hex.kmeans.KMeans Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package hex.kmeans;
import hex.*;
import hex.util.LinearAlgebraUtils;
import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat;
import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import water.*;
import water.exceptions.H2OModelBuilderIllegalArgumentException;
import water.fvec.Chunk;
import water.fvec.Frame;
import water.fvec.Vec;
import water.util.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import static hex.genmodel.GenModel.Kmeans_preprocessData;
* Scalable K-Means++ (KMeans||)
* http://theory.stanford.edu/~sergei/papers/vldb12-kmpar.pdf
* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cigXAxV3XcY
public class KMeans extends ClusteringModelBuilder {
@Override public ToEigenVec getToEigenVec() { return LinearAlgebraUtils.toEigen; }
// Convergence tolerance
final static private double TOLERANCE = 1e-4;
@Override public ModelCategory[] can_build() { return new ModelCategory[]{ ModelCategory.Clustering }; }
@Override public boolean havePojo() { return true; }
@Override public boolean haveMojo() { return true; }
public enum Initialization { Random, PlusPlus, Furthest, User }
/** Start the KMeans training Job on an F/J thread. */
@Override protected KMeansDriver trainModelImpl() { return new KMeansDriver(); }
// Called from an http request
public KMeans( KMeansModel.KMeansParameters parms ) { super(parms ); init(false); }
public KMeans( KMeansModel.KMeansParameters parms, Job job) { super(parms,job); init(false); }
public KMeans(boolean startup_once) { super(new KMeansModel.KMeansParameters(),startup_once); }
@Override protected void checkMemoryFootPrint_impl() {
long mem_usage = 8 /*doubles*/ * _parms._k * _train.numCols() * (_parms._standardize ? 2 : 1);
long max_mem = H2O.SELF._heartbeat.get_free_mem();
if (mem_usage > max_mem) {
String msg = "Centroids won't fit in the driver node's memory ("
+ PrettyPrint.bytes(mem_usage) + " > " + PrettyPrint.bytes(max_mem)
+ ") - try reducing the number of columns and/or the number of categorical factors.";
error("_train", msg);
/** Initialize the ModelBuilder, validating all arguments and preparing the
* training frame. This call is expected to be overridden in the subclasses
* and each subclass will start with "super.init();".
* Validate K, max_iterations and the number of rows. */
@Override public void init(boolean expensive) {
if(_parms._fold_column != null) _train.remove(_parms._fold_column);
if( _parms._max_iterations <= 0 || _parms._max_iterations > 1e6)
error("_max_iterations", " max_iterations must be between 1 and 1e6");
if (_train == null) return;
if (_parms._init == Initialization.User && _parms._user_points == null)
error("_user_y","Must specify initial cluster centers");
if (_parms._user_points != null) { // Check dimensions of user-specified centers
Frame user_points = _parms._user_points.get();
if (user_points == null)
error("_user_y", "User-specified points do not refer to a valid frame");
else if (user_points.numCols() != _train.numCols() - numSpecialCols())
error("_user_y", "The user-specified points must have the same number of columns (" + (_train.numCols() -
numSpecialCols()) + ") as the training observations");
else if( user_points.numRows() != _parms._k)
error("_user_y", "The number of rows in the user-specified points is not equal to k = " + _parms._k);
if (_parms._estimate_k) {
if (_parms._user_points!=null)
error("_estimate_k", "Cannot estimate k if user_points are provided.");
if(_parms._cluster_size_constraints != null){
error("_estimate_k", "Cannot estimate k if cluster_size_constraints are provided.");
info("_seed", "seed is ignored when estimate_k is enabled.");
info("_init", "Initialization scheme is ignored when estimate_k is enabled - algorithm is deterministic.");
if (expensive) {
boolean numeric = false;
for (Vec v : _train.vecs()) {
if (v.isNumeric()) {
numeric = true;
if (!numeric) {
error("_estimate_k", "Cannot estimate k if data has no numeric columns.");
if(_parms._cluster_size_constraints != null){
if(_parms._cluster_size_constraints.length != _parms._k){
error("_cluster_size_constraints", "\"The number of cluster size constraints is not equal to k = \" + _parms._k");
if(_parms._fold_assignment == Model.Parameters.FoldAssignmentScheme.Stratified){
error("fold_assignment", "K-means is an unsupervised algorithm; the stratified fold assignment cannot be used because of the missing response column.");
if (expensive && error_count() == 0) checkMemoryFootPrint();
public void cv_makeAggregateModelMetircs(ModelMetrics.MetricBuilder[] mbs){
((ModelMetricsClustering.MetricBuilderClustering) mbs[0])._within_sumsqe = null;
((ModelMetricsClustering.MetricBuilderClustering) mbs[0])._size = null;
// ----------------------
private final class KMeansDriver extends Driver {
private String[][] _isCats; // Categorical columns
// Initialize cluster centers
double[][] initial_centers(KMeansModel model, final Vec[] vecs, final double[] means, final double[] mults, final int[] modes, int k) {
// Categoricals use a different distance metric than numeric columns.
