hex.tree.DTree Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package hex.tree;
import water.*;
import water.fvec.Chunk;
import water.util.*;
import java.util.*;
/** A Decision Tree, laid over a Frame of Vecs, and built distributed.
* This class defines an explicit Tree structure, as a collection of {@code
* DTree} {@code Node}s. The Nodes are numbered with a unique {@code _nid}.
* Users need to maintain their own mapping from their data to a {@code _nid},
* where the obvious technique is to have a Vec of {@code _nid}s (ints), one
* per each element of the data Vecs.
Each {@code Node} has a {@code DHistogram}, describing summary data
* about the rows. The DHistogram requires a pass over the data to be filled
* in, and we expect to fill in all rows for Nodes at the same depth at the
* same time. i.e., a single pass over the data will fill in all leaf Nodes'
* DHistograms at once.
* @author Cliff Click
public class DTree extends Iced {
final String[] _names; // Column names
final int _ncols; // Active training columns
final char _nbins; // Max number of bins to split over
final char _nclass; // #classes, or 1 for regression trees
final int _min_rows; // Fewest allowed rows in any split
final long _seed; // RNG seed; drives sampling seeds if necessary
private Node[] _ns; // All the nodes in the tree. Node 0 is the root.
public int _len; // Resizable array
// Public stats about tree
public int _leaves;
public int _depth;
public DTree( String[] names, int ncols, char nbins, char nclass, int min_rows ) { this(names,ncols,nbins,nclass,min_rows,-1); }
public DTree( String[] names, int ncols, char nbins, char nclass, int min_rows, long seed ) {
_names = names; _ncols = ncols; _nbins=nbins; _nclass=nclass; _min_rows = min_rows; _ns = new Node[1]; _seed = seed;
public final Node root() { return _ns[0]; }
// One-time local init after wire transfer
void init_tree( ) { for( int j=0; j<_len; j++ ) _ns[j]._tree = this; }
// Return Node i
public final Node node( int i ) {
if( i >= _len ) throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(i);
return _ns[i];
public final UndecidedNode undecided( int i ) { return (UndecidedNode)node(i); }
public final DecidedNode decided( int i ) { return ( DecidedNode)node(i); }
// Get a new node index, growing innards on demand
private synchronized int newIdx(Node n) {
if( _len == _ns.length ) _ns = Arrays.copyOf(_ns,_len<<1);
_ns[_len] = n;
return _len++;
public final int len() { return _len; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Abstract node flavor
public static abstract class Node extends Iced {
transient protected DTree _tree; // Make transient, lest we clone the whole tree
final public int _pid; // Parent node id, root has no parent and uses -1
final protected int _nid; // My node-ID, 0 is root
Node( DTree tree, int pid, int nid ) {
_tree = tree;
tree._ns[_nid=nid] = this;
Node( DTree tree, int pid ) {
_tree = tree;
_nid = tree.newIdx(this);
// Recursively print the decision-line from tree root to this child.
StringBuilder printLine(StringBuilder sb ) {
if( _pid==-1 ) return sb.append("[root]");
DecidedNode parent = _tree.decided(_pid);
parent.printLine(sb).append(" to ");
return parent.printChild(sb,_nid);
abstract public StringBuilder toString2(StringBuilder sb, int depth);
abstract protected AutoBuffer compress(AutoBuffer ab);
abstract protected int size();
public final int nid() { return _nid; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Records a column, a bin to split at within the column, and the MSE.
public static class Split extends Iced {
final public int _col, _bin;// Column to split, bin where being split
final IcedBitSet _bs; // For binary y and categorical x (with >= 4 levels), split into 2 non-contiguous groups
final byte _equal; // Split is 0: <, 1: == with single split point, 2: == with group split (<= 32 levels), 3: == with group split (> 32 levels)
final double _se0, _se1; // Squared error of each subsplit
final long _n0, _n1; // Rows in each final split
final double _p0, _p1; // Predicted value for each split
public Split( int col, int bin, IcedBitSet bs, byte equal, double se0, double se1, long n0, long n1, double p0, double p1 ) {
_col = col; _bin = bin; _bs = bs; _equal = equal;
_n0 = n0; _n1 = n1; _se0 = se0; _se1 = se1;
_p0 = p0; _p1 = p1;
public final double se() { return _se0+_se1; }
public final int col() { return _col; }
public final int bin() { return _bin; }
// Split-at dividing point. Don't use the step*bin+bmin, due to roundoff
// error we can have that point be slightly higher or lower than the bin
// min/max - which would allow values outside the stated bin-range into the
// split sub-bins. Always go for a value which splits the nearest two
// elements.
