive max
abstract public double mean(int b);
abstract public double var (int b);
// Big allocation of arrays
abstract void init0();
final void init() {
assert _bins == null;
_bins = MemoryManager.malloc4(_nbin);
// Add one row to a bin found via simple linear interpolation.
// Compute bin min/max.
// Compute response mean & variance.
abstract void incr0( int b, double y );
final void incr( float col_data, double y ) {
assert Float.isNaN(col_data) || Float.isInfinite(col_data) || (_min <= col_data && col_data < _maxEx) : "col_data "+col_data+" out of range "+this;
int b = bin(col_data); // Compute bin# via linear interpolation
water.util.AtomicUtils.IntArray.incr(_bins,b); // Bump count in bin
// Track actual lower/upper bound per-bin
if (!Float.isInfinite(col_data)) {
if( y != 0 ) incr0(b,y);
// Merge two equal histograms together. Done in a F/J reduce, so no
// synchronization needed.
abstract void add0( TDH dsh );
void add( TDH dsh ) {
assert _isInt == dsh._isInt && _nbin == dsh._nbin && _step == dsh._step &&
_min == dsh._min && _maxEx == dsh._maxEx;
assert (_bins == null && dsh._bins == null) || (_bins != null && dsh._bins != null);
if( _bins == null ) return;
if( _min2 > dsh._min2 ) _min2 = dsh._min2 ;
if( _maxIn < dsh._maxIn ) _maxIn = dsh._maxIn;
// Inclusive min & max
public float find_min () { return _min2 ; }
public float find_maxIn() { return _maxIn; }
// Exclusive max
public float find_maxEx() { return find_maxEx(_maxIn,_isInt); }
static public float find_maxEx(float maxIn, int isInt ) {
float ulp = Math.ulp(maxIn);
if( isInt > 0 && 1 > ulp ) ulp = 1;
return maxIn+ulp;
// Compute a "score" for a column; lower score "wins" (is a better split).
// Score is the sum of the MSEs when the data is split at a single point.
// mses[1] == MSE for splitting between bins 0 and 1.
// mses[n] == MSE for splitting between bins n-1 and n.
abstract public DTree.Split scoreMSE( int col );
// The initial histogram bins are setup from the Vec rollups.
static public DHistogram[] initialHist(Frame fr, int ncols, int nbins, DHistogram hs[], boolean doGrpSplit, boolean isBinom) {
Vec vecs[] = fr.vecs();
for( int c=0; c 1e-14 ) return false;
double mean = mean(b);
if( mean != m )
if( Double.isNaN(m) ) m=mean;
else if(Math.abs(m - mean) > 1e-6) return false;
return true;
// Pretty-print a histogram
@Override public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(_name).append(":").append(_min).append("-").append(_maxEx).append(" step="+(1/_step)+" nbins="+nbins()+" isInt="+_isInt);
if( _bins != null ) {
for( int b=0; b<_bins.length; b++ ) {
sb.append(String.format("\ncnt=%d, [%f - %f], mean/var=", _bins[b],mins(b),maxsIn(b)));
sb.append(String.format("%6.2f/%6.2f,", mean(b), var(b)));
return sb.toString();
abstract public long byteSize0();
public long byteSize() {
long sum = 8+8; // Self header
sum += 1+2; // enum; nbin
sum += 4+4+4+4+4; // step,min,max,min2,max2
sum += 8*1; // 1 internal arrays
if( _bins == null ) return sum;
// + 20(array header) + len<<2 (array body)
sum += 24+_bins.length<<3;
sum += byteSize0();
return sum;