_isCats = new String[vecs.length][];
for( int v=0; v 0 ) throw H2OModelBuilderIllegalArgumentException.makeFromBuilder(KMeans.this);
// The model to be built
// Set fold_column to null and will be added back into model parameter after
String fold_column = _parms._fold_column;
_parms._fold_column = null;
model = new KMeansModel(dest(), _parms, new KMeansModel.KMeansOutput(KMeans.this));
int startK = _parms._estimate_k ? 1 : _parms._k;
final Vec vecs[] = _train.vecs();
// mults & means for standardization
final double[] means = _train.means(); // means are used to impute NAs
final double[] mults = _parms._standardize ? _train.mults() : null;
final int [] impute_cat = new int[vecs.length];
for(int i = 0; i < vecs.length; i++)
impute_cat[i] = vecs[i].isCategorical() ? DataInfo.imputeCat(vecs[i],true) : -1;
model._output._normSub = means;
model._output._normMul = mults;
model._output._mode = impute_cat;
// Initialize cluster centers and standardize if requested
double[][] centers = initial_centers(model,vecs,means,mults,impute_cat, startK);
if( centers==null ) return; // Stopped/cancelled during center-finding
boolean work_unit_iter = !_parms._estimate_k;
boolean constrained = _parms._cluster_size_constraints != null;
// ---
// Run the main KMeans Clustering loop
// Stop after enough iterations or reassigned_count < TOLERANCE * num_rows
double sum_squares = 0;
final double rel_improvement_cutoff = Math.min(0.02 + 10. / _train.numRows() + 2.5 / Math.pow(model._output.nfeatures(), 2), 0.8);
if (_parms._estimate_k)
Log.info("Cutoff for relative improvement in within_cluster_sum_of_squares: " + rel_improvement_cutoff);
Vec[] vecs2;
long csum = 0;
if(!constrained) {
vecs2 = Arrays.copyOf(vecs, vecs.length+1);
vecs2[vecs2.length-1] = vecs2[0].makeCon(-1);
} else {
int newVecLength = vecs.length + 2 * centers.length + 3; // data (+ weight column) + distances + edge indices + result distance + old assignment + new assignment
vecs2 = Arrays.copyOf(vecs, newVecLength);
for (int i = vecs.length; i < newVecLength; i++) {
vecs2[i] = vecs2[0].makeCon(Double.MAX_VALUE);
// Check sum of constrains
for(int i = 0; i<_parms._cluster_size_constraints.length; i++){
assert _parms._cluster_size_constraints[i] > 0: "The value of constraint should be higher then zero.";
csum += _parms._cluster_size_constraints[i];
assert csum <= vecs[0].length(): "The sum of constraints ("+csum+") is higher than the number of data rows ("+vecs[0].length()+").";
for (int k = startK; k <= _parms._k; ++k) {
Log.info("Running Lloyds iteration for " + k + " centroids.");
} else {
Log.info("Running Constrained K-means iteration for " + k + " centroids.");
model._output._iterations = 0; // Loop ends only when iterations > max_iterations with strict inequality
double[][] lo=null, hi=null;
boolean stop = false;
do {
assert(centers.length == k);
IterationTask task;
if(!constrained) {
//Lloyds algorithm
task = new LloydsIterationTask(centers, means, mults, impute_cat, _isCats, k, hasWeightCol()).doAll(vecs2); //1 PASS OVER THE DATA
} else {
// Constrained K-means
// Get distances and aggregated values
CalculateDistancesTask countDistancesTask = new CalculateDistancesTask(centers, means, mults, impute_cat, _isCats, k, hasWeightCol()).doAll(vecs2);
// Check if the constraint setting does not break cross validation setting
assert !hasWeightCol() || csum <= countDistancesTask._non_zero_weights : "The sum of constraints ("+csum+") is higher than the number of data rows with non zero weights ("+countDistancesTask._non_zero_weights+") because cross validation is set.";
// Calculate center assignments
// Experimental code. Polynomial implementation - slow performance. Need to be parallelize!