float splat(DHistogram hs[]) {
DHistogram h = hs[_col];
assert _bin > 0 && _bin < h.nbins();
if( _equal == 1 ) { assert h.bins(_bin)!=0; return h.binAt(_bin); }
// Find highest non-empty bin below the split
int x=_bin-1;
while( x >= 0 && h.bins(x)==0 ) x--;
// Find lowest non-empty bin above the split
int n=_bin;
while( n < h.nbins() && h.bins(n)==0 ) n++;
// Lo is the high-side of the low non-empty bin, rounded to int for int columns
// Hi is the low -side of the hi non-empty bin, rounded to int for int columns
// Example: Suppose there are no empty bins, and we are splitting an
// integer column at 48.4 (more than nbins, so step != 1.0, perhaps
// step==1.8). The next lowest non-empty bin is from 46.6 to 48.4, and
// we set lo=48.4. The next highest non-empty bin is from 48.4 to 50.2
// and we set hi=48.4. Since this is an integer column, we round lo to
// 48 (largest integer below the split) and hi to 49 (smallest integer
// above the split). Finally we average them, and split at 48.5.
float lo = h.binAt(x+1);
float hi = h.binAt(n );
if( h._isInt > 0 ) lo = h._step==1 ? lo-1 : (float)Math.floor(lo);
if( h._isInt > 0 ) hi = h._step==1 ? hi : (float)Math.ceil (hi);
return (lo+hi)/2.0f;
// Split a DHistogram. Return null if there is no point in splitting
// this bin further (such as there's fewer than min_row elements, or zero
// error in the response column). Return an array of DHistograms (one
// per column), which are bounded by the split bin-limits. If the column
// has constant data, or was not being tracked by a prior DHistogram
// (for being constant data from a prior split), then that column will be
// null in the returned array.
public DHistogram[] split( int way, char nbins, int min_rows, DHistogram hs[], float splat ) {
long n = way==0 ? _n0 : _n1;
if( n < min_rows || n <= 1 ) return null; // Too few elements
double se = way==0 ? _se0 : _se1;
if( se <= 1e-30 ) return null; // No point in splitting a perfect prediction
// Build a next-gen split point from the splitting bin
int cnt=0; // Count of possible splits
DHistogram nhists[] = new DHistogram[hs.length]; // A new histogram set
for( int j=0; j>1,nbins);
// min & max come from the original column data, since splitting on an
// unrelated column will not change the j'th columns min/max.
// Tighten min/max based on actual observed data for tracked columns
float min, maxEx;
if( h._bins == null ) { // Not tracked this last pass?
min = h._min; // Then no improvement over last go
maxEx = h._maxEx;
} else { // Else pick up tighter observed bounds
min = h.find_min(); // Tracked inclusive lower bound
if( h.find_maxIn() == min ) continue; // This column will not split again
maxEx = h.find_maxEx(); // Exclusive max
// Tighter bounds on the column getting split: exactly each new
// DHistogram's bound are the bins' min & max.
if( _col==j ) {
if( _equal != 0 ) { // Equality split; no change on unequals-side
if( way == 1 ) continue; // but know exact bounds on equals-side - and this col will not split again
} else { // Less-than split
if( h._bins[_bin]==0 )
throw H2O.unimpl(); // Here I should walk up & down same as split() above.
