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hex.tree.SharedTreeModel Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package hex.tree;

import java.util.Arrays;
import hex.AUC;
import hex.ConfusionMatrix2;
import hex.SupervisedModel;
import hex.VarImp;
import water.*;

public abstract class SharedTreeModel, P extends SharedTreeModel.SharedTreeParameters, O extends SharedTreeModel.SharedTreeOutput> extends SupervisedModel {

  public abstract static class SharedTreeParameters extends SupervisedModel.SupervisedParameters {
    /** Maximal number of supported levels in response. */
    static final int MAX_SUPPORTED_LEVELS = 1000;

    public int _ntrees=50; // Number of trees in the final model. Grid Search, comma sep values:50,100,150,200

    public int _max_depth = 5; // Maximum tree depth. Grid Search, comma sep values:5,7

    public int _min_rows = 10; // Fewest allowed observations in a leaf (in R called 'nodesize'). Grid Search, comma sep values

    public int _nbins = 20; // Build a histogram of this many bins, then split at the best point

    public boolean _importance = false; // compute variable importance

    public long _seed;          // Seed for psuedo-random redistribution

    // TRUE: Continue extending an existing checkpointed model
    // FALSE: Overwrite any prior model
    public boolean _checkpoint;

  public abstract static class SharedTreeOutput extends SupervisedModel.SupervisedOutput {

    /** Initially predicted value (for zero trees) */
    public double _initialPrediction;

    /** Number of trees actually in the model (as opposed to requested) */
    public int _ntrees;

    /** More indepth tree stats */
    final TreeStats _treeStats;

    /** Trees get big, so store each one seperately in the DKV. */
    public Key[/*_ntrees*/][/*_nclass*/] _treeKeys;

    /** r2 metric on validation set: 1-(MSE(model) / MSE(mean)) */
    public double _r2;

    /** Confusion Matrix for classification models, or null otherwise */
    public ConfusionMatrix2 _cm;

    /** AUC for binomial models, or null otherwise */
    public AUC _auc;

    /** Variable Importance, if asked for */
    public VarImp _varimp;

    public SharedTreeOutput( SharedTree b ) { 
      _ntrees = 0;              // No trees yet
      _treeKeys = new Key[_ntrees][]; // No tree keys yet
      _treeStats = new TreeStats();

    // Append next set of K trees
    public void addKTrees( DTree[] trees ) {
      assert nclasses()==trees.length;
      _treeStats.updateBy(trees); // Update tree shape stats
      // Compress trees and record tree-keys
      _treeKeys = Arrays.copyOf(_treeKeys,_ntrees+1);
      Key[] keys = _treeKeys[_ntrees] = new Key[trees.length];
      Futures fs = new Futures();
      for( int i=0; iget().score(data);

  // Numeric type used in generated code to hold predicted value between the
  // calls; i.e. the numerical precision of predictions.
  static final String PRED_TYPE = "float";

  // TODO: once SpeeDRF inherits from SharedTreeModel, remove this and use a
  // v-call for the default compare function (is "<" vs "<=").
  boolean isFromSpeeDRF() { return false; }

  @Override protected Futures remove_impl( Futures fs ) {
    for( Key ks[] : _output._treeKeys)
      for( Key k : ks )
        if( k != null ) k.remove(fs);
    return super.remove_impl(fs);