KMeansSimplexSolver solver = new KMeansSimplexSolver(_parms._cluster_size_constraints, new Frame(vecs2), countDistancesTask._sum, hasWeightCol(), countDistancesTask._non_zero_weights);
// Get cluster assignments
Frame result = solver.assignClusters();
// Count statistics and result task
task = new CalculateMetricTask(centers, means, mults, impute_cat, _isCats, k, hasWeightCol()).doAll(result);
// Pick the max categorical level for cluster center
max_cats(task._cMeans, task._cats, _isCats);
// Handle the case where some centers go dry. Rescue only 1 cluster
// per iteration ('cause we only tracked the 1 worst row)
// If constrained K-meas is set, clusters with zero points are allowed
if(!_parms._estimate_k && _parms._cluster_size_constraints == null && cleanupBadClusters(task,vecs,centers,means,mults,impute_cat) ) continue;
// Compute model stats; update standardized cluster centers
centers = computeStatsFillModel(task, model, vecs, means, mults, impute_cat, k);
if (model._parms._score_each_iteration)
lo = task._lo;
hi = task._hi;
if (work_unit_iter) {
model.update(_job); // Update model in K/V store
_job.update(1); //1 more iteration
stop = (task._reassigned_count < Math.max(1,train().numRows()*TOLERANCE) ||
model._output._iterations >= _parms._max_iterations || stop_requested());
if (stop) {
if (model._output._iterations < _parms._max_iterations)
Log.info("K-means converged after " + model._output._iterations + " iterations.");
Log.info("K-means stopped after " + model._output._iterations + " iterations.");
} while (!stop);
double sum_squares_now = model._output._tot_withinss;
double rel_improvement;
if (sum_squares==0) {
rel_improvement = 1;
} else {
rel_improvement = (sum_squares - sum_squares_now) / sum_squares;
Log.info("Relative improvement in total withinss: " + rel_improvement);
sum_squares = sum_squares_now;
if (_parms._estimate_k && k > 1) {
boolean outerConverged = rel_improvement < rel_improvement_cutoff;
if (outerConverged) {
KMeansModel.KMeansOutput best = DKV.getGet(bestOutputKey);
model._output = best;
Log.info("Converged. Retrieving the best model with k=" + model._output._k[model._output._k.length-1]);
if (!work_unit_iter) {
DKV.put(bestOutputKey, IcedUtils.deepCopy(model._output)); //store a clone to avoid sharing the state between DKV and here
model.update(_job); // Update model in K/V store
_job.update(1); //1 more round for auto-clustering
if (lo != null && hi != null && _parms._estimate_k)
centers = splitLargestCluster(centers, lo, hi, means, mults, impute_cat, vecs2, k);
} //k-finder
// Create metrics by scoring on training set otherwise scores are based on last Lloyd iteration
// These lines cause the training metrics are recalculated on strange model values.