float split = splat;
if( h._isInt > 0 ) split = (float)Math.ceil(split);
if( way == 0 ) maxEx= split;
else min = split;
if( MathUtils.equalsWithinOneSmallUlp(min, maxEx) ) continue; // This column will not split again
if( h._isInt > 0 && !(min+1 < maxEx ) ) continue; // This column will not split again
if( min > maxEx ) continue; // Happens for all-NA subsplits
assert min < maxEx && n > 1 : ""+min+"<"+maxEx+" n="+n;
nhists[j] = DHistogram.make(h._name,adj_nbins,h._isInt,min,maxEx,n,h._doGrpSplit,h.isBinom());
cnt++; // At least some chance of splitting
return cnt == 0 ? null : nhists;
public static StringBuilder ary2str( StringBuilder sb, int w, long xs[] ) {
for( long x : xs ) UndecidedNode.p(sb,x,w).append(",");
return sb.append(']');
public static StringBuilder ary2str( StringBuilder sb, int w, float xs[] ) {
for( float x : xs ) UndecidedNode.p(sb,x,w).append(",");
return sb.append(']');
public static StringBuilder ary2str( StringBuilder sb, int w, double xs[] ) {
for( double x : xs ) UndecidedNode.p(sb,(float)x,w).append(",");
return sb.append(']');
@Override public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(", se0=").append(_se0);
sb.append(", se1=").append(_se1);
sb.append(", n0=" ).append(_n0 );
sb.append(", n1=" ).append(_n1 );
return sb.append("}").toString();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// An UndecidedNode: Has a DHistogram which is filled in (in parallel
// with other histograms) in a single pass over the data. Does not contain
// any split-decision.
public static abstract class UndecidedNode extends Node {
public transient DHistogram[] _hs;
public final int _scoreCols[]; // A list of columns to score; could be null for all
public UndecidedNode( DTree tree, int pid, DHistogram[] hs ) {
assert hs.length==tree._ncols;
_scoreCols = scoreCols(_hs=hs);
// Pick a random selection of columns to compute best score.
// Can return null for 'all columns'.
abstract public int[] scoreCols( DHistogram[] hs );
// Make the parent of this Node use a -1 NID to prevent the split that this
// node otherwise induces. Happens if we find out too-late that we have a
// perfect prediction here, and we want to turn into a leaf.
public void do_not_split( ) {
if( _pid == -1 ) return; // skip root
DecidedNode dn = _tree.decided(_pid);
for( int i=0; i nbins ) nbins = _hs[j].nbins();
for( int i=0; i w )
s = String.format("%4.1f",d);
if( s.length() > w )
s = String.format("%4.0f",d);
return p(sb,s,w);
@Override public StringBuilder toString2(StringBuilder sb, int depth) {
for( int d=0; d=
// T | != ==
public final int _nids[]; // Children NIDS for the split LEFT, RIGHT
transient byte _nodeType; // Complex encoding: see the compressed struct comments
transient int _size = 0; // Compressed byte size of this subtree
// Make a correctly flavored Undecided
public abstract UndecidedNode makeUndecidedNode(DHistogram hs[]);
// Pick the best column from the given histograms
public abstract Split bestCol( UndecidedNode u, DHistogram hs[] );
public DecidedNode( UndecidedNode n, DHistogram hs[] ) {
super(n._tree,n._pid,n._nid); // Replace Undecided with this DecidedNode
_nids = new int[2]; // Split into 2 subsets
_split = bestCol(n,hs); // Best split-point for this tree
if( _split._col == -1 ) { // No good split?
// Happens because the predictor columns cannot split the responses -
// which might be because all predictor columns are now constant, or
// because all responses are now constant.
_splat = Float.NaN;
_splat = (_split._equal == 0 || _split._equal == 1) ? _split.splat(hs) : -1; // Split-at value (-1 for group-wise splits)
final char nbins = _tree._nbins;
final int min_rows = _tree._min_rows;
for( int b=0; b<2; b++ ) { // For all split-points
// Setup for children splits
DHistogram nhists[] = _split.split(b,nbins,min_rows,hs,_splat);
assert nhists==null || nhists.length==_tree._ncols;
_nids[b] = nhists == null ? -1 : makeUndecidedNode(nhists)._nid;
// Bin #.
public int bin( Chunk chks[], int row ) {
float d = (float)chks[_split._col].at0(row); // Value to split on for this row
if( Float.isNaN(d) ) // Missing data?
return 0; // NAs always to bin 0
// Note that during *scoring* (as opposed to training), we can be exposed
// to data which is outside the bin limits.