//  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  public static abstract class TreeModel extends hex.Model {
//    @API(help="Expected max trees")                public final int N;
//    @API(help="MSE rate as trees are added")       public final double [] errs;
//    @API(help="Keys of actual trees built")        public final Key [/*N*/][/*nclass*/] treeKeys; // Always filled, but 2-binary classifiers can contain null for 2nd class
//    @API(help="Maximum tree depth")                public final int max_depth;
//    @API(help="Fewest allowed observations in a leaf") public final int min_rows;
//    @API(help="Bins in the histograms")            public final int nbins;
//    // For classification models, we'll do a Confusion Matrix right in the
//    // model (for now - really should be separate).
//    @API(help="Testing key for cm and errs")                                          public final Key testKey;
//    // Confusion matrix per each generated tree or null
//    @API(help="Confusion Matrix computed on training dataset, cm[actual][predicted]") public final ConfusionMatrix cms[/*CM-per-tree*/];
//    @API(help="Confusion matrix domain.")                                             public final String[]        cmDomain;
//    @API(help="Variable importance for individual input variables.")                  public final VarImp          varimp; // NOTE: in future we can have an array of different variable importance measures (per method)
//    @API(help="Tree statistics")                                                      public final TreeStats       treeStats;
//    @API(help="AUC for validation dataset")                                           public final AUCData         validAUC;
//    @API(help="Whether this is transformed from speedrf")                             public       boolean         isFromSpeeDRF=false;
//    private final int num_folds;
//    private transient volatile CompressedTree[/*N*/][/*nclasses OR 1 for regression*/] _treeBitsCache;
//    public TreeModel( Key key, Key dataKey, Key testKey, String names[], String domains[][], String[] cmDomain, int ntrees, int max_depth, int min_rows, int nbins, int num_folds, float[] priorClassDist, float[] classDist) {
//      this(key, dataKey, testKey, names, domains, cmDomain, ntrees, max_depth, min_rows, nbins, num_folds,
//          priorClassDist, classDist,
//          new Key[0][], new ConfusionMatrix[0], new double[0], null, null, null);
//    }
//    private TreeModel( Key key, Key dataKey, Key testKey, String names[], String domains[][], String[] cmDomain, int ntrees, int max_depth, int min_rows, int nbins, int num_folds,
//                      float[] priorClassDist, float[] classDist,
//                      Key[][] treeKeys, ConfusionMatrix[] cms, double[] errs, TreeStats treeStats, VarImp varimp, AUCData validAUC) {
//      super(key,dataKey,names,domains,priorClassDist, classDist);
//      this.N = ntrees;
//      this.max_depth = max_depth; this.min_rows = min_rows; this.nbins = nbins;
//      this.num_folds = num_folds;
//      this.treeKeys = treeKeys;
//      this.treeStats = treeStats;
//      this.cmDomain = cmDomain!=null ? cmDomain : new String[0];;
//      this.testKey = testKey;
//      this.cms = cms;
//      this.errs = errs;
//      this.varimp = varimp;
//      this.validAUC = validAUC;
//    }
//    // Simple copy ctor, null value of parameter means copy from prior-model
//    protected TreeModel(TreeModel prior, Key[][] treeKeys, double[] errs, ConfusionMatrix[] cms, TreeStats tstats, VarImp varimp, AUCData validAUC) {
//      super(prior._key,prior._dataKey,prior._names,prior._domains, prior._priorClassDist,prior._modelClassDist,prior.training_start_time,prior.training_duration_in_ms);
//      this.N = prior.N;
//      this.testKey   = prior.testKey;
//      this.max_depth = prior.max_depth;
//      this.min_rows  = prior.min_rows;
//      this.nbins     = prior.nbins;
//      this.cmDomain  = prior.cmDomain;
//      this.num_folds = prior.num_folds;
//      if (treeKeys != null) this.treeKeys  = treeKeys; else this.treeKeys  = prior.treeKeys;
//      if (errs     != null) this.errs      = errs;     else this.errs      = prior.errs;
//      if (cms      != null) this.cms       = cms;      else this.cms       = prior.cms;
//      if (tstats   != null) this.treeStats = tstats;   else this.treeStats = prior.treeStats;
//      if (varimp   != null) this.varimp    = varimp;   else this.varimp    = prior.varimp;
//      if (validAUC != null) this.validAUC  = validAUC; else this.validAUC  = prior.validAUC;
//    }
//    // Additional copy ctors to update specific fields
//    public TreeModel(TreeModel prior, DTree[] tree, double err, ConfusionMatrix cm, TreeStats tstats) {
//      this(prior, append(prior.treeKeys, tree), Utils.append(prior.errs, err), Utils.append(prior.cms, cm), tstats, null, null);
//    }
//    public TreeModel(TreeModel prior, DTree[] tree, TreeStats tstats) {
//      this(prior, append(prior.treeKeys, tree), null, null, tstats, null, null);
//    }
//    public TreeModel(TreeModel prior, double err, ConfusionMatrix cm, VarImp varimp, AUCData validAUC) {
//      this(prior, null, Utils.append(prior.errs, err), Utils.append(prior.cms, cm), null, varimp, validAUC);
//    }
//    public enum TreeModelType {
//      UNKNOWN,
//      GBM,
//      DRF,
//    }
//    protected TreeModelType getTreeModelType() { return TreeModelType.UNKNOWN; }
//    /** Returns Producer if the model is under construction else null.
//     * 

The implementation looks for writer lock. If it is present, then returns true.

