hex.tree.SharedTreeModelBuilderQ Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package hex.gbm;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Random;
import static water.util.MRUtils.sampleFrameStratified;
import static water.util.ModelUtils.getPrediction;
import hex.AUCData;
import hex.ConfusionMatrix;
import hex.VarImp;
import water.util.RandomUtils.MersenneTwisterRNG;
import jsr166y.CountedCompleter;
import water.*;
import water.H2O.H2OCountedCompleter;
import water.api.*;
import water.fvec.*;
import water.util.*;
/** Shared (distributed) trees builder.
* Used for both Gradient Boosted Method (see {@link GBM}) and
* Random Forest (see {@link DRF}), and really could be used for any
* decision-tree builder.
While this is a wholly H2O-design, we found these papers
* afterwards that describes our design fairly well:
* Note that our dynamic histogram technique is different (surely
* faster, and probably less mathematically clean). I'm sure a host of other
* smaller details differ also - but in the Big Picture the paper and our
* algorithm are similar.
public abstract class SharedTreeModelBuilder extends ValidatedJob {
static final int API_WEAVER = 1; // This file has auto-gen'd doc & json fields
static public DocGen.FieldDoc[] DOC_FIELDS; // Initialized from Auto-Gen code.
@API(help = "Number of trees. Grid Search, comma sep values:50,100,150,200", filter = Default.class, lmin=1, lmax=1000000, json=true, importance=ParamImportance.CRITICAL)
public int ntrees = 50;
@API(help = "Maximum tree depth. Grid Search, comma sep values:5,7", filter = Default.class, lmin=1, lmax=10000, json=true, importance=ParamImportance.CRITICAL)
public int max_depth = 5;
@API(help = "Fewest allowed observations in a leaf (in R called 'nodesize'). Grid Search, comma sep values", filter = Default.class, lmin=1, json=true, importance=ParamImportance.SECONDARY)
public int min_rows = 10;
@API(help = "Build a histogram of this many bins, then split at the best point", filter = Default.class, lmin=2, lmax=10000, json=true, importance=ParamImportance.SECONDARY)
public int nbins = 20;
@API(help = "Perform scoring after each iteration (can be slow)", filter = Default.class, json=true)
public boolean score_each_iteration = false;
@API(help = "Compute variable importance (true/false).", filter = Default.class )
protected boolean importance = false; // compute variable importance
* For imbalanced data, balance training data class counts via
* over/under-sampling. This can result in improved predictive accuracy.
@API(help = "Balance training data class counts via over/under-sampling (for imbalanced data)", filter = Default.class, json = true, importance = ParamImportance.EXPERT)
public boolean balance_classes = false;
* When classes are balanced, limit the resulting dataset size to the
* specified multiple of the original dataset size.
@API(help = "Maximum relative size of the training data after balancing class counts (can be less than 1.0)", filter = Default.class, json = true, dmin=1e-3, importance = ParamImportance.EXPERT)
public float max_after_balance_size = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
@API(help = "Model checkpoint to start building a new model from", filter = Default.class, json = true, required = false)
public Key checkpoint;
@API(help = "Overwrite checkpoint", filter = Default.class, json = true, required = false)
public boolean overwrite_checkpoint = true;
// @API(help = "Active feature columns")
protected int _ncols;
// @API(help = "Rows in training dataset")
protected long _nrows;
// @API(help = "Number of classes")
protected int _nclass;
@API(help = "Class distribution")
protected long _distribution[];
// Distribution of classes in response
protected float[] _priorClassDist = null;
// New distribution of classes if input frame was modified (resampled, balanced)
protected float[] _modelClassDist = null;
// Number of trees inherited from checkpoint
protected int _ntreesFromCheckpoint;
/** Maximal number of supported levels in response. */
public static final int MAX_SUPPORTED_LEVELS = 1000;
/** Marker for already decided row. */
static public final int DECIDED_ROW = -1;
/** Marker for sampled out rows */
static public final int OUT_OF_BAG = -2;
@Override public float progress(){
Value value = DKV.get(dest());
DTree.TreeModel m = value != null ? (DTree.TreeModel) value.get() : null;
return m == null ? 0 : cv_progress(m.ntrees() / (float) m.N);
// Verify input parameters
@Override protected void init() {
// Check parameters
assert 0 <= ntrees && ntrees < 1000000; // Sanity check