// Especially for Constrained Kmeans, it returns a result that does not meet the constraints set
// because scoring is based on calculated centroids and does not preserve the constraints
// There is a JIRA to explore this part of code: https://0xdata.atlassian.net/browse/PUBDEV-7097
if(!constrained) {
model._output._training_metrics = ModelMetrics.getFromDKV(model,_parms.train());
model.update(_job); // Update model in K/V store
// At the end: validation scoring (no need to gather scoring history)
if (_valid != null) {
model.score(_parms.valid()).delete(); //this appends a ModelMetrics on the validation set
model._output._validation_metrics = ModelMetrics.getFromDKV(model,_parms.valid());
model._parms._fold_column = fold_column;
model.update(_job); // Update model in K/V store
} finally {
if( model != null ) model.unlock(_job);
double[][] splitLargestCluster(double[][] centers, double[][] lo, double[][] hi, double[] means, double[] mults, int[] impute_cat, Vec[] vecs2, int k) {
double[][] newCenters = Arrays.copyOf(centers, centers.length + 1);
for (int i = 0; i < centers.length; ++i)
newCenters[i] = centers[i].clone();
double maxRange=0;
int clusterToSplit=0;
int dimToSplit=0;
for (int i = 0; i < centers.length; ++i) {
double[] range = new double[hi[i].length];
for( int col=0; col (float)maxRange) { //break ties
clusterToSplit = i;
dimToSplit = col;
maxRange = range[col];
// Log.info("Range for cluster " + i + ": " + Arrays.toString(range));
// start out new centroid as a copy of the one to split
assert (_isCats[dimToSplit] == null);
double splitPoint = newCenters[clusterToSplit][dimToSplit];
// Log.info("Splitting cluster " + clusterToSplit + " in half in dimension " + dimToSplit + " at splitpoint: " + splitPoint);
// compute the centroids of the two sub-clusters
SplitTask task = new SplitTask(newCenters, means, mults, impute_cat, _isCats, k+1, hasWeightCol(), clusterToSplit, dimToSplit, splitPoint).doAll(vecs2);
// Log.info("Splitting: " + Arrays.toString(newCenters[clusterToSplit]));
newCenters[clusterToSplit] = task._cMeans[clusterToSplit].clone();
// Log.info("Into One: " + Arrays.toString(newCenters[clusterToSplit]));
newCenters[newCenters.length-1] = task._cMeans[newCenters.length-1].clone();
// Log.info(" Two: " + Arrays.toString(newCenters[newCenters.length-1]));
return newCenters;
private TwoDimTable createModelSummaryTable(KMeansModel.KMeansOutput output) {
List colHeaders = new ArrayList<>();
List colTypes = new ArrayList<>();
List colFormat = new ArrayList<>();
colHeaders.add("Number of Rows"); colTypes.add("long"); colFormat.add("%d");
colHeaders.add("Number of Clusters"); colTypes.add("long"); colFormat.add("%d");
colHeaders.add("Number of Categorical Columns"); colTypes.add("long"); colFormat.add("%d");
colHeaders.add("Number of Iterations"); colTypes.add("long"); colFormat.add("%d");
colHeaders.add("Within Cluster Sum of Squares"); colTypes.add("double"); colFormat.add("%.5f");
colHeaders.add("Total Sum of Squares"); colTypes.add("double"); colFormat.add("%.5f");
colHeaders.add("Between Cluster Sum of Squares"); colTypes.add("double"); colFormat.add("%.5f");
final int rows = 1;
TwoDimTable table = new TwoDimTable(
"Model Summary", null,
new String[rows],
colHeaders.toArray(new String[0]),
colTypes.toArray(new String[0]),
colFormat.toArray(new String[0]),
int row = 0;
int col = 0;
table.set(row, col++, Math.round(_train.numRows() * (hasWeightCol() ? _train.lastVec().mean() : 1)));
table.set(row, col++, output._centers_raw.length);
table.set(row, col++, output._categorical_column_count);
table.set(row, col++, output._k.length-1);
table.set(row, col++, output._tot_withinss);
table.set(row, col++, output._totss);
table.set(row, col++, output._betweenss);
return table;
private TwoDimTable createScoringHistoryTable(KMeansModel.KMeansOutput output) {
List colHeaders = new ArrayList<>();
List colTypes = new ArrayList<>();
List colFormat = new ArrayList<>();
colHeaders.add("Timestamp"); colTypes.add("string"); colFormat.add("%s");
colHeaders.add("Duration"); colTypes.add("string"); colFormat.add("%s");
colHeaders.add("Iterations"); colTypes.add("long"); colFormat.add("%d");
if (_parms._estimate_k) {