// * // *

WARNING: the method is strictly for UI used, does not provide any atomicity!!!

*/ // private final Key getProducer() { // return FetchProducer.fetch(_key); // } // private final boolean isProduced() { // return getProducer()!=null; // } // // private static final class FetchProducer extends DTask { // final private Key _key; // private Key _producer; // public static Key fetch(Key key) { // FetchProducer fp = new FetchProducer(key); // if (key.home()) fp.compute2(); // else fp =, fp).get(); // return fp._producer; // } // private FetchProducer(Key k) { _key = k; } // @Override public void compute2() { // Lockable l = UKV.get(_key); // _producer = l!=null && l._lockers!=null && l._lockers.length > 0 ? l._lockers[0] : null; // tryComplete(); // } // @Override public byte priority() { return H2O.ATOMIC_PRIORITY; } // } // // private static final Key[][] append(Key[][] prior, DTree[] tree ) { // if (tree==null) return prior; // prior = Arrays.copyOf(prior, prior.length+1); // Key ts[] = prior[prior.length-1] = new Key[tree.length]; // for( int c=0; c 0){ // int n = cms.length-1; // while(n > 0 && cms[n] == null)--n; // return cms[n] == null?null:cms[n]; // } else return null; // } // // @Override public VarImp varimp() { return varimp; } // @Override public double mse() { // if(errs != null && errs.length > 0){ // int n = errs.length-1; // while(n > 0 && Double.isNaN(errs[n]))--n; // return errs[n]; // } else return Double.NaN; // } // @Override protected float[] score0(double data[], float preds[]) { // // Prefetch trees into the local cache if it is necessary // // Invoke scoring // Arrays.fill(preds,0); // for( int tidx=0; tidx").append("Actions: "); // if (_dataKey != null) // sb.append("Inspect training data ("+_dataKey.toString()+")", _dataKey)).append(", "); // sb.append(,"Score on dataset")).append(", "); // if (_dataKey != null) // sb.append(UIUtils.builderModelLink(this.getClass(), _dataKey, responseName(), "Compute new model")).append(", "); // sb.append(UIUtils.qlink(SaveModel.class, "model", _key, "Save model")).append(", "); // if (isProduced()) { // looks at locker field and check W-locker guy // sb.append(" ").append(, "Stop training this model")); // } else { // sb.append(" ").append(UIUtils.builderLink(this.getClass(), _dataKey, responseName(), this._key, "Continue training this model")); // } // sb.append("
"); // DocGen.HTML.paragraph(sb,"Model Key: "+_key); // DocGen.HTML.paragraph(sb,"Max depth: "+max_depth+", Min rows: "+min_rows+", Nbins:"+nbins+", Trees: " + ntrees()); // generateModelDescription(sb); // sb.append(""); // // String[] domain = cmDomain; // Domain of response col // // // Generate a display using the last scored Model. Not all models are // // scored immediately (since scoring can be a big part of model building). // ConfusionMatrix cm = null; // int last = cms.length-1; // while( last > 0 && cms[last]==null ) last--; // cm = 0 <= last && last < cms.length ? cms[last] : null; // // // Display the CM // if( cm != null && domain != null ) { // // Top row of CM // assert cm._arr.length==domain.length; // DocGen.HTML.title(sb,"Scoring"); // if( testKey == null ) { // if (_have_cv_results) // sb.append("
Reported on ").append(num_folds).append("-fold cross-validated training data
"); // else { // sb.append("
Reported on ").append(title.contains("DRF") ? "out-of-bag" : "training").append(" data"); // if (num_folds > 0) sb.append(" (cross-validation results are being computed - please reload this page later)"); // sb.append("."); // if (_priorClassDist!=null && _modelClassDist!=null) sb.append("
Data were resampled to balance class distribution."); // sb.append("
"); // } // } else { // RString rs = new RString("
Reported on %key
