hex.psvm.PSVM Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package hex.psvm;
import hex.DataInfo;
import hex.FrameTask;
import hex.ModelBuilder;
import hex.ModelCategory;
import hex.psvm.psvm.IncompleteCholeskyFactorization;
import hex.psvm.psvm.Kernel;
import hex.psvm.psvm.PrimalDualIPM;
import water.*;
import water.fvec.Chunk;
import water.fvec.Frame;
import water.fvec.NewChunk;
import water.fvec.Vec;
import water.util.ArrayUtils;
import water.util.Log;
import water.util.TwoDimTable;
import water.util.VecUtils;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
public class PSVM extends ModelBuilder {
public ModelCategory[] can_build() { return new ModelCategory[]{ModelCategory.Binomial}; }
public boolean isSupervised() { return true; }
public BuilderVisibility builderVisibility() { return BuilderVisibility.Experimental; }
public PSVM(boolean startup_once) {
super(new PSVMModel.PSVMParameters(), startup_once);
public PSVM(PSVMModel.PSVMParameters parms) {
@Override public void init(boolean expensive) {
if (expensive) {
// TODO: no validation yet - everything is allowed ;)
public void checkDistributions() {
if (_response.isCategorical()) {
if (_response.cardinality() != 2) {
error("_response", "Expected a binary categorical response, but instead got response with " + _response.cardinality() + " categories.");
} else {
if (_response.min() != -1 || _response.max() != 1 || !_response.isInt() || _response.nzCnt() != _response.length()) {
error("_response", "Non-categorical response provided, please make sure the response is either binary categorical response or uses only values -1/+1 in case of numerical response.");
protected boolean computePriorClassDistribution() {
return false; // no use, we don't output probabilities
protected int init_getNClass() {
return 2; // only binomial classification is supported
protected Driver trainModelImpl() {
return new SVMDriver();
private class SVMDriver extends Driver {
DataInfo adaptTrain() {
Frame adapted = new Frame(train());
if (response().naCnt() > 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException("NA values in response column are currently not supported.");
Vec numericResp;
if (response().domain() == null) {
numericResp = response();
} else {
numericResp = new MRTask() {
public void map(Chunk c, NewChunk nc) {
for (int i = 0; i < c._len; i++) {
if (c.at8(i) == 0)
}.doAll(Vec.T_NUM, response()).outputFrame().vec(0);
adapted.add(_parms._response_column, numericResp);
adapted.add("two_norm_sq", Scope.track(adapted.anyVec().makeZero())); // (L2 norm)^2; initialized 0 and actually calculated later
// TODO: scaling / normalization
return new DataInfo(adapted, null, 2, true, DataInfo.TransformType.NONE, DataInfo.TransformType.NONE, true, false, false, false, false, false, null)
Frame prototypeFrame(DataInfo di) {
Frame f = new Frame(di._adaptedFrame);
return f;
public void computeImpl() {
PSVMModel model = null;
try {
_job.update(0, "Initializing model training");
final DataInfo di = adaptTrain();
if (_parms._gamma == -1) {
_parms._gamma = 1.0d / di.fullN();
Log.info("Set gamma = " + _parms._gamma);
final Vec response = di._adaptedFrame.vec(_parms._response_column);
PSVMModel.PSVMModelOutput output = new PSVMModel.PSVMModelOutput(PSVM.this, prototypeFrame(di), response().domain());
model = new PSVMModel(_result, _parms, output);
final int rank = getRankICF(_parms._rank_ratio, di._adaptedFrame.numRows());
Log.info("Desired rank of ICF matrix = " + rank);
_job.update(0, "Running Incomplete Cholesky Factorization");
Frame icf = IncompleteCholeskyFactorization.icf(di, _parms.kernel(), rank, _parms._fact_threshold);
_job.update(0, "Running IPM");
IPMInfo ipmInfo = new IPMInfo();
Vec alpha = PrimalDualIPM.solve(icf, response, _parms.ipmParms(), ipmInfo);
Log.info("IPM finished");
Vec svs = new RegulateAlphaTask(_parms.c_pos(), _parms.c_neg(), _parms._sv_threshold)
.doAll(Vec.T_NUM, alpha, response)
assert svs.length() == model._output._svs_count;
// save alpha
Frame alphaFr = new Frame(Key.make(model._key + "_alpha"));
alphaFr.add("alpha", alpha);
model._output._alpha_key = alphaFr._key;
final int sampleSize = (int) Math.min(svs.length(), 1000);
DataInfo.Row[] sampleSVs = new CollectSupportVecSamplesTask(di, svs, sampleSize)
model._output._rho = new CalculateRhoTask(di, sampleSVs, alpha, _parms.kernel())