colHeaders.add("Number of Clusters");
colHeaders.add("Number of Reassigned Observations"); colTypes.add("long"); colFormat.add("%d");
colHeaders.add("Within Cluster Sum Of Squares"); colTypes.add("double"); colFormat.add("%.5f");
final int rows = output._history_withinss.length;
TwoDimTable table = new TwoDimTable(
"Scoring History", null,
new String[rows],
colHeaders.toArray(new String[0]),
colTypes.toArray(new String[0]),
colFormat.toArray(new String[0]),
int row = 0;
for( int i = 0; i {
// IN
final double[] _means, _mults;
final int[] _modes;
final String[][] _isCats;
final int[] _card;
// OUT
double _tss;
double[] _gc; // Grand center (mean of cols)
TotSS(double[] means, double[] mults, int[] modes, String[][] isCats, int[] card) {
_means = means;
_mults = mults;
_modes = modes;
_tss = 0;
_isCats = isCats;
_card = card;
// Mean of numeric col is zero when standardized
_gc = mults!=null ? new double[means.length] : Arrays.copyOf(means, means.length);
for(int i=0; i {
// IN
double[][] _centers;
double[] _means, _mults; // Standardization
int[] _modes; // Imputation of missing categoricals
final String[][] _isCats;
// OUT
double _sqr;
SumSqr( double[][] centers, double[] means, double[] mults, int[] modes, String[][] isCats ) {
_centers = centers;
_means = means;
_mults = mults;
_modes = modes;
_isCats = isCats;
@Override public void map(Chunk[] cs) {
double[] values = new double[cs.length];
ClusterDist cd = new ClusterDist();
for( int row = 0; row < cs[0]._len; row++ ) {
data(values, cs, row, _means, _mults, _modes);
_sqr += minSqr(_centers, values, _isCats, cd);
_means = _mults = null;
_modes = null;
_centers = null;
@Override public void reduce(SumSqr other) { _sqr += other._sqr; }
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sample rows with increasing probability the farther they are from any
// cluster center.
private static class Sampler extends MRTask {
// IN
double[][] _centers;
double[] _means, _mults; // Standardization
int[] _modes; // Imputation of missing categoricals
final String[][] _isCats;
final double _sqr; // Min-square-error
final double _probability; // Odds to select this point
final long _seed;
boolean _hasWeight;
// OUT
double[][] _sampled; // New cluster centers
Sampler( double[][] centers, double[] means, double[] mults, int[] modes, String[][] isCats, double sqr, double prob, long seed, boolean hasWeight ) {
_centers = centers;
_means = means;
_mults = mults;
_modes = modes;
_isCats = isCats;
_sqr = sqr;
_probability = prob;
_seed = seed;
_hasWeight = hasWeight;
@Override public void map(Chunk[] cs) {
int N = cs.length - (_hasWeight?1:0);
double[] values = new double[N];
ArrayList list = new ArrayList<>();
Random rand = RandomUtils.getRNG(0);
ClusterDist cd = new ClusterDist();
for( int row = 0; row < cs[0]._len; row++ ) {
rand.setSeed(_seed + cs[0].start()+row);
data(values, cs, row, _means, _mults, _modes);
double sqr = minSqr(_centers, values, _isCats, cd);
if( _probability * sqr > rand.nextDouble() * _sqr )
_sampled = new double[list.size()][];
_centers = null;
_means = _mults = null;
_modes = null;
@Override public void reduce(Sampler other) {
_sampled = ArrayUtils.append(_sampled, other._sampled);
public static class IterationTask extends MRTask {
// IN
double[][] _centers;
double[] _means, _mults; // Standardization
int[] _modes; // Imputation of missing categoricals
final int _k;
final String[][] _isCats;
boolean _hasWeight;
// OUT
double[][] _lo, _hi; // Bounding box
double _reassigned_count;
double[][] _cMeans; // Means for each cluster
long[/*k*/][/*features*/][/*nfactors*/] _cats; // Histogram of cat levels
double[] _cSqr; // Sum of squares for each cluster
long[] _size; // Number of rows in each cluster
long _worst_row; // Row with max err
double _worst_err; // Max-err-row's max-err
IterationTask(double[][] centers, double[] means, double[] mults, int[] modes, String[][] isCats, int k, boolean hasWeight ) {
_centers = centers;
_means = means;
_mults = mults;
_modes = modes;
_isCats = isCats;
_k = k;
_hasWeight = hasWeight;
// ---------------------------------------
// A Lloyd's pass:
// Find nearest cluster center for every point