"); // rs.replace("key", testKey); // DocGen.HTML.paragraph(sb,rs.toString()); // } // if (validAUC == null) { //AUC shows the CM already // // generate HTML for CM // DocGen.HTML.section(sb, "Confusion Matrix"); // cm.toHTML(sb, domain); // } // } // // if( errs != null ) { // if (!isClassifier() && num_folds > 0) { // if (_have_cv_results) // DocGen.HTML.section(sb, num_folds + "-fold cross-validated Mean Squared Error: " + String.format("%5.3f", errs[errs.length-1])); // else // DocGen.HTML.section(sb, num_folds + "-fold cross-validated Mean Squared Error is being computed - please reload this page later."); // } // DocGen.HTML.section(sb,"Mean Squared Error by Tree"); // DocGen.HTML.arrayHead(sb); // sb.append("Trees"); // last = errs.length-1-(_have_cv_results?1:0); // for regressor reports all errors (except for cross-validated result) // for( int i=last; i>=0; i-- ) // sb.append("").append(i).append(""); // sb.append(""); // sb.append("MSE"); // for( int i=last; i>=0; i-- ) // sb.append(!Double.isNaN(errs[i]) ? String.format("%5.3f",errs[i]) : "---"); // sb.append(""); // DocGen.HTML.arrayTail(sb); // } // // Show AUC for binary classifiers // if (validAUC != null) generateHTMLAUC(sb); // // // Show tree stats // if (treeStats != null) generateHTMLTreeStats(sb); // // // Show variable importance // if (varimp != null) { // generateHTMLVarImp(sb); // } // printCrossValidationModelsHTML(sb); // } // // static final String NA = "---"; // protected void generateHTMLTreeStats(StringBuilder sb) { // DocGen.HTML.section(sb,"Tree stats"); // DocGen.HTML.arrayHead(sb); // sb.append(" ").append("MinMeanMax"); // // boolean valid = treeStats.isValid(); // sb.append("Depth") // .append("").append(valid ? treeStats.minDepth : NA).append("") // .append("").append(valid ? treeStats.meanDepth : NA).append("") // .append("").append(valid ? treeStats.maxDepth : NA).append(""); // sb.append("Leaves") // .append("").append(valid ? treeStats.minLeaves : NA).append("") // .append("").append(valid ? treeStats.meanLeaves : NA).append("") // .append("").append(valid ? treeStats.maxLeaves : NA).append(""); // DocGen.HTML.arrayTail(sb); // } // // protected void generateHTMLVarImp(StringBuilder sb) { // if (varimp!=null) { // // Set up variable names for importance // varimp.setVariables(Arrays.copyOf(_names, _names.length-1)); // varimp.toHTML(this, sb); // } // } // // protected void generateHTMLAUC(StringBuilder sb) { // validAUC.toHTML(sb); // } // // StringBuilder toString(final String res, CompressedTree ct, final StringBuilder sb ) { // new TreeVisitor(this,ct) { // @Override protected void pre( int col, float fcmp, IcedBitSet gcmp, int equal ) { // for( int i=0; i<_depth; i++ ) sb.append(" "); // if(equal == 2 || equal == 3) // sb.append(_names[col]).append("==").append(gcmp.toString()).append('\n'); // else // sb.append(_names[col]).append(equal==1?"==":"< ").append(fcmp).append('\n'); // } // @Override protected void leaf( float pred ) { // for( int i=0; i<_depth; i++ ) sb.append(" "); // sb.append(res).append("=").append(pred).append(";\n"); // } // }.visit(); // return sb; // } // // // For GBM: learn_rate. For DRF: mtries, sample_rate, seed. // abstract protected void generateModelDescription(StringBuilder sb); // // // Determine whether feature is licensed. // private boolean isFeatureAllowed() { // boolean featureAllowed = false; // try { // if (treeStats.numTrees <= 10) { // featureAllowed = true; // } // else { // if (getTreeModelType() == TreeModelType.GBM) { // featureAllowed = H2O.licenseManager.isFeatureAllowed(LicenseManager.FEATURE_GBM_SCORING); // } // else if (getTreeModelType() == TreeModelType.DRF) { // featureAllowed = H2O.licenseManager.isFeatureAllowed(LicenseManager.FEATURE_RF_SCORING); // } // } // } // catch (Exception xe) {} // // return featureAllowed; // } // // public void toJavaHtml( StringBuilder sb ) { // if( treeStats == null ) return; // No trees yet // sb.append("

"); // // boolean featureAllowed = isFeatureAllowed(); // if (! featureAllowed) { // sb.append("
"); // sb.append("You have requested a premium feature (> 10 trees) and your H2O software is unlicensed.