// Should be handled by input
//assert response.isEnum() : "Response is not enum";
assert (classification && (response.isInt() || response.isEnum())) || // Classify Int or Enums
(!classification && !response.isEnum()) : "Classification="+classification + " and response="+response.isInt(); // Regress Int or Float
if (source.numRows() - response.naCnt() <=0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Dataset contains too many NAs!");
_ncols = _train.length;
_nrows = source.numRows() - response.naCnt();
assert (_nrows>0) : "Dataset contains no rows - validation of input parameters is probably broken!";
// Transform response to enum
// TODO: moved to shared model job
if( !response.isEnum() && classification ) {
response = response.toEnum();
gtrash(response); //_gen_enum = true;
_nclass = response.isEnum() ? (char)(response.domain().length) : 1;
if (classification && _nclass <= 1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Constant response column!");
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Too many levels in response column!");
int usableColumns = 0;
assert _ncols == _train.length : "Number of selected train columns does not correspond to a number of columns!";
for (int i = 0; i < _ncols; i++) {
Vec v = _train[i];
if (v.isBad() || v.isConst()) continue;
if (usableColumns==0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("There is no usable column to generate model!");
if (checkpoint!=null && DKV.get(checkpoint)==null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Checkpoint "+checkpoint.toString() + " does not exists!");
@Override protected Key defaultDestKey() {
if (checkpoint!=null && overwrite_checkpoint)
return checkpoint;
return super.defaultDestKey();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Driver for model-building.
public void buildModel(long seed) {
final Key outputKey = dest();
final Key dataKey = source != null ? source._key : null;
final Key testKey = validation != null ? validation._key : dataKey;
// Lock the input datasets against deletes
if( validation != null && !source._key.equals(validation._key) )
// Prepare a frame for this tree algorithm run
Frame fr = new Frame(_names, _train);
final Frame frm = new Frame(fr); // Model-Frame; no extra columns
String names[] = frm.names();
String domains[][] = frm.domains();
// For doing classification on Integer (not Enum) columns, we want some
// handy names in the Model. This really should be in the Model code.
String[] domain = response.domain();
if( domain == null && _nclass > 1 ) // No names? Something is wrong since we converted response to enum already !
assert false : "Response domain' names should be always presented in case of classification";
if( domain == null ) domain = new String[] {"r"}; // For regression, give a name to class 0
// Compute class distribution
if (classification) {
MRUtils.ClassDist cdmt = new MRUtils.ClassDist(_nclass).doAll(response);
_distribution = cdmt.dist();
_priorClassDist = cdmt.rel_dist();
// Handle imbalanced classes by stratified over/under-sampling
// initWorkFrame sets the modeled class distribution, and model.score() corrects the probabilities back using the distribution ratios
float[] trainSamplingFactors;
if (classification && balance_classes) {
int response_idx = fr.find(_responseName);
trainSamplingFactors = new float[domain.length]; //leave initialized to 0 -> will be filled up below
Frame stratified = sampleFrameStratified(
fr, fr.lastVec(), trainSamplingFactors, (long)(max_after_balance_size*fr.numRows()), seed, true, false);
if (stratified != fr) {
fr = stratified;
_nrows = fr.numRows();
response = fr.vecs()[response_idx];
// Recompute distribution since the input frame was modified
MRUtils.ClassDist cdmt = new MRUtils.ClassDist(_nclass).doAll(response);
_distribution = cdmt.dist();
_modelClassDist = cdmt.rel_dist();
Log.info("Prior class distribution: " + Arrays.toString(_priorClassDist));
Log.info("Model class distribution: " + Arrays.toString(_modelClassDist));
// Also add to the basic working Frame these sets:
// nclass Vecs of current forest results (sum across all trees)
// nclass Vecs of working/temp data
// nclass Vecs of NIDs, allowing 1 tree per class
// Current forest values: results of summing the prior M trees
for( int i=0; i<_nclass; i++ )
fr.add("Tree_"+domain[i], response.makeZero());
// Initial work columns. Set-before-use in the algos.
for( int i=0; i<_nclass; i++ )
fr.add("Work_"+domain[i], response.makeZero());
// One Tree per class, each tree needs a NIDs. For empty classes use a -1
// NID signifying an empty regression tree.
