hex.deeplearning.DeepLearningModel Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package hex.deeplearning;
import hex.*;
import hex.quantile.Quantile;
import hex.quantile.QuantileModel;
import hex.schemas.DeepLearningModelV3;
import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat;
import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import water.*;
import water.api.ModelSchema;
import water.exceptions.H2OIllegalArgumentException;
import water.fvec.Chunk;
import water.fvec.Frame;
import water.fvec.Vec;
import water.util.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import static hex.ModelMetrics.calcVarImp;
import static hex.deeplearning.DeepLearning.makeDataInfo;
import static java.lang.Double.isNaN;
* The Deep Learning model
* It contains a DeepLearningModelInfo with the most up-to-date model,
* a scoring history, as well as some helpers to indicate the progress
public class DeepLearningModel extends Model implements Model.DeepFeatures {
public static class DeepLearningParameters extends Model.Parameters {
@Override public double missingColumnsType() { return _sparse ? 0 : Double.NaN; }
// public int _n_folds;
public int getNumFolds() { return 0; }
public boolean _keep_cross_validation_splits;
* A model key associated with a previously trained Deep Learning
* model. This option allows users to build a new model as a
* continuation of a previously generated model.
public Key _checkpoint;
* If enabled, store the best model under the destination key of this model at the end of training.
* Only applicable if training is not cancelled.
public boolean _overwrite_with_best_model = true;
public boolean _autoencoder = false;
public boolean _use_all_factor_levels = true;
/*Neural Net Topology*/
* The activation function (non-linearity) to be used the neurons in the hidden layers.
* Tanh: Hyperbolic tangent function (same as scaled and shifted sigmoid).
* Rectifier: Chooses the maximum of (0, x) where x is the input value.
* Maxout: Choose the maximum coordinate of the input vector.
* With Dropout: Zero out a random user-given fraction of the
* incoming weights to each hidden layer during training, for each
* training row. This effectively trains exponentially many models at
* once, and can improve generalization.
public Activation _activation = Activation.Rectifier;
* The number and size of each hidden layer in the model.
* For example, if a user specifies "100,200,100" a model with 3 hidden
* layers will be produced, and the middle hidden layer will have 200
* neurons.
public int[] _hidden = new int[] { 200, 200 };
* The number of passes over the training dataset to be carried out.
* It is recommended to start with lower values for initial experiments.
* This value can be modified during checkpoint restarts and allows continuation
* of selected models.
public double _epochs = 10;
* The number of training data rows to be processed per iteration. Note that
* independent of this parameter, each row is used immediately to update the model
* with (online) stochastic gradient descent. This parameter controls the
* synchronization period between nodes in a distributed environment and the
* frequency at which scoring and model cancellation can happen. For example, if
* it is set to 10,000 on H2O running on 4 nodes, then each node will
* process 2,500 rows per iteration, sampling randomly from their local data.
* Then, model averaging between the nodes takes place, and scoring can happen
* (dependent on scoring interval and duty factor). Special values are 0 for
* one epoch per iteration, -1 for processing the maximum amount of data
* per iteration (if **replicate training data** is enabled, N epochs
* will be trained per iteration on N nodes, otherwise one epoch). Special value
* of -2 turns on automatic mode (auto-tuning).
public long _train_samples_per_iteration = -2;
public double _target_ratio_comm_to_comp = 0.02;
* The random seed controls sampling and initialization. Reproducible
* results are only expected with single-threaded operation (i.e.,
* when running on one node, turning off load balancing and providing
* a small dataset that fits in one chunk). In general, the
* multi-threaded asynchronous updates to the model parameters will
* result in (intentional) race conditions and non-reproducible
* results. Note that deterministic sampling and initialization might
* still lead to some weak sense of determinism in the model.
public long _seed = RandomUtils.getRNG(System.nanoTime()).nextLong();
/*Adaptive Learning Rate*/
* The implemented adaptive learning rate algorithm (ADADELTA) automatically
* combines the benefits of learning rate annealing and momentum
* training to avoid slow convergence. Specification of only two
* parameters (rho and epsilon) simplifies hyper parameter search.
* In some cases, manually controlled (non-adaptive) learning rate and
* momentum specifications can lead to better results, but require the
* specification (and hyper parameter search) of up to 7 parameters.
* If the model is built on a topology with many local minima or
* long plateaus, it is possible for a constant learning rate to produce
* sub-optimal results. Learning rate annealing allows digging deeper into
* local minima, while rate decay allows specification of different
* learning rates per layer. When the gradient is being estimated in
* a long valley in the optimization landscape, a large learning rate
* can cause the gradient to oscillate and move in the wrong
* direction. When the gradient is computed on a relatively flat
* surface with small learning rates, the model can converge far
* slower than necessary.
public boolean _adaptive_rate = true;
* The first of two hyper parameters for adaptive learning rate (ADADELTA).
* It is similar to momentum and relates to the memory to prior weight updates.
* Typical values are between 0.9 and 0.999.
* This parameter is only active if adaptive learning rate is enabled.
public double _rho = 0.99;
* The second of two hyper parameters for adaptive learning rate (ADADELTA).
* It is similar to learning rate annealing during initial training
* and momentum at later stages where it allows forward progress.
* Typical values are between 1e-10 and 1e-4.
* This parameter is only active if adaptive learning rate is enabled.
public double _epsilon = 1e-8;
/*Learning Rate*/
* When adaptive learning rate is disabled, the magnitude of the weight
* updates are determined by the user specified learning rate
* (potentially annealed), and are a function of the difference
* between the predicted value and the target value. That difference,
* generally called delta, is only available at the output layer. To
* correct the output at each hidden layer, back propagation is
* used. Momentum modifies back propagation by allowing prior
* iterations to influence the current update. Using the momentum
* parameter can aid in avoiding local minima and the associated
* instability. Too much momentum can lead to instabilities, that's
* why the momentum is best ramped up slowly.
* This parameter is only active if adaptive learning rate is disabled.
public double _rate = .005;
* Learning rate annealing reduces the learning rate to "freeze" into
* local minima in the optimization landscape. The annealing rate is the
* inverse of the number of training samples it takes to cut the learning rate in half
* (e.g., 1e-6 means that it takes 1e6 training samples to halve the learning rate).
* This parameter is only active if adaptive learning rate is disabled.
public double _rate_annealing = 1e-6;
* The learning rate decay parameter controls the change of learning rate across layers.
* For example, assume the rate parameter is set to 0.01, and the rate_decay parameter is set to 0.5.
* Then the learning rate for the weights connecting the input and first hidden layer will be 0.01,
* the learning rate for the weights connecting the first and the second hidden layer will be 0.005,
* and the learning rate for the weights connecting the second and third hidden layer will be 0.0025, etc.
* This parameter is only active if adaptive learning rate is disabled.
public double _rate_decay = 1.0;
* The momentum_start parameter controls the amount of momentum at the beginning of training.
* This parameter is only active if adaptive learning rate is disabled.
public double _momentum_start = 0;
* The momentum_ramp parameter controls the amount of learning for which momentum increases
* (assuming momentum_stable is larger than momentum_start). The ramp is measured in the number
* of training samples.
* This parameter is only active if adaptive learning rate is disabled.
public double _momentum_ramp = 1e6;
* The momentum_stable parameter controls the final momentum value reached after momentum_ramp training samples.
* The momentum used for training will remain the same for training beyond reaching that point.
* This parameter is only active if adaptive learning rate is disabled.
public double _momentum_stable = 0;
* The Nesterov accelerated gradient descent method is a modification to
* traditional gradient descent for convex functions. The method relies on
* gradient information at various points to build a polynomial approximation that
* minimizes the residuals in fewer iterations of the descent.
* This parameter is only active if adaptive learning rate is disabled.
public boolean _nesterov_accelerated_gradient = true;
* A fraction of the features for each training row to be omitted from training in order
* to improve generalization (dimension sampling).
public double _input_dropout_ratio = 0.0;
* A fraction of the inputs for each hidden layer to be omitted from training in order
* to improve generalization. Defaults to 0.5 for each hidden layer if omitted.
public double[] _hidden_dropout_ratios;
* A regularization method that constrains the absolute value of the weights and
* has the net effect of dropping some weights (setting them to zero) from a model
* to reduce complexity and avoid overfitting.
public double _l1 = 0.0;
* A regularization method that constrdains the sum of the squared
* weights. This method introduces bias into parameter estimates, but
* frequently produces substantial gains in modeling as estimate variance is
* reduced.
public double _l2 = 0.0;
* A maximum on the sum of the squared incoming weights into
* any one neuron. This tuning parameter is especially useful for unbound
* activation functions such as Maxout or Rectifier.
public float _max_w2 = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
* The distribution from which initial weights are to be drawn. The default
* option is an optimized initialization that considers the size of the network.