if(_split._equal == 0)
return d < _splat ? 0 : 1;
else if(_split._equal == 1)
return d != _splat ? 0 : 1;
return _split._bs.contains((int)d) ? 1 : 0;
// return _split._equal ? (d != _splat ? 0 : 1) : (d < _splat ? 0 : 1);
public int ns( Chunk chks[], int row ) { return _nids[bin(chks,row)]; }
@Override public String toString() {
if( _split._col == -1 ) return "Decided has col = -1";
int col = _split._col;
if( _split._equal == 1 )
_tree._names[col]+" != "+_splat+"\n"+
_tree._names[col]+" == "+_splat+"\n";
else if( _split._equal == 2 || _split._equal == 3 )
_tree._names[col]+" != "+_split._bs.toString()+"\n"+
_tree._names[col]+" == "+_split._bs.toString()+"\n";
_tree._names[col]+" < "+_splat+"\n"+
_splat+" <="+_tree._names[col]+"\n";
StringBuilder printChild( StringBuilder sb, int nid ) {
int i = _nids[0]==nid ? 0 : 1;
assert _nids[i]==nid : "No child nid "+nid+"? " +Arrays.toString(_nids);
sb.append(_split._equal != 0
? (i==0 ? " != " : " == ")
: (i==0 ? " < " : " >= "));
sb.append((_split._equal == 2 || _split._equal == 3) ? _split._bs.toString() : _splat).append("]");
return sb;
@Override public StringBuilder toString2(StringBuilder sb, int depth) {
for( int i=0; i<_nids.length; i++ ) {
for( int d=0; d= "));
sb.append((_split._equal == 2 || _split._equal == 3) ? _split._bs.toString() : _splat).append("\n");
if( _nids[i] >= 0 && _nids[i] < _tree._len )
return sb;
// Size of this subtree; sets _nodeType also
@Override public final int size(){
if( _size != 0 ) return _size; // Cached size
assert _nodeType == 0:"unexpected node type: " + _nodeType;
if(_split._equal != 0)
_nodeType |= _split._equal == 1 ? 4 : (_split._equal == 2 ? 8 : 12);
// int res = 7; // 1B node type + flags, 2B colId, 4B float split val
// 1B node type + flags, 2B colId, 4B split val/small group or (2B offset + 2B size) + large group
int res = _split._equal == 3 ? 7 + _split._bs.numBytes() : 7;
Node left = _tree.node(_nids[0]);
int lsz = left.size();
res += lsz;
if( left instanceof LeafNode ) _nodeType |= (byte)(48 << 0*2);
else {
int slen = lsz < 256 ? 0 : (lsz < 65535 ? 1 : (lsz<(1<<24) ? 2 : 3));
_nodeType |= slen; // Set the size-skip bits
res += (slen+1); //
Node rite = _tree.node(_nids[1]);
if( rite instanceof LeafNode ) _nodeType |= (byte)(48 << 1*2);
res += rite.size();
assert (_nodeType&0x33) != 51;
assert res != 0;
return (_size = res);
// Compress this tree into the AutoBuffer
@Override public AutoBuffer compress(AutoBuffer ab) {
int pos = ab.position();
if( _nodeType == 0 ) size(); // Sets _nodeType & _size both
ab.put1(_nodeType); // Includes left-child skip-size bits
assert _split._col != -1; // Not a broken root non-decision?
// Save split-at-value or group
if(_split._equal == 0 || _split._equal == 1)
else if(_split._equal == 2) {
/* byte[] ary = MemoryManager.malloc1(4);
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
ary[i] = _split._bs._val[i];
ab.putA1(ary, 4); */
//ab.putA1(_split._bs._val, 4);
throw H2O.unimpl(); // TODO: fold offset into IcedBitSet
} else {
assert _split._equal == 3;
//ab.putA1(_split._bs._val, _split._bs.numBytes());
throw H2O.unimpl(); // TODO: fold offset into IcedBitSet
Node left = _tree.node(_nids[0]);
if( (_nodeType&48) == 0 ) { // Size bits are optional for left leaves !