for( int i=0; i<_nclass; i++ )
fr.add("NIDs_"+domain[i], response.makeCon(_distribution==null ? 0 : (_distribution[i]==0?-1:0)));
// Timer for model building
Timer bm_timer = new Timer();
long before = System.currentTimeMillis();
// Fetch checkpoint
assert checkpoint==null || (!(overwrite_checkpoint && checkpoint!=null) || outputKey==checkpoint): "If checkpoint is to be overwritten then outputkey has to equal to checkpoint key";
TM checkpointModel = checkpoint!=null ? (TM) UKV.get(checkpoint) : null;
// Create an INITIAL MODEL based on given parameters
TM model = makeModel(outputKey, dataKey, testKey, checkpointModel!=null?ntrees+checkpointModel.ntrees():ntrees,names, domains, getCMDomain(), _priorClassDist, _modelClassDist);
// Update the model by a checkpoint
if (checkpointModel!=null) {
checkpointModel.read_lock(self()); // lock it for read to avoid any other job to start working on it
try {
// Create a new initial model based on given checkpoint
// TODO: check compatibility of parameters !
model = updateModel(model, checkpointModel, overwrite_checkpoint);
_ntreesFromCheckpoint = checkpointModel.ntrees();
} finally { checkpointModel.unlock(self()); }
// Save the model ! (delete_and_lock has side-effect of saving model into DKV)
if (checkpoint!=null && overwrite_checkpoint)
model.write_lock(self()); // do not delete previous model since it would trigger delete of stored trees which we need
model.delete_and_lock(self()); // we can safely delete any previous model since this one should be the first one
// Prepare and cache adapted validation dataset if it is necessary
try {
// Initialized algorithm
// Init working frame
initWorkFrame(model, fr);
// Compute the model
model = buildModel(model, fr, names, domains, bm_timer);
//} catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace();
} finally {
model.unlock(self()); // Update and unlock model
cleanUp(fr,bm_timer); // Shared cleanup
// Tree model cleanup
protected void cleanUp(Frame fr, Timer t_build) {
//super.cleanUp(fr, t_build);
Log.info("Modeling done in "+t_build);
// Remove temp vectors; cleanup the Frame
while( fr.numCols() > _ncols+1/*Do not delete the response vector*/ )
// Unlock the input datasets against deletes
if( validation != null && !source._key.equals(validation._key) )
transient long _timeLastScoreStart, _timeLastScoreEnd, _firstScore;
protected TM doScoring(TM model, Frame fTrain, DTree[] ktrees, int tid, DTree.TreeModel.TreeStats tstats, boolean finalScoring, boolean oob, boolean build_tree_one_node ) {
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
if( _firstScore == 0 ) _firstScore=now;
long sinceLastScore = now-_timeLastScoreStart;
Score sc = null;
// If validation is specified we use a model for scoring, so we need to update it!
// First we save model with trees (i.e., make them available for scoring)
// and then update it with resulting error
model = makeModel(model, ktrees, tstats);
// Now model already contains tid-trees in serialized form
if( score_each_iteration ||
finalScoring ||
(now-_firstScore < 4000) || // Score every time for 4 secs
// Throttle scoring to keep the cost sane; limit to a 10% duty cycle & every 4 secs
(sinceLastScore > 4000 && // Limit scoring updates to every 4sec
(double)(_timeLastScoreEnd-_timeLastScoreStart)/sinceLastScore < 0.1) ) { // 10% duty cycle
_timeLastScoreStart = now;
// Perform scoring - first get adapted validation response
Response2CMAdaptor vadaptor = getValidAdaptor();
sc = new Score().doIt(model, fTrain, vadaptor, oob, build_tree_one_node).report(tid,ktrees);
_timeLastScoreEnd = System.currentTimeMillis();
// Compute variable importance for this tree if necessary
VarImp varimp = null;
if (importance && ktrees!=null) { // compute this tree votes but skip the first scoring call which is done over empty forest
Timer vi_timer = new Timer();
varimp = doVarImpCalc(model, ktrees, tid-1, fTrain, false);
Log.info("Computation of variable importance with "+tid+"th-tree took: " + vi_timer.toString());
// Double update - after scoring
model = makeModel(model,
sc==null ? Double.NaN : sc.mse(),
sc==null ? null : (_nclass>1? new ConfusionMatrix(sc._cm):null),
sc==null ? null : (_nclass==2 ? makeAUC(toCMArray(sc._cms), ModelUtils.DEFAULT_THRESHOLDS) : null)
return model;
protected abstract VarImp doVarImpCalc(TM model, DTree[] ktrees, int tid, Frame validationFrame, boolean scale);
private ConfusionMatrix[] toCMArray(long[][][] cms) {
int n = cms.length;
ConfusionMatrix[] res = new ConfusionMatrix[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) res[i] = new ConfusionMatrix(cms[i]);
return res;
public boolean supportsBagging() { return false; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Convenvience accessor for a complex chunk layout.