* The "uniform" option uses a uniform distribution with a mean of 0 and a given
* interval. The "normal" option draws weights from the standard normal
* distribution with a mean of 0 and given standard deviation.
public InitialWeightDistribution _initial_weight_distribution = InitialWeightDistribution.UniformAdaptive;
* The scale of the distribution function for Uniform or Normal distributions.
* For Uniform, the values are drawn uniformly from -initial_weight_scale...initial_weight_scale.
* For Normal, the values are drawn from a Normal distribution with a standard deviation of initial_weight_scale.
public double _initial_weight_scale = 1.0;
* The loss (error) function to be minimized by the model.
* Cross Entropy loss is used when the model output consists of independent
* hypotheses, and the outputs can be interpreted as the probability that each
* hypothesis is true. Cross entropy is the recommended loss function when the
* target values are class labels, and especially for imbalanced data.
* It strongly penalizes error in the prediction of the actual class label.
* Mean Square loss is used when the model output are continuous real values, but can
* be used for classification as well (where it emphasizes the error on all
* output classes, not just for the actual class).
public Loss _loss = Loss.Automatic;
* The minimum time (in seconds) to elapse between model scoring. The actual
* interval is determined by the number of training samples per iteration and the scoring duty cycle.
public double _score_interval = 5;
* The number of training dataset points to be used for scoring. Will be
* randomly sampled. Use 0 for selecting the entire training dataset.
public long _score_training_samples = 10000l;
* The number of validation dataset points to be used for scoring. Can be
* randomly sampled or stratified (if "balance classes" is set and "score
* validation sampling" is set to stratify). Use 0 for selecting the entire
* training dataset.
public long _score_validation_samples = 0l;
* Maximum fraction of wall clock time spent on model scoring on training and validation samples,
* and on diagnostics such as computation of feature importances (i.e., not on training).
public double _score_duty_cycle = 0.1;
* The stopping criteria in terms of classification error (1-accuracy) on the
* training data scoring dataset. When the error is at or below this threshold,
* training stops.
public double _classification_stop = 0;
* The stopping criteria in terms of regression error (MSE) on the training
* data scoring dataset. When the error is at or below this threshold, training
* stops.
public double _regression_stop = 1e-6;
* Enable quiet mode for less output to standard output.
public boolean _quiet_mode = false;
* Method used to sample the validation dataset for scoring, see Score Validation Samples above.
public ClassSamplingMethod _score_validation_sampling = ClassSamplingMethod.Uniform;
* Gather diagnostics for hidden layers, such as mean and RMS values of learning
* rate, momentum, weights and biases.
public boolean _diagnostics = true;
* Whether to compute variable importances for input features.
* The implemented method (by Gedeon) considers the weights connecting the
* input features to the first two hidden layers.
public boolean _variable_importances = false;
* Enable fast mode (minor approximation in back-propagation), should not affect results significantly.
public boolean _fast_mode = true;
* Increase training speed on small datasets by splitting it into many chunks
* to allow utilization of all cores.
public boolean _force_load_balance = true;
* Replicate the entire training dataset onto every node for faster training on small datasets.
public boolean _replicate_training_data = true;
* Run on a single node for fine-tuning of model parameters. Can be useful for
* checkpoint resumes after training on multiple nodes for fast initial
* convergence.
public boolean _single_node_mode = false;
* Enable shuffling of training data (on each node). This option is
* recommended if training data is replicated on N nodes, and the number of training samples per iteration
* is close to N times the dataset size, where all nodes train will (almost) all
* the data. It is automatically enabled if the number of training samples per iteration is set to -1 (or to N
* times the dataset size or larger).
public boolean _shuffle_training_data = false;
public MissingValuesHandling _missing_values_handling = MissingValuesHandling.MeanImputation;
public boolean _sparse = false;
public boolean _col_major = false;
public double _average_activation = 0;
public double _sparsity_beta = 0;
* Max. number of categorical features, enforced via hashing (Experimental)
public int _max_categorical_features = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
* Force reproducibility on small data (will be slow - only uses 1 thread)
public boolean _reproducible = false;
public boolean _export_weights_and_biases = false;
public enum MissingValuesHandling {
Skip, MeanImputation
public enum ClassSamplingMethod {
Uniform, Stratified
public enum InitialWeightDistribution {
UniformAdaptive, Uniform, Normal
* Activation functions
public enum Activation {
Tanh, TanhWithDropout, Rectifier, RectifierWithDropout, Maxout, MaxoutWithDropout
* Loss functions
* Absolute, MeanSquare, Huber for regression
* Absolute, MeanSquare, Huber or CrossEntropy for classification
public enum Loss {
Automatic, MeanSquare, CrossEntropy, Huber, Absolute
void validate( DeepLearning dl, boolean expensive ) {
dl.hide("_score_each_iteration", "Not used by Deep Learning.");
boolean classification = expensive || dl.nclasses() != 0 ? dl.isClassifier() : _loss == Loss.CrossEntropy;
if (_hidden == null || _hidden.length == 0) dl.error("_hidden", "There must be at least one hidden layer.");
for( int h : _hidden ) if( h<=0 ) dl.error("_hidden", "Hidden layer size must be positive.");
if (!_autoencoder) {
if (_valid == null)
dl.hide("_score_validation_samples", "score_validation_samples requires a validation frame.");
if (classification) {
dl.hide("_regression_stop", "regression_stop is used only with regression.");
} else {
dl.hide("_classification_stop", "classification_stop is used only with classification.");
// dl.hide("_max_hit_ratio_k", "max_hit_ratio_k is used only with classification.");
// dl.hide("_balance_classes", "balance_classes is used only with classification.");
// if( !classification || !_balance_classes )
// dl.hide("_class_sampling_factors", "class_sampling_factors requires both classification and balance_classes.");
if (!classification && _valid != null || _valid == null)
dl.hide("_score_validation_sampling", "score_validation_sampling requires classification and a validation frame.");
if (_activation != Activation.TanhWithDropout && _activation != Activation.MaxoutWithDropout && _activation != Activation.RectifierWithDropout)
dl.hide("_hidden_dropout_ratios", "hidden_dropout_ratios requires a dropout activation function.");
if (_hidden_dropout_ratios == null) {
// ok - nothing to check
else if (_hidden_dropout_ratios.length != _hidden.length) {
dl.error("_hidden_dropout_ratios", "Must have " + _hidden.length + " hidden layer dropout ratios.");
else if (_activation != Activation.TanhWithDropout && _activation != Activation.MaxoutWithDropout && _activation != Activation.RectifierWithDropout) {
if (!_quiet_mode) dl.hide("_hidden_dropout_ratios", "Ignoring hidden_dropout_ratios because a non-dropout activation function was specified.");
else if (ArrayUtils.maxValue(_hidden_dropout_ratios) >= 1 || ArrayUtils.minValue(_hidden_dropout_ratios) < 0) {
dl.error("_hidden_dropout_ratios", "Hidden dropout ratios must be >= 0 and <1.");
if (_input_dropout_ratio < 0 || _input_dropout_ratio >= 1)
dl.error("_input_dropout_ratio", "Input dropout must be >= 0 and <1.");
if (_score_duty_cycle < 0 || _score_duty_cycle > 1)
dl.error("_score_duty_cycle", "Score duty cycle must be >= 0 and <=1.");
if (_l1 < 0)
dl.error("_l1", "L1 penalty must be >= 0.");
if (_l2 < 0)
dl.error("_l2", "L2 penalty must be >= 0.");
if (H2O.CLOUD.size() == 1 && _replicate_training_data)
dl.hide("_replicate_training_data", "replicate_training_data is only valid with cloud size greater than 1.");
if (_single_node_mode && (H2O.CLOUD.size() == 1 || !_replicate_training_data))
dl.hide("_single_node_mode", "single_node_mode is only used with multi-node operation with replicated training data.");
if (_autoencoder)
dl.hide("_use_all_factor_levels", "use_all_factor_levels is mandatory in combination with autoencoder.");
if (getNumFolds() != 0)
dl.hide("_overwrite_with_best_model", "overwrite_with_best_model is unsupported in combination with n-fold cross-validation.");
if (_adaptive_rate) {
dl.hide("_rate", "rate is not used with adaptive_rate.");
dl.hide("_rate_annealing", "rate_annealing is not used with adaptive_rate.");
dl.hide("_rate_decay", "rate_decay is not used with adaptive_rate.");
dl.hide("_momentum_start", "momentum_start is not used with adaptive_rate.");
dl.hide("_momentum_ramp", "momentum_ramp is not used with adaptive_rate.");
dl.hide("_momentum_stable", "momentum_stable is not used with adaptive_rate.");
dl.hide("_nesterov_accelerated_gradient", "nesterov_accelerated_gradient is not used with adaptive_rate.");
} else {
// ! adaptive_rate
dl.hide("_rho", "rho is only used with adaptive_rate.");
dl.hide("_epsilon", "epsilon is only used with adaptive_rate.");
if (_initial_weight_distribution == InitialWeightDistribution.UniformAdaptive) {
dl.hide("_initial_weight_scale", "initial_weight_scale is not used if initial_weight_distribution == UniformAdaptive.");
if (getNumFolds() != 0)
dl.error("_n_folds", "n_folds is not yet implemented.");
if (_loss == null) {
if (expensive || dl.nclasses() != 0) {
dl.error("_loss", "Loss function must be specified. Try CrossEntropy for categorical response (classification), MeanSquare, Absolute or Huber for numerical response (regression).");
//otherwise, we might not know whether classification=true or false (from R, for example, the training data isn't known when init(false) is called).