int sz = left.size();
if(sz < 256) ab.put1( sz);
else if (sz < 65535) ab.put2((short)sz);
else if (sz < (1<<24)) ab.put3( sz);
else ab.put4( sz); // 1<<31-1
// now write the subtree in
Node rite = _tree.node(_nids[1]);
assert _size == ab.position()-pos:"reported size = " + _size + " , real size = " + (ab.position()-pos);
return ab;
public static abstract class LeafNode extends Node {
public double _pred;
public LeafNode( DTree tree, int pid ) { super(tree,pid); }
public LeafNode( DTree tree, int pid, int nid ) { super(tree,pid,nid); }
@Override public String toString() { return "Leaf#"+_nid+" = "+_pred; }
@Override public final StringBuilder toString2(StringBuilder sb, int depth) {
for( int d=0; d {
public static final int MAX_NODES = (1 << 12) / 4; // limit for a number decision nodes
final byte _bits[] = new byte [100];
final float _fs [] = new float[100];
final SB _sbs [] = new SB [100];
final int _nodesCnt[] = new int [100];
SB _sb;
SB _csb;
SB _grpsplit;
int _subtrees = 0;
int _grpcnt = 0;
public TreeJCodeGen(SharedTreeModel tm, CompressedTree ct, SB sb) {
super(tm, ct);
_sb = sb;
_csb = new SB();
_grpsplit = new SB();
// code preamble
protected void preamble(SB sb, int subtree) throws RuntimeException {
String subt = subtree>0?String.valueOf(subtree):"";
sb.i().p("static final ").p(SharedTreeModel.PRED_TYPE).p(" predict").p(subt).p("(double[] data) {").nl().ii(1); // predict method for one tree
sb.i().p(SharedTreeModel.PRED_TYPE).p(" pred = ");
// close the code
protected void closure(SB sb) throws RuntimeException {
sb.i(1).p("return pred;").nl().di(1);
// sb.p(_grpsplit).di(1);
@Override protected void pre( int col, float fcmp, IcedBitSet gcmp, int equal ) {
if(equal == 2 || equal == 3 && gcmp != null) {
_grpsplit.i(1).p("// ").p(gcmp.toString()).nl();
_grpsplit.i(1).p("public static final byte[] GRPSPLIT").p(_grpcnt).p(" = new byte[] ").p(gcmp.toStrArray()).p(";").nl();
if( _depth > 0 ) {
int b = _bits[_depth-1];
assert b > 0 : Arrays.toString(_bits)+"\n"+_sb.toString();
if( b==1 ) _bits[_depth-1]=3;
if( b==1 || b==2 ) _sb.p('\n').i(_depth).p("?");
if( b==2 ) _sb.p(' ').pj(_fs[_depth-1]); // Dump the leaf containing float value
if( b==2 || b==3 ) _sb.p('\n').i(_depth).p(":");
if (_nodes>MAX_NODES) {
_nodesCnt[_depth] = _nodes;
_sbs[_depth] = _sb;
_sb = new SB();
_nodes = 0;
preamble(_sb, _subtrees);
// All NAs are going always to the left
_sb.p(" (Double.isNaN(data[").p(col).p("]) || ");
if(equal == 0 || equal == 1) {
String scmp = _tm.isFromSpeeDRF() ? "<= " : "< ";
_sb.p("(float) data[").p(col).p(" /* ").p(_tm._output._names[col]).p(" */").p("] ").p(equal == 1 ? "!= " : scmp).pj(fcmp); // then left and then right (left is !=)
} else {
//_sb.p("!water.genmodel.GeneratedModel.grpContains(GRPSPLIT").p(_grpcnt).p(", ").p(gcmp._offset).p(", (int) data[").p(col).p(" /* ").p(_tm._names[col]).p(" */").p("])");
throw H2O.unimpl(); // TODO: fold offset into IcedBitSet
assert _bits[_depth]==0;
@Override protected void leaf( float pred ) {
assert _depth==0 || _bits[_depth-1] > 0 : Arrays.toString(_bits); // it can be degenerated tree
if( _depth==0) { // it is de-generated tree
} else if( _bits[_depth-1] == 1 ) { // No prior leaf; just memorize this leaf
_bits[_depth-1]=2; _fs[_depth-1]=pred;
} else { // Else==2 (prior leaf) or 3 (prior tree)
if( _bits[_depth-1] == 2 ) _sb.p(" ? ").pj(_fs[_depth-1]).p(" ");
else _sb.p('\n').i(_depth);
_sb.p(": ").pj(pred);
@Override protected void post( int col, float fcmp, int equal ) {
if (_sbs[_depth]!=null) {
_sb = _sbs[_depth];
_nodes = _nodesCnt[_depth];
_sbs[_depth] = null;
public void generate() {
preamble(_sb, _subtrees++); // TODO: Need to pass along group split BitSet