// Wish I could name the array elements nicer...
protected Chunk chk_resp( Chunk chks[] ) { return chks[_ncols]; }
protected Chunk chk_tree( Chunk chks[], int c ) { return chks[_ncols+1+c]; }
protected Chunk chk_work( Chunk chks[], int c ) { return chks[_ncols+1+_nclass+c]; }
protected Chunk chk_nids( Chunk chks[], int t ) { return chks[_ncols+1+_nclass+_nclass+t]; }
// Out-of-bag trees counter - only one since it is shared via k-trees
protected Chunk chk_oobt(Chunk chks[]) { return chks[_ncols+1+_nclass+_nclass+_nclass]; }
protected final Vec vec_nids( Frame fr, int t) { return fr.vecs()[_ncols+1+_nclass+_nclass+t]; }
protected final Vec vec_resp( Frame fr, int t) { return fr.vecs()[_ncols]; }
protected final Vec vec_tree( Frame fr, int c ) { return fr.vecs()[_ncols+1+c]; }
protected double[] data_row( Chunk chks[], int row, double[] data) {
assert data.length == _ncols;
for(int f=0; f<_ncols; f++) data[f] = chks[f].at0(row);
return data;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Fuse 2 conceptual passes into one:
// Pass 1: Score a prior partially-built tree model, and make new Node
// assignments to every row. This involves pulling out the current
// assigned DecidedNode, "scoring" the row against that Node's
// decision criteria, and assigning the row to a new child
// UndecidedNode (and giving it an improved prediction).
// Pass 2: Build new summary DHistograms on the new child UndecidedNodes
// every row got assigned into. Collect counts, mean, variance, min,
// max per bin, per column.
// The result is a set of DHistogram arrays; one DHistogram array for
// each unique 'leaf' in the tree being histogramed in parallel. These have
// node ID's (nids) from 'leaf' to 'tree._len'. Each DHistogram array is
// for all the columns in that 'leaf'.
// The other result is a prediction "score" for the whole dataset, based on
// the previous passes' DHistograms.
public class ScoreBuildHistogram extends MRTask2 {
final int _k; // Which tree
final DTree _tree; // Read-only, shared (except at the histograms in the Nodes)
final int _leaf; // Number of active leaves (per tree)
// Histograms for every tree, split & active column
final DHistogram _hcs[/*tree-relative node-id*/][/*column*/];
final boolean _subset; // True if working a subset of cols
public ScoreBuildHistogram(H2OCountedCompleter cc, int k, DTree tree, int leaf, DHistogram hcs[][], boolean subset) {
_k = k;
_tree= tree;
_leaf= leaf;
_hcs = hcs;
_subset = subset;
// Once-per-node shared init
@Override public void setupLocal( ) {
// Init all the internal tree fields after shipping over the wire
// Allocate local shared memory histograms
for( int l=_leaf; l<_tree._len; l++ ) {
DTree.UndecidedNode udn = _tree.undecided(l);
DHistogram hs[] = _hcs[l-_leaf];
int sCols[] = udn._scoreCols;
if( sCols != null ) { // Sub-selecting just some columns?
for( int j=0; j 0) // Prior pass exists?
else // Just flag all the NA rows
for( int row=0; row= 0 ) { // row already predicts perfectly or OOB
assert !Double.isNaN(wrks.at0(row)); // Already marked as sampled-away
DHistogram nhs[] = _hcs[nid];
int sCols[] = _tree.undecided(nid+_leaf)._scoreCols; // Columns to score (null, or a list of selected cols)
for( int j=0; j= 0 ) nh[i+1]++;
// Rollup the histogram of rows-per-NID in this chunk
for( int i=0; i= 0 )
rows[nh[nnids[row]]++] = row;
// rows[] has Chunk-local ROW-numbers now, in-order, grouped by NID.