} else if (_loss != Loss.Automatic) {
if (_autoencoder && _loss == Loss.CrossEntropy)
dl.error("_loss", "Cannot use CrossEntropy loss for auto-encoder.");
if (!classification && _loss == Loss.CrossEntropy)
dl.error("_loss", "For CrossEntropy loss, the response must be categorical.");
if (!classification && _loss == Loss.CrossEntropy)
dl.error("_loss", "For CrossEntropy loss, the response must be categorical. Either select MeanSquare, Absolute or Huber loss for regression, or use a categorical response.");
if (_score_training_samples < 0)
dl.error("_score_training_samples", "Number of training samples for scoring must be >= 0 (0 for all).");
if (_score_validation_samples < 0)
dl.error("_score_validation_samples", "Number of training samples for scoring must be >= 0 (0 for all).");
if(_autoencoder && _sparsity_beta > 0) {
if (_activation == Activation.Tanh || _activation == Activation.TanhWithDropout) {
if (_average_activation >= 1 || _average_activation <= -1)
dl.error("_average_activation", "Tanh average activation must be in (-1,1).");
else if (_activation == Activation.Rectifier || _activation == Activation.RectifierWithDropout) {
if (_average_activation <= 0)
dl.error("_average_activation", "Rectifier average activation must be positive.");
if (!_autoencoder && _sparsity_beta != 0) dl.info("_sparsity_beta", "Sparsity beta can only be used for autoencoder.");
// reason for the error message below is that validation might not have the same horizontalized features as the training data (or different order)
if (_autoencoder && _activation == Activation.Maxout) dl.error("_activation", "Maxout activation is not supported for auto-encoder.");
if (_max_categorical_features < 1) dl.error("_max_categorical_features", "max_categorical_features must be at least 1.");
if (!_sparse && _col_major) {
dl.error("_col_major", "Cannot use column major storage for non-sparse data handling.");
if (expensive) {
if (!classification && _balance_classes) {
dl.error("_balance_classes", "balance_classes requires classification.");
if (_class_sampling_factors != null && !_balance_classes) {
dl.error("_class_sampling_factors", "class_sampling_factors requires balance_classes to be enabled.");
if (_replicate_training_data && null != train() && train().byteSize() > 1e10) {
dl.error("_replicate_training_data", "Compressed training dataset takes more than 10 GB, cannot run with replicate_training_data.");
public static class DeepLearningModelOutput extends Model.Output {
@Override public int nfeatures() {
return _names.length - (autoencoder ? 0 : 1);
public DeepLearningModelOutput() { super(); autoencoder = false;}
public DeepLearningModelOutput(DeepLearning b) {
autoencoder = b._parms._autoencoder;
assert b.isSupervised() == !autoencoder;
final boolean autoencoder;
DeepLearningScoring errors;
Key[] weights;
Key[] biases;
public TwoDimTable _variable_importances;
@Override public ModelCategory getModelCategory() {
return autoencoder ? ModelCategory.AutoEncoder : super.getModelCategory();
@Override public boolean isSupervised() {
return !autoencoder;
// Default publicly visible Schema is V2
public ModelSchema schema() { return new DeepLearningModelV3(); }
private volatile DeepLearningModelInfo model_info;
void set_model_info(DeepLearningModelInfo mi) { model_info = mi; }
final public DeepLearningModelInfo model_info() { return model_info; }
final public VarImp varImp() { return _output.errors.variable_importances; }
public long run_time;
private long start_time;
public long actual_train_samples_per_iteration;
public double time_for_communication_us; //helper for auto-tuning: time in microseconds for collective bcast/reduce of the model
public double epoch_counter;
public long training_rows;
public long validation_rows;
private DeepLearningScoring[] errors;
public DeepLearningScoring[] scoring_history() { return errors; }
// Keep the best model so far, based on a single criterion (overall class. error or MSE)
private float _bestError = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
public Key actual_best_model_key;
// return the most up-to-date model metrics
DeepLearningScoring last_scored() { return errors == null ? null : errors[errors.length-1]; }
* Get the parameters actually used for model building, not the user-given ones (_parms)
* They might differ since some defaults are filled in, and some invalid combinations are auto-disabled in modifyParams
* @return actually used parameters
public final DeepLearningParameters get_params() { return model_info.get_params(); }
// Lower is better
public float error() {
return (float) (_output.isClassifier() ? cm().err() : mse());
// boolean valid = _parms.valid() != null;
// if (!_output.isClassifier()) {
// return (float)(valid ? _output._validation_metrics._MSE : _output._training_metrics._MSE);
// } else if (_output.nclasses() == 2){
// return -(float)(valid ? ((ModelMetricsBinomial)_output._validation_metrics)._auc._auc : ((ModelMetricsBinomial)_output._training_metrics)._auc._auc);
// } else {
// return -(float)(valid ? ((ModelMetricsMultinomial)_output._validation_metrics)._logloss : ((ModelMetricsMultinomial)_output._training_metrics)._logloss);
// }
@Override public ModelMetrics.MetricBuilder makeMetricBuilder(String[] domain) {
switch(_output.getModelCategory()) {
case Binomial: return new ModelMetricsBinomial.MetricBuilderBinomial(domain);
case Multinomial: return new ModelMetricsMultinomial.MetricBuilderMultinomial(_output.nclasses(),domain);
case Regression: return new ModelMetricsRegression.MetricBuilderRegression();
case AutoEncoder: return new ModelMetricsAutoEncoder.MetricBuilderAutoEncoder(_output.nfeatures());
default: throw H2O.unimpl("Invalid ModelCategory " + _output.getModelCategory());
public int compareTo(DeepLearningModel o) {
if (o._output.isClassifier() != _output.isClassifier()) throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot compare classifier against regressor.");
if (o._output.nclasses() != _output.nclasses()) throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot compare models with different number of classes.");
return (error() < o.error() ? -1 : error() > o.error() ? 1 : 0);
public static class DeepLearningScoring extends Iced {
// static final int API_WEAVER = 1;
// static public DocGen.FieldDoc[] DOC_FIELDS;
public double epoch_counter;
public long training_samples;
public long training_time_ms;
//training/validation sets
boolean validation;
int num_folds;
public long score_training_samples;
public long score_validation_samples;
public boolean classification;
VarImp variable_importances;
// classification
ScoreKeeper scored_train = new ScoreKeeper();
ScoreKeeper scored_valid = new ScoreKeeper();
public ConfusionMatrix train_confusion_matrix;
public ConfusionMatrix valid_confusion_matrix;
// public double train_err = Double.NaN;
// public double valid_err = Double.NaN;
// public double train_logloss = Double.NaN;
// public double valid_logloss = Double.NaN;
public AUC2 training_AUC;
public AUC2 validation_AUC;
// regression
// public double training_MSE = Double.NaN;
// public double validation_MSE = Double.NaN;
// public double training_R2 = Double.NaN;
// public double validation_R2 = Double.NaN;
public long scoring_time;
DeepLearningScoring deep_clone() {
AutoBuffer ab = new AutoBuffer();
return (DeepLearningScoring) new DeepLearningScoring().read(ab);
@Override public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (scored_train!=null) sb.append("Training " + scored_train.toString());
if (classification) sb.append("Training " + train_confusion_matrix.table().toString(1));
if (validation || num_folds>0) {
if (num_folds > 0) sb.append("\nDoing " + num_folds + "-fold cross-validation:");
if (scored_valid!=null) sb.append("Validation " + scored_valid.toString());
if (classification) sb.append("Validation " + valid_confusion_matrix.table().toString(1));
return sb.toString();
final private static class ConfMat extends ConfusionMatrix {
final private double _err;
final private double _f1;
public ConfMat(double err, double f1) {
super(null, null);
@Override public double err() { return _err; }
@Override public double F1() { return _f1; }
public ConfusionMatrix cm() {
final DeepLearningScoring lasterror = last_scored();
if (lasterror == null) return null;
ConfusionMatrix cm = lasterror.validation || lasterror.num_folds > 0 ?