long estimatedSize = 0;
for (DataInfo.Row sv : sampleSVs) {
estimatedSize += toSupportVector(0, sv).estimateSize();
if (svs.length() > sampleSize) { // scale the estimate to the actual number of SVs
estimatedSize = (estimatedSize * svs.length()) / sampleSize;
final boolean tooBig = estimatedSize >= Value.MAX;
if (! tooBig) {
Frame fr = new Frame(di._adaptedFrame);
fr.add("__alpha", alpha);
model._output._compressed_svs = new CompressVectorsTask(di).doAll(fr)._csvs;
assert (svs.length() > sampleSize) || model._output._compressed_svs.length == estimatedSize; // sanity check - small models should have precise estimate
} else {
Log.err("Estimated model size (" + estimatedSize + "B) exceeds limits of DKV. Support vectors will not be stored.");
model.addWarning("Model too big (size " + estimatedSize + "B) exceeds maximum model size. " +
"Support vectors will not be stored as a part of the model. You can still inspect what vectors were " +
"chosen and what are their alpha coefficients (see Frame alpha in model output).");
model._output._compressed_svs = new byte[0];
Log.info("Total #support vectors: " + model._output._svs_count + " (size in memory " + estimatedSize + "B)");
model._output._model_summary = createModelSummaryTable(model._output, ipmInfo);
if (! tooBig) {
if (_parms._disable_training_metrics) {
String noMetricsWarning = "Not creating training metrics: scoring disabled (use disable_training_metrics = false to override)";
} else {
_job.update(0, "Scoring training frame");
Frame scoringTrain = new Frame(train());
model.adaptTestForTrain(scoringTrain, true, true);
model._output._training_metrics = model.makeModelMetrics(train(), scoringTrain, "Training metrics");
if (valid() != null) {
_job.update(0,"Scoring validation frame");
Frame scoringValid = new Frame(valid());
model.adaptTestForTrain(scoringValid, true, true);
model._output._validation_metrics = model.makeModelMetrics(valid(), scoringValid, "Validation metrics");
Scope.untrack(alpha._key); // we want to keep the alpha Vec after model is built
} finally {
if (model != null)
private int getRankICF(double rankRatio, long numRows) {
if (rankRatio == -1) {
return (int) Math.sqrt(numRows);
} else {
return (int) (rankRatio * numRows);
private static class CompressVectorsTask extends MRTask {
// IN
private final DataInfo _dinfo;
// OUT
private byte[] _csvs;
CompressVectorsTask(DataInfo dinfo) {
_dinfo = dinfo;
public void map(Chunk[] acs) {
AutoBuffer ab = new AutoBuffer();
Chunk alpha = acs[acs.length - 1];
Chunk[] cs = Arrays.copyOf(acs, acs.length - 1);
DataInfo.Row row = _dinfo.newDenseRow();
SupportVector sv = new SupportVector();
for (int i = 0; i < alpha._len; i++) {
if (alpha.isNA(i))
_dinfo.extractDenseRow(cs, i, row);
sv.fill(alpha.atd(i), row.numVals, row.binIds);
_csvs = ab.buf();
public void reduce(CompressVectorsTask mrt) {
_csvs = ArrayUtils.append(_csvs, mrt._csvs);
private static SupportVector toSupportVector(double alpha, DataInfo.Row row) {
if (row.isSparse()) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Sparse rows are not yet supported");
return new SupportVector().fill(alpha, row.numVals, row.binIds);
private static class CalculateRhoTask extends FrameTask {
// IN
DataInfo.Row[] _selected;
Vec _alpha;
Kernel _kernel;
// OUT
double[] _rhos;
transient long _offset;
transient Chunk _alphaChunk;
public CalculateRhoTask(DataInfo dinfo, DataInfo.Row[] selected, Vec alpha, Kernel kernel) {
super(null, dinfo);
_selected = selected;
_alpha = alpha;
_kernel = kernel;
public void map(Chunk[] chunks, NewChunk[] outputs) {
_alphaChunk = _alpha.chunkForChunkIdx(chunks[0].cidx());
_offset = _alphaChunk.start();
_rhos = new double[_selected.length];
super.map(chunks, outputs);
protected boolean skipRow(long gid) {
return _alphaChunk.isNA((int) (gid - _offset));
protected void processRow(long gid, DataInfo.Row r) {
for (int i = 0; i < _selected.length; i++) {
_rhos[i] += _alphaChunk.atd((int) (gid - _offset)) * _kernel.calcKernel(r, _selected[i]);
public void reduce(CalculateRhoTask mrt) {
_rhos = ArrayUtils.add(_rhos, mrt._rhos);
double getRho() {
double rho = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < _selected.length; i++) {
rho += _selected[i].response[0] - _rhos[i];
return rho / _selected.length;
private static class CollectSupportVecSamplesTask extends FrameTask {