// nh[] lists the start of each new NID, and is indexed by NID+1.
// For all columns, for all NIDs, for all ROWS...
private void accum_all2(Chunk chks[], Chunk wrks, int nh[], int[] rows) {
final DHistogram hcs[][] = _hcs;
// Local temp arrays, no atomic updates.
int bins[] = new int [nbins];
double sums[] = new double[nbins];
double ssqs[] = new double[nbins];
// For All Columns
for( int c=0; c<_ncols; c++) { // for all columns
Chunk chk = chks[c];
// For All NIDs
for( int n=0; n= bins.length ) { // Grow bins if needed
bins = new int [rh._bins.length];
sums = new double[rh._bins.length];
ssqs = new double[rh._bins.length];
// Gather all the data for this set of rows, for 1 column and 1 split/NID
// Gather min/max, sums and sum-squares.
for( int xrow=lo; xrow max ) max = col_data;
int b = rh.bin(col_data); // Compute bin# via linear interpolation
bins[b]++; // Bump count in bin
double resp = wrks.at0(row);
sums[b] += resp;
ssqs[b] += resp*resp;
// Add all the data into the Histogram (atomically add)
rh.setMin(min); // Track actual lower/upper bound per-bin
for( int b=0; b Decided node: " + dn +
// " > Split: " + dn._split + " L/R:" + dn._split.rowsLeft()+" + "+dn._split.rowsRight());
if( dn._split.col() == -1 ) udn.do_not_split();
else _did_split = true;
_leafs[_k]=tmax; // Setup leafs for next tree level
int new_leafs = _tree.len()-tmax;
_hcs[_k] = new DHistogram[new_leafs][/*ncol*/];
for( int nl = tmax; nl<_tree.len(); nl ++ )
_hcs[_k][nl-tmax] = _tree.undecided(nl)._hs;
if (new_leafs>0) _tree.depth++; // Next layer done but update tree depth only if new leaves are generated
// Builder-specific decision node
protected abstract DTree.DecidedNode makeDecided( DTree.UndecidedNode udn, DHistogram hs[] );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Read the 'tree' columns, do model-specific math and put the results in the
// fs[] array, and return the sum. Dividing any fs[] element by the sum
// turns the results into a probability distribution.
protected abstract float score1( Chunk chks[], float fs[/*nclass*/], int row );
// Call builder specific score code and then correct probabilities
// if it is necessary.
private float score2(Chunk chks[], float fs[/*nclass*/], int row ) {
float sum = score1(chks, fs, row);
if (/*false &&*/ classification && _priorClassDist!=null && _modelClassDist!=null && !Float.isInfinite(sum) && sum>0f) {
Utils.div(fs, sum);
ModelUtils.correctProbabilities(fs, _priorClassDist, _modelClassDist);
sum = 1.0f;
return sum;
// Score the *tree* columns, and produce a confusion matrix
public class Score extends MRTask2 {
/* @OUT */ long _cm[/*actual*/][/*predicted*/]; // Confusion matrix
/* @OUT */ double _sum; // Sum-squared-error
/* @OUT */ long _snrows; // Count of voted-on rows
/* @OUT */ long _cms[/*threshold*/][/*actual*/][/*predicted*/]; // Compute CM per threshold for binary classifiers
/* @IN */ boolean _oob;
/* @IN */ boolean _validation;
/* @IN */ int _cmlen;
/* @IN */ boolean _cavr; // true if validation response needs to be adapted to CM domain
public double sum() { return _sum; }
public long[][] cm () { return _cm; }
public long nrows() { return _snrows; }
public double mse() { return sum() / nrows(); }
* Compute CM and MSE on either the training or testing dataset.
* It expect already adapted validation dataset which is adapted to a model
* and contains a response which is adapted to confusion matrix domain. Uff :)
* @param model a model which is used to perform computation
* @param fr a model training frame
* @param vadaptor an adaptor which helps to adapt model/validation response to confusion matrix domain.