lasterror.valid_confusion_matrix :
if (cm == null ) {
if (lasterror.validation || lasterror.num_folds > 0) {
return new ConfMat(lasterror.scored_valid._classError, lasterror.validation_AUC != null ? lasterror.validation_AUC.maxF1() : 0);
} else {
return new ConfMat(lasterror.scored_train._classError, lasterror.training_AUC != null ? lasterror.training_AUC.maxF1() : 0);
return cm;
public double mse() {
if (errors == null) return Double.NaN;
return last_scored().validation || last_scored().num_folds > 0 ? last_scored().scored_valid._mse : last_scored().scored_train._mse;
public double logloss() {
if (errors == null) return Double.NaN;
return last_scored().validation || last_scored().num_folds > 0 ? last_scored().scored_valid._logloss : last_scored().scored_train._logloss;
private TwoDimTable createScoringHistoryTable(DeepLearningScoring[] errors) {
List colHeaders = new ArrayList<>();
List colTypes = new ArrayList<>();
List colFormat = new ArrayList<>();
colHeaders.add("Timestamp"); colTypes.add("string"); colFormat.add("%s");
colHeaders.add("Duration"); colTypes.add("string"); colFormat.add("%s");
colHeaders.add("Training Speed"); colTypes.add("string"); colFormat.add("%s");
colHeaders.add("Epochs"); colTypes.add("double"); colFormat.add("%.5f");
colHeaders.add("Samples"); colTypes.add("long"); colFormat.add("%d");
colHeaders.add("Training MSE"); colTypes.add("double"); colFormat.add("%.5f");
if (!_output.autoencoder) {
colHeaders.add("Training R^2"); colTypes.add("double"); colFormat.add("%.5f");
if (_output.isClassifier()) {
colHeaders.add("Training LogLoss"); colTypes.add("double"); colFormat.add("%.5f");
if (_output.getModelCategory() == ModelCategory.Binomial) {
colHeaders.add("Training AUC"); colTypes.add("double"); colFormat.add("%.5f");
if (_output.getModelCategory() == ModelCategory.Binomial || _output.getModelCategory() == ModelCategory.Multinomial) {
colHeaders.add("Training Classification Error"); colTypes.add("double"); colFormat.add("%.5f");
if (get_params()._valid != null) {
colHeaders.add("Validation MSE"); colTypes.add("double"); colFormat.add("%.5f");
if (!_output.autoencoder) {
colHeaders.add("Validation R^2"); colTypes.add("double"); colFormat.add("%.5f");
if (_output.isClassifier()) {
colHeaders.add("Validation LogLoss"); colTypes.add("double"); colFormat.add("%.5f");
if (_output.getModelCategory() == ModelCategory.Binomial) {
colHeaders.add("Validation AUC"); colTypes.add("double"); colFormat.add("%.5f");
if (_output.isClassifier()) {
colHeaders.add("Validation Classification Error"); colTypes.add("double"); colFormat.add("%.5f");
} else if (get_params().getNumFolds() > 0) {
colHeaders.add("Cross-Validation MSE"); colTypes.add("double"); colFormat.add("%.5f");
// colHeaders.add("Validation R^2"); colTypes.add("double"); colFormat.add("%g");
if (_output.getModelCategory() == ModelCategory.Binomial) {
colHeaders.add("Cross-Validation AUC");
if (_output.isClassifier()) {
colHeaders.add("Cross-Validation Classification Error");
final int rows = errors.length;
TwoDimTable table = new TwoDimTable(
"Scoring History", null,
new String[rows],
colHeaders.toArray(new String[0]),
colTypes.toArray(new String[0]),
colFormat.toArray(new String[0]),
int row = 0;
for( int i = 0; i 1) {
throw H2O.unimpl("n_folds >= 2 is not (yet) implemented.");
return table;
// This describes the model, together with the parameters
// This will be shared: one per node
public static class DeepLearningModelInfo extends Iced {
public TwoDimTable summaryTable;
private DataInfo data_info;
public DataInfo data_info() { return data_info; }
// model is described by parameters and the following arrays
private Neurons.DenseRowMatrix[] dense_row_weights; //one 2D weight matrix per layer (stored as a 1D array each)
private Neurons.DenseColMatrix[] dense_col_weights; //one 2D weight matrix per layer (stored as a 1D array each)
private Neurons.DenseVector[] biases; //one 1D bias array per layer
private Neurons.DenseVector[] avg_activations; //one 1D array per hidden layer
// helpers for storing previous step deltas
// Note: These two arrays *could* be made transient and then initialized freshly in makeNeurons() and in DeepLearningTask.initLocal()
// But then, after each reduction, the weights would be lost and would have to restart afresh -> not *exactly* right, but close...
private Neurons.DenseRowMatrix[] dense_row_weights_momenta;
private Neurons.DenseColMatrix[] dense_col_weights_momenta;
private Neurons.DenseVector[] biases_momenta;
// helpers for AdaDelta
private Neurons.DenseRowMatrix[] dense_row_ada_dx_g;
private Neurons.DenseColMatrix[] dense_col_ada_dx_g;
private Neurons.DenseVector[] biases_ada_dx_g;
// compute model size (number of model parameters required for making predictions)
// momenta are not counted here, but they are needed for model building
public long size() {
long siz = 0;
for (Neurons.Matrix w : dense_row_weights) if (w != null) siz += w.size();
for (Neurons.Matrix w : dense_col_weights) if (w != null) siz += w.size();
for (Neurons.Vector b : biases) siz += b.size();
return siz;
// accessors to (shared) weights and biases - those will be updated racily (c.f. Hogwild!)
boolean has_momenta() { return get_params()._momentum_start != 0 || get_params()._momentum_stable != 0; }
boolean adaDelta() { return get_params()._adaptive_rate; }
public final Neurons.Matrix get_weights(int i) { return dense_row_weights[i] == null ? dense_col_weights[i] : dense_row_weights[i]; }
public final Neurons.DenseVector get_biases(int i) { return biases[i]; }
public final Neurons.Matrix get_weights_momenta(int i) { return dense_row_weights_momenta[i] == null ? dense_col_weights_momenta[i] : dense_row_weights_momenta[i]; }
public final Neurons.DenseVector get_biases_momenta(int i) { return biases_momenta[i]; }
public final Neurons.Matrix get_ada_dx_g(int i) { return dense_row_ada_dx_g[i] == null ? dense_col_ada_dx_g[i] : dense_row_ada_dx_g[i]; }
public final Neurons.DenseVector get_biases_ada_dx_g(int i) { return biases_ada_dx_g[i]; }
//accessor to shared parameter defining avg activations
public final Neurons.DenseVector get_avg_activations(int i) { return avg_activations[i]; }
private DeepLearningParameters parameters;
public final DeepLearningParameters get_params() { return parameters; }
private float[] mean_rate;
private float[] rms_rate;
private float[] mean_bias;
private float[] rms_bias;
private float[] mean_weight;
public float[] rms_weight;
public float[] mean_a;
private volatile boolean unstable = false;
public boolean unstable() { return unstable; }
public void set_unstable() { if (!unstable) computeStats(); unstable = true; }
private long processed_global;
public synchronized long get_processed_global() { return processed_global; }
public synchronized void set_processed_global(long p) { processed_global = p; }
public synchronized void add_processed_global(long p) { processed_global += p; }
private long processed_local;
public synchronized long get_processed_local() { return processed_local; }
public synchronized void set_processed_local(long p) { processed_local = p; }
public synchronized void add_processed_local(long p) { processed_local += p; }
public synchronized long get_processed_total() { return processed_global + processed_local; }
// package local helpers
int[] units; //number of neurons per layer, extracted from parameters and from datainfo
