hex.schemas.CoxPHModelV3 Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package hex.schemas;
import hex.coxph.CoxPHModel;
import water.api.API;
import water.api.schemas3.KeyV3;
import water.api.schemas3.ModelOutputSchemaV3;
import water.api.schemas3.ModelSchemaV3;
import water.api.schemas3.TwoDimTableV3;
import water.util.TwoDimTable;
public class CoxPHModelV3 extends ModelSchemaV3 {
public static final class CoxPHModelOutputV3 extends ModelOutputSchemaV3 {
@API(help="Table of Coefficients")
TwoDimTableV3 coefficients_table;
@API(help = "var(coefficients)")
double[][] var_coef;
@API(help = "null log-likelihood")
double null_loglik;
@API(help = "log-likelihood")
double loglik;
@API(help = "log-likelihood test stat")
double loglik_test;
@API(help = "Wald test stat")
double wald_test;
@API(help = "Score test stat")
double score_test;
@API(help = "R-square")
double rsq;
@API(help = "Maximum R-square")
double maxrsq;
@API(help = "log relative error")
double lre;
@API(help = "number of iterations")
int iter;
@API(help = "x weighted mean vector for categorical variables")
double[][] x_mean_cat;
@API(help = "x weighted mean vector for numeric variables")
double[][] x_mean_num;
@API(help = "unweighted mean vector for numeric offsets")
double[] mean_offset;
@API(help = "names of offsets")
String[] offset_names;
@API(help = "n")
long n;
@API(help = "number of rows with missing values")
long n_missing;
@API(help = "total events")
long total_event;
@API(help = "time")
double[] time;
@API(help = "number at risk")
double[] n_risk;
@API(help = "number of events")
double[] n_event;
@API(help = "number of censored obs")
double[] n_censor;
@API(help = "baseline cumulative hazard")
double[] cumhaz_0;
@API(help = "component of var(cumhaz)")
double[] var_cumhaz_1;
@API(help = "component of var(cumhaz)")
KeyV3.FrameKeyV3 var_cumhaz_2;
@API(help = "Baseline Hazard")
KeyV3.FrameKeyV3 baseline_hazard;
@API(help = "Baseline Survival")
KeyV3.FrameKeyV3 baseline_survival;
@API(help = "formula")
String formula;
@API(help = "ties", values = {"efron", "breslow"})
CoxPHModel.CoxPHParameters.CoxPHTies ties;
@API(help = "concordance")
double concordance;
public CoxPHModelOutputV3 fillFromImpl(CoxPHModel.CoxPHOutput impl) {
String[] names = impl._coef_names;
String[] colTypes = new String[]{"double", "double", "double", "double", "double"};
String[] colFormats = new String[]{"%5f", "%5f", "%5f", "%5f", "%5f"};
String[] colNames = new String[]{"Coefficients", "exp_coef", "exp_neg_coef", "se_coef", "z_coef"};
TwoDimTable tdt = new TwoDimTable("Coefficients","CoxPH Coefficients", names, colNames, colTypes, colFormats, "names");
// fill in coefficients
for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
tdt.set(i, 0, impl._coef[i]);
tdt.set(i, 1, impl._exp_coef[i]);
tdt.set(i, 2, impl._exp_neg_coef[i]);
tdt.set(i, 3, impl._se_coef[i]);
tdt.set(i, 4, impl._z_coef[i]);
coefficients_table = new TwoDimTableV3().fillFromImpl(tdt);
return this;
} // CoxPHModelOutputV3
public CoxPHV3.CoxPHParametersV3 createParametersSchema() { return new CoxPHV3.CoxPHParametersV3(); }
public CoxPHModelOutputV3 createOutputSchema() { return new CoxPHModelOutputV3(); }
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