* @param oob perform out-of-bag validation on training frame
* @param build_tree_one_node
* @return this score object
public Score doIt(Model model, Frame fr, Response2CMAdaptor vadaptor, boolean oob, boolean build_tree_one_node) {
assert !oob || vadaptor.getValidation()==null : "Validation frame cannot be specified if oob validation is demanded!"; // oob => validation==null
assert _nclass == 1 || vadaptor.getCMDomain() != null : "CM domain has to be configured from classification!";
_cmlen = _nclass > 1 ? vadaptor.getCMDomain().length : 1;
_oob = oob;
// Validation frame adapted to a model
Frame adaptedValidation = vadaptor.getValidation();
// No validation frame is specified, so perform computation on training data
if( adaptedValidation == null ) return doAll(fr, build_tree_one_node);
_validation = true;
_cavr = false;
// Validation: need to score the set, getting a probability distribution for each class
// Frame has nclass vectors (nclass, or 1 for regression), for classification it
Frame res = model.score(adaptedValidation, false); // For classification: predicted values (~ values in res[0]) are in interval 0..domain().length-1, for regression just single column.
Frame adapValidation = new Frame(adaptedValidation); // adapted validation dataset
// All columns including response of validation frame are already adapted to model
if (_nclass>1) { // Only for Classification
for( int i=0; i<_nclass; i++ ) // Distribution of response classes
if (vadaptor.needsAdaptation2CM()) {
Vec ar = vadaptor.adaptModelResponse2CM(res.vecs()[0]); // perform transformation of model results to be consistent with expected confusion matrix domain
adapValidation.add("Prediction", ar); // add as a prediction
adapValidation.add("ActualValidationResponse", vadaptor.getAdaptedValidationResponse2CM());
_cavr = true; // signal that we have two predictions vectors in the frame.
res.add("__dummyx__", ar); // add the vector to clean up list
} else
adapValidation.add("Prediction",res.vecs()[0]); // Predicted values
} else { // Regression
// Compute a CM & MSE
try {
doAll(adapValidation, build_tree_one_node);
} finally {
// Perform clean-up: remove temporary result
return this;
@Override public void map( Chunk chks[] ) {
Chunk ys = chk_resp(chks); // Response
Chunk ays = _cavr ? chks[_ncols+1+_nclass+1] : ys; // Remember adapted response
_cm = new long[_cmlen][_cmlen];
float fs[] = new float[_nclass+1]; // Array to hold prediction and distribution given by the model.
// For binary classifier allocate cms for individual thresholds
_cms = new long[ModelUtils.DEFAULT_THRESHOLDS.length][2][2];
// Score all Rows
for( int row=0; row 1 ) sum = 1.0f; // Sum of a distribution is 1.0 for classification
else sum = fs[1]; // Sum is the same as prediction for regression.
} else { // Passed in the model-specific columns
sum = score2(chks,fs,row);
float err; int yact=0; // actual response from dataset
int yact_orig = 0; // actual response from dataset before potential scaling
if (_oob && inBagRow(chks, row)) continue; // score only on out-of-bag rows
if( _nclass > 1 ) { // Classification
// Compute error
if( sum == 0 ) { // This tree does not predict this row *at all* ! In prediction we will make random decision, but here compute error based on number of classes
yact = yact_orig = (int) ys.at80(row); // OPS: Pick an actual prediction adapted to model values <0, nclass-1)
err = 1.0f-1.0f/_nclass; // Then take ycls=0, uniform predictive power
} else {
if (_cavr && ys.isNA0(row)) { // Handle adapted validation response - actual response was adapted but does not contain NA - it is implicit misprediction,
err = 1f;
} else { // No adaptation of validation response
yact = yact_orig = (int) ys.at80(row);// OPS: Pick an actual prediction adapted to model values <0, nclass-1)
assert 0 <= yact && yact < _nclass : "weird ycls="+yact+", y="+ys.at0(row);
err = Float.isInfinite(sum)
? (Float.isInfinite(fs[yact+1]) ? 0f : 1f)
: 1.0f-fs[yact+1]/sum; // Error: distance from predicting ycls as 1.0
assert !Double.isNaN(err) : "fs[cls]="+fs[yact+1] + ", sum=" + sum;
// Overwrite response by adapted value to provide correct CM
if (_cavr) yact = (int) ays.at80(row);
} else { // Regression
err = (float)ys.at0(row) - sum;
_sum += err*err; // Squared error
assert !Double.isNaN(_sum);
// Pick highest prob for our prediction.