final boolean _classification; // Classification cache (nclasses>1)
final Frame _train; // Prepared training frame
final Frame _valid; // Prepared validation frame
public DeepLearningModelInfo() {
_classification = false;
_train = _valid = null;
public DeepLearningModelInfo(final DeepLearningParameters params, final DataInfo dinfo, boolean classification, Frame train, Frame valid) {
_classification = classification;
_train = train;
_valid = valid;
data_info = dinfo;
parameters = (DeepLearningParameters)params.clone();
modifyParms(parameters, parameters, _classification);
final int num_input = dinfo.fullN();
final int num_output = get_params()._autoencoder ? num_input : (_classification ? train.lastVec().cardinality() : 1);
assert(num_input > 0);
assert(num_output > 0);
if (has_momenta() && adaDelta()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot have non-zero momentum and adaptive rate at the same time.");
final int layers=get_params()._hidden.length;
// units (# neurons for each layer)
units = new int[layers+2];
if (get_params()._max_categorical_features <= Integer.MAX_VALUE - dinfo._nums)
units[0] = Math.min(dinfo._nums + get_params()._max_categorical_features, num_input);
units[0] = num_input;
System.arraycopy(get_params()._hidden, 0, units, 1, layers);
units[layers+1] = num_output;
boolean printLevels = units[0] > 1000L;
boolean warn = units[0] > 100000L;
if (printLevels) {
final String[][] domains = dinfo._adaptedFrame.domains();
int[] levels = new int[domains.length];
for (int i=0; i 0 ? " (after categorical one-hot encoding)" : "") + ". Can be slow and require a lot of memory.");
if (levels[levels.length-1] > 0) {
int levelcutoff = levels[levels.length-1-Math.min(10, levels.length-1)];
int count = 0;
for (int i=0; i= levelcutoff) {
if (warn) {
Log.warn("Categorical feature '" + dinfo._adaptedFrame._names[i] + "' has cardinality " + dinfo._adaptedFrame.domains()[i].length + ".");
} else {
Log.info("Categorical feature '" + dinfo._adaptedFrame._names[i] + "' has cardinality " + dinfo._adaptedFrame.domains()[i].length + ".");
if (warn) {
Log.warn(" *) Limit the size of the first hidden layer");
if (dinfo._cats > 0) {
Log.warn(" *) Limit the total number of one-hot encoded features with the parameter 'max_categorical_features'");
Log.warn(" *) Run h2o.interaction(...,pairwise=F) on high-cardinality categorical columns to limit the factor count, see http://learn.h2o.ai");
// weights (to connect layers)
dense_row_weights = new Neurons.DenseRowMatrix[layers+1];
dense_col_weights = new Neurons.DenseColMatrix[layers+1];
// decide format of weight matrices row-major or col-major
if (get_params()._col_major) dense_col_weights[0] = new Neurons.DenseColMatrix(units[1], units[0]);
else dense_row_weights[0] = new Neurons.DenseRowMatrix(units[1], units[0]);
for (int i = 1; i <= layers; ++i)
dense_row_weights[i] = new Neurons.DenseRowMatrix(units[i + 1] /*rows*/, units[i] /*cols*/);
// biases (only for hidden layers and output layer)
biases = new Neurons.DenseVector[layers+1];
for (int i=0; i<=layers; ++i) biases[i] = new Neurons.DenseVector(units[i+1]);
// average activation (only for hidden layers)
if (get_params()._autoencoder && get_params()._sparsity_beta > 0) {
avg_activations = new Neurons.DenseVector[layers];
mean_a = new float[layers];
for (int i = 0; i < layers; ++i) avg_activations[i] = new Neurons.DenseVector(units[i + 1]);
// for diagnostics
mean_rate = new float[units.length];
rms_rate = new float[units.length];
mean_bias = new float[units.length];
rms_bias = new float[units.length];
mean_weight = new float[units.length];
rms_weight = new float[units.length];
// deep clone all weights/biases
DeepLearningModelInfo deep_clone() {
AutoBuffer ab = new AutoBuffer();
return (DeepLearningModelInfo) new DeepLearningModelInfo().read(ab);
void fillHelpers() {
if (has_momenta()) {
dense_row_weights_momenta = new Neurons.DenseRowMatrix[dense_row_weights.length];
dense_col_weights_momenta = new Neurons.DenseColMatrix[dense_col_weights.length];
if (dense_row_weights[0] != null)
dense_row_weights_momenta[0] = new Neurons.DenseRowMatrix(units[1], units[0]);
dense_col_weights_momenta[0] = new Neurons.DenseColMatrix(units[1], units[0]);
for (int i=1; i 0) {
for (int k = 0; k < get_params()._hidden.length; k++) {
sb.append("Average activation in hidden layer ").append(k).append(" is ").append(mean_a[k]).append(" \n");
return sb.toString();
public String toStringAll() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i=0; ik importances
for( int i = 0; i < units[0]; i++ ) vi[i] = ArrayUtils.sum(Qik[i]);
//normalize importances such that max(vi) = 1
ArrayUtils.div(vi, ArrayUtils.maxValue(vi));
return vi;
// compute stats on all nodes
public void computeStats() {
float[][] rate = get_params()._adaptive_rate ? new float[units.length-1][] : null;
if (get_params()._autoencoder && get_params()._sparsity_beta > 0) {
for (int k = 0; k < get_params()._hidden.length; k++) {
mean_a[k] = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < avg_activations[k].size(); j++)
mean_a[k] += avg_activations[k].get(j);
mean_a[k] /= avg_activations[k].size();
for( int y = 1; y < units.length; y++ ) {
mean_rate[y] = rms_rate[y] = 0;
mean_bias[y] = rms_bias[y] = 0;
mean_weight[y] = rms_weight[y] = 0;
for(int u = 0; u < biases[y-1].size(); u++) {
mean_bias[y] += biases[y-1].get(u);
if (rate != null) rate[y-1] = new float[get_weights(y-1).raw().length];
for(int u = 0; u < get_weights(y-1).raw().length; u++) {
mean_weight[y] += get_weights(y-1).raw()[u];
if (rate != null) {
// final float RMS_dx = (float)Math.sqrt(ada[y-1][2*u]+(float)get_params().epsilon);
// final float invRMS_g = (float)(1/Math.sqrt(ada[y-1][2*u+1]+(float)get_params().epsilon));
final float RMS_dx = MathUtils.approxSqrt(get_ada_dx_g(y-1).raw()[2*u]+(float)get_params()._epsilon);
final float invRMS_g = MathUtils.approxInvSqrt(get_ada_dx_g(y-1).raw()[2*u+1]+(float)get_params()._epsilon);
rate[y-1][u] = RMS_dx*invRMS_g; //not exactly right, RMS_dx should be from the previous time step -> but close enough for diagnostics.
mean_rate[y] += rate[y-1][u];
mean_bias[y] /= biases[y-1].size();
mean_weight[y] /= get_weights(y-1).size();
if (rate != null) mean_rate[y] /= rate[y-1].length;
for(int u = 0; u < biases[y-1].size(); u++) {
final double db = biases[y-1].get(u) - mean_bias[y];
rms_bias[y] += db * db;
for(int u = 0; u < get_weights(y-1).size(); u++) {
final double dw = get_weights(y-1).raw()[u] - mean_weight[y];
rms_weight[y] += dw * dw;
if (rate != null) {
final double drate = rate[y-1][u] - mean_rate[y];
rms_rate[y] += drate * drate;
rms_bias[y] = MathUtils.approxSqrt(rms_bias[y]/biases[y-1].size());
rms_weight[y] = MathUtils.approxSqrt(rms_weight[y] / get_weights(y - 1).size());
if (rate != null) rms_rate[y] = MathUtils.approxSqrt(rms_rate[y]/rate[y-1].length);
// rms_bias[y] = (float)Math.sqrt(rms_bias[y]/biases[y-1].length);
// rms_weight[y] = (float)Math.sqrt(rms_weight[y]/weights[y-1].length);
// if (rate != null) rms_rate[y] = (float)Math.sqrt(rms_rate[y]/rate[y-1].length);
// Abort the run if weights or biases are unreasonably large (Note that all input values are normalized upfront)
// This can happen with Rectifier units when L1/L2/max_w2 are all set to 0, especially when using more than 1 hidden layer.