// Compute new mean/center & variance & rows for each cluster
// Compute distance between clusters
// Compute total sqr distance
private static class LloydsIterationTask extends IterationTask {
LloydsIterationTask(double[][] centers, double[] means, double[] mults, int[] modes, String[][] isCats, int k, boolean hasWeight ) {
super(centers, means, mults, modes, isCats, k, hasWeight);
@Override public void map(Chunk[] cs) {
int N = cs.length - (_hasWeight ? 1:0) - 1 /*clusterassignment*/;
assert _centers[0].length==N;
_lo = new double[_k][N];
for( int clu=0; clu< _k; clu++ )
Arrays.fill(_lo[clu], Double.MAX_VALUE);
_hi = new double[_k][N];
for( int clu=0; clu< _k; clu++ )
Arrays.fill(_hi[clu], -Double.MAX_VALUE);
_cMeans = new double[_k][N];
_cSqr = new double[_k];
_size = new long[_k];
// Space for cat histograms
_cats = new long[_k][N][];
for( int clu=0; clu< _k; clu++ )
for( int col=0; col _worst_err) { _worst_err = cd._dist; _worst_row = cs[0].start()+row; }
// Scale back down to local mean
for( int clu = 0; clu < _k; clu++ )
if( _size[clu] != 0 ) ArrayUtils.div(_cMeans[clu], _size[clu]);
_centers = null;
_means = _mults = null;
_modes = null;
@Override public void reduce(IterationTask mr) {
_reassigned_count += mr._reassigned_count;
for( int clu = 0; clu < _k; clu++ ) {
long ra = _size[clu];
long rb = mr._size[clu];
double[] ma = _cMeans[clu];
double[] mb = mr._cMeans[clu];
for( int c = 0; c < ma.length; c++ ) // Recursive mean
if( ra+rb > 0 ) ma[c] = (ma[c] * ra + mb[c] * rb) / (ra + rb);
ArrayUtils.add(_cats, mr._cats);
ArrayUtils.add(_cSqr, mr._cSqr);
ArrayUtils.add(_size, mr._size);
for( int clu=0; clu< _k; clu++ ) {
for( int col=0; col<_lo[clu].length; col++ ) {
_lo[clu][col] = Math.min(mr._lo[clu][col], _lo[clu][col]);
_hi[clu][col] = Math.max(mr._hi[clu][col], _hi[clu][col]);
// track global worst-row
if( _worst_err < mr._worst_err) { _worst_err = mr._worst_err; _worst_row = mr._worst_row; }
private static class CalculateDistancesTask extends MRTask {
// IN
double[][] _centers;
double[] _means, _mults; // Standardization
int[] _modes; // Imputation of missing categoricals
final int _k;
boolean _hasWeight;
final String[][] _isCats;
double _sum;
long _non_zero_weights;
CalculateDistancesTask(double[][] centers, double[] means, double[] mults, int[] modes, String[][] isCats, int k, boolean hasWeight) {
_centers = centers;
_means = means;
_mults = mults;
_modes = modes;
_k = k;
_hasWeight = hasWeight;
_isCats = isCats;
_sum = 0;
_non_zero_weights = 0;
public void map(Chunk[] cs) {
int N = cs.length - (_hasWeight ? 1 : 0) - 3 - 2*_centers.length /*data + weight column + distances + edge indices + old assignment + new assignment */;
assert _centers[0].length == N;
int vecsStart = _hasWeight ? N+1 : N;
double[] values = new double[N]; // Temp data to hold row as doubles
for (int row = 0; row < cs[0]._len; row++) {
double weight = _hasWeight ? cs[N].atd(row) : 1;
if (weight == 0) continue; //skip holdout rows
assert (weight == 1); //K-Means only works for weight 1 (or weight 0 for holdout)
data(values, cs, row, _means, _mults, _modes); // Load row as doubles
double[] distances = getDistances(_centers, values, _isCats);
for(int cluster=0; cluster _worst_err) { _worst_err = distance; _worst_row = cs[0].start()+row; }
// Scale back down to local mean
for( int clu = 0; clu < _k; clu++ )
if( _size[clu] != 0 ) ArrayUtils.div(_cMeans[clu], _size[clu]);
_centers = null;
_means = _mults = null;
_modes = null;
@Override public void reduce(IterationTask mr) {
_reassigned_count += mr._reassigned_count;
for( int clu = 0; clu < _k; clu++ ) {
long ra = _size[clu];
long rb = mr._size[clu];
double[] ma = _cMeans[clu];
double[] mb = mr._cMeans[clu];
for( int c = 0; c < ma.length; c++ ) // Recursive mean
if( ra+rb > 0 ) ma[c] = (ma[c] * ra + mb[c] * rb) / (ra + rb);
ArrayUtils.add(_cats, mr._cats);
ArrayUtils.add(_cSqr, mr._cSqr);
ArrayUtils.add(_size, mr._size);
for( int clu=0; clu< _k; clu++ ) {
for( int col=0; col<_lo[clu].length; col++ ) {
_lo[clu][col] = Math.min(mr._lo[clu][col], _lo[clu][col]);
_hi[clu][col] = Math.max(mr._hi[clu][col], _hi[clu][col]);
// track global worst-row
if( _worst_err < mr._worst_err) { _worst_err = mr._worst_err; _worst_row = mr._worst_row; }