if (_nclass > 1) { // fill CM only for classification
if(_nclass == 2) { // Binomial classification -> compute AUC, draw ROC
float snd = _validation ? fs[2] : (!Float.isInfinite(sum) ? fs[2] / sum : Float.isInfinite(fs[2]) ? 1 : 0); // for validation dataset sum is always 1
for(int i = 0; i < ModelUtils.DEFAULT_THRESHOLDS.length; i++) {
int p = snd >= ModelUtils.DEFAULT_THRESHOLDS[i] ? 1 : 0; // Compute prediction based on threshold
_cms[i][yact_orig][p]++; // Increase matrix
int ypred = _validation ? (int) chks[_ncols+1+_nclass].at80(row) : getPrediction(fs, row);
_cm[yact][ypred]++; // actual v. predicted
@Override public void reduce( Score t ) {
_sum += t._sum;
_snrows += t._snrows;
if (_cms!=null)
for (int i = 0; i < _cms.length; i++) Utils.add(_cms[i], t._cms[i]);
public Score report(int ntree, DTree[] trees ) {
assert !Double.isNaN(_sum);
Log.info("============================================================== ");
int lcnt=0;
if( trees!=null ) for( DTree t : trees ) if( t != null ) lcnt += t._len;
long err=_snrows;
for( int c=0; c<_nclass; c++ ) err -= _cm[c][c];
Log.info("Mean Squared Error is "+(_sum/_snrows)+", with "+ntree+"x"+_nclass+" trees (average of "+((float)lcnt/_nclass)+" nodes)");
if( _nclass > 1 )
Log.info("Total of "+err+" errors on "+_snrows+" rows, CM= "+Arrays.deepToString(_cm));
Log.info("Reported on "+_snrows+" rows.");
return this;
@Override public String speedDescription() { return "time/tree"; }
@Override public long speedValue() {
Value value = DKV.get(dest());
DTree.TreeModel m = value != null ? (DTree.TreeModel) value.get() : null;
long numTreesBuiltSoFar = m == null ? 0 : m.ntrees();
long sv = (numTreesBuiltSoFar <= 0) ? 0 : (runTimeMs() / numTreesBuiltSoFar);
return sv;
* Builds model
* @param initialModel initial model created by makeModel() method.
* @param trainFr training dataset which can contain additional temporary vectors prepared by buildModel() method.
* @param names names of columns in trainFr
used for model training
* @param domains domains of columns in trainFr
used for model training
* @param t_build timer to measure model building process
* @return resulting model
protected abstract TM buildModel( TM initialModel, Frame trainFr, String names[], String domains[][], Timer t_build );
* Initialize algorithm - e.g., allocate algorithm specific datastructure.
* @param initialModel
protected abstract void initAlgo( TM initialModel);
* Initialize working frame.
* @param initialModel initial model
* @param fr working frame which contains train data and additional columns prepared by this builder.
protected abstract void initWorkFrame( TM initialModel, Frame fr);
protected abstract TM makeModel( Key outputKey, Key dataKey, Key testKey, int ntrees, String names[], String domains[][], String[] cmDomain, float[] priorClassDist, float[] classDist);
protected abstract TM makeModel( TM model, double err, ConfusionMatrix cm, VarImp varimp, AUCData validAUC);
protected abstract TM makeModel( TM model, DTree ktrees[], DTree.TreeModel.TreeStats tstats);
protected abstract TM updateModel( TM model, TM checkpoint, boolean overwriteCheckpoint);
protected AUCData makeAUC(ConfusionMatrix[] cms, float[] threshold) {
assert _nclass == 2;
return cms != null ? new AUC(cms, threshold, _cmDomain).data() : null;
protected boolean inBagRow(Chunk[] chks, int row) { return false; }
protected final boolean isClassification() { return _nclass > 1; }
static public final boolean isOOBRow(int nid) { return nid <= OUT_OF_BAG; }
static public final boolean isDecidedRow(int nid) { return nid == DECIDED_ROW; }
static public final int oob2Nid(int oobNid) { return -oobNid + OUT_OF_BAG; }
static public final int nid2Oob(int nid) { return -nid + OUT_OF_BAG; }
// Helper to unify use of M-T RNG
public static Random createRNG(long seed) {
return new MersenneTwisterRNG(new int[] { (int)(seed>>32L),(int)seed });
// helper for debugging
static protected void printGenerateTrees(DTree[] trees) {
for( int k=0; k0 ? ":OUT" : ":IN");