final double thresh = 1e10;
unstable |= mean_bias[y] > thresh || isNaN(mean_bias[y])
|| rms_bias[y] > thresh || isNaN(rms_bias[y])
|| mean_weight[y] > thresh || isNaN(mean_weight[y])
|| rms_weight[y] > thresh || isNaN(rms_weight[y]);
// unique identifier for this model's state
protected long checksum_impl() {
long cs = parameters._seed;
cs ^= size() * get_processed_total();
cs ^= (long)(2234.3424*ArrayUtils.sum(mean_bias));
cs *= (long)(9234.1343*ArrayUtils.sum(rms_bias));
cs ^= (long)(9723.9734*ArrayUtils.sum(mean_weight));
cs *= (long)(9234.1783*ArrayUtils.sum(rms_weight));
cs ^= (long)(4273.2344*ArrayUtils.sum(mean_rate));
cs *= (long)(3378.1999*ArrayUtils.sum(rms_rate));
return cs;
* Helper to allocate keys for output frames for weights and biases
* @param destKey
private void makeWeightsBiases(Key destKey) {
if (!model_info.get_params()._export_weights_and_biases) {
_output.weights = null;
_output.biases = null;
} else {
_output.weights = new Key[model_info.get_params()._hidden.length + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < _output.weights.length; ++i) {
_output.weights[i] = Key.makeUserHidden(Key.make(destKey + ".weights." + i));
_output.biases = new Key[model_info.get_params()._hidden.length + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < _output.biases.length; ++i) {
_output.biases[i] = Key.makeUserHidden(Key.make(destKey + ".biases." + i));
/** Constructor to restart from a checkpointed model
* @param destKey New destination key for the model
* @param parms User-given parameters for checkpoint restart
* @param cp Checkpoint to restart from
* @param store_best_model Store only the best model instead of the latest one */
public DeepLearningModel(final Key destKey, final DeepLearningParameters parms, final DeepLearningModel cp, final boolean store_best_model, final DataInfo dataInfo) {
super(destKey, parms == null ? (DeepLearningParameters)cp._parms.clone() : parms, (DeepLearningModelOutput)cp._output.clone());
assert(_parms != cp._parms); //make sure we have a clone
model_info = cp.model_info.deep_clone(); //don't want to interfere with model being built, just make a deep copy and store that
if (store_best_model) {
model_info.data_info = dataInfo.deep_clone(); //replace previous data_info with updated version that's passed in (contains enum for classification)
} else {
model_info.data_info = dataInfo; //shallow clone is ok
if (parms != null) {
assert (_parms == parms);
assert (_parms._checkpoint == parms._checkpoint);
assert (_parms._checkpoint == cp._key);
// _parms._checkpoint = cp._key; //it's only a "real" checkpoint if job != null, otherwise a best model copy
assert(model_info().get_params() != cp.model_info().get_params()); //make sure we have a clone
actual_best_model_key = cp.actual_best_model_key;
start_time = cp.start_time;
run_time = cp.run_time;
training_rows = cp.training_rows; //copy the value to display the right number on the model page before training has started
validation_rows = cp.validation_rows; //copy the value to display the right number on the model page before training has started
_bestError = cp._bestError;
// deep clone scoring history
errors = cp.errors.clone();
for (int i=0; i Value.MAX || fail)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Model is too large: PUBDEV-941");
* Take user-given parameters and turn them into usable, fully populated parameters (e.g., to be used by Neurons during training)
* @param fromParms raw user-given parameters from the REST API
* @param toParms modified set of parameters, with defaults filled in
* @param classification
public static void modifyParms(DeepLearningParameters fromParms, DeepLearningParameters toParms, boolean classification) {
if (fromParms._hidden_dropout_ratios == null) {
if (fromParms._activation == DeepLearningParameters.Activation.TanhWithDropout
|| fromParms._activation == DeepLearningParameters.Activation.MaxoutWithDropout
|| fromParms._activation == DeepLearningParameters.Activation.RectifierWithDropout) {
toParms._hidden_dropout_ratios = new double[fromParms._hidden.length];
if (!fromParms._quiet_mode)
Log.info("_hidden_dropout_ratios: Automatically setting all hidden dropout ratios to 0.5.");
Arrays.fill(toParms._hidden_dropout_ratios, 0.5);
} else {
toParms._hidden_dropout_ratios = fromParms._hidden_dropout_ratios.clone();
if (H2O.CLOUD.size() == 1 && fromParms._replicate_training_data) {
Log.info("_replicate_training_data: Disabling replicate_training_data on 1 node.");
toParms._replicate_training_data = false;
if (fromParms._single_node_mode && (H2O.CLOUD.size() == 1 || !fromParms._replicate_training_data)) {
Log.info("_single_node_mode: Disabling single_node_mode (only for multi-node operation with replicated training data).");
toParms._single_node_mode = false;
if (!fromParms._use_all_factor_levels && fromParms._autoencoder ) {
Log.info("_use_all_factor_levels: Automatically enabling all_factor_levels for auto-encoders.");
toParms._use_all_factor_levels = true;
if(fromParms._overwrite_with_best_model && fromParms.getNumFolds() != 0) {
Log.info("_overwrite_with_best_model: Disabling overwrite_with_best_model in combination with n-fold cross-validation.");
toParms._overwrite_with_best_model = false;
if (fromParms._adaptive_rate) {
Log.info("_adaptive_rate: Using automatic learning rate. Ignoring the following input parameters: "
+ "rate, rate_decay, rate_annealing, momentum_start, momentum_ramp, momentum_stable, nesterov_accelerated_gradient.");
toParms._rate = 0;
toParms._rate_decay = 0;
toParms._rate_annealing = 0;
toParms._momentum_start = 0;
toParms._momentum_ramp = 0;
toParms._momentum_stable = 0;
toParms._nesterov_accelerated_gradient = false;
} else {
Log.info("_adaptive_rate: Using manual learning rate. Ignoring the following input parameters: "
+ "rho, epsilon.");
toParms._rho = 0;
toParms._epsilon = 0;
if (fromParms.getNumFolds() != 0) {
if (fromParms._overwrite_with_best_model) {
Log.info("_overwrite_with_best_model: Automatically disabling overwrite_with_best_model, since the final model is the only scored model with n-fold cross-validation.");
toParms._overwrite_with_best_model = false;
if (fromParms._loss == DeepLearningParameters.Loss.Automatic) {
toParms._loss = (classification && !fromParms._autoencoder) ? DeepLearningParameters.Loss.CrossEntropy : DeepLearningParameters.Loss.MeanSquare;
Log.info("_loss: Automatically setting loss function to " + toParms._loss);
if (fromParms._reproducible) {
Log.info("_reproducibility: Automatically enabling force_load_balancing, disabling single_node_mode and replicate_training_data\n"
+"and setting train_samples_per_iteration to -1 to enforce reproducibility.");
toParms._force_load_balance = true;
toParms._single_node_mode = false;
toParms._train_samples_per_iteration = -1;
toParms._replicate_training_data = false; //there's no benefit from having multiple nodes compute the exact same thing, and then average it back to the same
// replicate_training_data = true; //doesn't hurt, but does replicated identical work
public long _timeLastScoreEnter; //not transient: needed for HTML display page
transient private long _timeLastScoreStart;
transient private long _timeLastScoreEnd;
transient private long _timeLastPrintStart;
* @param ftrain potentially downsampled training data for scoring
* @param ftest potentially downsampled validation data for scoring
* @param job_key key of the owning job
* @param progressKey key of the progress
* @return true if model building is ongoing
boolean doScoring(Frame ftrain, Frame ftest, Key job_key, Key progressKey) {
boolean keep_running;
try {
final long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
epoch_counter = (float)model_info().get_processed_total()/training_rows;
final double time_last_iter_millis = Math.max(5,now-_timeLastScoreEnter);
// Auto-tuning
// if multi-node and auto-tuning and at least 10 ms for communication (to avoid doing thins on multi-JVM on same node),
// then adjust the auto-tuning parameter 'actual_train_samples_per_iteration' such that the targeted ratio of comm to comp is achieved
// Note: actual communication time is estimated by the NetworkTest's collective test.
if (H2O.CLOUD.size() > 1 && get_params()._train_samples_per_iteration == -2 && time_for_communication_us > 1e4) {
// Log.info("Time taken for communication: " + PrettyPrint.usecs((long)time_for_communication_us));
// Log.info("Time taken for Map/Reduce iteration: " + PrettyPrint.msecs((long)time_last_iter_millis, true));
final double comm_to_work_ratio = (time_for_communication_us *1e-3) / time_last_iter_millis;
// Log.info("Ratio of network communication to computation: " + String.format("%.3f", comm_to_work_ratio));
// Log.info("target_comm_to_work: " + get_params().target_ratio_comm_to_comp);
final double correction = get_params()._target_ratio_comm_to_comp / comm_to_work_ratio;
// Log.warn("Suggested value for train_samples_per_iteration: " + get_params().actual_train_samples_per_iteration/correction);
actual_train_samples_per_iteration /= correction;
actual_train_samples_per_iteration = Math.max(1, actual_train_samples_per_iteration);
run_time += time_last_iter_millis;
_timeLastScoreEnter = now;
keep_running = (epoch_counter < model_info().get_params()._epochs);
final long sinceLastScore = now -_timeLastScoreStart;
final long sinceLastPrint = now -_timeLastPrintStart;
if (!keep_running || sinceLastPrint > get_params()._score_interval * 1000) { //print this after every score_interval, not considering duty cycle
_timeLastPrintStart = now;
if (!get_params()._quiet_mode) {
Log.info("Training time: " + PrettyPrint.msecs(run_time, true)
+ ". Processed " + String.format("%,d", model_info().get_processed_total()) + " samples" + " (" + String.format("%.3f", epoch_counter) + " epochs)."