// A pair result: nearest cluster center and the square distance
private static final class ClusterDist { int _cluster; double _dist; }
private static double minSqr(double[][] centers, double[] point, String[][] isCats, ClusterDist cd) {
return closest(centers, point, isCats, cd, centers.length)._dist;
private static double minSqr(double[][] centers, double[] point, String[][] isCats, ClusterDist cd, int count) {
return closest(centers,point,isCats,cd,count)._dist;
private static ClusterDist closest(double[][] centers, double[] point, String[][] isCats, ClusterDist cd) {
return closest(centers, point, isCats, cd, centers.length);
/** Return both nearest of N cluster center/centroids, and the square-distance. */
private static ClusterDist closest(double[][] centers, double[] point, String[][] isCats, ClusterDist cd, int count) {
int min = -1;
double minSqr = Double.MAX_VALUE;
for( int cluster = 0; cluster < count; cluster++ ) {
double sqr = hex.genmodel.GenModel.KMeans_distance(centers[cluster],point,isCats);
if( sqr < minSqr ) { // Record nearest cluster
min = cluster;
minSqr = sqr;
cd._cluster = min; // Record nearest cluster
cd._dist = minSqr; // Record square-distance
return cd; // Return for flow-coding
/** Return square-distance of point to all clusters. */
private static double[] getDistances(double[][] centers, double[] point, String[][] isCats) {
double[] distances = new double[centers.length];
for( int cluster = 0; cluster < centers.length; cluster++ ) {
distances[cluster] = hex.genmodel.GenModel.KMeans_distance(centers[cluster],point,isCats);
return distances;
// KMeans++ re-clustering
private static double[][] recluster(double[][] points, Random rand, int N, Initialization init, String[][] isCats) {
double[][] res = new double[N][];
res[0] = points[0];
int count = 1;
ClusterDist cd = new ClusterDist();
switch( init ) {
case Random:
case PlusPlus: { // k-means++
while( count < res.length ) {
double sum = 0;
for (double[] point1 : points) sum += minSqr(res, point1, isCats, cd, count);
for (double[] point : points) {
if (minSqr(res, point, isCats, cd, count) >= rand.nextDouble() * sum) {
res[count++] = point;
case Furthest: { // Takes cluster center further from any already chosen ones
while( count < res.length ) {
double max = 0;
int index = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < points.length; i++ ) {
double sqr = minSqr(res, points[i], isCats, cd, count);
if( sqr > max ) {
max = sqr;
index = i;
res[count++] = points[index];
default: throw H2O.fail();
return res;
private void randomRow(Vec[] vecs, Random rand, double[] center, double[] means, double[] mults, int[] modes) {
long row = Math.max(0, (long) (rand.nextDouble() * vecs[0].length()) - 1);
data(center, vecs, row, means, mults, modes);
// Pick most common cat level for each cluster_centers' cat columns
private static double[][] max_cats(double[][] centers, long[][][] cats, String[][] isCats) {
for( int clu = 0; clu < centers.length; clu++ )
for( int col = 0; col < centers[0].length; col++ )
if( isCats[col] != null )
centers[clu][col] = ArrayUtils.maxIndex(cats[clu][col]);
return centers;
private static double[][] destandardize(double[][] centers, String[][] isCats, double[] means, double[] mults) {
int K = centers.length;
int N = centers[0].length;
double[][] value = new double[K][N];
for( int clu = 0; clu < K; clu++ ) {
if( mults!=null ) { // Reverse standardization
for( int col = 0; col < N; col++)
if( isCats[col] == null )
value[clu][col] = value[clu][col] / mults[col] + means[col];
return value;
private static void data(double[] values, Vec[] vecs, long row, double[] means, double[] mults, int[] modes) {
for( int i = 0; i < values.length; i++ ) {
values[i] = Kmeans_preprocessData(vecs[i].at(row), i, means, mults, modes);
private static void data(double[] values, Chunk[] chks, int row, double[] means, double[] mults, int[] modes) {
for( int i = 0; i < values.length; i++ ) {
values[i] = Kmeans_preprocessData(chks[i].atd(row), i, means, mults, modes);
* This helper creates a ModelMetricsClustering from a trained model
* @param model, must contain valid statistics from training, such as _betweenss etc.