"); // sb.append("Please enter your email address below, and we will send you a trial license shortly.
"); // sb.append("This will also temporarily enable downloading Java models.
"); // sb.append("
"); // sb.append("Send
"); // sb.append("
"); // } // if( ntrees() * treeStats.meanLeaves > 5000 ) { // String modelName = JCodeGen.toJavaId(_key.toString()); // sb.append("
//        sb.append("/* Java code is too large to display, download it directly.\n");
//        sb.append("   To obtain the code please invoke in your terminal:\n");
//        sb.append("     curl http:/").append(H2O.SELF.toString()).append("/h2o-model.jar > h2o-model.jar\n");
//        sb.append("     curl http:/").append(H2O.SELF.toString()).append("/2/").append(this.getClass().getSimpleName()).append("").append(_key).append(" > ").append(modelName).append(".java\n");
//        sb.append("     javac -cp h2o-model.jar -J-Xmx2g -J-XX:MaxPermSize=128m ").append(modelName).append(".java\n");
//        if (GEN_BENCHMARK_CODE)
//          sb.append("     java -cp h2o-model.jar:. -Xmx2g -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=256m ").append(modelName).append('\n');
//        sb.append("*/");
//        sb.append("
"); // } else { // sb.append("
//        DocGen.HTML.escape(sb, toJava());
//        sb.append("
"); // } // if (!featureAllowed) sb.append("
"); // close license blog // sb.append("
"); // sb.append(""); // } // // @Override protected SB toJavaInit(SB sb, SB fileContextSB) { // sb = super.toJavaInit(sb, fileContextSB); // // String modelName = JCodeGen.toJavaId(_key.toString()); // // // Generate main method with benchmark // if (GEN_BENCHMARK_CODE) { // sb.i().p("/**").nl(); // sb.i().p(" * Sample program harness providing an example of how to call predict().").nl(); // sb.i().p(" */").nl(); // sb.i().p("public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {").nl(); // sb.i(1).p("int iters = args.length > 0 ? Integer.valueOf(args[0]) : DEFAULT_ITERATIONS;").nl(); // sb.i(1).p(modelName).p(" model = new ").p(modelName).p("();").nl(); // sb.i(1).p("model.bench(iters, DataSample.DATA, new float[NCLASSES+1], NTREES);").nl(); // sb.i().p("}").nl(); // sb.di(1); // sb.p(TO_JAVA_BENCH_FUNC); // } // // JCodeGen.toStaticVar(sb, "NTREES", ntrees(), "Number of trees in this model."); // JCodeGen.toStaticVar(sb, "NTREES_INTERNAL", ntrees()*nclasses(), "Number of internal trees in this model (= NTREES*NCLASSES)."); // if (GEN_BENCHMARK_CODE) JCodeGen.toStaticVar(sb, "DEFAULT_ITERATIONS", 10000, "Default number of iterations."); // // Generate a data in separated class since we do not want to influence size of constant pool of model class // if (GEN_BENCHMARK_CODE) { // if( _dataKey != null ) { // Value dataval = DKV.get(_dataKey); // if (dataval != null) { // water.fvec.Frame frdata = dataval.get(); // water.fvec.Frame frsub = frdata.subframe(_names); // JCodeGen.toClass(fileContextSB, "// Sample of data used by benchmark\nclass DataSample", "DATA", frsub, 10, "Sample test data."); // } // } // } // return sb; // } // // Convert Tree model to Java // @Override protected void toJavaPredictBody( final SB bodySb, final SB classCtxSb, final SB fileCtxSb) { // // AD-HOC maximal number of trees in forest - in fact constant pool size for Forest class (all UTF String + references to static classes). // // TODO: in future this parameter can be a parameter for generator, as well as maxIters // final int maxfsize = 4000; // int fidx = 0; // forest index // int treesInForest = 0; // SB forest = new SB(); // // divide trees into small forests per 100 trees // /* DEBUG line */ bodySb.i().p("// System.err.println(\"Row (gencode.predict): \" + java.util.Arrays.toString(data));").nl(); // bodySb.i().p("java.util.Arrays.fill(preds,0f);").nl(); // if (isFromSpeeDRF) { // bodySb.i().p("// Call forest predicting class ").p(0).nl(); // bodySb.i().p("preds").p(" =").p(" Forest_").p(fidx).p("_class_").p(0).p(".predict(data, maxIters - " + fidx * maxfsize + ");").nl(); // } // for( int c=0; c 0) pred").p(" +=").p(" Tree_").p(i).p("_class_").p(c).p(".predict(data);").nl(); // } else { // forest.i().p("pred[(int)").p(" Tree_").p(i).p("_class_").p(c).p(".predict(data) + 1] += 1;").nl(); // } // // append representation of tree predictor // toJavaTreePredictFct(fileCtxSb, cts[c], i, c); // if (++treesInForest == maxfsize) { // toJavaForestEnd(bodySb, forest, c, fidx); // toJavaForestBegin(bodySb, forest, c, fidx++, maxfsize); // treesInForest = 0; // } // } // toJavaForestEnd(bodySb, forest, c, fidx); // treesInForest = 0; // fidx = 0; // } // fileCtxSb.p(forest); // toJavaUnifyPreds(bodySb); // toJavaFillPreds0(bodySb); // } // // private void toJavaForestBegin(SB predictBody, SB forest, int c, int fidx, int maxTreesInForest) { // // ugly hack here // if (!isFromSpeeDRF) { // predictBody.i().p("// Call forest predicting class ").p(c).nl(); // predictBody.i().p("preds[").p(c + 1).p("] +=").p(" Forest_").p(fidx).p("_class_").p(c).p(".predict(data, maxIters - " + fidx * maxTreesInForest + ");").nl(); // forest.i().p("// Forest representing a subset of trees scoring class ").p(c).nl(); // forest.i().p("class Forest_").p(fidx).p("_class_").p(c).p(" {").nl().ii(1); // forest.i().p("public static ").p(PRED_TYPE).p(" predict(double[] data, int maxIters) {").nl().ii(1); // forest.i().p(PRED_TYPE).p(" pred = 0;").nl(); // forest.i().p("int iters = maxIters;").nl(); // } else { // forest.i().p("// Forest representing a subset of trees scoring class ").p(c).nl(); // forest.i().p("class Forest_").p(fidx).p("_class_").p(c).p(" {").nl().ii(1); // forest.i().p("public static ").p(PRED_TYPE).p("[] predict(double[] data, int maxIters) {").nl().ii(1); // forest.i().p(PRED_TYPE).p("[] pred = new float["+(nclasses()+1)+"];").nl(); // forest.i().p("java.util.Arrays.fill(pred,0f);").nl(); // forest.i().p("int iters = maxIters;").nl(); // } // } // private void toJavaForestEnd(SB predictBody, SB forest, int c, int fidx) { // if (!isFromSpeeDRF) { // forest.i().p("return pred;").nl(); // forest.i().p("}").di(1).nl(); // end of function // forest.i().p("}").di(1).nl(); // end of forest classs // } else { // if (c ==0) { // forest.i().p("float sum = 0;").nl(); // forest.i().p("for (int i=1; i <= " + nclasses() + "; i++) {").p("sum += pred[i];").p("}").nl(); // forest.i().p("for (int i=1; i <= " + nclasses() + "; i++) {").p("pred[i] /= sum;").p("}").nl(); // } // forest.i().p("return pred;").nl(); // forest.i().p("}").di(1).nl(); // end of function // forest.i().p("}").di(1).nl(); // end of forest classs // } // } // // // Produce prediction code for one tree // protected void toJavaTreePredictFct(final SB sb, final CompressedTree cts, int treeIdx, int classIdx) { // // generate top-level class definition //; // sb.i().p("// Tree predictor for ").p(treeIdx).p("-tree and ").p(classIdx).p("-class").nl(); // sb.i().p("class Tree_").p(treeIdx).p("_class_").p(classIdx).p(" {").nl().ii(1); // new TreeJCodeGen(this,cts, sb).generate(); // sb.i().p("}").nl(); // close the class // } // // @Override protected String toJavaDefaultMaxIters() { return String.valueOf(this.N); } // } // //public Random rngForChunk( int cidx ) { // Random rand = createRNG(_seed); // // Argh - needs polishment // for( int i=0; i

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