+ " Speed: " + String.format("%.3f", 1000. * model_info().get_processed_total() / run_time) + " samples/sec.\n");
// this is potentially slow - only do every so often
if( !keep_running ||
(sinceLastScore > get_params()._score_interval *1000 //don't score too often
&&(double)(_timeLastScoreEnd-_timeLastScoreStart)/sinceLastScore < get_params()._score_duty_cycle) ) { //duty cycle
if (progressKey != null) {
new Job.ProgressUpdate("Scoring on " + ftrain.numRows() + " training samples" +
(ftest != null ? (", " + ftest.numRows() + " validation samples") : "")
final boolean printme = !get_params()._quiet_mode;
_timeLastScoreStart = now;
if (get_params()._diagnostics) model_info().computeStats();
DeepLearningScoring err = new DeepLearningScoring();
err.training_time_ms = run_time;
err.epoch_counter = epoch_counter;
err.training_samples = model_info().get_processed_total();
err.validation = ftest != null;
err.score_training_samples = ftrain.numRows();
err.classification = _output.isClassifier();
if (get_params()._autoencoder) {
if (printme) Log.info("Scoring the auto-encoder.");
// training
final Frame mse_frame = scoreAutoEncoder(ftrain, Key.make());
final Vec l2 = mse_frame.anyVec();
Log.info("Mean reconstruction error on training data: " + l2.mean() + "\n");
ModelMetrics mtrain = ModelMetrics.getFromDKV(this,ftrain); //updated by model.score
_output._training_metrics = mtrain;
err.scored_train = new ScoreKeeper(mtrain);
if (ftest != null) {
final Frame mse_frame = scoreAutoEncoder(ftest, Key.make());
final Vec l2 = mse_frame.anyVec();
Log.info("Mean reconstruction error on validation data: " + l2.mean() + "\n");
ModelMetrics mtest = ModelMetrics.getFromDKV(this,ftest); //updated by model.score
_output._validation_metrics = mtest;
err.scored_valid = new ScoreKeeper(mtest);
} else {
if (printme) Log.info("Scoring the model.");
// compute errors
final String m = model_info().toString();
if (m.length() > 0) Log.info(m);
final Frame trainPredict = score(ftrain);
hex.ModelMetrics mtrain = ModelMetrics.getFromDKV(this, ftrain);
_output._training_metrics = mtrain;
err.scored_train = new ScoreKeeper(mtrain);
hex.ModelMetrics mtest = null;
hex.ModelMetricsSupervised mm1 = (ModelMetricsSupervised)ModelMetrics.getFromDKV(this,ftrain);
if (mm1 instanceof ModelMetricsBinomial) {
ModelMetricsBinomial mm = (ModelMetricsBinomial)(mm1);
err.training_AUC = mm._auc;
err.train_confusion_matrix = mm.cm();
else if (mm1 instanceof ModelMetricsMultinomial) {
ModelMetricsMultinomial mm = (ModelMetricsMultinomial)(mm1);
err.train_confusion_matrix = mm.cm();
if (ftrain.numRows() != training_rows) {
_output._training_metrics._description = "Metrics reported on temporary training frame with " + ftrain.numRows() + " samples";
} else if (ftrain._key != null && ftrain._key.toString().contains("chunks")){
_output._training_metrics._description = "Metrics reported on temporary (load-balanced) training frame";
} else {
_output._training_metrics._description = "Metrics reported on full training frame";
if (ftest != null) {
Frame validPred = score(ftest);
if (ftest != null) {
mtest = ModelMetrics.getFromDKV(this, ftest);
_output._validation_metrics = mtest;
err.scored_valid = new ScoreKeeper(mtest);
if (mtest != null) {
if (mtest instanceof ModelMetricsBinomial) {
ModelMetricsBinomial mm = (ModelMetricsBinomial)mtest;
err.validation_AUC = mm._auc;
err.valid_confusion_matrix = mm.cm();
} else if (mtest instanceof ModelMetricsMultinomial) {
ModelMetricsMultinomial mm = (ModelMetricsMultinomial)mtest;
err.valid_confusion_matrix = mm.cm();
if (ftest.numRows() != validation_rows) {
_output._validation_metrics._description = "Metrics reported on temporary validation frame with " + ftest.numRows() + " samples";
if (get_params()._score_validation_sampling == DeepLearningParameters.ClassSamplingMethod.Stratified) {
_output._validation_metrics._description += " (stratified sampling)";
} else if (ftest._key != null && ftest._key.toString().contains("chunks")){
_output._validation_metrics._description = "Metrics reported on temporary (load-balanced) validation frame";
} else {
_output._validation_metrics._description = "Metrics reported on full validation frame";
if (get_params()._variable_importances) {
if (!get_params()._quiet_mode) Log.info("Computing variable importances.");
final float[] vi = model_info().computeVariableImportances();
err.variable_importances = new VarImp(vi, Arrays.copyOfRange(model_info().data_info().coefNames(), 0, vi.length));
_timeLastScoreEnd = System.currentTimeMillis();
err.scoring_time = System.currentTimeMillis() - now;
// enlarge the error array by one, push latest score back
if (errors == null) {
errors = new DeepLearningScoring[]{err};
} else {
DeepLearningScoring[] err2 = new DeepLearningScoring[errors.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(errors, 0, err2, 0, errors.length);
err2[err2.length - 1] = err;
errors = err2;
_output.errors = last_scored();
water.util.Timer t = new Timer();
// store weights and matrices to Frames
if (_output.weights != null && _output.biases != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < _output.weights.length; ++i) {
for (int i = 0; i < _output.biases.length; ++i) {
Log.info("Writing weights and biases to Frames took " + t.time()/1000. + " seconds.");
_output._scoring_history = createScoringHistoryTable(errors);
_output._variable_importances = calcVarImp(last_scored().variable_importances);
_output._model_summary = model_info.createSummaryTable();
if (!get_params()._autoencoder) {
// always keep a copy of the best model so far (based on the following criterion)
if (actual_best_model_key != null && get_params()._overwrite_with_best_model && (
// if we have a best_model in DKV, then compare against its error() (unless it's a different model as judged by the network size)
(DKV.get(actual_best_model_key) != null && (error() < DKV.get(actual_best_model_key).get().error() || !Arrays.equals(model_info().units, DKV.get(actual_best_model_key).get().model_info().units)))
// otherwise, compare against our own _bestError
(DKV.get(actual_best_model_key) == null && error() < _bestError)
) ) {
if (!get_params()._quiet_mode)
Log.info("Error reduced from " + _bestError + " to " + error() + ".");
_bestError = error();
// debugging check
//if (false) {
// DeepLearningModel bestModel = DKV.get(actual_best_model_key).get();
// final Frame fr = ftest != null ? ftest : ftrain;
// final Frame bestPredict = bestModel.score(fr);
// final Frame hitRatio_bestPredict = new Frame(bestPredict);
// final double err3 = calcError(fr, fr.lastVec(), bestPredict, hitRatio_bestPredict, "cross-check",
// printme, get_params()._max_confusion_matrix_size, new hex.ConfusionMatrix2(), _output.isClassifier() && _output.nclasses() == 2 ? new AUC(null,null) : null, null);
// if (_output.isClassifier())
// assert (ftest != null ? Math.abs(err.valid_err - err3) < 1e-5 : Math.abs(err.train_err - err3) < 1e-5);
// else
// assert (ftest != null ? Math.abs(err.validation_MSE - err3) < 1e-5 : Math.abs(err.training_MSE - err3) < 1e-5);
// bestPredict.delete();
// else {
// // keep output JSON small
// if (errors.length > 1) {
// if (last_scored().training_AUC != null) last_scored().training_AUC.clear();
// if (last_scored().validation_AUC != null) last_scored().validation_AUC.clear();
// last_scored()._variable_importances = null;
// }
// }
// print the freshly scored model to ASCII
if (keep_running)
for (String s : toString().split("\n")) Log.info(s);
if (printme) Log.info("Time taken for scoring and diagnostics: " + PrettyPrint.msecs(err.scoring_time, true));
if (model_info().unstable()) {
keep_running = false;
} else if ( (_output.isClassifier() && last_scored().scored_train._classError <= get_params()._classification_stop)
|| (!_output.isClassifier() && last_scored().scored_train._mse <= get_params()._regression_stop) ) {
Log.info("Achieved requested predictive accuracy on the training data. Model building completed.");
keep_running = false;
catch (Exception ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
// return false;
return keep_running;
@Override public String toString() {
return _output.toString();
/** Make either a prediction or a reconstruction.