private ModelMetricsClustering makeTrainingMetrics(KMeansModel model) {
ModelMetricsClustering mm = new ModelMetricsClustering(model, train(), CustomMetric.EMPTY);
mm._size = model._output._size;
mm._withinss = model._output._withinss;
mm._betweenss = model._output._betweenss;
mm._totss = model._output._totss;
mm._tot_withinss = model._output._tot_withinss;
return mm;
private static class SplitTask extends MRTask {
// IN
double[][] _centers;
double[] _means, _mults; // Standardization
int[] _modes; // Imputation of missing categoricals
final int _k;
final String[][] _isCats;
final boolean _hasWeight;
final int _clusterToSplit;
final int _dimToSplit;
final double _splitPoint;
// OUT
double[][] _cMeans; // Means for each cluster
long[] _size; // Number of rows in each cluster
SplitTask(double[][] centers, double[] means, double[] mults, int[] modes, String[][] isCats, int k, boolean hasWeight, int clusterToSplit, int dimToSplit, double splitPoint) {
_centers = centers;
_means = means;
_mults = mults;
_modes = modes;
_isCats = isCats;
_k = k;
_hasWeight = hasWeight;
_clusterToSplit = clusterToSplit;
_dimToSplit = dimToSplit;
_splitPoint = splitPoint;
@Override public void map(Chunk[] cs) {
int N = cs.length - (_hasWeight ? 1:0) - 1 /*clusterassignment*/;
assert _centers[0].length==N;
_cMeans = new double[_k][N];
_size = new long[_k];
Chunk assignment = cs[cs.length-1];
// Find closest cluster center for each row
double[] values = new double[N]; // Temp data to hold row as doubles
ClusterDist cd = new ClusterDist();
for( int row = 0; row < cs[0]._len; row++ ) {
if (assignment.at8(row) != _clusterToSplit) continue;
double weight = _hasWeight ? cs[N].atd(row) : 1;
if (weight == 0) continue; //skip holdout rows
assert(weight == 1); //K-Means only works for weight 1 (or weight 0 for holdout)
data(values, cs, row, _means, _mults, _modes); // Load row as doubles
assert (_isCats[_dimToSplit]==null);
if (values[_dimToSplit] > _centers[_clusterToSplit][_dimToSplit]) {
cd._cluster = _centers.length-1;
assignment.set(row, cd._cluster);
} else {
cd._cluster = _clusterToSplit;
int clu = cd._cluster;
assert clu != -1; // No broken rows
// Add values and increment counter for chosen cluster
for( int col = 0; col < N; col++ )
_cMeans[clu][col] += values[col]; // Sum the column centers
// Scale back down to local mean
for( int clu = 0; clu < _k; clu++ )
if( _size[clu] != 0 ) ArrayUtils.div(_cMeans[clu], _size[clu]);
_centers = null;
_means = _mults = null;
_modes = null;
@Override public void reduce(SplitTask mr) {
for( int clu = 0; clu < _k; clu++ ) {
long ra = _size[clu];
long rb = mr._size[clu];
double[] ma = _cMeans[clu];
double[] mb = mr._cMeans[clu];
for( int c = 0; c < ma.length; c++ ) // Recursive mean
if( ra+rb > 0 ) ma[c] = (ma[c] * ra + mb[c] * rb) / (ra + rb);
ArrayUtils.add(_size, mr._size);
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