// IN
private Vec _svs;
private int _num_selected;
// OUT
DataInfo.Row[][] _selected;
private transient long[] _local_selected_idxs;
protected void setupLocal() {
_selected = new DataInfo.Row[H2O.CLOUD.size()][];
int[] cids = VecUtils.getLocalChunkIds(_svs);
long local_svs = 0;
for (int cidx : cids) {
local_svs += _svs.chunkLen(cidx);
final int local_contribution = (int) (_num_selected * local_svs / _svs.length());
DataInfo.Row[] local_selected = new DataInfo.Row[local_contribution];
_local_selected_idxs = new long[local_contribution];
_selected[H2O.SELF.index()] = local_selected;
int v = 0;
fill_selected: for (int cidx : cids) {
Chunk svIndices = _svs.chunkForChunkIdx(cidx);
for (int i = 0; i < svIndices._len; i++) {
_local_selected_idxs[v++] = svIndices.at8(i);
if (v == local_contribution)
break fill_selected;
CollectSupportVecSamplesTask(DataInfo dinfo, Vec svs, int num_selected) {
super(null, dinfo);
_svs = svs;
_num_selected = num_selected;
protected boolean skipRow(long gid) {
return Arrays.binarySearch(_local_selected_idxs, gid) < 0;
protected void processRow(long gid, DataInfo.Row r) {
int idx = Arrays.binarySearch(_local_selected_idxs, gid);
_selected[H2O.SELF.index()][idx] = r.deepClone();
public void reduce(CollectSupportVecSamplesTask mrt) {
for (int i = 0; i < H2O.CLOUD.size(); i++) {
if (mrt._selected[i] != null)
_selected[i] = mrt._selected[i];
DataInfo.Row[] getSelected() {
return ArrayUtils.flat(_selected);
private static class RegulateAlphaTask extends MRTask {
// IN
private double _c_pos;
private double _c_neg;
private double _sv_threshold;
// OUT
long _svs_count; // support vectors
long _bsv_count; // bounded support vectors
private RegulateAlphaTask(double c_pos, double c_neg, double sv_threshold) {
_c_pos = c_pos;
_c_neg = c_neg;
_sv_threshold = sv_threshold;
public void map(Chunk alpha, Chunk label, NewChunk nc) {
for (int i = 0; i < alpha._len; i++) {
final double x = alpha.atd(i);
if (x <= _sv_threshold) {
} else {
nc.addNum(alpha.start() + i);
double c = label.atd(i) > 0 ? _c_pos : _c_neg;
double out_x;
if (c - x <= _sv_threshold) {
out_x = c;
} else {
out_x = x;
alpha.set(i, out_x * label.atd(i));
public void reduce(RegulateAlphaTask mrt) {
_svs_count += mrt._svs_count;
_bsv_count += mrt._bsv_count;
private Vec updateStats(PSVMModel.PSVMModelOutput o) {
o._svs_count = _svs_count;
o._bsv_count = _bsv_count;
return outputFrame().vec(0);
private static TwoDimTable createModelSummaryTable(PSVMModel.PSVMModelOutput output, IPMInfo ipmInfo) {
List colHeaders = new ArrayList<>();
List colTypes = new ArrayList<>();
List colFormat = new ArrayList<>();
colHeaders.add("Number of Support Vectors"); colTypes.add("long"); colFormat.add("%d");
colHeaders.add("Number of Bounded Support Vectors"); colTypes.add("long"); colFormat.add("%d");
colHeaders.add("Raw Model Size in Bytes"); colTypes.add("long"); colFormat.add("%d");
colHeaders.add("rho"); colTypes.add("double"); colFormat.add("%.5f");
colHeaders.add("Number of Iterations"); colTypes.add("long"); colFormat.add("%d");
colHeaders.add("Surrogate Gap"); colTypes.add("double"); colFormat.add("%.5f");
colHeaders.add("Primal Residual"); colTypes.add("double"); colFormat.add("%.5f");
colHeaders.add("Dual Residual"); colTypes.add("double"); colFormat.add("%.5f");
final int rows = 1;
TwoDimTable table = new TwoDimTable(
"Model Summary", null,
new String[rows],
colHeaders.toArray(new String[0]),
colTypes.toArray(new String[0]),
colFormat.toArray(new String[0]),
int row = 0;
int col = 0;
table.set(row, col++, output._svs_count);
table.set(row, col++, output._bsv_count);
table.set(row, col++, output._compressed_svs != null ? output._compressed_svs.length : -1);
table.set(row, col++, output._rho);
table.set(row, col++, ipmInfo._iter);
table.set(row, col++, ipmInfo._sgap);
table.set(row, col++, ipmInfo._resp);
table.set(row, col++, ipmInfo._resd);
assert col == colHeaders.size();
return table;
private static class IPMInfo implements PrimalDualIPM.ProgressObserver {
int _iter;
double _sgap;
double _resp;
double _resd;
boolean _converged;
public void reportProgress(int iter, double sgap, double resp, double resd, boolean converged) {
_iter = iter;
_sgap = sgap;
_resp = resp;
_resd = resd;
_converged = converged;
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