* @param orig Test dataset
* @param adaptedFr Test dataset, adapted to the model
* @return A frame containing the prediction or reconstruction
@Override protected Frame scoreImpl(Frame orig, Frame adaptedFr, String destination_key) {
if (!get_params()._autoencoder) {
return super.scoreImpl(orig,adaptedFr,destination_key);
} else {
// Reconstruction
final int len = model_info().data_info().fullN();
String prefix = "reconstr_";
assert(model_info().data_info()._responses == 0);
String[] coefnames = model_info().data_info().coefNames();
assert(len == coefnames.length);
Frame adaptFrm = new Frame(adaptedFr);
for( int c=0; c= model_info().get_params()._hidden.length)
throw new H2OIllegalArgumentException("hidden layer (index) to extract must be between " + 0 + " and " + (model_info().get_params()._hidden.length-1),"");
final int len = _output.nfeatures();
Vec resp = null;
if (isSupervised()) {
int ridx = frame.find(_output.responseName());
if (ridx != -1) { // drop the response for scoring!
frame = new Frame(frame);
resp = frame.vecs()[ridx];
Frame adaptFrm = new Frame(frame);
//create new features, will be dense
final int features = model_info().get_params()._hidden[layer];
Vec[] vecs = adaptFrm.anyVec().makeZeros(features);
adaptTestForTrain(_output._names, _output.weightsName(), _output.offsetName(), null /*don't skip response*/, _output._domains, adaptFrm, _parms.missingColumnsType(), true, true);
for (int j=0; jget().delete_best_model();
// DKV.get(k).get().delete();
// }
// }
private String getHeader() {
assert get_params()._autoencoder;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
final int len = model_info().data_info().fullN();
String prefix = "reconstr_";
assert (model_info().data_info()._responses == 0);
String[] coefnames = model_info().data_info().coefNames();
assert (len == coefnames.length);
for (int c = 0; c < len; c++) {
if (c>0) sb.append(",");
sb.append(prefix + coefnames[c]);
return sb.toString();
@Override protected SB toJavaInit(SB sb, SB fileContextSB) {
sb = super.toJavaInit(sb, fileContextSB);
String mname = JCodeGen.toJavaId(_key.toString());
Neurons[] neurons = DeepLearningTask.makeNeuronsForTesting(model_info());
final DeepLearningParameters p = model_info.get_params();
sb.ip("public boolean isSupervised() { return " + isSupervised() + "; }").nl();
sb.ip("public int nfeatures() { return "+_output.nfeatures()+"; }").nl();
sb.ip("public int nclasses() { return "+ (p._autoencoder ? neurons[neurons.length-1].units : _output.nclasses()) + "; }").nl();
if (model_info().data_info()._nums > 0) {
JCodeGen.toStaticVar(sb, "NUMS", new double[model_info().data_info()._nums], "Workspace for storing numerical input variables.");
JCodeGen.toStaticVar(sb, "NORMMUL", model_info().data_info()._normMul, "Standardization/Normalization scaling factor for numerical variables.");
JCodeGen.toStaticVar(sb, "NORMSUB", model_info().data_info()._normSub, "Standardization/Normalization offset for numerical variables.");
if (model_info().data_info()._cats > 0) {
JCodeGen.toStaticVar(sb, "CATS", new int[model_info().data_info()._cats], "Workspace for storing categorical input variables.");
JCodeGen.toStaticVar(sb, "CATOFFSETS", model_info().data_info()._catOffsets, "Workspace for categorical offsets.");
if (model_info().data_info()._normRespMul != null) {
JCodeGen.toStaticVar(sb, "NORMRESPMUL", model_info().data_info()._normRespMul, "Standardization/Normalization scaling factor for response.");
JCodeGen.toStaticVar(sb, "NORMRESPSUB", model_info().data_info()._normRespSub, "Standardization/Normalization offset for response.");
if (p._hidden_dropout_ratios != null) {
JCodeGen.toStaticVar(sb, "HIDDEN_DROPOUT_RATIOS", p._hidden_dropout_ratios, "Hidden layer dropout ratios.");
int[] layers = new int[neurons.length];
for (int i=0;i0) {
for (int j=0; j 0) {
fileContextSB.i().p("// Neuron weights connecting ").
p(neurons[i - 1].getClass().getSimpleName()).p(" and ").
p(" layer").nl();
float[] weights = i == 0 ? null : new float[model_info().get_weights(i-1).rows()*model_info().get_weights(i-1).cols()];
if (i>0) {
final int rows = model_info().get_weights(i-1).rows();
final int cols = model_info().get_weights(i-1).cols();
for (int j=0; j 1e6); }
@Override protected void toJavaPredictBody( final SB bodySb, final SB classCtxSb, final SB fileCtxSb) {
SB model = new SB();
final DeepLearningParameters p = model_info.get_params();
final int cats = model_info().data_info()._cats;
final int nums = model_info().data_info()._nums;
// initialize input layer
if (nums > 0) bodySb.i().p("java.util.Arrays.fill(NUMS,0f);").nl();
if (cats > 0) bodySb.i().p("java.util.Arrays.fill(CATS,0);").nl();
bodySb.i().p("int i = 0, ncats = 0;").nl();
if (cats > 0) {
bodySb.i().p("for(; i<"+cats+"; ++i) {").nl();
bodySb.i(1).p("if (!Double.isNaN(data[i])) {").nl();
bodySb.i(2).p("int c = (int) data[i];").nl();
if (model_info().data_info()._useAllFactorLevels)
bodySb.i(2).p("CATS[ncats++] = c + CATOFFSETS[i];").nl();
bodySb.i(2).p("if (c != 0) CATS[ncats++] = c + CATOFFSETS[i] - 1;").nl();
if (nums > 0) {
bodySb.i().p("final int n = data.length;").nl();
bodySb.i().p("for(; i 0 ? "-" + cats : "") + "] = Double.isNaN(data[i]) ? 0 : ");
if (model_info().data_info()._normMul != null) {
bodySb.p("(data[i] - NORMSUB[i" + (cats > 0 ? "-" + cats : "") + "])*NORMMUL[i" + (cats > 0 ? "-" + cats : "") + "];").nl();
} else {
if (cats > 0) {
bodySb.i().p("for (i=0; i 0) {
bodySb.i().p("for (i=0; i 1 ) ACTIVATION[i][r] /= rmax;").nl();
} else {
// optimized
bodySb.i(1).p("int cols = ACTIVATION[i-1].length;").nl();
bodySb.i(1).p("int rows = ACTIVATION[i].length;").nl();
bodySb.i(1).p("int extra=cols-cols%8;").nl();
bodySb.i(1).p("int multiple = (cols/8)*8-1;").nl();
bodySb.i(1).p("int idx = 0;").nl();
bodySb.i(1).p("float[] a = WEIGHT[i];").nl();
bodySb.i(1).p("float[] x = ACTIVATION[i-1];").nl();
bodySb.i(1).p("float[] y = BIAS[i];").nl();
bodySb.i(1).p("float[] res = ACTIVATION[i];").nl();
bodySb.i(1).p("for (int row=0; rowmax) max = ACTIVATION[i][r];").nl();
bodySb.i(2).p("float scale = 0f;").nl();
bodySb.i(2).p("for (int r=0; r 0) {
int ns = model_info().data_info().numStart();
bodySb.i(2).p("for (int k=" + ns + "; k<" + model_info().data_info().fullN() + "; ++k) {").nl();
bodySb.i(3).p("preds[k] = preds[k] / NORMMUL[k-" + ns + "] + NORMSUB[k-" + ns + "];").nl();
// bodySb.i().p("System.out.println(java.util.Arrays.toString(data));").nl();
// bodySb.i().p("System.out.println(java.util.Arrays.toString(ACTIVATION[0]));").nl();
// bodySb.i().p("System.out.println(java.util.Arrays.toString(ACTIVATION[ACTIVATION.length-1]));").nl();
// bodySb.i().p("System.out.println(java.util.Arrays.toString(preds));").nl();
// bodySb.i().p("System.out.println(\"\");").nl();
if (_output.autoencoder) return;
if (_output.isClassifier()) {
if (_parms._balance_classes)
bodySb.ip("hex.genmodel.GenModel.correctProbabilities(preds, PRIOR_CLASS_DISTRIB, MODEL_CLASS_DISTRIB);").nl();
bodySb.ip("preds[0] = hex.genmodel.GenModel.getPrediction(preds, data, " + defaultThreshold()+");").nl();
} else {
bodySb.ip("preds[0] = (float)preds[1];").nl();
transient private final String unstable_msg = "Job was aborted due to observed numerical instability (exponential growth)."
+ "\nTry a different initial distribution, a bounded activation function or adding"
+ "\nregularization with L1, L2 or max_w2 and/or use a smaller learning rate or faster annealing.";
@Override protected long checksum_impl() {
return super.checksum_impl() * model_info.checksum_impl();
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